Bianca Ambrose
Thank you for all the wonderful things you have put in our life. Family, friends, a roof over my head, and food on our table cloths on our backs. Thank you for the spiritual blessings you bestow on your children every day. We are so grateful for all that you provide my Lord.
Father your children try hard, Lord, not to stumble in their walk with you. Yet sometimes find themselves facing temptation the ways that lead away from you. The temptation is strong.
The desire is strong. Lord, please help your people know the right way to turn. They know your Word on these things.They know that it would be so easy for them to give in and stumble yet again.
But today I ask for your strength for all of them and your Your guidance.
We cannot make our walk alone, Lord, and we know you are there to take our hand when we need you most. I know You are there to carry us when we cannot go on alone. We ask for that strength now Lord. We ask for your will and your way.We ask for the strength you had in facing the Enemy in the desert.
Thank you, Lord, for being here for us when in our hour of need. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.
• 1 Februari pukul 21:13
Joseph G Muiruri
My Father in Heaven Your Name be Glorified Forever.I come before You in Humility to Worship & Praise You for everything You have done.God Almighty You are Living, Righteous, Holy, Powerful, Mightier, Loving, Caring, Tender & Kind, Merciful, uplifting, Faithful, Excellent, Marvelous, Amazing, Glorious & all of the Great things that exists.
Father God, You are Very Awesome!
I bow at Your Presence to give Honor to you because You are Honourable.Thank You Father for Who You are.Thank You for Your Son Jesus the Redeemer.We Enthrone Him in Our Hearts to Reign Supreme as Lord & Saviour.
Thank You Father, it's You who Has done it all for us.Hallelujah to You in the Highest.
• 2 Februari pukul 3:59 melalui seluler
Bianca Ambrose
Father I come to You this morning with a humble heart and stretched out arms. I love You, I adore You, I worship You my Lord and my God.
My Lord God open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. For your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Father the entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
Oh))))) Lord cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
I trust in You my Lord with all my heart; and I lean not unto my own understanding. In all thy ways I acknowledge You, and I know that You shall direct thy paths.
When I goest, You shall lead me; when I sleep, You shall keep me; and when I awakest, You shall talk with me. My ears shall hear a word , saying, this is the way, walk in it, when I turn to the right hand, and when I turn to the left.
You said You will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; You will lead them in paths that they have not known: You will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will You will do unto them, and not forsake them.
Oh ))) my Lord and my God You hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to those that is weary: And You LORD shall guide me continually, and satisfy my soul in drought, and make fat my bones: You said Lord I and all your children shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
Oh))) LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. You said You will cause us to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein we shall not stumble: for You are a Father to Israel , and Ephraim You said is your firstborn.
Show us how to walk by faith, not by sight. Oh))) Father Your word is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Thank you Father, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for keeping watch over us. We love you so.
I love you so. Amen
• 3 Februari pukul 16:11
Bianca Ambrose
Lord, open my lips to praise your holy name. Cleanse me of any worthless distracting thoughts. Give me the wisdom and love
necessary to pray with attention, reverence and devotion.
Father, let my prayer be heard in your presence,
for it is offered through Christ my Lord, I thank you for the sleep
that has refreshed me.
This day, Lord, is full of promise and opportunity; let me waste none of it. This day is full of mystery and the unknown help me to face it without fear or anxiety.
This day is blessed with beauty and adventure make me fully alive to it.
During this day keep me thoughtful, prayerful and kind. May I be courteous and helpful to others, and not turned in on myself. Keep me from any word or deed that would hurt or belittle another. And may the thoughts of my mind be pleasing in your sight.
When night comes again, may I look back on this day with no grievance or bitterness in my heart. May nobody be unhappy because of anything I have done, or anything I have failed to do.
Lord, bless this day for me and my family, brothers and sisters in you Oh Lord and friends. Keep those that minister your word Father. Preserve those that are outside the ark of your safety unto the day of salvation for Your Glory sake.
Make it a day in which we grow to have the mind of You Lord Jesus. Amen.
• 3 Februari pukul 1:55
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to thank You for the presence of Your loving heart, the stillness of Your voice echoing in the inner and deepest of my soul. The void inside me and my soul You filled up. The voice You let me hear to direct my ways and thoughts upon You and Your perfect will. All of these being of mine are nothing without You Lord, it is You that I need, the breathe You blew in my being is keeping me alive, without Your presence, all is nothing and would fall apart...Thank You Father (Yahweh) Lord Jesus for holding me, keeping me intact in the palm of Your hands and for secluding me in the inmost of Your heart. All glory to you GOD/LORD JESUS CHRIST..To You alone belong all the wisdom, power, glory, praises, worship and thanksgiving. Amen! Amen...Glory to You Lord, God. Amen!
• 4 Februari pukul 5:22
Sarah Riedel
Our Heavenly Father Yahweh,God of everything,Maker of heaven and earth, I come and bow down before YOUR throne our God and King wanting to praise YOUR holy Name,through YOUR Beloved Son our SWEET LORD JESUS!
LORD YOU are worthy of our adoration.I give YOU thanks Dearest Father for providing all our daily needs.Thank YOU for sending angels to guide and minister to us making sure me and my children are safe from the moment we wake up till we slumber at night.I thank YOU our Loving Father for looking down on us on our sleep filling our hearts with YOUR love.Thank YOU for letting us know YOU care in all details of our life even if it seems insignificant.LORD only YOU are righteous...only YOU are Holy...only YOU are Good,only YOU care and love us deeply,only YOU are perfect,only YOU are faithful..we magnify YOUR wonderful name Holy Father.
Forgive me Father if Im not doing what im suppose to do,forgive me if in some cases
I didnt obey YOU,forgive me if i hurt YOU,forgive me if I sin against YOU,forgive me
if i didnt follow YOUR will...give me the grace to follow YOUR will Oh LORD,only YOUR will!
I believe that YOU can mold me into the image of our LORD&SAVIOR SWEET JESUS.
Thank YOU LORD for each challenging moments,for transforming me into the likeness
of our LORD JESUS...only on YOU i trust that YOU will finish what YOU had begun LORD
till that awesome day of our LORD JESUS.
Let YOUR high praises be continually be in our hearts and lips.
• 4 Februari pukul 22:36
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Prayers for Enlargement and Increase:
Break off of my life any limitations and restrictions placed on my life by any evil spirits in the name of Jesus.
I bind and cast out all python and constrictor spirits in the name of Jesus.
Bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast. Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from evil (1 Chronicles 4:10).
Cast out my enemies, and enlarge my borders (Exodus 34:24).
Lord, You have promised to enlarge my borders (Deuteronomy 12:20).
Enlarge my heart so I can run the way of Your commandments (Psalm 119:32).
My mouth is enlarged over my enemies (1 Samuel 2:1).
Enlarge my steps so I can receive Your wealth and prosperity (Isaiah 60:5–9).
I receive deliverance and enlargement for my life (Esther 4:14).
The Lord shall increase me more and more, me and my children (Psalm 115:14).
Let Your kingdom and government increase in my life (Isaiah 9:7).
Let me increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 2:19).
O Lord, bless me and increase me (Isaiah 51:2).
Let me increase exceedingly (Genesis 30:43).
Let me increase with the increase of God (Colossians 2:19).
Let me increase and abound in love (1 Thessalonians 3:12).
Increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side (Psalm 71:21).
Let me increase in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52).
Let me increase in strength and confound the adversaries (Acts 9:22).
Let Your grace and favor increase in my life.
Let the years of my life be increased (Proverbs 9:11).
Let the Word of God increase in my life (Acts 6:7).
Bless me in all my increase (Deuteronomy 14:22).
Let my giving and tithes increase (Deuteronomy 14:22).
Let my latter end greatly increase (Job 8:7).
Let me grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
I will flourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon (Psalm 92:12).
Let my faith grow exceedingly (2 Thessalonians 1:3).
The breaker is gone up before me and broken through every limitation and barrier of the enemy (Micah 2:13).
Lord, You are the God of the breakthrough. You have broken forth against my enemies (2 Samuel 5:20).
My branches run over every wall erected by the enemy (Genesis 49:22).
I can run through a troop and leap over a wall (Psalm 18:29).
Let my line go through all the earth, and my words to the end of the world (Psalm 19:4).
I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. Give me the heathen for my inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for my possession (Psalm 2:8).
• 4 Februari pukul 20:52
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt,
Prayers to Command the Morning, the Day, and the Night:
I command the morning to take hold of the ends of the earth and shake the wicked out of it (Job 38:12).
I will have dominion over the devil in the morning (Psalm 49:14).
Lord, make the outgoings of the morning to rejoice (Psalm 65:8).
I receive Your lovingkindness every morning (Psalm 143:8).
Release the beauty of Your holiness from the womb of the morning (Psalm 110:3).
Let Your light break forth in my life as the morning (Psalm 58:8).
Let Your judgments come upon the enemy morning by morning (Isaiah 28:19).
Lord, Your going forth is prepared as the morning, and we pray that You will come as the rain, the latter and former rain upon the earth (Hosea 6:3).
Lord, You visit me every morning (Job 7:18).
Lord, You awaken me morning by morning. You waken my ear to hear as the learned (Isaiah 50:4).
I will not be afraid of the arrow that flies by day or the terror that comes at night (Psalm 91:5).
Lord, show forth Your salvation in my life from day to day (Psalm 96:2).
I bind the screech owl in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 34:14).
I bind any attack upon my life at night. I take authority over every demon that is released against me and my family at night. Let the evening tide trouble the enemies that would attack my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 17:12–14).
I bind and rebuke every spirit that would creep against me at night (Psalm 104:20).
I bind and rebuke the pestilence that walks in darkness (Psalm 91:6).
I will rest at night because the Lord gives me sleep. Let Your angels guard and protect me at night. Lord, give me deliverance in the night season (Acts 12:6–7).
Lord, let my reins instruct me in the night season (Psalm 16:7).
Your song shall be with me in the night (Psalm 42:8).
I will meditate upon You in the night watches (Psalm 63:6).
I receive Your knowledge in the night (Psalm 19:2).
I receive Your faithfulness every night (Psalm 92:2).
I bind and rebuke every vampire spirit in the name of Jesus (Leviticus 11:19).
I bind and rebuke all incubus and succubus spirits that would attack at night in the name of Jesus. I bind and take authority over all nightmares and demonic dreams at night in the name of Jesus. I am set in my ward whole nights (Isaiah 21:8).
• 4 Februari pukul 20:16
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Great is thy faithfulness....your love for your children is unspeakable....your Holy Name is the key to the doors of blessings and favor...How we love and honor thy precious name...God of Life...God of hope...God of love...God of peace...God forever...Glory to your precious name ...Jesus Son of David...Mercy!!..your grace be upon us...We thank thee for health and strength......How precious are you to the saints...Darling of the heavens and earth...we bow before thy Holy Throne and surrender our all to thee. Bless you Father...Bless you Son...Bless you Holy Spirit of God...Bless you!! Hallelujah!!
• 4 Februari pukul 9:03
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
My blessed Father!! I am so sorry Father Jesus for not glorifying your name on your wall as before; Blessed Father!!...You who sees my heart; knows it was not done intentionally ; yet!! I know; indirectly the enemy attacks had a negative effect on my praises...Daddy!! I am sorry...have mercy on your daughter. You are the apple of my are the very air I breath; I bow and pledge my undying love for a Great God...How I love thy blessed Holy Spirit ...the brain of this world...Bless you Yahweh..mighty Creator...God of Host...God of Israel...Bless your Bosom..we plead the sacred and protective Blood of the Lamb over your Nation..we put Chariots of Fire around her...and protect and guard her shores with the violent Angles of heaven;with the flaming swords of Truth drawn.... Father!! your are our strength; you are the rock of our lives and we are grateful; we celebrate your love by our praises, worship and glory of your precious name. You dear Lord!! is worthy of our honor, our homage to a mighty God Head; Our light in a dark and perilous world; a safe haven for the weak at heart and the brave soldiers on your battle field of life. Glory to your beautiful Name...Love of our lives; sponge of our problems; the great escape from this insane world of sin. I honor you with the praises on my lips; I speak of your goodness; your mercy; your love; I magnify your name and decree and declare victory over the enemy; by your precious Blood...the Blood of this beautiful, Holy Lamb..Jesus!! Hallelujah...Hallelujah... .Hallelujah...Let the trumpets of the Lord be
sounded...Glory to a Holy and precious High Priest of L.J.U.S.C. selah!!
• 4 Februari pukul 8:54
Sally S. Richter
Dear God, Lord Jesus Christ. I praise and thank You for all the time that You had given me, for the strength and all that You provided for me. Thank you so much for all the blessings and graces and love. I would like now to rest in Your presence. May You watch over me and my loved ones and all the brethen. May You give me a peaceful sleep with You always at my side as my loving Father. Thank you for so much for evrything and I offer you all the works Ive done today, in our Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen.
• 5 Februari pukul 8:38
Daniel Pasaribu
By John Eckhardt
Prayers Releasing the Fire of God:
Your throne, O Lord, is like a fiery flame (Daniel 7:9).
You are the God that answers by fire (1 Kings 18:24).
A fire goes before You, O Lord, and burns up Your enemies (Psalm 97:3).
Lord, release Your fire and burn up the works of darkness.
Baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16).
Let Your fire be in my hands to heal the sick and cast out devils.
Let Your fire burn in my eyes, my heart, my belly, my mouth, and my feet.
Let Your fire be in my tongue to preach and prophesy.
I receive tongues of fire.
Let Your Word be preached with fire (Jeremiah 23:29).
Make me a minister of fire (Hebrews 1:7).
Deliver me with Your fire (Psalm 18:13).
Let Your fire protect me and cover me (Exodus 14:24).
I release the fire of God to burn up the idols of the land (Deuteronomy 7:5).
Let the works of witchcraft and occultism be burned in Your fire (Acts 19:19).
Purify my life with Your fire (Malachi 3:2).
Let Your fire be released in Zion (Isaiah 31:9).
Let the spirits of lust and perversion be destroyed with Your fire (Genesis 19:24).
Release the spirit of burning to burn up the works of darkness (Psalm 140:10).
Let Your flame burn up wicked spirits (Psalm 106:18).
Let Your glory kindle a burning like the burning of a fire (Isaiah 10:16).
Cause Your glorious voice to be heard. Show lightning down Your arm with a flame of devouring fire, with scattering, tempest, and hailstones (Isaiah 30:30).
Let Babylon be as stubble, and let Your fire burn them. Let them not be able to deliver themselves from the power of the flame (Isaiah 47:14).
Lord, come and rebuke Your enemies with flames of fire (Isaiah 66:15).
Let all flesh see Your fire released (Ezekiel 20:48).
Create upon Zion a flaming fire by night (Isaiah 4:5).
Let the fire of Your presence be released in my life (Psalm 97:5).
Let demons be exposed and cast out with Your fire (Acts 28:3).
Release Your hot thunderbolts against the enemy (Psalm 78:48).
Cast forth lightning, and scatter the enemy (Psalm 144:6).
Let Your light be for a fire, and Your Holy One for a flame to burn the briers and thorns in my life (Isaiah 10:17).
• 5 Februari pukul 10:27
Daniel Pasaribu
By John Eckhardt
Prayers Releasing the Power of God:
Lord, release Your glorious power against the enemy (Exodus 15:6).
Let power and might be released from Your hand (1 Chronicles 29:12).
Scatter the enemy by Your power (Psalm 59:11).
Rule over Your enemies through Your power (Psalm 66:7).
Let the power of Your anger be released against the powers of darkness (Psalm 90:11).
I release the power and authority of the Lord against all demons I encounter in the name of Jesus (Matthew 10:1).
I am delivered from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18).
Divide the sea, and destroy marine spirits through Your power (Job 26:12).
I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10).
Cause the powers of darkness to submit to Your power.
Display Your awesome power that men will believe.
Release Your power in healing and deliverance (Luke 5:17).
Release Your powerful voice (Psalm 29:4).
Let me be amazed at Your power (Luke 9:43).
Let great power be released through Your apostles (Acts 4:33).
Let signs, wonders, and miracles be released through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:19).
Let me preach and teach with demonstration of the Spirit and power (1 Corinthians 2:4).
Let Your power work in me (Ephesians 3:20).
Release Your powerful angels on my behalf to fight my battles in the heavens (2 Peter 2:11; Revelation 18:1).
Release the power of Elijah through Your prophets (Luke 1:17).
Let me be willing in the day of Your power (Psalm 110:3).
• 5 Februari pukul 10:23
Sarah Riedel
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God
You are amazing God
• 5 Februari pukul 18:59
Sarah Riedel
We praise YOU for YOUR faithfulness,
We praise YOU for YOUR patience,
We praise YOU for YOUR kindness,
We praise YOU for YOUR goodness,
We praise YOU for YOUR grace,
We praise YOU for YOUR mercy
that endures forever,
We praise YOU for YOUR righteousness,
We praise YOU for YOUR gentleness,
We praise YOU for YOUR creation,
We praise YOU for YOUR love that is everlasting.
No one can be compared to YOUR sovereignity.
YOUR beauty indescribable!
You are the Alpha and the Omega,
Omnipresent,Omniscient,Omn ipotent!
5 Februari pukul 19:32
Bianca Ambrose
Father You created us, you made this world, and you called your creation very good. Yet often we forget that you are our loving Parent who continues to bless your world. Jesus told us that you are in heaven. Yet we fail to live in awe of you. We take you for granted, and we don't see the awesome beauty of the world you have made.
I pray, Hallowed be your name.
I confess that our reverence for you does not always lead us to care reverently for your earth, sky and sea.
I pray, Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
We confess that we often put our own interests first-exploiting your creation, and living for our own convenience and self-interest.
I ask, Give us today our daily bread. I confess that we consume more than our share of the world's resources, while billions go hungry every day and your whole creation suffers.
I ask Lord, Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Father deliver us from the times of trial.
Help us to resist the temptations of spending more, using more, acquiring more, and wasting more.
I ask, Deliver us from evil.
Free us from greed and self-centeredness that separate us from you and others.
I pray, For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever.
Help us to know that in caring for all that you have bestore on us, we are working for your kingdom, being good stewards of your creative power, and giving you glory.
I love you Lord, I love you so.
• 5 Februari pukul 22:28
Kenneth Kizili
Oh God (Elohim), teach us to walk in the Spirit and keep our minds focussed on you, for we know that we shall give account of everything we say or do. Direct our footstep on the path we trod. . Keep us ever faithful and true; sanctify our lips- May we speak only those things that are pleasing to you. Our greatest desire is to do your will, carry Truth throughout the land. . .so if we should stray and walk in the flesh, correct us with your chastening hand; convict our wayward soul and keep us pure, help us to walk the narrow way--it is there we find bountiful blessings. .walking in the Spirit each day. Lord (YHWH) teach us to walk in the Spirit. O HalleluYah! Amen and amen.
• 5 Februari pukul 13:11 melalui seluler
Edie Porter
O God from whom every gift derives, we gather to worship you this day. You are an awesome God, greater than our comprehension or our imagination. You are beyond any word we could ever use to describe you. And yet, through Jesus, we know the intimacy of your vast Love.
We have come to you in thanksgiving and praise, to know that you are God and to place our lives anew into your perspective. Enlarge our vision this hour with your Word. Instill in us, again, your hope in place of our despair, your peace where our hatred threatens, your joy amidst our depression, your love overwhelming our apathy.
May your Holy Spirit surround and indwell this LJUSC congregation now, and forevermore. In Jesus we pray. Amen.
• 6 Februari pukul 5:18
Rina Odermatt
Father in Heaven,KINGYAWEH
We praise You for giving us Your Son
To be our Saviour and Lord.
Bless us all as we gather here today,
And let us live happily in Your love.
Hear our prayer, loving Father,
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
My God, I believe in Thee;
do Thou strengthen my faith.
All my hopes are in Thee;
do Thou secure them.
I love Thee with my whole heart;
teach me to love Thee daily more and more.
I am sorry that I have offended Thee;
do Thou increase my sorrow.
I adore Thee as my first beginning.
I aspire after Thee as my last end.
I give Thee thanks as my constant Benefactor.
I call upon Thee as my sovereign Protector.
O my God,
to conduct me by Thy wisdom,
to restrain me by Thy justice,
to conform me by Thy mercy,
and to defend me by Thy power.
To Thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts,
words, actions, and sufferings;
that henceforward I may think of Thee,
speak of Thee,
willingly refer all my actions to Thy greater glory,
and suffer willingly whatever Thou shalt appoint.
Lord, I desire that in all things Thy will may be done;
because it is Thy will,
and in the manner that Thou willest.
I beg of Thee to enlighten my understanding,
to inflame my will,
to purify my body,
and to sanctify my soul.
Give me strength, O my God,
to expiate my offences,
to overcome temptations,
to subdue my passions,
and to acquire the virtues proper for my state.
Fill my heart with tender affection for Thy goodness,
hatred for my faults,
love for my neighbour,
and contempt of the world.
May Thy grace help me to be submissive to my superiors,
condescending to my inferiors,
faithful to my friends,
and charitable to my enemies.
Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification,
avarice by alms-deeds,
anger by meekness,
and tepidity by devotion.
O my God, make my prudent in my undertakings,
courageous in dangers,
patient in afflictions,
and humble in prosperity.
Grant that I may be ever attentive at my prayers,
temperate at my meals,
diligent in my employments,
and constant in my resolutions.
Let my conscience be ever upright and pure,
my exterior modest,
my conversation edifying,
and my conduct steady.
Assist me, that I may continually labour to overcome nature,
to correspond with Thy grace,
to keep Thy commandments,
and to work out my salvation.
Discover to me, O my God,
the nothingness of this world,
the greatness of heaven,
the shortness of time,
and the length of eternity.
Grant that I may prepare for death,
that I may fear Thy judgments,
that I may escape hell,
and in the end, obtain heaven;
through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• 7 Februari pukul 8:10
Bianca Ambrose
Oh ))) my Lord and my God, creator of earth and of sky, it is in you that we find our strength and it is through you that we find peace. I worship You, I praise You I honor You my Lord God.
Forgive us for all the ways in which we fail to remember this. We reach too often and too quickly for things that hurt and destroy hateful words and sharp swords rather than for the things that heal and restore understanding and listening, patience and compassion.
Forgive us for all the ways in which we harm our sisters and brothers and hide behind our need for security at any cost. We spend too much of our precious resources on the weapons of war rather than on creative enterprises that could sustain life and lives.
Forgive us, Oh )))) God, and teach us your ways. You give us beauty in the shimmering light that dances across the pond and in the giggle of a young child. God of all Life, teach us how to hold onto this beauty and give it to each other.
You give us love in the hands that heal our elders with tenderness and in the passion for living that burns in the hearts of our youth. My Lord of all Love, teach us how to expand our loving to all who dwell upon this earth.
You give us your peace. May we remember this always, Father of all Peace, for it is the gift that your son, my Lord Jesus placed deep inside our hearts. May we re-member ourselves as peacemakers and hope-builders, bearers of your peace into this war-weary world.
In Jesus name I pray.
• 7 Februari pukul 18:25
Rina Odermatt
God The Father King Yahweh The Creator Of Heaven And Earth, I believe in you, increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. I love you: let me love you more and more. I am sorry for my sins: deepen my sorrow.
I worship you as my first beginning, I long for you as my last end, I praise you as my constant helper, and call on you as my loving protector.
Guide me by your wisdom, correct me with your justice, comfort me with your mercy, protect me with your power.
I offer you, Lord, my thoughts: to be fixed on you; my words: to have you for their theme; my actions: to reflect my love for you; my sufferings: to be endured for your greater glory.
I want to do what you ask of me: in the way you ask, for as long as you ask, because you ask it.
Lord, enlighten my understanding, strengthen my will, purify my heart, and make me holy.
Help me to repent of my past sins and to resist temptation in the future. Help me to rise above my human weaknesses and to grow stronger as a Christian.
Let me love you, my Lord and my God, and see myself as I really am: a pilgrim in this world, a Christian called to respect and love all whose lives I touch, those in authority over me or those under my authority, my friends and my enemies.
Help me conquer anger with gentleness, greed by generosity, apathy by fervor. Help me to forget myself and reach out towards others.
Make me prudent in planning, courageous in taking risks. Make me patient in suffering, unassuming in prosperity.
Keep me, Lord, attentive at prayer, temperate in food and drink, diligent in my work, firm in my good intentions.
Let my conscience be clear, my conduct without fault, my speech blameless, my life well-ordered.
Put me on guard against my human weaknesses. Let me cherish your love for me, keep your law, and come at last to your salvation.
Teach me to realize that this world is passing, that my true future is the happiness of heaven, that life on earth is short, and the life to come eternal.
Help me to prepare for death with a proper fear of judgment, but a greater trust in your goodness. Lead me safely through death to the endless joy of heaven.In The Name of Your Loving Son My Saviour Lord And KING JESUSCHRIST tHE Blood Of Covenant Who takes away the sin of the world! Amen.
• 8 Februari pukul 1:09
Daniel Pasaribu
Prayers for Breaking Curses & Casting-Out Generational Spirits
By Apostle John Eckhardt
I am redeemed from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13).
I break all generational curses of pride, lust, perversion, rebellion, witchcraft, idolatry, poverty, rejection, fear, confusion, addiction, death, and destruction in the name of Jesus.
I command all generational spirits that came into my life during conception, in the womb, in the birth canal, and through the umbilical cord to come out in the name of Jesus.
I break all spoken curses and negative words that I have spoken over my life in the name of Jesus.
I break all spoken curses and negative words spoken over my life by others, including those in authority in the name of Jesus.
I command all ancestral spirits of freemasonry, idolatry, witchcraft, false religion, polygamy, lust, and perversion to come out of my life in the name of Jesus.
I command all hereditary spirits of lust, rejection, fear, sickness, infirmity, disease, anger, hatred, confusion, failure, and poverty to come out of my life in the name of Jesus.
I break the legal rights of all generational spirits operating behind a curse in the name of Jesus. You have no legal right to operate in my life.
I bind and rebuke all familiar spirits and spirit guides that would try to operate in my life from my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I renounce all false beliefs and philosophies inherited by my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I break all curses on my finances from any ancestors that cheated or mishandled money in the name of Jesus.
I break all curses of sickness and disease and command all inherited sickness to leave my body in the name of Jesus.
Through Jesus, my family is blessed (Genesis 12:3).
I renounce all pride inherited from my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I break all oaths, vows, and pacts made with the devil by my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I break all curses by agents of Satan spoken against my life in secret in the name of Jesus (Psalm 10:7).
I break all written curses which would affect my life in the name of Jesus (2 Chronicles 34:24).
I break every time-released curse that would activate in my life as I grow older in the name of Jesus.
I break every curse Balaam hired against my life in the name of Jesus (Nehemiah 13:2).
Lord, turn every curse spoken against my life into a blessing (Nehemiah 13:2).
I break all generational rebellion that would cause me to resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51).
I break all curses of death spoken by people in authority in my nation over my nation in the name of Jesus.
I break curses of death spoken against my country by people from other nations in the name of Jesus.
Generational curses from unconfessed sin:
Exodus 34:6-7
“and He (the Lord) passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, the Lord, the Lord, the compassionate & gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, & forgiving wickedness, rebellion & sin. Every 3rd and 4th generation has to deal with the sins of their ancestors.”
Deuteronomy 11:26-28
“See, I am setting before you today a blessing & a curse- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the and a automatic curse for not letting me help you by turning away and serving false gods which has never satisfied you.”
Moses addressed this issue when the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land. He told the new generation that was getting ready to enter in unless they dealt with their own personal sins and also the sins from the generations before them.
Leviticus 26:39-42
“And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies’ lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them. If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me; And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity: Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.”
• 8 Februari pukul 4:25
Bianca Ambrose
My prayer this blessed morning.
I enter to You Father with a humble spirit, tha...nksgiving, gratefulness, praise and I worship YOU my Lord God. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight Father.
Father God everything that You creates has positive function and beauty. Your intention in everything for us is always positive, right, and good.
Father You do everything in love and concern for our well-being so that we will fit within Your purpose, and it will be worked out in our lives.
Your mind Father permeates the entirety of your creation, we ought to derive great confidence that You are always with us.
You are omnipotent. You are omnipresent. You Father actively using Your powers, Your Spirit, to govern and manage Your creation.
Father God Your Holy Spirit is the essence of Your mind.
The beginning of the source of all power is in the mind. You made man in Your image Father God.
Father you do not have to use steam shovels and power tools to get things done.
You speaks, and the laws You have created go to work. The tool by which You Father carries everything out is Your Holy Spirit, the essence of Your mind.
Father Your Spirit imparts wisdom and understanding. It teaches us Your way of life, comforts, and helps us. Even when we cannot express ourselves in our prayers, Your Holy Spirit aids us in making our requests before You Father God.
Father I ask in the only name under heaven whereby man may be save, in the name of JESUS, Mercy for the lost, sight for the blind, utterance for the mute, food for the hungry, cloths for the naked, shelter for the homeless, healing for the sick humility for the proud, joy for the mourners and laughter for the sad.
Father with all that I have ask never the less not my will but let yours be done. Father for your glory sake I will forever praise Your Holy Name. Love you Father, Son and Holy Spirit you are my only ONE. Amen
• 8 Februari pukul 16:59
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in heaven our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for showing me beautiful, wonderful things. I Thank you for Your showing Your self and great love upon me and my soul. You have made me known You love each and everyone of us. Let me love like You always and let my heart be always pleasing unto you and all the things that herein. Give me Lord, the courage to stand for You and You alone. Let me me Oh, Lord Jesus be strong for You at all times in Your will alone in my life. I once again surrender myself to You and Your loving hands. Let me Lord Jesus look only at You face, serving You alone above all and understanding Your will and ways. Help me Lord Jesus to follow Your will completely in my life. Let me die from this world and let me live alone for You and You alone and for the real purposed that You have created me to. I glorify and thank You for the hope, love and faithfulness of You upon my soul. I am looking forward everyday to be with You for forever and ever, but at these times Lord Jesus give me courage and strenght and let me be still always in Your presence and in You alone. Amen. Glory be to you oh Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I love You Lord Jesus with all my heart, soul and my whole being I surrender myself to you always and again and again. Glory Halleluiah, Lord Jesus, Father in Heaven (Yahweh). Amen. Amen!
• 8 Februari pukul 12:40
Bianca Ambrose
Father, You are the God of Israel, and they are Your people.
You named them, though they did not know You.
Lord, cleanse them from their iniquities, and pardon all of their sins.
Save them with an everlasting salvation.
Raise them up in righteousness, and direct all their ways.
Redeem Israel out of all of their troubles.
Be a shelter for Your people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
Bring health and healing to them and to their land,revealing to them Your abundance of peace and truth.
Let the eyes of their understanding be enlightened.
Give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let Israel be to You a name of praise,and an honor before all the nations of the earth.
Proclaiming all the good You do for them, and causing fear and trembling among the nations, because of all the goodness and prosperity You provide for it.
Restore everything that has been removed from them.
Send them grain and new wine and oil to satisfy them.
Make their enemies to be at peace with them and no longer let them be a reproach among the nations.
Seek out Your sheep and deliver them from the peoples and countries where they were scattered, and bring them to their own land.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper that love you.
• 9 Februari pukul 20:42
Daniel Pasaribu
By, Inner Man Deliverance Ministries
1) I place around my waist the belt of truth. I will know the truth and the truth will make me free. I am free because whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. I am free from (say whatever you have been set free from). I am a Son/Daughter of God. The Holy Spirit guides me into all truth. He will guide me with His eye. I have the wisdom and knowledge of God. The Holy Spirit will instruct me in the way I should go. 2) I put on the breastplate of righteousness. Because of the cross Jesus has placed on me a robe of righteousness, I am the righteousness of God. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself today. Forgive me of my sins this day. Convict me Holy Spirit of any wrong and search my heart of any secret sin. The righteous are as bold as a lion. I thank you for boldness to do your will today. Help me to speak your word with great boldness. I am established today in your righteousness. 3) My feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Help me to be prepared to give my testimony today. I thank you that you have made a covenant with me that your laws and your words are written on my heart and in my mind. You said that you put your words in my mouth. Let my life reflect the gospel of peace. Send someone across my path to share the gospel with today. Use me Lord to bless someone today. 4) I take up the shield of faith which quenches every fiery dart of the enemy. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I am an over comer in you. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I thank you for my angels. I have an angel of the Lord that encamps around about me. I am protected from the evil one and delivered from the evils of this present world. 5) I place on my head the helmet of salvation, the hope of glory. I have the mind of Christ and no weapon formed against my mind will prosper. I think on things which are good, pure, perfect, lovely, and of good report. I will take authority over my mind today. I have authority over all the power of the enemy. I choose to cast down every vain imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and I will bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. I belong to Jesus and I give the Holy Spirit control of my thoughts. I submit my mind to God, resist the devil, and he must flee. 6) I take the sword of the spirit and I use it on the offense. I will not shrink back. I am a soldier for Christ. We wrestle against principalities. I thank you for the power of your word. It is sharper than any two-edged sword. It will not return void but it accomplishes the task it was sent for. Your word is true. You are not a man that you would lie. I am a doer of your word. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide your word in my heart so that I will not sin against you. 7) I will pray in the Spirit on all occasions because the Spirit will pray through me the will of God. This builds up my inner man and gives me strength for the day. I will pray for the saints according to your word. [I add this to my prayer in addition to the armor of God] 8) I thank you that the glory of the Lord is my rear guard. 9) I will praise you today. Let the high praises of God be in my mouth and a two-edged sword in my hand. I will praise you because you are worthy of my praise. I place on myself a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. Put a new song in my heart Lord. Let your praise be continually on my lips. 10) I thank you Lord that you are a God of healing, provision, and restoration. You are my healer. It is the will of God for me to be healed. You took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. You said you heal all thy diseases. You are my provider. Those who seek you will not lack any good thing. You will prosper me as my soul prospers. As I seek you first, you will add all things to me. All my needs are met in Jesus. You have made a covenant with me that as I tithe and give an offering that you will supply all my needs and I will reap abundantly. You are the God of restoration. As I plead with you and walk pure and upright, you will rouse yourself on my behalf and restore me to my rightful place. You will restore what the cankerworm has eaten up. You restore my soul. 11) I thank you Lord that I walk in the fruit of your Spirit. It is not by might, not by power, but by your Spirit says the Lord. I have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is my personality in you. 12) I ask you for the gifts of the Spirit. Your word says to seek the gifts. I want to edify others through these gifts. I ask you for the message of wisdom, the message of knowledge, the gift of faith, the gift of healing, miraculous powers, the gift of prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. Help me to encourage someone today through the power of your Holy Spirit 13) I pray all these in your Holy name, Jesus. Your name is above every name. All things are placed under your feet. All authority has been given unto you in Heaven and in earth. In Him we live, in Him we move and in Him we have our being. You are Lord. Amen.
1) I put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; and I put on love, the bond of perfection. 2) I welcome the peace of God to rule my heart. 3) I allow the Word of God to dwell in my heart richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in my heart to the Lord. 4) Whatever I do, I do in word and in deed in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 5) I put on Christ because I have been baptized in Him. I put on the Lord Jesus as a garment. 6) I put on the breastplate of faith and love. 7) I put on zeal. 8) I put on mercy and truth around my neck. 9) I put on the armor of light. 10) I place on myself the mind of Christ. I let this mind (the mind of Christ) be in me. 11) I meditate on your word day and night. You are faithful to perform your word. You will bring it to completion. You are faithful to complete the work you have begun in me and my life. 12) Let the meditation of my heart and the words of my mouth be pleasing unto you O Lord. I will open my mouth and you will fill it. 13) I place a guard on my mouth. I commit my mouth to you Lord that I may not sin against you. 14) You Lord are seated high above all authority, power, dominion and might. Nothing is too difficult for you. 15) I place the armor of righteousness on my right and left hands. 16) I put on strength. I clothe myself with strength for the battle. You are looking for a pure heart whose heart you can strengthen. 17) I thank you for a shield of favor about me. 18) I plead the blood over my body, mind, will, soul, and emotions. I repent of all sins. I will not fear the arrow by day or the terror by night. 19) I put on the garment of salvation. We are clothed with salvation. 20) I put on the helmet of hope. 21) I put on the robe of righteousness. 22) I put on the blue ephod. 23) I ask for the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. 24) I ask for the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and revelation. 25) I am anointed, appointed, called, marked, chosen, beloved, accepted, and not rejected in Jesus’ name. 26) I put on as a helmet the hope of salvation. 27) Help me Lord to be sober and vigilant; watchful in the spirit; and aware of the enemy, the devil. Wake me up spiritually. 28) I rule and reign with Christ Jesus. 29) Lord, you cover my head; you have covered my head in the day of battle. 30) The word is our shield and buckler. 31) I loose myself from the bonds of my neck. I tie down my enemies in the spirit realm. I reverse the words of those who curse me, send evil against me, and send evil against the work of the Lord. I send all evil back to them 7 times in the name of Jesus. May they be brought to their knees by the Lord Jesus to repentance that they may be saved, healed, filled, and delivered in Jesus’ mighty name. I reverse every assignment, trap, snare, wile, and evil plan or attack against me from Satan and his angels, demons, imps, principalities, rulers of the darkness, powers, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, or spirits of any kind. I silence them and their words or curses. I clothe them with confusion as with a mantle. I cancel all assignments against me. I make all word curses null and void. 32) I ask the Lord to send legions of angels to minister to me, protect me, battle for me, minister healing and restoration, and to surround me in the name of Jesus. 33) I love, bless, and forgive those who persecute me and say all manner of evil against me for the sake of your righteousness. 34) Help me Lord to be strong in the Lord and in His power, exercise the authority over the devil which you have given me, stand against the devil, wrestle and warfare, put on my armor daily, pray without ceasing, intercede, and fight the good fight of faith. Amen.
Written By Inner Man Deliverance Ministries
• 9 Februari pukul 15:57
Daniel Pasaribu
By Eric Gondwe
God is spirit and he seeks believers that “worship him in spirit and truth,” (John 4:23-24).
Prayer is one major avenue we commune with him, seeking direction, submitting to his will, etc. The more effective we are in our devotional prayers the more we’ll be able to hear from him with our spiritual ears. Thus we’ll be more fruitful in fulfilling his ordained will for each of our lives.
i) Fellowship With Christ
“I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them,” Matthew 18:19-20
ii) Waking In The Power Of Agreement
“I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them,” Matthew 18:19-20
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective,” James 5:16
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up,” Eccl 4:9-10
iii) Receiving God’s mercies, protection, healing and strength to continue the race
Mercy and grace:
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness …” Lamentations 3: 22-23
Protection, provision, direction and strength:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight,” Pr 3:5-6
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need,” Hebrews 4:16
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed,” James 5:16
“O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. O Lord, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down into the pit,” Ps 30:2-3
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,” Psalms 103:1-3
iv) Inner Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” John 14:27.
Dangers of Prayerlessness
i) Lacking fellowship with Christ
ii) Lacking in the power of agreement
iii) Not receiving God’s mercies, grace, protection, healing and strength to continue the race
Although his grace is not conditional on our input we’re encouraged to approach His throne in prayer to receive it (Hebrews 4:16). Without his mercy and grace there is:
Little or no protection spiritually, materially, physically (health), socially
Little or no provision spiritually, materially, physically, socially
Little or no direction spiritually, materially, socially
Little or no strength spiritually, materially, physically, socially
iv) Lack of inner peace
“There is no peace,” says the Lord, “for the wicked,” Isaiah 48:22, 57:21. The wicked here are not only social criminals who deprive or harm others. They include those who choose to follow their own pleasures instead of following God’s interests.
Some where even top religious figures who constantly fasted yet God gave them no peace. “On the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers. Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high,” Isaiah 58:3-4.
Personal and corporate prayer is thus important as often as enabled. For those who’re enabled, a prayer database can be established with prayer points, answered prayers, intercessions, etc. Seeking direction on how it’s to be arranged and perfected should be a continuous process.
Corporate prayer is an important ministry for every believer, couple, and the church.
I. Personal Matters
1. Submission to God’s will and purposes
2. Anointing for effective role in the body of Christ
3. Carrier/ministry fruitfulness
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Deliverance (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
6. Protection (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
7. Overcoming obstacles (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
8. Fruit of the Spirit in oneself (“joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,” GAL 5:22-23)
9. Fruit of the Spirit in marriage
10. Fruit of the Spirit in the family
II. Family Tree Matters
The Family tree comprises of our immediate family members, relatives, close friends and others we have a burden for. They’re our Jerusalem in the midst of our concerns and commitment to those in “Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” Acts 1:7
1. Submission to God’s will and purposes
2. Anointing for effective role in the body of Christ
3. Carrier/ministry fruitfulness
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Deliverance (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
6. Protection (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
7. Overcoming obstacles (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
8. Fruit of the Spirit in the extended family
III. The Body of Christ
The Body of Christ comprises of pastors, evangelists, intercessors, and all laborers in their various callings in the church ministries, Television ministries, radio, Internet, music, etc.
1. submission to God’s will and purposes
2. Anointing for effective role in the body of Christ
3. Carrier/ministry fruitfulness
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Deliverance (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
6. Protection (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
7. Overcoming obstacles (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
8. Fruit of the Spirit in marriage (“joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,” GAL 5:22-23)
9. Fruit of the Spirit the body of Christ
IV. The World – The Harvest Field
1. The Lord’s sending of laborers
2. The response/yielding of the harvest to the laborers
3. The poor, widows, orphans
4. Those in authority in governments, corporations
5. Specific locations (towns, countries, continents)
6. Specific people in authority, communities
7. Specific organizations
“And when he had taken it (the Lamb (Jesus) took the scroll), the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints,” REV 5:8
1) Prayers of deliverance and protection (spiritually, socially, physically or materially),
2) Prayers of agreement,
3) Prayers of intercession,
4) Prayers of inquiry,
5) Prayers of importunity, supplication, appeal or petition,
6) Prayers of consecration/dedication/ commitment,
7) Prayers of repentance,
8) Prayers in the word (praying with the scriptures),
9) Prayers of worship/adoration and thanksgiving,
• 10 Februari pukul 5:47
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Prayers Speaking to Mountains:
I speak to every mountain in my life and command it to be removed and cast into the sea (Mark 11:23).
I speak to every financial mountain to be removed from my life in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil mountain hear the voice of the Lord and be removed (Micah 6:2).
I prophesy to the mountains and command them to hear the Word of the Lord and be removed (Ezekiel 36:4).
Let the mountains tremble at the presence of God (Habakkuk 3:10).
I contend with every mountain and command them to hear my voice (Micah 6:1).
Lay the mountain of Esau (the flesh) to waste (Malachi 1:3).
Put forth Your hand, O Lord, and overturn the mountains by the roots (Job 28:9).
I speak to every mountain of debt to be removed and cast into the sea.
Lord, You are against every destroying mountain (Jeremiah 51:25).
Let the mountains melt at Your presence, O God (Judges 5:5).
Make waste the evil mountains in my life, O Lord (Isaiah 42:15).
I thresh every mountain, I beat them small, and I make the hills as chaff (Isaiah 41:15).
Every mountain in my way will become a plain (Zechariah 4:7).
• 11 Februari pukul 0:47
Bianca Ambrose
Lord, open my lips to praise your holy name. Cleanse me of any worthless evil or distracting thoughts. Give me the wisdom and love
necessary to pray with attention, reverence and devotion.
Father, let my prayer be heard in your presence, for it is offered through Christ my Lord, I thank you for the sleep that has refreshed me. I thank you for this chance to make a new beginning.
This day, Lord, is full of promise and opportunity; let me waste none of it.
This day is full of mystery and the unknown help me to face it without fear or anxiety.
This day is blessed with beauty and adventure; make me fully alive to it. During this day keep me thoughtful, prayerful and kind. May I be courteous and helpful to others, and not turned in on myself.
Keep me from any word or deed that would hurt or belittle another. And may the thoughts of my mind be pleasing in your sight. When night comes again, may I look back on this day with no grievance or bitterness in my heart.
And may nobody be unhappy because of anything I have done, or anything I have failed to do. Lord, bless this day for me and my family, brothers and sisters in you Oh Lord and friends.
Keep those that minister your word Father. Preserve those that are outside the ark of your safety unto the day of salvation for Your Glory sake.
Make it a day in which we grow to have the mind of my Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.
• 10 Februari pukul 21:44
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Prayers for Divine Safety and Protection:
I cover myself, my family, and my possessions with the blood of Jesus.
Let the fire of God surround and protect my life from all destruction.
Let the angel of the Lord encamp around me and protect me (Psalm 34:7).
Let Your glory be my covering and protect my back.
Hold me up, and I will be safe (Psalm 119:117).
Th e name of Jesus is a strong tower. I run into it, and I am safe (Proverbs 18:10).
Lord, You make me to dwell in safety (Psalm 4:8).
Set me in safety from them who puff at me (Psalm 12:5).
Let me dwell in my land safely (Leviticus 26:5).
Lead me safely, and I will not fear. Let the sea overwhelm my enemies (Psalm 78:53).
Let me lie down and rest in safety (Job 11:18; Isaiah 14:30).
I will dwell in safety; nothing shall make me afraid (Ezekiel 34:28).
Keep me as the apple of Your eye, and hide me under the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 17:8).
I will trust in the covert of Your wings (Psalm 61:4).
In the shadow of Your wings will I trust (Psalm 57:1).
Be my covert from the storm and the rain (Isaiah 4:6).
Be my covert from the wind and the tempest (Isaiah 32:2).
Cover my head in the day of battle (Psalm 140:7).
Cover me with the shadow of Your hand (Isaiah 51:16).
Cover me with Your feathers (Psalm 91:4).
Be my defense and refuge (Psalm 59:16).
Defend and deliver me (Isaiah 31:5).
Let Your glory be my defense (Isaiah 4:5).
Defend me from those who rise up against me (Psalm 59:1).
Lord, You are my shield and my hiding place (Psalm 119:114).
Lord, surround me with Your shield of protection (Psalm 5:12).
Bring them down, O Lord, my shield (Psalm 59:11).
Let Your truth be my shield (Psalm 91:4).
Lord, You are my sun and shield (Psalm 84:11).
Lord, You are my shield and exceeding great reward (Genesis 15:1).
I will not be afraid of ten thousand that have set themselves against me, because You are a shield for me (Psalm 3:1–6).
You are a strong tower from the enemy (Psalm 61:3).
• 11 Februari pukul 0:12
Sally S. Richter
Father in Heaven, today now, I am at Your mercy. Everday of our life is at the mercy of Your hands. I am praying for myself, my children , my husband, every member of my family, the elders of Your church and all the brethen here and their loved ones (You knew each of them in their names Lord) that Your love, protection and mercy will be given unto each of us. I am praying that our thoughts, hearts, spirit and every works we do will bring glory unto You and pleased Your heart. Guard us and cover us with Your Holy Blood that we will not sin against Your Holy will but You will purify us and will lead us safely back to Your kingdom. I pray Oh Lord, for my mother in-law that You will have mercy on her and give her a chance to come and accept You. I claimed Your words of promised to me in John 14:13:14, that whatever I asked of You, You will give it to me in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ with a lowly heart, I asked You Lord and your good heart to hear my prayers and grant it as Your words of promised to me. Save my mother in law's soul, Lord Jesus in Your great name I call and plead and beg, give her a chance Lord and save her soul, so as my husband and every member of his family. I plead and intercede also for Your children in Pakistan, Oh Lord Jesus have mercy on them, help them Lord Jesus and cover them of Your blood and mercy. Give them courage and strenght and send them teh breathe of Your Holy spirit Lord. This I plead with you. In Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. And thank You Lord for all Your love, graces and every blessings, about everything, good or bad Lord, You are saying something. I just want to tell you Lord, You are great and Your love is all I long for! Thank you God, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen!
• 11 Februari pukul 15:36
Thank you for all the wonderful things you have put in our life. Family, friends, a roof over my head, and food on our table cloths on our backs. Thank you for the spiritual blessings you bestow on your children every day. We are so grateful for all that you provide my Lord.
Father your children try hard, Lord, not to stumble in their walk with you. Yet sometimes find themselves facing temptation the ways that lead away from you. The temptation is strong.
The desire is strong. Lord, please help your people know the right way to turn. They know your Word on these things.They know that it would be so easy for them to give in and stumble yet again.
But today I ask for your strength for all of them and your Your guidance.
We cannot make our walk alone, Lord, and we know you are there to take our hand when we need you most. I know You are there to carry us when we cannot go on alone. We ask for that strength now Lord. We ask for your will and your way.We ask for the strength you had in facing the Enemy in the desert.
Thank you, Lord, for being here for us when in our hour of need. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.
• 1 Februari pukul 21:13
Joseph G Muiruri
My Father in Heaven Your Name be Glorified Forever.I come before You in Humility to Worship & Praise You for everything You have done.God Almighty You are Living, Righteous, Holy, Powerful, Mightier, Loving, Caring, Tender & Kind, Merciful, uplifting, Faithful, Excellent, Marvelous, Amazing, Glorious & all of the Great things that exists.
Father God, You are Very Awesome!
I bow at Your Presence to give Honor to you because You are Honourable.Thank You Father for Who You are.Thank You for Your Son Jesus the Redeemer.We Enthrone Him in Our Hearts to Reign Supreme as Lord & Saviour.
Thank You Father, it's You who Has done it all for us.Hallelujah to You in the Highest.
• 2 Februari pukul 3:59 melalui seluler
Bianca Ambrose
Father I come to You this morning with a humble heart and stretched out arms. I love You, I adore You, I worship You my Lord and my God.
My Lord God open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. For your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Father the entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
Oh))))) Lord cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
I trust in You my Lord with all my heart; and I lean not unto my own understanding. In all thy ways I acknowledge You, and I know that You shall direct thy paths.
When I goest, You shall lead me; when I sleep, You shall keep me; and when I awakest, You shall talk with me. My ears shall hear a word , saying, this is the way, walk in it, when I turn to the right hand, and when I turn to the left.
You said You will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; You will lead them in paths that they have not known: You will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will You will do unto them, and not forsake them.
Oh ))) my Lord and my God You hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to those that is weary: And You LORD shall guide me continually, and satisfy my soul in drought, and make fat my bones: You said Lord I and all your children shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
Oh))) LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. You said You will cause us to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein we shall not stumble: for You are a Father to Israel , and Ephraim You said is your firstborn.
Show us how to walk by faith, not by sight. Oh))) Father Your word is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Thank you Father, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for keeping watch over us. We love you so.
I love you so. Amen
• 3 Februari pukul 16:11
Bianca Ambrose
Lord, open my lips to praise your holy name. Cleanse me of any worthless distracting thoughts. Give me the wisdom and love
necessary to pray with attention, reverence and devotion.
Father, let my prayer be heard in your presence,
for it is offered through Christ my Lord, I thank you for the sleep
that has refreshed me.
This day, Lord, is full of promise and opportunity; let me waste none of it. This day is full of mystery and the unknown help me to face it without fear or anxiety.
This day is blessed with beauty and adventure make me fully alive to it.
During this day keep me thoughtful, prayerful and kind. May I be courteous and helpful to others, and not turned in on myself. Keep me from any word or deed that would hurt or belittle another. And may the thoughts of my mind be pleasing in your sight.
When night comes again, may I look back on this day with no grievance or bitterness in my heart. May nobody be unhappy because of anything I have done, or anything I have failed to do.
Lord, bless this day for me and my family, brothers and sisters in you Oh Lord and friends. Keep those that minister your word Father. Preserve those that are outside the ark of your safety unto the day of salvation for Your Glory sake.
Make it a day in which we grow to have the mind of You Lord Jesus. Amen.
• 3 Februari pukul 1:55
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to thank You for the presence of Your loving heart, the stillness of Your voice echoing in the inner and deepest of my soul. The void inside me and my soul You filled up. The voice You let me hear to direct my ways and thoughts upon You and Your perfect will. All of these being of mine are nothing without You Lord, it is You that I need, the breathe You blew in my being is keeping me alive, without Your presence, all is nothing and would fall apart...Thank You Father (Yahweh) Lord Jesus for holding me, keeping me intact in the palm of Your hands and for secluding me in the inmost of Your heart. All glory to you GOD/LORD JESUS CHRIST..To You alone belong all the wisdom, power, glory, praises, worship and thanksgiving. Amen! Amen...Glory to You Lord, God. Amen!
• 4 Februari pukul 5:22
Sarah Riedel
Our Heavenly Father Yahweh,God of everything,Maker of heaven and earth, I come and bow down before YOUR throne our God and King wanting to praise YOUR holy Name,through YOUR Beloved Son our SWEET LORD JESUS!
LORD YOU are worthy of our adoration.I give YOU thanks Dearest Father for providing all our daily needs.Thank YOU for sending angels to guide and minister to us making sure me and my children are safe from the moment we wake up till we slumber at night.I thank YOU our Loving Father for looking down on us on our sleep filling our hearts with YOUR love.Thank YOU for letting us know YOU care in all details of our life even if it seems insignificant.LORD only YOU are righteous...only YOU are Holy...only YOU are Good,only YOU care and love us deeply,only YOU are perfect,only YOU are faithful..we magnify YOUR wonderful name Holy Father.
Forgive me Father if Im not doing what im suppose to do,forgive me if in some cases
I didnt obey YOU,forgive me if i hurt YOU,forgive me if I sin against YOU,forgive me
if i didnt follow YOUR will...give me the grace to follow YOUR will Oh LORD,only YOUR will!
I believe that YOU can mold me into the image of our LORD&SAVIOR SWEET JESUS.
Thank YOU LORD for each challenging moments,for transforming me into the likeness
of our LORD JESUS...only on YOU i trust that YOU will finish what YOU had begun LORD
till that awesome day of our LORD JESUS.
Let YOUR high praises be continually be in our hearts and lips.
• 4 Februari pukul 22:36
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Prayers for Enlargement and Increase:
Break off of my life any limitations and restrictions placed on my life by any evil spirits in the name of Jesus.
I bind and cast out all python and constrictor spirits in the name of Jesus.
Bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast. Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from evil (1 Chronicles 4:10).
Cast out my enemies, and enlarge my borders (Exodus 34:24).
Lord, You have promised to enlarge my borders (Deuteronomy 12:20).
Enlarge my heart so I can run the way of Your commandments (Psalm 119:32).
My mouth is enlarged over my enemies (1 Samuel 2:1).
Enlarge my steps so I can receive Your wealth and prosperity (Isaiah 60:5–9).
I receive deliverance and enlargement for my life (Esther 4:14).
The Lord shall increase me more and more, me and my children (Psalm 115:14).
Let Your kingdom and government increase in my life (Isaiah 9:7).
Let me increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 2:19).
O Lord, bless me and increase me (Isaiah 51:2).
Let me increase exceedingly (Genesis 30:43).
Let me increase with the increase of God (Colossians 2:19).
Let me increase and abound in love (1 Thessalonians 3:12).
Increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side (Psalm 71:21).
Let me increase in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52).
Let me increase in strength and confound the adversaries (Acts 9:22).
Let Your grace and favor increase in my life.
Let the years of my life be increased (Proverbs 9:11).
Let the Word of God increase in my life (Acts 6:7).
Bless me in all my increase (Deuteronomy 14:22).
Let my giving and tithes increase (Deuteronomy 14:22).
Let my latter end greatly increase (Job 8:7).
Let me grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
I will flourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon (Psalm 92:12).
Let my faith grow exceedingly (2 Thessalonians 1:3).
The breaker is gone up before me and broken through every limitation and barrier of the enemy (Micah 2:13).
Lord, You are the God of the breakthrough. You have broken forth against my enemies (2 Samuel 5:20).
My branches run over every wall erected by the enemy (Genesis 49:22).
I can run through a troop and leap over a wall (Psalm 18:29).
Let my line go through all the earth, and my words to the end of the world (Psalm 19:4).
I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. Give me the heathen for my inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for my possession (Psalm 2:8).
• 4 Februari pukul 20:52
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt,
Prayers to Command the Morning, the Day, and the Night:
I command the morning to take hold of the ends of the earth and shake the wicked out of it (Job 38:12).
I will have dominion over the devil in the morning (Psalm 49:14).
Lord, make the outgoings of the morning to rejoice (Psalm 65:8).
I receive Your lovingkindness every morning (Psalm 143:8).
Release the beauty of Your holiness from the womb of the morning (Psalm 110:3).
Let Your light break forth in my life as the morning (Psalm 58:8).
Let Your judgments come upon the enemy morning by morning (Isaiah 28:19).
Lord, Your going forth is prepared as the morning, and we pray that You will come as the rain, the latter and former rain upon the earth (Hosea 6:3).
Lord, You visit me every morning (Job 7:18).
Lord, You awaken me morning by morning. You waken my ear to hear as the learned (Isaiah 50:4).
I will not be afraid of the arrow that flies by day or the terror that comes at night (Psalm 91:5).
Lord, show forth Your salvation in my life from day to day (Psalm 96:2).
I bind the screech owl in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 34:14).
I bind any attack upon my life at night. I take authority over every demon that is released against me and my family at night. Let the evening tide trouble the enemies that would attack my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 17:12–14).
I bind and rebuke every spirit that would creep against me at night (Psalm 104:20).
I bind and rebuke the pestilence that walks in darkness (Psalm 91:6).
I will rest at night because the Lord gives me sleep. Let Your angels guard and protect me at night. Lord, give me deliverance in the night season (Acts 12:6–7).
Lord, let my reins instruct me in the night season (Psalm 16:7).
Your song shall be with me in the night (Psalm 42:8).
I will meditate upon You in the night watches (Psalm 63:6).
I receive Your knowledge in the night (Psalm 19:2).
I receive Your faithfulness every night (Psalm 92:2).
I bind and rebuke every vampire spirit in the name of Jesus (Leviticus 11:19).
I bind and rebuke all incubus and succubus spirits that would attack at night in the name of Jesus. I bind and take authority over all nightmares and demonic dreams at night in the name of Jesus. I am set in my ward whole nights (Isaiah 21:8).
• 4 Februari pukul 20:16
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Great is thy faithfulness....your love for your children is unspeakable....your Holy Name is the key to the doors of blessings and favor...How we love and honor thy precious name...God of Life...God of hope...God of love...God of peace...God forever...Glory to your precious name ...Jesus Son of David...Mercy!!..your grace be upon us...We thank thee for health and strength......How precious are you to the saints...Darling of the heavens and earth...we bow before thy Holy Throne and surrender our all to thee. Bless you Father...Bless you Son...Bless you Holy Spirit of God...Bless you!! Hallelujah!!
• 4 Februari pukul 9:03
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
My blessed Father!! I am so sorry Father Jesus for not glorifying your name on your wall as before; Blessed Father!!...You who sees my heart; knows it was not done intentionally ; yet!! I know; indirectly the enemy attacks had a negative effect on my praises...Daddy!! I am sorry...have mercy on your daughter. You are the apple of my are the very air I breath; I bow and pledge my undying love for a Great God...How I love thy blessed Holy Spirit ...the brain of this world...Bless you Yahweh..mighty Creator...God of Host...God of Israel...Bless your Bosom..we plead the sacred and protective Blood of the Lamb over your Nation..we put Chariots of Fire around her...and protect and guard her shores with the violent Angles of heaven;with the flaming swords of Truth drawn.... Father!! your are our strength; you are the rock of our lives and we are grateful; we celebrate your love by our praises, worship and glory of your precious name. You dear Lord!! is worthy of our honor, our homage to a mighty God Head; Our light in a dark and perilous world; a safe haven for the weak at heart and the brave soldiers on your battle field of life. Glory to your beautiful Name...Love of our lives; sponge of our problems; the great escape from this insane world of sin. I honor you with the praises on my lips; I speak of your goodness; your mercy; your love; I magnify your name and decree and declare victory over the enemy; by your precious Blood...the Blood of this beautiful, Holy Lamb..Jesus!! Hallelujah...Hallelujah...
• 4 Februari pukul 8:54
Sally S. Richter
Dear God, Lord Jesus Christ. I praise and thank You for all the time that You had given me, for the strength and all that You provided for me. Thank you so much for all the blessings and graces and love. I would like now to rest in Your presence. May You watch over me and my loved ones and all the brethen. May You give me a peaceful sleep with You always at my side as my loving Father. Thank you for so much for evrything and I offer you all the works Ive done today, in our Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen.
• 5 Februari pukul 8:38
Daniel Pasaribu
By John Eckhardt
Prayers Releasing the Fire of God:
Your throne, O Lord, is like a fiery flame (Daniel 7:9).
You are the God that answers by fire (1 Kings 18:24).
A fire goes before You, O Lord, and burns up Your enemies (Psalm 97:3).
Lord, release Your fire and burn up the works of darkness.
Baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16).
Let Your fire be in my hands to heal the sick and cast out devils.
Let Your fire burn in my eyes, my heart, my belly, my mouth, and my feet.
Let Your fire be in my tongue to preach and prophesy.
I receive tongues of fire.
Let Your Word be preached with fire (Jeremiah 23:29).
Make me a minister of fire (Hebrews 1:7).
Deliver me with Your fire (Psalm 18:13).
Let Your fire protect me and cover me (Exodus 14:24).
I release the fire of God to burn up the idols of the land (Deuteronomy 7:5).
Let the works of witchcraft and occultism be burned in Your fire (Acts 19:19).
Purify my life with Your fire (Malachi 3:2).
Let Your fire be released in Zion (Isaiah 31:9).
Let the spirits of lust and perversion be destroyed with Your fire (Genesis 19:24).
Release the spirit of burning to burn up the works of darkness (Psalm 140:10).
Let Your flame burn up wicked spirits (Psalm 106:18).
Let Your glory kindle a burning like the burning of a fire (Isaiah 10:16).
Cause Your glorious voice to be heard. Show lightning down Your arm with a flame of devouring fire, with scattering, tempest, and hailstones (Isaiah 30:30).
Let Babylon be as stubble, and let Your fire burn them. Let them not be able to deliver themselves from the power of the flame (Isaiah 47:14).
Lord, come and rebuke Your enemies with flames of fire (Isaiah 66:15).
Let all flesh see Your fire released (Ezekiel 20:48).
Create upon Zion a flaming fire by night (Isaiah 4:5).
Let the fire of Your presence be released in my life (Psalm 97:5).
Let demons be exposed and cast out with Your fire (Acts 28:3).
Release Your hot thunderbolts against the enemy (Psalm 78:48).
Cast forth lightning, and scatter the enemy (Psalm 144:6).
Let Your light be for a fire, and Your Holy One for a flame to burn the briers and thorns in my life (Isaiah 10:17).
• 5 Februari pukul 10:27
Daniel Pasaribu
By John Eckhardt
Prayers Releasing the Power of God:
Lord, release Your glorious power against the enemy (Exodus 15:6).
Let power and might be released from Your hand (1 Chronicles 29:12).
Scatter the enemy by Your power (Psalm 59:11).
Rule over Your enemies through Your power (Psalm 66:7).
Let the power of Your anger be released against the powers of darkness (Psalm 90:11).
I release the power and authority of the Lord against all demons I encounter in the name of Jesus (Matthew 10:1).
I am delivered from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18).
Divide the sea, and destroy marine spirits through Your power (Job 26:12).
I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10).
Cause the powers of darkness to submit to Your power.
Display Your awesome power that men will believe.
Release Your power in healing and deliverance (Luke 5:17).
Release Your powerful voice (Psalm 29:4).
Let me be amazed at Your power (Luke 9:43).
Let great power be released through Your apostles (Acts 4:33).
Let signs, wonders, and miracles be released through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:19).
Let me preach and teach with demonstration of the Spirit and power (1 Corinthians 2:4).
Let Your power work in me (Ephesians 3:20).
Release Your powerful angels on my behalf to fight my battles in the heavens (2 Peter 2:11; Revelation 18:1).
Release the power of Elijah through Your prophets (Luke 1:17).
Let me be willing in the day of Your power (Psalm 110:3).
• 5 Februari pukul 10:23
Sarah Riedel
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God
You are amazing God
• 5 Februari pukul 18:59
Sarah Riedel
We praise YOU for YOUR faithfulness,
We praise YOU for YOUR patience,
We praise YOU for YOUR kindness,
We praise YOU for YOUR goodness,
We praise YOU for YOUR grace,
We praise YOU for YOUR mercy
that endures forever,
We praise YOU for YOUR righteousness,
We praise YOU for YOUR gentleness,
We praise YOU for YOUR creation,
We praise YOU for YOUR love that is everlasting.
No one can be compared to YOUR sovereignity.
YOUR beauty indescribable!
You are the Alpha and the Omega,
5 Februari pukul 19:32
Bianca Ambrose
Father You created us, you made this world, and you called your creation very good. Yet often we forget that you are our loving Parent who continues to bless your world. Jesus told us that you are in heaven. Yet we fail to live in awe of you. We take you for granted, and we don't see the awesome beauty of the world you have made.
I pray, Hallowed be your name.
I confess that our reverence for you does not always lead us to care reverently for your earth, sky and sea.
I pray, Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
We confess that we often put our own interests first-exploiting your creation, and living for our own convenience and self-interest.
I ask, Give us today our daily bread. I confess that we consume more than our share of the world's resources, while billions go hungry every day and your whole creation suffers.
I ask Lord, Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Father deliver us from the times of trial.
Help us to resist the temptations of spending more, using more, acquiring more, and wasting more.
I ask, Deliver us from evil.
Free us from greed and self-centeredness that separate us from you and others.
I pray, For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever.
Help us to know that in caring for all that you have bestore on us, we are working for your kingdom, being good stewards of your creative power, and giving you glory.
I love you Lord, I love you so.
• 5 Februari pukul 22:28
Kenneth Kizili
Oh God (Elohim), teach us to walk in the Spirit and keep our minds focussed on you, for we know that we shall give account of everything we say or do. Direct our footstep on the path we trod. . Keep us ever faithful and true; sanctify our lips- May we speak only those things that are pleasing to you. Our greatest desire is to do your will, carry Truth throughout the land. . .so if we should stray and walk in the flesh, correct us with your chastening hand; convict our wayward soul and keep us pure, help us to walk the narrow way--it is there we find bountiful blessings. .walking in the Spirit each day. Lord (YHWH) teach us to walk in the Spirit. O HalleluYah! Amen and amen.
• 5 Februari pukul 13:11 melalui seluler
Edie Porter
O God from whom every gift derives, we gather to worship you this day. You are an awesome God, greater than our comprehension or our imagination. You are beyond any word we could ever use to describe you. And yet, through Jesus, we know the intimacy of your vast Love.
We have come to you in thanksgiving and praise, to know that you are God and to place our lives anew into your perspective. Enlarge our vision this hour with your Word. Instill in us, again, your hope in place of our despair, your peace where our hatred threatens, your joy amidst our depression, your love overwhelming our apathy.
May your Holy Spirit surround and indwell this LJUSC congregation now, and forevermore. In Jesus we pray. Amen.
• 6 Februari pukul 5:18
Rina Odermatt
Father in Heaven,KINGYAWEH
We praise You for giving us Your Son
To be our Saviour and Lord.
Bless us all as we gather here today,
And let us live happily in Your love.
Hear our prayer, loving Father,
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
My God, I believe in Thee;
do Thou strengthen my faith.
All my hopes are in Thee;
do Thou secure them.
I love Thee with my whole heart;
teach me to love Thee daily more and more.
I am sorry that I have offended Thee;
do Thou increase my sorrow.
I adore Thee as my first beginning.
I aspire after Thee as my last end.
I give Thee thanks as my constant Benefactor.
I call upon Thee as my sovereign Protector.
O my God,
to conduct me by Thy wisdom,
to restrain me by Thy justice,
to conform me by Thy mercy,
and to defend me by Thy power.
To Thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts,
words, actions, and sufferings;
that henceforward I may think of Thee,
speak of Thee,
willingly refer all my actions to Thy greater glory,
and suffer willingly whatever Thou shalt appoint.
Lord, I desire that in all things Thy will may be done;
because it is Thy will,
and in the manner that Thou willest.
I beg of Thee to enlighten my understanding,
to inflame my will,
to purify my body,
and to sanctify my soul.
Give me strength, O my God,
to expiate my offences,
to overcome temptations,
to subdue my passions,
and to acquire the virtues proper for my state.
Fill my heart with tender affection for Thy goodness,
hatred for my faults,
love for my neighbour,
and contempt of the world.
May Thy grace help me to be submissive to my superiors,
condescending to my inferiors,
faithful to my friends,
and charitable to my enemies.
Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification,
avarice by alms-deeds,
anger by meekness,
and tepidity by devotion.
O my God, make my prudent in my undertakings,
courageous in dangers,
patient in afflictions,
and humble in prosperity.
Grant that I may be ever attentive at my prayers,
temperate at my meals,
diligent in my employments,
and constant in my resolutions.
Let my conscience be ever upright and pure,
my exterior modest,
my conversation edifying,
and my conduct steady.
Assist me, that I may continually labour to overcome nature,
to correspond with Thy grace,
to keep Thy commandments,
and to work out my salvation.
Discover to me, O my God,
the nothingness of this world,
the greatness of heaven,
the shortness of time,
and the length of eternity.
Grant that I may prepare for death,
that I may fear Thy judgments,
that I may escape hell,
and in the end, obtain heaven;
through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• 7 Februari pukul 8:10
Bianca Ambrose
Oh ))) my Lord and my God, creator of earth and of sky, it is in you that we find our strength and it is through you that we find peace. I worship You, I praise You I honor You my Lord God.
Forgive us for all the ways in which we fail to remember this. We reach too often and too quickly for things that hurt and destroy hateful words and sharp swords rather than for the things that heal and restore understanding and listening, patience and compassion.
Forgive us for all the ways in which we harm our sisters and brothers and hide behind our need for security at any cost. We spend too much of our precious resources on the weapons of war rather than on creative enterprises that could sustain life and lives.
Forgive us, Oh )))) God, and teach us your ways. You give us beauty in the shimmering light that dances across the pond and in the giggle of a young child. God of all Life, teach us how to hold onto this beauty and give it to each other.
You give us love in the hands that heal our elders with tenderness and in the passion for living that burns in the hearts of our youth. My Lord of all Love, teach us how to expand our loving to all who dwell upon this earth.
You give us your peace. May we remember this always, Father of all Peace, for it is the gift that your son, my Lord Jesus placed deep inside our hearts. May we re-member ourselves as peacemakers and hope-builders, bearers of your peace into this war-weary world.
In Jesus name I pray.
• 7 Februari pukul 18:25
Rina Odermatt
God The Father King Yahweh The Creator Of Heaven And Earth, I believe in you, increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. I love you: let me love you more and more. I am sorry for my sins: deepen my sorrow.
I worship you as my first beginning, I long for you as my last end, I praise you as my constant helper, and call on you as my loving protector.
Guide me by your wisdom, correct me with your justice, comfort me with your mercy, protect me with your power.
I offer you, Lord, my thoughts: to be fixed on you; my words: to have you for their theme; my actions: to reflect my love for you; my sufferings: to be endured for your greater glory.
I want to do what you ask of me: in the way you ask, for as long as you ask, because you ask it.
Lord, enlighten my understanding, strengthen my will, purify my heart, and make me holy.
Help me to repent of my past sins and to resist temptation in the future. Help me to rise above my human weaknesses and to grow stronger as a Christian.
Let me love you, my Lord and my God, and see myself as I really am: a pilgrim in this world, a Christian called to respect and love all whose lives I touch, those in authority over me or those under my authority, my friends and my enemies.
Help me conquer anger with gentleness, greed by generosity, apathy by fervor. Help me to forget myself and reach out towards others.
Make me prudent in planning, courageous in taking risks. Make me patient in suffering, unassuming in prosperity.
Keep me, Lord, attentive at prayer, temperate in food and drink, diligent in my work, firm in my good intentions.
Let my conscience be clear, my conduct without fault, my speech blameless, my life well-ordered.
Put me on guard against my human weaknesses. Let me cherish your love for me, keep your law, and come at last to your salvation.
Teach me to realize that this world is passing, that my true future is the happiness of heaven, that life on earth is short, and the life to come eternal.
Help me to prepare for death with a proper fear of judgment, but a greater trust in your goodness. Lead me safely through death to the endless joy of heaven.In The Name of Your Loving Son My Saviour Lord And KING JESUSCHRIST tHE Blood Of Covenant Who takes away the sin of the world! Amen.
• 8 Februari pukul 1:09
Daniel Pasaribu
Prayers for Breaking Curses & Casting-Out Generational Spirits
By Apostle John Eckhardt
I am redeemed from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13).
I break all generational curses of pride, lust, perversion, rebellion, witchcraft, idolatry, poverty, rejection, fear, confusion, addiction, death, and destruction in the name of Jesus.
I command all generational spirits that came into my life during conception, in the womb, in the birth canal, and through the umbilical cord to come out in the name of Jesus.
I break all spoken curses and negative words that I have spoken over my life in the name of Jesus.
I break all spoken curses and negative words spoken over my life by others, including those in authority in the name of Jesus.
I command all ancestral spirits of freemasonry, idolatry, witchcraft, false religion, polygamy, lust, and perversion to come out of my life in the name of Jesus.
I command all hereditary spirits of lust, rejection, fear, sickness, infirmity, disease, anger, hatred, confusion, failure, and poverty to come out of my life in the name of Jesus.
I break the legal rights of all generational spirits operating behind a curse in the name of Jesus. You have no legal right to operate in my life.
I bind and rebuke all familiar spirits and spirit guides that would try to operate in my life from my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I renounce all false beliefs and philosophies inherited by my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I break all curses on my finances from any ancestors that cheated or mishandled money in the name of Jesus.
I break all curses of sickness and disease and command all inherited sickness to leave my body in the name of Jesus.
Through Jesus, my family is blessed (Genesis 12:3).
I renounce all pride inherited from my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I break all oaths, vows, and pacts made with the devil by my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I break all curses by agents of Satan spoken against my life in secret in the name of Jesus (Psalm 10:7).
I break all written curses which would affect my life in the name of Jesus (2 Chronicles 34:24).
I break every time-released curse that would activate in my life as I grow older in the name of Jesus.
I break every curse Balaam hired against my life in the name of Jesus (Nehemiah 13:2).
Lord, turn every curse spoken against my life into a blessing (Nehemiah 13:2).
I break all generational rebellion that would cause me to resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51).
I break all curses of death spoken by people in authority in my nation over my nation in the name of Jesus.
I break curses of death spoken against my country by people from other nations in the name of Jesus.
Generational curses from unconfessed sin:
Exodus 34:6-7
“and He (the Lord) passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, the Lord, the Lord, the compassionate & gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, & forgiving wickedness, rebellion & sin. Every 3rd and 4th generation has to deal with the sins of their ancestors.”
Deuteronomy 11:26-28
“See, I am setting before you today a blessing & a curse- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the and a automatic curse for not letting me help you by turning away and serving false gods which has never satisfied you.”
Moses addressed this issue when the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land. He told the new generation that was getting ready to enter in unless they dealt with their own personal sins and also the sins from the generations before them.
Leviticus 26:39-42
“And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies’ lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them. If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me; And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity: Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.”
• 8 Februari pukul 4:25
Bianca Ambrose
My prayer this blessed morning.
I enter to You Father with a humble spirit, tha...nksgiving, gratefulness, praise and I worship YOU my Lord God. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight Father.
Father God everything that You creates has positive function and beauty. Your intention in everything for us is always positive, right, and good.
Father You do everything in love and concern for our well-being so that we will fit within Your purpose, and it will be worked out in our lives.
Your mind Father permeates the entirety of your creation, we ought to derive great confidence that You are always with us.
You are omnipotent. You are omnipresent. You Father actively using Your powers, Your Spirit, to govern and manage Your creation.
Father God Your Holy Spirit is the essence of Your mind.
The beginning of the source of all power is in the mind. You made man in Your image Father God.
Father you do not have to use steam shovels and power tools to get things done.
You speaks, and the laws You have created go to work. The tool by which You Father carries everything out is Your Holy Spirit, the essence of Your mind.
Father Your Spirit imparts wisdom and understanding. It teaches us Your way of life, comforts, and helps us. Even when we cannot express ourselves in our prayers, Your Holy Spirit aids us in making our requests before You Father God.
Father I ask in the only name under heaven whereby man may be save, in the name of JESUS, Mercy for the lost, sight for the blind, utterance for the mute, food for the hungry, cloths for the naked, shelter for the homeless, healing for the sick humility for the proud, joy for the mourners and laughter for the sad.
Father with all that I have ask never the less not my will but let yours be done. Father for your glory sake I will forever praise Your Holy Name. Love you Father, Son and Holy Spirit you are my only ONE. Amen
• 8 Februari pukul 16:59
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in heaven our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for showing me beautiful, wonderful things. I Thank you for Your showing Your self and great love upon me and my soul. You have made me known You love each and everyone of us. Let me love like You always and let my heart be always pleasing unto you and all the things that herein. Give me Lord, the courage to stand for You and You alone. Let me me Oh, Lord Jesus be strong for You at all times in Your will alone in my life. I once again surrender myself to You and Your loving hands. Let me Lord Jesus look only at You face, serving You alone above all and understanding Your will and ways. Help me Lord Jesus to follow Your will completely in my life. Let me die from this world and let me live alone for You and You alone and for the real purposed that You have created me to. I glorify and thank You for the hope, love and faithfulness of You upon my soul. I am looking forward everyday to be with You for forever and ever, but at these times Lord Jesus give me courage and strenght and let me be still always in Your presence and in You alone. Amen. Glory be to you oh Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I love You Lord Jesus with all my heart, soul and my whole being I surrender myself to you always and again and again. Glory Halleluiah, Lord Jesus, Father in Heaven (Yahweh). Amen. Amen!
• 8 Februari pukul 12:40
Bianca Ambrose
Father, You are the God of Israel, and they are Your people.
You named them, though they did not know You.
Lord, cleanse them from their iniquities, and pardon all of their sins.
Save them with an everlasting salvation.
Raise them up in righteousness, and direct all their ways.
Redeem Israel out of all of their troubles.
Be a shelter for Your people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
Bring health and healing to them and to their land,revealing to them Your abundance of peace and truth.
Let the eyes of their understanding be enlightened.
Give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let Israel be to You a name of praise,and an honor before all the nations of the earth.
Proclaiming all the good You do for them, and causing fear and trembling among the nations, because of all the goodness and prosperity You provide for it.
Restore everything that has been removed from them.
Send them grain and new wine and oil to satisfy them.
Make their enemies to be at peace with them and no longer let them be a reproach among the nations.
Seek out Your sheep and deliver them from the peoples and countries where they were scattered, and bring them to their own land.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper that love you.
• 9 Februari pukul 20:42
Daniel Pasaribu
By, Inner Man Deliverance Ministries
1) I place around my waist the belt of truth. I will know the truth and the truth will make me free. I am free because whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. I am free from (say whatever you have been set free from). I am a Son/Daughter of God. The Holy Spirit guides me into all truth. He will guide me with His eye. I have the wisdom and knowledge of God. The Holy Spirit will instruct me in the way I should go. 2) I put on the breastplate of righteousness. Because of the cross Jesus has placed on me a robe of righteousness, I am the righteousness of God. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself today. Forgive me of my sins this day. Convict me Holy Spirit of any wrong and search my heart of any secret sin. The righteous are as bold as a lion. I thank you for boldness to do your will today. Help me to speak your word with great boldness. I am established today in your righteousness. 3) My feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Help me to be prepared to give my testimony today. I thank you that you have made a covenant with me that your laws and your words are written on my heart and in my mind. You said that you put your words in my mouth. Let my life reflect the gospel of peace. Send someone across my path to share the gospel with today. Use me Lord to bless someone today. 4) I take up the shield of faith which quenches every fiery dart of the enemy. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I am an over comer in you. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I thank you for my angels. I have an angel of the Lord that encamps around about me. I am protected from the evil one and delivered from the evils of this present world. 5) I place on my head the helmet of salvation, the hope of glory. I have the mind of Christ and no weapon formed against my mind will prosper. I think on things which are good, pure, perfect, lovely, and of good report. I will take authority over my mind today. I have authority over all the power of the enemy. I choose to cast down every vain imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and I will bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. I belong to Jesus and I give the Holy Spirit control of my thoughts. I submit my mind to God, resist the devil, and he must flee. 6) I take the sword of the spirit and I use it on the offense. I will not shrink back. I am a soldier for Christ. We wrestle against principalities. I thank you for the power of your word. It is sharper than any two-edged sword. It will not return void but it accomplishes the task it was sent for. Your word is true. You are not a man that you would lie. I am a doer of your word. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide your word in my heart so that I will not sin against you. 7) I will pray in the Spirit on all occasions because the Spirit will pray through me the will of God. This builds up my inner man and gives me strength for the day. I will pray for the saints according to your word. [I add this to my prayer in addition to the armor of God] 8) I thank you that the glory of the Lord is my rear guard. 9) I will praise you today. Let the high praises of God be in my mouth and a two-edged sword in my hand. I will praise you because you are worthy of my praise. I place on myself a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. Put a new song in my heart Lord. Let your praise be continually on my lips. 10) I thank you Lord that you are a God of healing, provision, and restoration. You are my healer. It is the will of God for me to be healed. You took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. You said you heal all thy diseases. You are my provider. Those who seek you will not lack any good thing. You will prosper me as my soul prospers. As I seek you first, you will add all things to me. All my needs are met in Jesus. You have made a covenant with me that as I tithe and give an offering that you will supply all my needs and I will reap abundantly. You are the God of restoration. As I plead with you and walk pure and upright, you will rouse yourself on my behalf and restore me to my rightful place. You will restore what the cankerworm has eaten up. You restore my soul. 11) I thank you Lord that I walk in the fruit of your Spirit. It is not by might, not by power, but by your Spirit says the Lord. I have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is my personality in you. 12) I ask you for the gifts of the Spirit. Your word says to seek the gifts. I want to edify others through these gifts. I ask you for the message of wisdom, the message of knowledge, the gift of faith, the gift of healing, miraculous powers, the gift of prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. Help me to encourage someone today through the power of your Holy Spirit 13) I pray all these in your Holy name, Jesus. Your name is above every name. All things are placed under your feet. All authority has been given unto you in Heaven and in earth. In Him we live, in Him we move and in Him we have our being. You are Lord. Amen.
1) I put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; and I put on love, the bond of perfection. 2) I welcome the peace of God to rule my heart. 3) I allow the Word of God to dwell in my heart richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in my heart to the Lord. 4) Whatever I do, I do in word and in deed in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 5) I put on Christ because I have been baptized in Him. I put on the Lord Jesus as a garment. 6) I put on the breastplate of faith and love. 7) I put on zeal. 8) I put on mercy and truth around my neck. 9) I put on the armor of light. 10) I place on myself the mind of Christ. I let this mind (the mind of Christ) be in me. 11) I meditate on your word day and night. You are faithful to perform your word. You will bring it to completion. You are faithful to complete the work you have begun in me and my life. 12) Let the meditation of my heart and the words of my mouth be pleasing unto you O Lord. I will open my mouth and you will fill it. 13) I place a guard on my mouth. I commit my mouth to you Lord that I may not sin against you. 14) You Lord are seated high above all authority, power, dominion and might. Nothing is too difficult for you. 15) I place the armor of righteousness on my right and left hands. 16) I put on strength. I clothe myself with strength for the battle. You are looking for a pure heart whose heart you can strengthen. 17) I thank you for a shield of favor about me. 18) I plead the blood over my body, mind, will, soul, and emotions. I repent of all sins. I will not fear the arrow by day or the terror by night. 19) I put on the garment of salvation. We are clothed with salvation. 20) I put on the helmet of hope. 21) I put on the robe of righteousness. 22) I put on the blue ephod. 23) I ask for the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. 24) I ask for the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and revelation. 25) I am anointed, appointed, called, marked, chosen, beloved, accepted, and not rejected in Jesus’ name. 26) I put on as a helmet the hope of salvation. 27) Help me Lord to be sober and vigilant; watchful in the spirit; and aware of the enemy, the devil. Wake me up spiritually. 28) I rule and reign with Christ Jesus. 29) Lord, you cover my head; you have covered my head in the day of battle. 30) The word is our shield and buckler. 31) I loose myself from the bonds of my neck. I tie down my enemies in the spirit realm. I reverse the words of those who curse me, send evil against me, and send evil against the work of the Lord. I send all evil back to them 7 times in the name of Jesus. May they be brought to their knees by the Lord Jesus to repentance that they may be saved, healed, filled, and delivered in Jesus’ mighty name. I reverse every assignment, trap, snare, wile, and evil plan or attack against me from Satan and his angels, demons, imps, principalities, rulers of the darkness, powers, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, or spirits of any kind. I silence them and their words or curses. I clothe them with confusion as with a mantle. I cancel all assignments against me. I make all word curses null and void. 32) I ask the Lord to send legions of angels to minister to me, protect me, battle for me, minister healing and restoration, and to surround me in the name of Jesus. 33) I love, bless, and forgive those who persecute me and say all manner of evil against me for the sake of your righteousness. 34) Help me Lord to be strong in the Lord and in His power, exercise the authority over the devil which you have given me, stand against the devil, wrestle and warfare, put on my armor daily, pray without ceasing, intercede, and fight the good fight of faith. Amen.
Written By Inner Man Deliverance Ministries
• 9 Februari pukul 15:57
Daniel Pasaribu
By Eric Gondwe
God is spirit and he seeks believers that “worship him in spirit and truth,” (John 4:23-24).
Prayer is one major avenue we commune with him, seeking direction, submitting to his will, etc. The more effective we are in our devotional prayers the more we’ll be able to hear from him with our spiritual ears. Thus we’ll be more fruitful in fulfilling his ordained will for each of our lives.
i) Fellowship With Christ
“I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them,” Matthew 18:19-20
ii) Waking In The Power Of Agreement
“I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them,” Matthew 18:19-20
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective,” James 5:16
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up,” Eccl 4:9-10
iii) Receiving God’s mercies, protection, healing and strength to continue the race
Mercy and grace:
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness …” Lamentations 3: 22-23
Protection, provision, direction and strength:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight,” Pr 3:5-6
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need,” Hebrews 4:16
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed,” James 5:16
“O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. O Lord, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down into the pit,” Ps 30:2-3
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,” Psalms 103:1-3
iv) Inner Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” John 14:27.
Dangers of Prayerlessness
i) Lacking fellowship with Christ
ii) Lacking in the power of agreement
iii) Not receiving God’s mercies, grace, protection, healing and strength to continue the race
Although his grace is not conditional on our input we’re encouraged to approach His throne in prayer to receive it (Hebrews 4:16). Without his mercy and grace there is:
Little or no protection spiritually, materially, physically (health), socially
Little or no provision spiritually, materially, physically, socially
Little or no direction spiritually, materially, socially
Little or no strength spiritually, materially, physically, socially
iv) Lack of inner peace
“There is no peace,” says the Lord, “for the wicked,” Isaiah 48:22, 57:21. The wicked here are not only social criminals who deprive or harm others. They include those who choose to follow their own pleasures instead of following God’s interests.
Some where even top religious figures who constantly fasted yet God gave them no peace. “On the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers. Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high,” Isaiah 58:3-4.
Personal and corporate prayer is thus important as often as enabled. For those who’re enabled, a prayer database can be established with prayer points, answered prayers, intercessions, etc. Seeking direction on how it’s to be arranged and perfected should be a continuous process.
Corporate prayer is an important ministry for every believer, couple, and the church.
I. Personal Matters
1. Submission to God’s will and purposes
2. Anointing for effective role in the body of Christ
3. Carrier/ministry fruitfulness
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Deliverance (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
6. Protection (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
7. Overcoming obstacles (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
8. Fruit of the Spirit in oneself (“joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,” GAL 5:22-23)
9. Fruit of the Spirit in marriage
10. Fruit of the Spirit in the family
II. Family Tree Matters
The Family tree comprises of our immediate family members, relatives, close friends and others we have a burden for. They’re our Jerusalem in the midst of our concerns and commitment to those in “Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” Acts 1:7
1. Submission to God’s will and purposes
2. Anointing for effective role in the body of Christ
3. Carrier/ministry fruitfulness
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Deliverance (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
6. Protection (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
7. Overcoming obstacles (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
8. Fruit of the Spirit in the extended family
III. The Body of Christ
The Body of Christ comprises of pastors, evangelists, intercessors, and all laborers in their various callings in the church ministries, Television ministries, radio, Internet, music, etc.
1. submission to God’s will and purposes
2. Anointing for effective role in the body of Christ
3. Carrier/ministry fruitfulness
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Deliverance (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
6. Protection (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
7. Overcoming obstacles (in spirit, soul, body, callings, relationships, property, finances)
8. Fruit of the Spirit in marriage (“joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,” GAL 5:22-23)
9. Fruit of the Spirit the body of Christ
IV. The World – The Harvest Field
1. The Lord’s sending of laborers
2. The response/yielding of the harvest to the laborers
3. The poor, widows, orphans
4. Those in authority in governments, corporations
5. Specific locations (towns, countries, continents)
6. Specific people in authority, communities
7. Specific organizations
“And when he had taken it (the Lamb (Jesus) took the scroll), the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints,” REV 5:8
1) Prayers of deliverance and protection (spiritually, socially, physically or materially),
2) Prayers of agreement,
3) Prayers of intercession,
4) Prayers of inquiry,
5) Prayers of importunity, supplication, appeal or petition,
6) Prayers of consecration/dedication/
7) Prayers of repentance,
8) Prayers in the word (praying with the scriptures),
9) Prayers of worship/adoration and thanksgiving,
• 10 Februari pukul 5:47
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Prayers Speaking to Mountains:
I speak to every mountain in my life and command it to be removed and cast into the sea (Mark 11:23).
I speak to every financial mountain to be removed from my life in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil mountain hear the voice of the Lord and be removed (Micah 6:2).
I prophesy to the mountains and command them to hear the Word of the Lord and be removed (Ezekiel 36:4).
Let the mountains tremble at the presence of God (Habakkuk 3:10).
I contend with every mountain and command them to hear my voice (Micah 6:1).
Lay the mountain of Esau (the flesh) to waste (Malachi 1:3).
Put forth Your hand, O Lord, and overturn the mountains by the roots (Job 28:9).
I speak to every mountain of debt to be removed and cast into the sea.
Lord, You are against every destroying mountain (Jeremiah 51:25).
Let the mountains melt at Your presence, O God (Judges 5:5).
Make waste the evil mountains in my life, O Lord (Isaiah 42:15).
I thresh every mountain, I beat them small, and I make the hills as chaff (Isaiah 41:15).
Every mountain in my way will become a plain (Zechariah 4:7).
• 11 Februari pukul 0:47
Bianca Ambrose
Lord, open my lips to praise your holy name. Cleanse me of any worthless evil or distracting thoughts. Give me the wisdom and love
necessary to pray with attention, reverence and devotion.
Father, let my prayer be heard in your presence, for it is offered through Christ my Lord, I thank you for the sleep that has refreshed me. I thank you for this chance to make a new beginning.
This day, Lord, is full of promise and opportunity; let me waste none of it.
This day is full of mystery and the unknown help me to face it without fear or anxiety.
This day is blessed with beauty and adventure; make me fully alive to it. During this day keep me thoughtful, prayerful and kind. May I be courteous and helpful to others, and not turned in on myself.
Keep me from any word or deed that would hurt or belittle another. And may the thoughts of my mind be pleasing in your sight. When night comes again, may I look back on this day with no grievance or bitterness in my heart.
And may nobody be unhappy because of anything I have done, or anything I have failed to do. Lord, bless this day for me and my family, brothers and sisters in you Oh Lord and friends.
Keep those that minister your word Father. Preserve those that are outside the ark of your safety unto the day of salvation for Your Glory sake.
Make it a day in which we grow to have the mind of my Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.
• 10 Februari pukul 21:44
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Prayers for Divine Safety and Protection:
I cover myself, my family, and my possessions with the blood of Jesus.
Let the fire of God surround and protect my life from all destruction.
Let the angel of the Lord encamp around me and protect me (Psalm 34:7).
Let Your glory be my covering and protect my back.
Hold me up, and I will be safe (Psalm 119:117).
Th e name of Jesus is a strong tower. I run into it, and I am safe (Proverbs 18:10).
Lord, You make me to dwell in safety (Psalm 4:8).
Set me in safety from them who puff at me (Psalm 12:5).
Let me dwell in my land safely (Leviticus 26:5).
Lead me safely, and I will not fear. Let the sea overwhelm my enemies (Psalm 78:53).
Let me lie down and rest in safety (Job 11:18; Isaiah 14:30).
I will dwell in safety; nothing shall make me afraid (Ezekiel 34:28).
Keep me as the apple of Your eye, and hide me under the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 17:8).
I will trust in the covert of Your wings (Psalm 61:4).
In the shadow of Your wings will I trust (Psalm 57:1).
Be my covert from the storm and the rain (Isaiah 4:6).
Be my covert from the wind and the tempest (Isaiah 32:2).
Cover my head in the day of battle (Psalm 140:7).
Cover me with the shadow of Your hand (Isaiah 51:16).
Cover me with Your feathers (Psalm 91:4).
Be my defense and refuge (Psalm 59:16).
Defend and deliver me (Isaiah 31:5).
Let Your glory be my defense (Isaiah 4:5).
Defend me from those who rise up against me (Psalm 59:1).
Lord, You are my shield and my hiding place (Psalm 119:114).
Lord, surround me with Your shield of protection (Psalm 5:12).
Bring them down, O Lord, my shield (Psalm 59:11).
Let Your truth be my shield (Psalm 91:4).
Lord, You are my sun and shield (Psalm 84:11).
Lord, You are my shield and exceeding great reward (Genesis 15:1).
I will not be afraid of ten thousand that have set themselves against me, because You are a shield for me (Psalm 3:1–6).
You are a strong tower from the enemy (Psalm 61:3).
• 11 Februari pukul 0:12
Sally S. Richter
Father in Heaven, today now, I am at Your mercy. Everday of our life is at the mercy of Your hands. I am praying for myself, my children , my husband, every member of my family, the elders of Your church and all the brethen here and their loved ones (You knew each of them in their names Lord) that Your love, protection and mercy will be given unto each of us. I am praying that our thoughts, hearts, spirit and every works we do will bring glory unto You and pleased Your heart. Guard us and cover us with Your Holy Blood that we will not sin against Your Holy will but You will purify us and will lead us safely back to Your kingdom. I pray Oh Lord, for my mother in-law that You will have mercy on her and give her a chance to come and accept You. I claimed Your words of promised to me in John 14:13:14, that whatever I asked of You, You will give it to me in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ with a lowly heart, I asked You Lord and your good heart to hear my prayers and grant it as Your words of promised to me. Save my mother in law's soul, Lord Jesus in Your great name I call and plead and beg, give her a chance Lord and save her soul, so as my husband and every member of his family. I plead and intercede also for Your children in Pakistan, Oh Lord Jesus have mercy on them, help them Lord Jesus and cover them of Your blood and mercy. Give them courage and strenght and send them teh breathe of Your Holy spirit Lord. This I plead with you. In Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. And thank You Lord for all Your love, graces and every blessings, about everything, good or bad Lord, You are saying something. I just want to tell you Lord, You are great and Your love is all I long for! Thank you God, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen!
• 11 Februari pukul 15:36
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Releasing the Power of the Blood of Jesus:
Cover my mind and thoughts with the blood of Jesus.
I cover my doorpost and possessions with the blood of Jesus (Exodus 12:13).
I overcome the devil through the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11).
I sprinkle the blood of Jesus and receive multiplied grace and peace (1 Peter 1:2).
I am made perfect through the blood of the everlasting covenant (Hebrews 13:20–21).
I have boldness to enter into the presence of God through the blood (Hebrews 10:19).
My conscience is purged from dead works to serve the living God through the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9:14).
I eat the body of Jesus and drink His blood (John 6:54).
I have redemption through the blood of Jesus, and I am redeemed from the power of evil (Ephesians 1:7).
I rebuke all spirits of torment and fear because I have peace through the blood of Jesus (Colossians 1:20).
I receive the benefits of the new covenant through the blood of Jesus (Matthew 26:28).
I receive healing and health through the blood of Jesus.
I receive abundance and prosperity through the blood of Jesus.
I receive deliverance through the blood of Jesus.
I receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the anointing through the blood of Jesus.
The blood of Jesus bears witness to my deliverance and salvation (1 John 5:8).
The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin (1 John 1:7).
Jesus resisted unto blood, and His blood gives me victory (Hebrews 12:4).
I rebuke and cast out all spirits of guilt, shame, and condemnation through the blood of Jesus.
I break the power of sin and iniquity in my life through the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:17).
My heart is sprinkled and purified by the blood of Jesus from an evil conscience (Hebrews 10:22).
I rebuke Satan, the accuser of the brethren, through the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:10).
I command all my accusers to depart through the blood of Jesus (John 8:10).
I rebuke and cast out all spirits of slander and accusation through the blood of Jesus (Matthew 12:10).
I release the voice of the blood against demons and evil spirits that would accuse and condemn me (Hebrews 12:24
• 11 Februari pukul 0:27
Daniel Pasaribu
A 12 STEP DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER PLAN, Recommended By The Unknown Servant Of God
1.PRAISE: The first step in world-changing Prayer
1.Sanctify, or set aside, a period of time specifically to praise God at the beginning of your prayer.2Select a specific theme for praise, such as God’s righteousness, His Word, His creative acts.3Drawing on you selected theme, declare vocally, all that God is.4Expand your theme as much as possible. Allow God to reveal new themes for worship as your time of praise develops.
2. WAITING: The second step in world-changing Prayer
1After your moments of praise, bring your mind and spirit into a time of complete silence to the world.2Think no thoughts but thoughts of God the Father, His Son Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.3If words are to be voiced, let them be quiet whispering like “I love You Lord” or, “I long for Your presence, O God.”.4Concentrate full attention on the “love” aspect of God’s nature in these minutes of silence.
3. CONFESSION: The third step in world-changing Prayer
1Following your time of silent waiting, immediately ask God to search you heart for any unconfessed sin.2Mentally examine your recent activities to discovery possible areas of spiritual failure that need confessing3Confess any specific sins you may be guilty of, either against God or your fellow man.4Confess your need for specific divine guidance and supernatural unction.
4.SCRIPTURE PRAYING: The fourth step in world-changing Prayer
1When bringing scripture into your devotional hour, ask God to bless His Word to your spiritual body, just as He blesses natural food for your physical body.2Examine a passage from either the Gospels, the Epistles, Psalms or Proverbs. Look carefully at specific ways to apply each verse to prayer.3As you study a verse (or verses), ask yourself what petition this passage prompts you to make, or what promise this passage contains that stands directly behind a specific petition.4Develop actual prayers based on these thoughts and phrases included in a verse (or verses) of Scripture and offer these prayers confidentially to the Lord.
5. WATCHING: The fifth step in world-changing Prayer
1Take a few moments during prayer to become spiritually alert. Watch for the methods Satan may try to use to hinder your Christian walk that day. Prayerfully claim power to defeat Satan in each of these areas.2Read denominational or missionary-evangelising magazines to help become alert to specific needs in God’s work around the world.3Prayerfully recall various international news developments that deserve special prayer.4Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal further spiritual facts about these needs. This will aid you in praying more intelligently for these needs.
6.INTERCESSION: The sixth step in world-changing Prayer
1Carefully prepare for intercession by developing a specific plan that includes special prayer for God’s work around the world.2Summon a new compassion for these moments of intercession, so your praying will reach out to the lost with genuine concern.3Fill your intercession with the four key scriptural claims: Ask God to give more labourers to the harvest, to open doors for these workers, to bless them with fruits as the result of their efforts, and with finances to expand their work.4Always endeavour to include specific countries and their leaders during your time of intercession.
7.PETITION: The seventh step in world-changing Prayer
1Begin your petition by asking the Holy Spirit to help you claim only those desires that will bring special honour to the Lord.2Make a mental list of specific needs you have for that very day and offer each need to God3Enlarge a petition carefully, taking time to explain to God why you desire and answer for that request.4Frequently examine your motives for claiming a petition. Be certain that they are pure in the sight of God.
8.THANKSGIVING: The eighth step in world-changing Prayer
1Begin thanksgiving by thinking about all God has given you in recent days.2Use these moments for reflection as a basis for offering specific thanksgiving for spiritual, material, physical and external blessings.3Frequently thank God “in advance” for blessings you expect Him to bestow on you in the future.4Thank God for at least one particular blessing you have not thanked Him for previously.
9.SINGING: The ninth step in world-changing Prayer
1Pause in your devotional hour to sing a specific song unto the Lord.2Select a special theme for your song, such as praise, thanksgiving, or a favourite passage of scripture.3Ask the Holy Spirit to create an original melody in your heart so your song is truly “a new song.”4Don’t hesitate to sing “songs of thanksgiving” for specific blessings or victories you believe God will give you in the days ahead.
10.MEDITATION: The tenth step in world-changing Prayer
1Select a theme for your time of mediation, applying full attention to that specific area of spiritual thought.2Allow your mind to wander within the area of your chosen theme. Ponder all aspects of the theme carefully in reference to God.3Ask questions about this theme that might lead you into deeper mental study of the subject.4Bring Scripture into all phases of meditation. This strengthens your awareness that God’s Word is the necessary foundation for all meaningful spiritual thought.
11.LISTENING: The eleventh step in world-changing Prayer
1In the “listening” time of prayer, do not hesitate to ask God very specific questions about difficult problems or situations.2Search scripture for specific answers to your questions. God most often speaks through His Word.3Mentally evaluate all circumstances that relate to a problem. Ask God to show you His plan through these circumstances.4Be prepared to write down any ideas God may share concerning the details of solving that particular problem.
12.PRAISE: The twelfth step in world-changing Prayer
1End your prayer with specific praise concerning God’s greatness. Focus your praise on His omnipotence (power), His omniscience (knowledge), and His omnipresence (presence).2With the psalmist let us “praise God because He has done it.” Look back at the devotional hour and praise God for hearing each of your requests.3Let your spirit ‘rejoice” for a few moments at the close of prayer. Repeat the universal word of praise, “Hallelujah!”4As Martin Luther suggested, when your devotional hour concludes make your “amen” strong. Confess with authority that you believe God is trustworthy.
• 12 Februari pukul 7:47
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Spiritual Warfare Prayers :
Lord, teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight (Psalm 144:1).
Lord, I am Your End-Times warrior. Use me as Your weapon against the enemy (2 Chronicles 11:1).
The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through You to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).
Satan, you have lost the war in heaven (Revelation 12:7).
Let all the enemies that make war with the Lamb be destroyed (Revelation 17:14).
I do not war after the flesh but after the spirit (2 Corinthians 10:3).
Lord, thunder upon the enemy; release Your voice; hail stones and coals of fire (Psalm 18:13).
Send out Your arrows, and scatter them. Shoot out Your light and discomfit them (Psalm 18:14).
Deliver me from my strong enemy, from them that are too strong for me (Psalm 18:17).
Deliver me, and bring me into a large place (Psalm 18:19).
I am your battle-axe and weapon of war (Jeremiah 51:20).
You have given me the necks of my enemies, and I will destroy them in the name of Jesus (Psalm 18:40).
I am Your anointed, and You give me great deliverance (Psalm 18:50).
I will beat them small as the dust and cast them out as mire in the streets (Psalm 18:42).
I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them. I did not turn until they were consumed (Psalm 18:37).
I have wounded them, and they are not able to rise. They have fallen under my feet (Psalm 18:38).
I tread upon the lion and adder. The young lion and dragon I trample underfoot (Psalm 91:13).
I tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me (Luke 10:19).
I tread down the wicked; they are ashes under my feet (Malachi 4:3).
I will arise and thresh and beat the enemy into pieces (Micah 4:13).
I rebuke every wild boar of the field in the name of Jesus (Psalm 80:13).
I rebuke every spirit that creeps forth from the forest (Psalm 104:20).
I rebuke every beast of the forest that comes to devour (Isaiah 56:9).
I rebuke every lion of the forest that comes to slay (Jeremiah 5:6).
I close the door to every demonic rat that would attempt to come into my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 66:17).
I bind and cast out every thief that would try to steal my finances in the name of Jesus (John 10:10).
I bind and cast out any spirit that would try to steal my joy in the name of Jesus.
I bind, expose, and cast out any demon that would try by stealth (undetected) to come into my life (2 Samuel 19:3).
Lord, cleanse my temple and drive out any thief from my life (John 2:14–15).
Lord, lift up a standard against any flood the enemy would try to bring into my life (Isaiah 59:19).
I bind and cast out all familiar spirits that would try to operate in my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 8:19).
I bind and rebuke any demon that would try to block my way in the name of Jesus (Matthew 8:28).
I remove all leaven of malice and wickedness from my life (1 Corinthians 5:8).
I rebuke and cast out any froglike spirit from my life in the name of Jesus (Revelation 16:13).
I bind and rebuke devils in high places in the name of Jesus (2 Chronicles 11:15).
I break off any fellowship with devils through sin, the flesh, or sacrifice in the name of Jesus (1 Corintians 10:20).
I command all devils to leave my children in the name of Jesus (Mark 7:29).
Lord, expose any human devils in my life in the name of Jesus (John 6:70).
Lord, expose any children of the devil that would try to come into the church (Acts 13:10).
Let every spirit hiding from me be exposed in the name of Jesus (Joshua 10:16).
Let every hidden snare for my feet be exposed (Jeremiah 18:22).
I stand against and rebuke every wile of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).
I release myself from any snare of the devil in the name of Jesus (2 Timothy 2:26).
I will not come into the condemnation of the devil (1 Timothy 3:6).
Lord, let no doctrine of the devil be established in my life (1 Timothy 4:1).
I nullify the power of any sacrifice made to devils in my city, region, or nation in the name of Jesus (Leviticus 17:7).
I bind and rebuke Molech and any spirit that has been assigned to abort my destiny (Leviticus 18:21).
Give me strength to bring forth my destiny (Isaiah 66:9).
I overcome every antichrist spirit because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4–5).
I loose myself from every spirit of error in the name of Jesus (1 John 4:6).
Lord, let me not operate in the wrong spirit (Luke 9:55).
I loose myself from every spirit of whoredom in the name of Jesus (Hosea 4:12).
Let me have and walk in an excellent spirit (Daniel 6:3).
I will take heed to my spirit at all times (Malachi. 2:15).
I bind and cast out any spirit that would try to tear apart my life in any manner in the name of Jesus (Mark 9:20).
Lord, stir up my spirit to do Your will (Haggai 1:14).
I bind and cast out any demon of slumber from my life in the name of Jesus (Romans 11:8).
I bind and cast out all demons of fear and timidity in the name of Jesus (2 Timothy 1:7).
I bind and cast out all seducing spirits that would come my way in the name of Jesus (1 Timothy 4:1).
I bind and rebuke the angel of light in the name of Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:14).
I reject all false apostolic ministries in the name of Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:13).
I reject all false prophetic ministries in the name of Jesus (Matthew 7:15).
I reject all false teaching ministries in the name of Jesus (2 Peter 2:1).
Expose all false brethren to me (2 Corinthians 11:26).
I reject the mouth of vanity and the right hand of falsehood (Psalm 144:8).
I reject every false vision and every false prophetic word released into my life (Jeremiah 14:14).
I bind Satan, the deceiver, from releasing any deception into my life (Revelation 12:9).
I bind and cast out all spirits of self-deception in the name of Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:18).
I bind and cast out any spirit of sorcery that would deceive me in the name of Jesus (Revelation 18:23).
Lord, let no man deceive me (Matthew 24:4).
I bind and rebuke any bewitchment that would keep me from obeying the truth (Galatians 3:1).
I pray for utterance and boldness to make known the mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 6:19).
Deliver me out of the hand of wicked and unreasonable men (2 Thessalonians 3:2).
Evil spirits leave my life as I hear and speak the Word (Matthew 8:16).
I rebuke, still, and cast out the avenger (Psalm 8:2).
I bind and cast out any creeping spirit that would attempt to creep into my life (Ezekiel 8:10).
Let the hammer of the wicked be broken (Jeremiah 50:23).
I renounce all earthly, sensual, and demonic wisdom (James 3:15).
I cast out devils, and I will be perfected (Luke 13:32).
Let every Pharaoh that would pursue my life be drowned in the sea (Exodus 15:4).
I rebuke every demonic bee that would surround me in the name of Jesus (Psalm 118:12).
I bind and cast out any spirit of Absalom that would try to steal my heart from God’s ordained leadership (2 Samuel 15:6).
I will sleep well. I will not be kept awake by any spirit of restlessness or insomnia (Psalm 3:5).
I laugh at the enemy through the Holy Spirit (Psalm 2:4).
I cut the cords of the wicked from my life (Psalm 129:4).
Let every cord the enemy tries to put around my life be like burning flax (Judges 15:14).
I break down every wall of Jericho (Joshua 6:5).
Lord, cleanse my life from secret faults (Psalm 19:12).
Lord, let Your secret be upon my tabernacle (Job 29:4).
Lead me and guide me for Your name’s sake (Psalm 31:3).
Guide me continually (Isaiah 58:11).
Guide me into all truth (John 16:13).
Guide me with Your eye (Psalm 32:8).
Let me guide my affairs with discretion (Psalm 112:5).
Guide me by the skilfulness of Your hands (Psalm 78:72).
Lead me in a plain path because of my enemies (Psalm 27:11).
Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil (Matthew 6:13).
Lead me, and make Your way straight before my eyes (Psalm 5:8).
Make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth before me (Isaiah 40:4).
Send out Your light and truth, and let them lead me (Psalm 43:3).
Make darkness light before me and crooked things straight (Isaiah 42:16).
Teach me to do your will, and lead me into the land of uprightness (Psalm 143:10).
I put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3).
Clothe me with the garment of salvation (Isaiah 61:10).
I put on my beautiful garments (Isaiah 52:1).
Let my garments always be white (Ecclesiastes 9:8).
Let me be clothed with humility (1 Peter 5:5).
Cover me with the robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).
Let my clothes be full of Your virtue (Mark 5:30).
Let a mantle of power rest upon my life (2 Kings 2:8).
Lord, give me wisdom in every area where I lack (James 1:5).
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray, Amen!
• 12 Februari pukul 10:43
Edie Porter
Holy Lord Jesus I come before you today to praise and thank you for being such a wonderful Rabbi to us. A Rabbi that truly cares and loves us enough to help us prepare for the pre-ordained hard times which are before us before we go home. Yes, all praises go to God the Father, the Holy Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit whom is our best friend and will be with us to guide and sustain us through these perilous times that are before us. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
• 13 Februari pukul 1:44
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father... ....I would rather lose silver and Gold then to lose my position in the Kingdom of are all I have....I truly do not know where to turn ...and do not want to know...without your love...your voice....your Holy presence....The way I rely on you to sustain me...mankind would brand me ....needy..but you Lord...delights in the fact that I have made you my one and one...When I am are my source of strength...I can see your Angels holding me up before the Throne of are awesome and supernatural....They literally hold me up before your Throne you can minister unto me...How awesome is speak unto a Father speaking to His daughter...there is nothing that you have not uttered that did not come into fruition ...Thank you Lord...Let it be told...THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME...I AM SO HAPPY THAT I AM UNDER YOUR UMBRELLA!!
• 13 Februari pukul 6:05
Sally S. Richter
Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for Your loving kindness and Your great mercy . Father, today as we are starting our fasting and prayers, I pray for the covering of the Holy Blood of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ in all of us who are going through it. Please protect our prayer time, protect our loved ones and our sorroundings.. In the great name of our loving savior Lord Jesus Christ., I rebuke satan and all his evil deeds and schemes, let our prayers and sacrifices be heard by You in Heaven and pour on us Your the graces we ask from Thee. Forgive us from all of our sins and cleanse us from all of our iniquities. conceit, deceit, wanting of this world. Help us to be always guided by Your Holy will in our lives and purify us, our thoughts, mind, soul and spirit, so as our loved ones and all the elders, all the brethen whose names are written here and hear Lord every prayers we bring unto Thee. May You give us loving Father, strenght of heart, soul, body and spirit. Let your light shine unto each and everyone of us. Father God, You are so very kind and faithful.
I would also like to thank You for giving a chance to Ria, my mother in law..You have heard my prayers. I thank you so much with all my heart for giving her a chance and touching her heart for You. Truly Lord Jesus You are so wonderful and faithful in your promises. I am praying for the continued spiritual blessings of Your grace of salvation upon her soul. Thank you so much Lord for your great love and mercy. Truly Lord, Your words is faithful and You fulfill Your words that , Whatever I asked of Thee in the name of Your loving son Jesus Christ, You will give it to me (John 14:13-14) Thank you so much, thank you, praise you Lord! and Your words “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” (Acts 16:30-31), I praise You Lord Jesus for all Your words are all faithful and true. I praise and thank You so much Father in Heaven (Yahweh) our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You so much for the grace of salvation for my mama Ria and us all who believed in You and Your words. And I thank you so much for those who prayed with me. Bless them Lord Jesus, bless us all. Amen. Amen. Amen, Glory, Halleluiah Lord Jesus/GOD. You are so Good, Great and so Kind! Glory to You Lord JESUS CHRIST, our loving and merciful savior. Amen. Amen! I love YOu Lord Jesus/GOD..Thank you so much!
• 13 Februari pukul 12:11
Paul de Beloved
O God i need ur strenght for my body i dont know why i am feeling quite weak...and thank you Lord for waking me up this afternoon..i tried to wake up but my body wouldnt, my spirit struggle out and wake my body but within seconds i fell back unconcious..but i want to thank you LORD JESUS for waking me up and keepin me alive til this hour and forever. Thank you FATHER.
• 13 Februari pukul 1:31 melalui seluler
Bianca Ambrose
Let us Celebrate the Truth of the Heart
... I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can
understand the confident hope he has given to those he called his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.
I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.
Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.
Jesus, is the Way to the Father “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil
things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest
for your souls.
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
• 14 Februari pukul 20:59
Sally S. Richter
I was on my knees praying to our Lord Jesus this morning, asking Him to let me enter His heart again for only in His heart I can find the peace and love, I've always been searching and longing for when I saw a pitch darkness then arrows, muptiples of arrows flying. I then saw shining heart, a giant shining heart and the flying arrows pierced the heart and I saw the heart bleeds and when I looked at the heart intently I saw all the arrows and thorns all around it....I felt then the Lord Jesus pains and sorrows. I can just pray and say to the Lord Jesus, with all my heart Lord, I am sorry if we hurt You, I am sorry if we foget You. I am sorry Your heart is bleeding for all of our sins and iniquities. I am praying for your forgiveness for my sins, my family, my loved ones, the brethen here and all the people of earth. I pray for Your forgiveness on all our iniquities. Have mercy on us. Wash us Lord Jesus and make us throughly clean by Your Holy Blood. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.
• 14 Februari pukul 14:39
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
I find myself ...crying out to God and asking God to forgive me for scenes of my life ...that flashes before me; scenes that shamed the Cross...I am so humbled by this Mighty God Head I serve....I want to apologise and ask forgiveness to my Lord...because when you take such Holy God for granted...when you dishonor His name for the things of this world....Not that I was a terrible person but I did things that was shameful to the Cross. I have pierced His wounds many times ..over and over and He saw fit to forgive me...One thing He said...Enough!! I am in control right now ...going forwards....You will dance to my Heavenly Harps and not the drum beat of man....Hallelujah !!.He is truly long-suffering...To allow me to inflict all that pain upon Him..was madness...Jesus!! ...I asked my Lord..why did you not stop me? but you know he has been speaking to me all along...heard his voice....but did not listen...So He created the perfect get the perfect result...Yes!! I had to scrawl on my stomach before Him...He got me good..but I am so happy that he put me into the Fire of affliction....melted..mold ed...carved me into His kingdom gem...Glory to
God...Thank you Daddy are awesome...there is none
like you Jehovah God...Jesus Christ...Holy are Supernatural and
....Yet so Real...Glory to God...Thank you for saving me...My love this day is
all for you and your Kingdom...and your children whom you taught me to love
through you eyes...Thank you Lord Jesus for this day...Hallelujah!!
• 14 Februari pukul 22:28
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Hallelujah....Hallelujah ...Hallelujah to a Holy ...Awesome...Mighty God ...yet so humble ...moved by the worship of pure hearts....Bless you Mighty Father...Bless you Mighty Son...Bless you Mighty sweet Spirit of the Living God...How great art Thou ..Oh Precious Lord....Thank you Holy Spirit for being the core of our Worship...Bless you Father...You are so Worthy...thank you Lord Jesus YAHUSHUA for dying on the Cross to Bring Glory to our Loving Father YHWH
• 16 Februari pukul 20:15
HourofGrace CarleneGrace are the Moon and the stars on a dark night...Beauty to behold ...I love you blessed Trinity...All is well..I will rest in your peace wonderful; merciful; loving; Holy Father of Life...I will submit my life unto the Cross forever and are awesome ..I love to sing this song for you..You are awesome in this place Mighty God.....I love you...precious Lord...Hallelujah...Fathe! ! If your children only knew
what wonderful and great plans you have for them in Heaven...IF ONLY!!
...Hallelujah to a Great God...Daddy Yahweh I love you...Blessed Mighty Dove of
Fire...How graceful thou art..I love you....DAddy thank you for my Life...Thank
you for your Precious Love...Mercy. grace upon this wretched soul....I bow and
worship you...Hallelujah...Praise God my dear Father ...Praise your Holy
Precious name...Praise your beautiful Words of Assurance....How I honor your
Father Yahweh...through you My Lord and Savior...with the Brilliance..Power and
Might of your Blessed Holy Beautiful Spirit ..How grateful I am to behold such
Beauty ..such Holiness...such Righteousness..such Power ..such Humility...such
Mercy..such wonderful saving Grace...I love your Daddy Jesus and bow before you
My Lord...God of My life
• 16 Februari pukul 8:24
Sarah Riedel
Our Beloved LORD JESUS,
i thank YOU our Loving Father for YOUR
wonderful presence that lifts up my soul.
You are my delight,my joy,my song!
I praise and magnify YOUR mighty name.
How many times i failed YOU but You are so good
to forgive my mistakes and iniquities oh LORD!
How can i not worship a GOD like YOU
there´s no other can take YOUR place!
You alone deserves our devotion and adoration!
Our hearts desire is to be with YOU SWEET LORD
to behold YOUR beauty and bow at YOUR feet
and offer our sacrifice of praises.
Oh HOLY SPIRIT YOU alone can help us be
the pure bride that our LORD wants us to be,
clean and holy,sweet smelling aroma
in our Beloved Holy Nostrils.
Thank YOU LORD for raising YOUR standards
over us,ushering us into a deeper and higher
level of realationship with YOU LORD JESUS.
An intimate love with the KING of Kings
its like a dream...its like a fantasy
but i believe it will be oh LORD!
Because as i close my eyes i see no one but YOU
SWEET true!
Come take us with YOU LORD!
Come take us home to YOU!!!
• 16 Februari pukul 3:57
Sarah Riedel
Heavenly Father us to know YOU
more,our LORD JESUS and the Holy Spirit
that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers,
nor things present nor things to come,
nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing,
shall be able to separate
us from YOU our God Almighty.
May we know the love of Christ which passes knowledge;
that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.
And to experience the wonders of being
able to hear YOUR voice and the blessings of
loving ELOHIM...the GOD who created the heaven and earth...
there´s no other love that comes close to it
that YOU went down from YOUR throne
in a flesh through our LORD JESUS
to save all humanity from the sting of death.
May we all feel the warmth of YOUR embrace
and breath YOUR Holy breath upon us
and saturate our whole being.
May we be filled by the power
of the Holy Spirit and overwhelm us
with YOUR gentle touch.And hide us in YOUR
pavillion from the sight of our enemy.
To know and experience the pure love of
GOD in a deeper way...which bring us
to a higher level of intimacy with
a pure and Holy GOD
this we desire oh LORD!
and...the breadth(boundless)
fathomless,exhaustless(dep th)
and measureless(height)
love of our Wonderful Father and SWEET LORD JESUS
and YOUR everlasting mercy..for this we praise
YOU now and forever! AMEN!
In YAHUSHUA´s powerful name! I pray! AMEN&AMEN!
Hallelujah! Glory to God YAHWEH/Our LORD YAHUSHUA!!!
• 17 Februari pukul 16:15
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt:
Let every plant that my Father has not planted be rooted out in the name of Jesus.
I lay the axe to the root of every evil tree in my life.
Let every ungodly generational taproot be cut and pulled out of my bloodline in the name of Jesus.
Let the roots of wickedness be as rottenness.
I speak to every evil tree to be uprooted and cast into the sea (Luke 17:6).
Let Your holy fire burn up every ungodly root in the name of Jesus (Mal. 4:1).
Let the confidence of the enemy be rooted out (Job 18:14).
Let every root of bitterness be cut from my life (Heb. 12:15).
Let the prophetic word be released to root out evil kingdoms (Jer. 1:10).
Let any evil person planted in my church be rooted out in the name of Jesus.
Let any sickness rooted in my body be plucked up in the name of Jesus.
Let all false ministries that have rooted themselves in my city be plucked up.
Let every bramble and nettle be plucked up from my life in the name of Jesus.
Let all thorns be burned out of my life in the name of Jesus (Isa. 10:17).
Let all spirits rooted in rejection come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in pride come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in rebellion come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in fear come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in lust and sexual sin come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in curses come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in witchcraft come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in any part of my body and organs come out in the name of Jesus.
• 17 Februari pukul 8:11 sekitar East Pasadena,
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father your Mighty ...Holy...precious...Name. ...I give thee thanks for the breath of life
this Morning...Thank you for the covering of your Blood...The guidance of your
Blessed Holy Spirit of God...Thank you for your mercies and your Grace...Father
you are so faithful...Thank you for your Holy presence...Thank you Mighty
Father Yahweh for your Love...Your Blessed Holy Spirit in our lives and our
Gift of love ...Our Savior Jesus Christ...The Birds are still right now...but I
beat them this praising and honoring your Holy name....usually
Father...they are heard chirping up a storm of praises and thanksgiving unto
you....Bless you Father ..for thou art Holy. Thank you for your love...your
provision...your blessings ....your favors...your Powerful presence in our
lives...Thank you Blessed Holy Spirit of God for being our voices...ears and
eyes in this world and beyond... All Honor and praises to the Blessed Holy are Worthy...Hallelujah...Glor y to the Kingdom at
• 18 Februari pukul 16:13
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father your Mighty ...Holy...precious...Name. ...I give thee thanks for the breath of life
this Morning...Thank you for the covering of your Blood...The guidance of your
Blessed Holy Spirit of God...Thank you for your mercies and your Grace...Father
you are so faithful...Thank you for your Holy presence...Thank you Mighty
Father Yahweh for your Love...Your Blessed Holy Spirit in our lives and our Gift
of love ...Our Savior Jesus Christ...The Birds are still right now...but I beat
them this praising and honoring your Holy name....usually
Father...they are heard chirping up a storm of praises and thanksgiving unto
you....Bless you Father ..for thou art Holy. Thank you for your love...your
provision...your blessings ....your favors...your Powerful presence in our
lives...Thank you Blessed Holy Spirit of God for being our voices...ears and
eyes in this world and beyond... All Honor and praises to the Blessed Holy are Worthy...Hallelujah...Glor y to the Kingdom at
• 18 Februari pukul 16:01
Sally S. Richter
Father God in Heaven (YAHWEH), our GOD of truth beauty and all. Our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for the 7 days of fasting and prayers. In between all this, many things kept coming up, that tries to destroy my attention from You. I thank You for at the end, You calmed me and ask to give You the storms that keeps hitting me. For making me realized always that no one else can truly help me, not even myself, but only You. Please forgive me when I get weak. Forgive every iniquities of my soul, cleanse Me and wash me at once from it all. And Lord, I thank You for making known Your presence to me that no matter what happens, You are there just like what You have said and promised unto me in John 14, that you will not leave me orphan as Your promised words , 15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. I thank for your promised words for in Your words Lord, I have always found strenght and truth of the loving kindness of Yours. I thank You for showing Your loving and smiling face to me from the clouds after we stepped out from the church yesterday. I bless Your great name Holy Lord Jesus. My soul bless Your Holy name, Your Holy face and I knew in my heart then You will truly never leave me nor abandon me. And I praise You Lord Jesus, Father GOD for all of Your loving kindness unto me. Glory to You, GOD, the Father, our loving Jesus Christ and to Your Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! And you reminded me Lord Jesus, just now, it was the 7th day of our fasting. Thank you God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much...Glory to you Lord, for inspite of all..You made me known You listen, see and receive it. Thank you Lord! Amen. Amen!
• 20 Februari pukul 12:52
Daniel Pasaribu
Prayer of Penitence: Psalm 51, By Prayer Partner Ministry
( A psalm of King David, written when the prophet Nathan came to him after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and killed Uriah, her husband.)
“Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in Your sight,
so that You are proved right when You speak
and justified when You judge.
Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones You have crushed rejoice.
Hide Your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from Your presence
or take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
and sinners will turn back to You.
Save me from bloodguilt, O God,
the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of Your righteousness.
O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare Your praise.
You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, You will not despise.
In Your good pleasure make Zion prosper;
build up the walls of Jerusalem.
Then there will be righteous sacrifices,
whole burnt offerings to delight You;
then bulls will be offered on Your altar.”
• 20 Februari pukul 1:16 sekitar East Pasadena, CA
Rina Odermatt
Father God, King Yaweh today I humbly submit myself to You because You are good and faithful. I choose to work and live according to Your Word because I love You and desire to honor You. I receive Your mercy and grace today so I can live a life pleasing to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
• 20 Februari pukul 19:32
Rina Odermatt
Father God,KINGYAWEH today I humbly submit myself to You because You are good and faithful. I choose to work and live according to Your Word because I love You and desire to honor You. I receive Your mercy and grace today so I can live a life pleasing to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
• 20 Februari pukul 22:17
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father !! one of our Sisters in Christ Jesus is having surgery today...Father touch and heal Sister Sonia Sanchez...your faithful Servant...who toils endlessly to promote your Holy..precious .Sacred Name...Glory to God....We have been praying for Sister Sonia for sometime now...Today Lord Jesus is a very crucial operation for her...Jesus we are healed by your stripes...You Shed your precious Blood over 2000 years us victory over the enemy Rev 12:12 and he was overcame by the Blood of the lamb and by the testimonies of the saints and the loved not their lives unto death...Oh Death where is your sting...You were mightily...supernaturally defeated by the Blood have no power...Father!! with the Authority your Precious Name Holy Dagger of Truth...the gates of Hell shall not prevail against your church...I cancel our Sister Sonia name from the Book of it into the Book of life...decree and declare healing...decree and declare this surgery is a success all wrapped in the Blood of Jesus and that Sister Sonia Sanchez will get better and better as the days progresses...we breath the Life of the Cross back into her body and decree and declare there will be many testimonies all in the name of the glory of God..our Father...Hallelujah...Hall elujah...
Hallelujah...Jesus is Lord and His Blood is our cover...Glory Hallelujah...We
are victorious..Glory to God ..Luke 10:19 we will trample on the serpents
...the scorpions...trample on the powers of our enemies and no harm shall come
to us...glory to the spoken written words of God...HALLELUJAH
• 21 Februari pukul 2:17
Tehillah Fu
Dearest Lord God, thank You for another day full of mercy and grace. Thank You for Your loving hands always guide us with the help and council by Holy Spirit. We love You Father with our whole heart and we delicate our lives and surrender ourselves to You. We trust in You alone and we stand on the rock of salvation with joy and hope longing to meet you on Your glorious return. Thank You Father for Your loving kindness over our lives and always cherish our heart and soul with compassion and endless love. We give all honor, praises and glory to You forever and ever. Hallelujah!!!
• 21 Februari pukul 7:10 melalui seluler
Bianca Ambrose
Oh )))) Father I humbly come before You my Lord and my God, in the name of JESUS.
With my soul, I bless You Lord. With all that is within me, I bless Your holy name. I will bless You, Lord, with all of my soul and I will not forget all of Your benefits.
Thank You for forgiven all of my iniquities. You have healed all of my diseases and redeemed my life from destruction. Thank you Lord.
You have crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies and You have satisfied my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s. HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord.
Father, You are the light and the salvation of your people whom shall they fear? You are the strength of their lives of whom shall they be afraid? When the wicked even their enemies and their foes come to eat up their flesh, the wicked will stumble and fall.
Lord Jesus I lift us my brothers and sisters in You I ask that we live as one body, under You for you are Father of all. May we remember that as we live out the good news of the gospel, that You Father God will call upon us to do our part to share his good news with others. Lord Jesus You prayed for us as believers, but also prayed for those that will believe through our example as well.
I place upon Your alter Father in the name of JESUS all that are sick, I place my Sister Sonia, Brother Angelo, Sister Cindy, Sister Carlene, My Sister Beatrice, and Sister Jules and I declare your word, Psalm 107:20 You sent your word, and healed them, and delivered them from destructions. HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord.
Be with all those that are defending this country our service men and women. My Lord please watch over them and give them the Faith and Courage they need to serve our country.
HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord.
Though a host should encamp against us, we confess that our hearts shall not fear. If war should rise against us, we confess that our confidence will be in You.
I cover myself in your blood my LORD JESUS. I cover all my family members in your blood JESUS. I thank you for your giant warring angels that are surrounding us, protecting us from all harm of the enemy. I take the authority given unto me and I attack and I bind the strongman over the minds, will, emotions and over homes where our children dwell, in JESUS name.
I Speak Your word LORD I speak Your blood upon all the children LORD in Your name. LORD JESUS I speak Salvation. I Thank you, I thank you for your promises my LORD thank you. All glory is yours LORD all glory as I walk by faith and not by sight.
I declare that Your children will desire and seek to dwell in Your house my Lord all of the days of their life. I confess that I will behold Your beauty and inquire in Your temple. HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord, Oh)))))) yes I claim it by faith in Jesus name. Oh)))) yes ( So Be It)
In Jesus name. Amen
• 21 Februari pukul 16:08
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Precious are you Oh Lord in the eyes of the saints...How wonderful...Kind...conside rateart thou...How I love your every word to
me...every letter of this message means so much to me...Daddy I am so grateful
that you called me...chose me..will me to you....purpose me to you...deliver me
from death and gave me your life...I thank you Holy Spirit...I thank the Lord
God..Mighty and powerful...I thank My Creator..The God I always love...the God
of my life...The God of my existence...the God of all gods...Hallelujah Mighty
Yahweh...He is God...and Mighty ..I love you Precious Gift of Love...Daddy
Jesus..YaHusHua...I love you...thank you for these precious
words...Hallelujah...Thank you for Lillian...Glory to your name
• 21 Februari pukul 0:49
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I praise, glorify and love You with all my heart, mind, soul and spirit. I thank You for Your loving kindness about everything. Good or bad Lord I would want to always praise You and say thank You so much and I love You. I knew whatever happened You are with me. Your with us and in Your children here and around the world. You have made me known always Your great presence in any circumstances..You are there, You are here. In joy and in sorrow You are there. Always ready to help us and comfort us. I pray to You Lord Jesus today for my sister Sharon Kay Sell Howard. I pray with a humble heart to Thee that You will keep her in Your love at all times. Comfort her soul Oh Lord Jesus for the passing of her husband. Please let her know, she is not alone that You have a perfect plan for her. Give her strenght Oh Lord and still her heart for You, knowing at the end she will see her husband again with You in heaven and it much more so glorious and beautiful. Comfort her Lord Jesus with Your loving heart and bless her and uplift her spirit unto You. I pray for her Lord Jesus and her family. Blessings at this times of sorrow Lord Jesus for her and for everyone who mourns. I love you Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for hearing and listening to our prayers. You are our great GOD and no one but only You can help us at these trying moments. Thank You Father in Heaven (YAHWEH) our LORD JESUS CHRIST: Amen! Amen! Amen!
• 21 Februari pukul 13:44
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Dear Jesus...It has been a rough year so many persecutions many disagreements among the brethren ....I at times ask myself...How do you cope? You are a Supernatural God of Love...peace...yet!! I asked this question...How do you cope with such Blaspheme ? ..Such dishonor to your Holy name!!...You are long suffering a fact!! you possess all the Fruits of the Spirit....a noted fact...Jesus you have paid a terrible price ; you dear Lord is not worthy of such disobedience from your children....Forgive us Lord Jesus!! .. . Dear Father ..there are so many complex...disobedient...un godly
....demon infested minds..they call themselves Christian. They out right doubt
your End Time Vessels...they simply refuse to accept the fact that this world
is over and you are about to Rapture your church. Father!! they twist your
words and claim that the rapture will never have given hundreds of
messages...signs...yet they call your messengers false teachers...The
cobwebs...the scales are layered heavily over their eyes...their ears...their
hearts...their minds...Have Mercy Lord Jesus!! it is terrible her on earth; to
have to cope with such disrespect to your Holy deserving Name ; I know it
grieves your Holy Spirit so much...Lord there are days you cry...and cry for
this Lost generation...A Mighty Godhead weeps for His children...yet they scoff
at every Message. Daddy Jesus...I am sorry...but as it is written the time will
come...that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that you are
Lord...God strong and Mighty...the voice that ripples over the waters..the voice
that command the wind and the sea to be still...The God who Created this
Word...The Mighty Hand that ticks the Clock of Life.. They know not what they
do Father? Who can battle with Thee..Oh mighty and Terrible God who humbled
Pharaoh.....God of the Philippines; who brought them to their knees until they
returned your Ark...Hallelujah...God of the Red Sea; who dried it up and made
it to be dry land to accomplish your plans and purposes for your
children...Glory to God...Who can battle with a Mighty God?..Lord midst all
this confusion...your peace will prevail are God ...Mighty and
strong...Your Will be done on Earth as in Heaven...No man can stop this...You
are the Beginning and End...We Bow Lord Jesus... High Priest and Commander of
the Ship of Life...We bow!! we pledge our Loyalty to the Cross...Praise be to
your Holy name...You dear Father is Holiness and Beauty...Selah!
• 22 Februari pukul 6:27
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in Heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ...I love You most and above all. You have taught me something from the beginning everytime I will cry to You and I thank You so much for You kept it in my heart. You always tell me "keep love in your heart, this is the only way You will survived." I thank You so much for teaching me this for it is the best of Your commands. Without love and pure love in my heart, in our hearts for You and all. We cannot enter Your kingdom. I thank You so much for the great revelation of Your heart. Let me always love like You, looking only on Your great love when You were on the cross and help me, help us and all the elders, the brethen here to always give it to each and everyone. Help us to give this love above all to You and for everyone even to those who has wrong us. I love You Lord/God of Heaven and earth...You are the mighty GOD of LOVE, of peace and order. Help us to live by this, by Your will, Your ways and help us to follow the guidelines set upon us here and most of all help us and give us wisdom through Your words with the guidance of Your loving heart, for only then we will understand the truth about Your words. I love you Lord Jesus. Help us and all to be conform into Your image of a true and perfect love and holiness in our whole heart, spirit and our whole being. Fill us with this Lord Jesus, fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we will move, act, think, and do things according to Your guidance and light. This I pray to Thee our loving Father in Heaven, in our Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen!
• 22 Februari pukul 13:39
Rina Odermatt
God The Father King Yaweh, I believe in you: increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. I love you: let me love you more and more. I am sorry for my sins: deepen my sorrow.
I worship you as my first beginning, I long for you as my last end, I praise you as my constant helper, and call on you as my loving protector.
Guide me by your wisdom, correct me with your justice, comfort me with your mercy, protect me with your power.
I offer you, Lord, my thoughts: to be fixed on you; my words: to have you for their theme; my actions: to reflect my love for you; my sufferings: to be endured for your greater glory.
I want to do what you ask of me: in the way you ask, for as long as you ask, because you ask it.
My Father God King Yaweh, enlighten my understanding, strengthen my will, purify my heart, and make me holy.
Help me to repent of my past sins and to resist temptation in the future. Help me to rise above my human weaknesses and to grow stronger as your servant.
Let me love you, my Father and my God, and see myself as I really am: a pilgrim in this world, a servant called to respect and love all whose lives I touch, those in authority over me or those under my authority, my friends and my enemies.
Help me conquer anger with gentleness, greed by generosity, apathy by fervor. Help me to forget myself and reach out towards others.
Make me prudent in planning, courageous in taking risks. Make me patient in suffering, unassuming in prosperity.
Keep me, Lord, attentive at prayer, diligent in my work, firm in my good intentions.
Let my conscience be clear, my conduct without fault, my speech blameless, my life well-ordered.
Put me on guard against my human weaknesses. Let me cherish your love for me, keep your law, and come at last to your salvation.
Teach me to realize that this world is passing, that my true future is the happiness of heaven, that life on earth is short, and the life to come eternal.
Help me to prepare for death with a proper fear of judgment, but a greater trust in your goodness. Lead me safely through death to the endless joy of the name of your loving Son my savior and the Blood of covenant who takes away the sin of the world YAHUSHUA MESSIAH.AMEN!
• 22 Februari pukul 14:29
Rina Odermatt
My Father King Yaweh,in the name of your loving Son Yahushua Messiah my savior,in the HOLY SPIRIT:you said in Matthew10:37 and Luke14:26 those who love their father,mother,husband,wife ,brothers,sisters,children
even their selves more than you,cannot be your disciples.and those who do not
take up their cross and follow in your steps are not fit to be your
disciples.Matthew10:38 thank you my Father and Son for this beautiful words you
give to me.
You are my beloved,faithful,amazing GOD,You are my Strength,You are my Rock,You are my Salvation,You are my Healer,You are my teacher,You are my lawyer,You are my Judge,You are my everything in my whole life,i live in this world only for you.I love you with all of my heart and soul.i will serve you until the rest of my life.You are so faithful and loving GOD.all i ask you in Prayer you give it to me,when i cry to you,You comfort me and i feel your loving care.
i will not stop worshiping you until the end of my breath,my heart is beating only for you my FATHER GOD KINGYAWEH.KINGYAHUSHUA my savior,and HOLY SPIRIT.You are my TRINITY GOD:AMEN AND AMEN.ALLELUYA!
• 22 Februari pukul 17:36
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
• 22 Februari pukul 5:49
Paul de Beloved
LORD we reverence you in this church
LORD we honour you in this place
LORD we adore you in this house
we give all the Glory and Praise to your Holy name...AMEN
• 23 Februari pukul 13:22 melalui seluler
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
• 23 Februari pukul 11:46
Sally S. Richter
" Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything, give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18)
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for Your words. You created me and us all according to Your purposed. I thank You so much for the revelations, guidance and all, for answering all my questions of who I am to You. I thank You for I am no longer lost and have more and more understanding of my life here on earth. I thank You so much for coming into my life and giving me light. Help me and us all (the elders, all the brethen) to be Your light at this darkest moments. Help us to fulfill Your will in our lives. Amen Amen! Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ, our Father in heaven (Yahweh) and to Your Holy spirit. Amen. Amen! Glory to you Lord! Amen!
• 23 Februari pukul 16:20
Sarah Riedel
Heavenly Father YAHWEH,i thank YOU dear Father for giving us YOUR only SON our LORD YAHUSHUA as a proof of YOUR endless love for us all.Though we are sinners, not worthy of YOUR great love YOU still choose to pour out YOUR abundant love upon us and sacrifice YOUR only begotten SON!
We can never thank YOU enough Father.Help us to show our gratitude to YOU by obeying all of YOUR will and desire for our lives and make our LORD YAHUSHUA as our our SAVIOR and LORD in every aspect our life.Cause us Father to follow YOUR heart and carry our own cross so we can be YOUR disciples and friends.I lift up to YOU each one here in YOUR church,each member and Brethrens that YOU annoint each one with YOUR fresh oil upon our lamps..make us full with YOUR precious HOLY SPIRIT and draw us deeper unto YOU.May we all enter into the deepest chamber of YOUR heart oh LORD! Your heart is magnificent and splendid.WE GIVE YOU PRAISE FOR ALL THAT YOU ARE AND FOR ALL THAT YOU ARE DOING TO ALL OF YOUR CHILDREN AROUND THE WORLD! Help us Blessed Holy Spirit to be found worthy,blameless and wrinkle free when our BELOVED LORD JESUS(YAHUSHUA) come to get His bride! YOU are holy,holy,holy LOVING FATHER YAHWEH,LORD YAHUSHUA and Blessed HOLY SPIRIT!
All the glory,honor,dominion and power belongs to YOU our Mighty GOD&KING!
In the great name of our awesome LORD YAHUSHUA! AMEN&AMEN!!!
• 23 Februari pukul 16:00
Gloria Ehumadu
Most people think that happiness comes from out side. Therefore they rely on their hope and chase after it from man and materially things. They don't know that the true happiness is inside their heart as the out come of being gratefull for the grace of God that has given them the Kingdom of heaven.For that reason,we rejoice and be happy. Richness,career,family,lov er/soulmate,children and any other things that
come from this world are not the source of our happiness. The source of our
happiness comes from Heaven and dwell in our heart. All the income resources
from Heaven are belong to us and are with us because GOD IS WITH US as the
source of all our blessings and peace and happiness. And we are the source of
happiness for the wolrd.
• 24 Februari pukul 18:32
Edie Porter
Dear Lord Jesus: I just want to say again, how grateful I am for your extreme sacrifice which has set us free from the bondage of sin. I am also thankful for the many blessings you have bestowed and am looking forward to serving you in your kingdom. I pray for a closer relationship with you and I know you wish for us to seek that at this time. All honor, power and Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever more.
• 24 Februari pukul 6:33
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
• 24 Februari pukul 0:30
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
It is raining cats and are crying for a Lost world...a hopeless people who has chosen to reject your name....children whom you love so much and have done many things to try to save them from the impending doom and destruction and the evil by the hands of the Antichrist... Lord Jesus!!...My Savior...My First Love...You weep and the ocean, the rivers, the streams over flows with water... yet no one listens...they walk around like time will be forever; I am saddened also Faithful and trusting Daddy to your children; a stubborn bunch of goats; I see the disrespect; I feel your pain; your sorrow...You are such a gentle Lamb ...But also you are the Lion Tribe of will exact Judgment on your people...Oh Father; Mighty God Head of Heaven..Consuming Fire of Heaven..they seems to forget you are a Holy God...a God that controls nature; a God that at a snap of your Holy fingers...this world can be destroyed by whatever means necessary..Yet!! lots of people..Lord are just another name..For many people Lord you are their Air Supply....their very Life core......I am singing you are awesome in this Place Mighty God...Oh you are awesome...Hallelujah...Glo ry to God...bless you Holy Spirit of God .if
people only knew what plans you have for them in your kingdom...IF THEY ONLY
KNEW!!...BUT!....I wonder at times; DEAR FATHER YSHUSHUA...would they run to
the Cross if they knew...or would they resist? ...Glory to God...You are
loved...Dear Father!! Hallelujah!!
• 25 Februari pukul 5:11
Paul de Beloved
Its good to worship and praise God especially in an open and secluded the evening time..we shouldnt forget the scripture in the book of Genesis, God used to come down to Adam and eve at the cool of the day i.e in the evening. Its good to have fellowship with God in that way. This evening as i was worshipping God the clouds parted as usual and after the sun as gone, thou the sky still lighted i was stil worshipping then with my eyes close as i open my eyes i saw a huge cloud of fire, i was scared,my body shook but i kept on worshippin. I thank God for manifesting as i worship him. So brethren let us keep it in mind to worship God, He loves it when we come to his presence with praise and worship. GOD BE PRAISED...AMEN
• 25 Februari pukul 0:42 melalui seluler
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Releasing the Power of the Blood of Jesus:
Cover my mind and thoughts with the blood of Jesus.
I cover my doorpost and possessions with the blood of Jesus (Exodus 12:13).
I overcome the devil through the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11).
I sprinkle the blood of Jesus and receive multiplied grace and peace (1 Peter 1:2).
I am made perfect through the blood of the everlasting covenant (Hebrews 13:20–21).
I have boldness to enter into the presence of God through the blood (Hebrews 10:19).
My conscience is purged from dead works to serve the living God through the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9:14).
I eat the body of Jesus and drink His blood (John 6:54).
I have redemption through the blood of Jesus, and I am redeemed from the power of evil (Ephesians 1:7).
I rebuke all spirits of torment and fear because I have peace through the blood of Jesus (Colossians 1:20).
I receive the benefits of the new covenant through the blood of Jesus (Matthew 26:28).
I receive healing and health through the blood of Jesus.
I receive abundance and prosperity through the blood of Jesus.
I receive deliverance through the blood of Jesus.
I receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the anointing through the blood of Jesus.
The blood of Jesus bears witness to my deliverance and salvation (1 John 5:8).
The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin (1 John 1:7).
Jesus resisted unto blood, and His blood gives me victory (Hebrews 12:4).
I rebuke and cast out all spirits of guilt, shame, and condemnation through the blood of Jesus.
I break the power of sin and iniquity in my life through the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:17).
My heart is sprinkled and purified by the blood of Jesus from an evil conscience (Hebrews 10:22).
I rebuke Satan, the accuser of the brethren, through the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:10).
I command all my accusers to depart through the blood of Jesus (John 8:10).
I rebuke and cast out all spirits of slander and accusation through the blood of Jesus (Matthew 12:10).
I release the voice of the blood against demons and evil spirits that would accuse and condemn me (Hebrews 12:24
• 11 Februari pukul 0:27
Daniel Pasaribu
A 12 STEP DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER PLAN, Recommended By The Unknown Servant Of God
1.PRAISE: The first step in world-changing Prayer
1.Sanctify, or set aside, a period of time specifically to praise God at the beginning of your prayer.2Select a specific theme for praise, such as God’s righteousness, His Word, His creative acts.3Drawing on you selected theme, declare vocally, all that God is.4Expand your theme as much as possible. Allow God to reveal new themes for worship as your time of praise develops.
2. WAITING: The second step in world-changing Prayer
1After your moments of praise, bring your mind and spirit into a time of complete silence to the world.2Think no thoughts but thoughts of God the Father, His Son Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.3If words are to be voiced, let them be quiet whispering like “I love You Lord” or, “I long for Your presence, O God.”.4Concentrate full attention on the “love” aspect of God’s nature in these minutes of silence.
3. CONFESSION: The third step in world-changing Prayer
1Following your time of silent waiting, immediately ask God to search you heart for any unconfessed sin.2Mentally examine your recent activities to discovery possible areas of spiritual failure that need confessing3Confess any specific sins you may be guilty of, either against God or your fellow man.4Confess your need for specific divine guidance and supernatural unction.
4.SCRIPTURE PRAYING: The fourth step in world-changing Prayer
1When bringing scripture into your devotional hour, ask God to bless His Word to your spiritual body, just as He blesses natural food for your physical body.2Examine a passage from either the Gospels, the Epistles, Psalms or Proverbs. Look carefully at specific ways to apply each verse to prayer.3As you study a verse (or verses), ask yourself what petition this passage prompts you to make, or what promise this passage contains that stands directly behind a specific petition.4Develop actual prayers based on these thoughts and phrases included in a verse (or verses) of Scripture and offer these prayers confidentially to the Lord.
5. WATCHING: The fifth step in world-changing Prayer
1Take a few moments during prayer to become spiritually alert. Watch for the methods Satan may try to use to hinder your Christian walk that day. Prayerfully claim power to defeat Satan in each of these areas.2Read denominational or missionary-evangelising magazines to help become alert to specific needs in God’s work around the world.3Prayerfully recall various international news developments that deserve special prayer.4Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal further spiritual facts about these needs. This will aid you in praying more intelligently for these needs.
6.INTERCESSION: The sixth step in world-changing Prayer
1Carefully prepare for intercession by developing a specific plan that includes special prayer for God’s work around the world.2Summon a new compassion for these moments of intercession, so your praying will reach out to the lost with genuine concern.3Fill your intercession with the four key scriptural claims: Ask God to give more labourers to the harvest, to open doors for these workers, to bless them with fruits as the result of their efforts, and with finances to expand their work.4Always endeavour to include specific countries and their leaders during your time of intercession.
7.PETITION: The seventh step in world-changing Prayer
1Begin your petition by asking the Holy Spirit to help you claim only those desires that will bring special honour to the Lord.2Make a mental list of specific needs you have for that very day and offer each need to God3Enlarge a petition carefully, taking time to explain to God why you desire and answer for that request.4Frequently examine your motives for claiming a petition. Be certain that they are pure in the sight of God.
8.THANKSGIVING: The eighth step in world-changing Prayer
1Begin thanksgiving by thinking about all God has given you in recent days.2Use these moments for reflection as a basis for offering specific thanksgiving for spiritual, material, physical and external blessings.3Frequently thank God “in advance” for blessings you expect Him to bestow on you in the future.4Thank God for at least one particular blessing you have not thanked Him for previously.
9.SINGING: The ninth step in world-changing Prayer
1Pause in your devotional hour to sing a specific song unto the Lord.2Select a special theme for your song, such as praise, thanksgiving, or a favourite passage of scripture.3Ask the Holy Spirit to create an original melody in your heart so your song is truly “a new song.”4Don’t hesitate to sing “songs of thanksgiving” for specific blessings or victories you believe God will give you in the days ahead.
10.MEDITATION: The tenth step in world-changing Prayer
1Select a theme for your time of mediation, applying full attention to that specific area of spiritual thought.2Allow your mind to wander within the area of your chosen theme. Ponder all aspects of the theme carefully in reference to God.3Ask questions about this theme that might lead you into deeper mental study of the subject.4Bring Scripture into all phases of meditation. This strengthens your awareness that God’s Word is the necessary foundation for all meaningful spiritual thought.
11.LISTENING: The eleventh step in world-changing Prayer
1In the “listening” time of prayer, do not hesitate to ask God very specific questions about difficult problems or situations.2Search scripture for specific answers to your questions. God most often speaks through His Word.3Mentally evaluate all circumstances that relate to a problem. Ask God to show you His plan through these circumstances.4Be prepared to write down any ideas God may share concerning the details of solving that particular problem.
12.PRAISE: The twelfth step in world-changing Prayer
1End your prayer with specific praise concerning God’s greatness. Focus your praise on His omnipotence (power), His omniscience (knowledge), and His omnipresence (presence).2With the psalmist let us “praise God because He has done it.” Look back at the devotional hour and praise God for hearing each of your requests.3Let your spirit ‘rejoice” for a few moments at the close of prayer. Repeat the universal word of praise, “Hallelujah!”4As Martin Luther suggested, when your devotional hour concludes make your “amen” strong. Confess with authority that you believe God is trustworthy.
• 12 Februari pukul 7:47
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt
Spiritual Warfare Prayers :
Lord, teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight (Psalm 144:1).
Lord, I am Your End-Times warrior. Use me as Your weapon against the enemy (2 Chronicles 11:1).
The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through You to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).
Satan, you have lost the war in heaven (Revelation 12:7).
Let all the enemies that make war with the Lamb be destroyed (Revelation 17:14).
I do not war after the flesh but after the spirit (2 Corinthians 10:3).
Lord, thunder upon the enemy; release Your voice; hail stones and coals of fire (Psalm 18:13).
Send out Your arrows, and scatter them. Shoot out Your light and discomfit them (Psalm 18:14).
Deliver me from my strong enemy, from them that are too strong for me (Psalm 18:17).
Deliver me, and bring me into a large place (Psalm 18:19).
I am your battle-axe and weapon of war (Jeremiah 51:20).
You have given me the necks of my enemies, and I will destroy them in the name of Jesus (Psalm 18:40).
I am Your anointed, and You give me great deliverance (Psalm 18:50).
I will beat them small as the dust and cast them out as mire in the streets (Psalm 18:42).
I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them. I did not turn until they were consumed (Psalm 18:37).
I have wounded them, and they are not able to rise. They have fallen under my feet (Psalm 18:38).
I tread upon the lion and adder. The young lion and dragon I trample underfoot (Psalm 91:13).
I tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me (Luke 10:19).
I tread down the wicked; they are ashes under my feet (Malachi 4:3).
I will arise and thresh and beat the enemy into pieces (Micah 4:13).
I rebuke every wild boar of the field in the name of Jesus (Psalm 80:13).
I rebuke every spirit that creeps forth from the forest (Psalm 104:20).
I rebuke every beast of the forest that comes to devour (Isaiah 56:9).
I rebuke every lion of the forest that comes to slay (Jeremiah 5:6).
I close the door to every demonic rat that would attempt to come into my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 66:17).
I bind and cast out every thief that would try to steal my finances in the name of Jesus (John 10:10).
I bind and cast out any spirit that would try to steal my joy in the name of Jesus.
I bind, expose, and cast out any demon that would try by stealth (undetected) to come into my life (2 Samuel 19:3).
Lord, cleanse my temple and drive out any thief from my life (John 2:14–15).
Lord, lift up a standard against any flood the enemy would try to bring into my life (Isaiah 59:19).
I bind and cast out all familiar spirits that would try to operate in my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 8:19).
I bind and rebuke any demon that would try to block my way in the name of Jesus (Matthew 8:28).
I remove all leaven of malice and wickedness from my life (1 Corinthians 5:8).
I rebuke and cast out any froglike spirit from my life in the name of Jesus (Revelation 16:13).
I bind and rebuke devils in high places in the name of Jesus (2 Chronicles 11:15).
I break off any fellowship with devils through sin, the flesh, or sacrifice in the name of Jesus (1 Corintians 10:20).
I command all devils to leave my children in the name of Jesus (Mark 7:29).
Lord, expose any human devils in my life in the name of Jesus (John 6:70).
Lord, expose any children of the devil that would try to come into the church (Acts 13:10).
Let every spirit hiding from me be exposed in the name of Jesus (Joshua 10:16).
Let every hidden snare for my feet be exposed (Jeremiah 18:22).
I stand against and rebuke every wile of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).
I release myself from any snare of the devil in the name of Jesus (2 Timothy 2:26).
I will not come into the condemnation of the devil (1 Timothy 3:6).
Lord, let no doctrine of the devil be established in my life (1 Timothy 4:1).
I nullify the power of any sacrifice made to devils in my city, region, or nation in the name of Jesus (Leviticus 17:7).
I bind and rebuke Molech and any spirit that has been assigned to abort my destiny (Leviticus 18:21).
Give me strength to bring forth my destiny (Isaiah 66:9).
I overcome every antichrist spirit because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4–5).
I loose myself from every spirit of error in the name of Jesus (1 John 4:6).
Lord, let me not operate in the wrong spirit (Luke 9:55).
I loose myself from every spirit of whoredom in the name of Jesus (Hosea 4:12).
Let me have and walk in an excellent spirit (Daniel 6:3).
I will take heed to my spirit at all times (Malachi. 2:15).
I bind and cast out any spirit that would try to tear apart my life in any manner in the name of Jesus (Mark 9:20).
Lord, stir up my spirit to do Your will (Haggai 1:14).
I bind and cast out any demon of slumber from my life in the name of Jesus (Romans 11:8).
I bind and cast out all demons of fear and timidity in the name of Jesus (2 Timothy 1:7).
I bind and cast out all seducing spirits that would come my way in the name of Jesus (1 Timothy 4:1).
I bind and rebuke the angel of light in the name of Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:14).
I reject all false apostolic ministries in the name of Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:13).
I reject all false prophetic ministries in the name of Jesus (Matthew 7:15).
I reject all false teaching ministries in the name of Jesus (2 Peter 2:1).
Expose all false brethren to me (2 Corinthians 11:26).
I reject the mouth of vanity and the right hand of falsehood (Psalm 144:8).
I reject every false vision and every false prophetic word released into my life (Jeremiah 14:14).
I bind Satan, the deceiver, from releasing any deception into my life (Revelation 12:9).
I bind and cast out all spirits of self-deception in the name of Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:18).
I bind and cast out any spirit of sorcery that would deceive me in the name of Jesus (Revelation 18:23).
Lord, let no man deceive me (Matthew 24:4).
I bind and rebuke any bewitchment that would keep me from obeying the truth (Galatians 3:1).
I pray for utterance and boldness to make known the mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 6:19).
Deliver me out of the hand of wicked and unreasonable men (2 Thessalonians 3:2).
Evil spirits leave my life as I hear and speak the Word (Matthew 8:16).
I rebuke, still, and cast out the avenger (Psalm 8:2).
I bind and cast out any creeping spirit that would attempt to creep into my life (Ezekiel 8:10).
Let the hammer of the wicked be broken (Jeremiah 50:23).
I renounce all earthly, sensual, and demonic wisdom (James 3:15).
I cast out devils, and I will be perfected (Luke 13:32).
Let every Pharaoh that would pursue my life be drowned in the sea (Exodus 15:4).
I rebuke every demonic bee that would surround me in the name of Jesus (Psalm 118:12).
I bind and cast out any spirit of Absalom that would try to steal my heart from God’s ordained leadership (2 Samuel 15:6).
I will sleep well. I will not be kept awake by any spirit of restlessness or insomnia (Psalm 3:5).
I laugh at the enemy through the Holy Spirit (Psalm 2:4).
I cut the cords of the wicked from my life (Psalm 129:4).
Let every cord the enemy tries to put around my life be like burning flax (Judges 15:14).
I break down every wall of Jericho (Joshua 6:5).
Lord, cleanse my life from secret faults (Psalm 19:12).
Lord, let Your secret be upon my tabernacle (Job 29:4).
Lead me and guide me for Your name’s sake (Psalm 31:3).
Guide me continually (Isaiah 58:11).
Guide me into all truth (John 16:13).
Guide me with Your eye (Psalm 32:8).
Let me guide my affairs with discretion (Psalm 112:5).
Guide me by the skilfulness of Your hands (Psalm 78:72).
Lead me in a plain path because of my enemies (Psalm 27:11).
Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil (Matthew 6:13).
Lead me, and make Your way straight before my eyes (Psalm 5:8).
Make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth before me (Isaiah 40:4).
Send out Your light and truth, and let them lead me (Psalm 43:3).
Make darkness light before me and crooked things straight (Isaiah 42:16).
Teach me to do your will, and lead me into the land of uprightness (Psalm 143:10).
I put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3).
Clothe me with the garment of salvation (Isaiah 61:10).
I put on my beautiful garments (Isaiah 52:1).
Let my garments always be white (Ecclesiastes 9:8).
Let me be clothed with humility (1 Peter 5:5).
Cover me with the robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).
Let my clothes be full of Your virtue (Mark 5:30).
Let a mantle of power rest upon my life (2 Kings 2:8).
Lord, give me wisdom in every area where I lack (James 1:5).
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray, Amen!
• 12 Februari pukul 10:43
Edie Porter
Holy Lord Jesus I come before you today to praise and thank you for being such a wonderful Rabbi to us. A Rabbi that truly cares and loves us enough to help us prepare for the pre-ordained hard times which are before us before we go home. Yes, all praises go to God the Father, the Holy Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit whom is our best friend and will be with us to guide and sustain us through these perilous times that are before us. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
• 13 Februari pukul 1:44
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father... ....I would rather lose silver and Gold then to lose my position in the Kingdom of are all I have....I truly do not know where to turn ...and do not want to know...without your love...your voice....your Holy presence....The way I rely on you to sustain me...mankind would brand me ....needy..but you Lord...delights in the fact that I have made you my one and one...When I am are my source of strength...I can see your Angels holding me up before the Throne of are awesome and supernatural....They literally hold me up before your Throne you can minister unto me...How awesome is speak unto a Father speaking to His daughter...there is nothing that you have not uttered that did not come into fruition ...Thank you Lord...Let it be told...THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME...I AM SO HAPPY THAT I AM UNDER YOUR UMBRELLA!!
• 13 Februari pukul 6:05
Sally S. Richter
Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for Your loving kindness and Your great mercy . Father, today as we are starting our fasting and prayers, I pray for the covering of the Holy Blood of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ in all of us who are going through it. Please protect our prayer time, protect our loved ones and our sorroundings.. In the great name of our loving savior Lord Jesus Christ., I rebuke satan and all his evil deeds and schemes, let our prayers and sacrifices be heard by You in Heaven and pour on us Your the graces we ask from Thee. Forgive us from all of our sins and cleanse us from all of our iniquities. conceit, deceit, wanting of this world. Help us to be always guided by Your Holy will in our lives and purify us, our thoughts, mind, soul and spirit, so as our loved ones and all the elders, all the brethen whose names are written here and hear Lord every prayers we bring unto Thee. May You give us loving Father, strenght of heart, soul, body and spirit. Let your light shine unto each and everyone of us. Father God, You are so very kind and faithful.
I would also like to thank You for giving a chance to Ria, my mother in law..You have heard my prayers. I thank you so much with all my heart for giving her a chance and touching her heart for You. Truly Lord Jesus You are so wonderful and faithful in your promises. I am praying for the continued spiritual blessings of Your grace of salvation upon her soul. Thank you so much Lord for your great love and mercy. Truly Lord, Your words is faithful and You fulfill Your words that , Whatever I asked of Thee in the name of Your loving son Jesus Christ, You will give it to me (John 14:13-14) Thank you so much, thank you, praise you Lord! and Your words “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” (Acts 16:30-31), I praise You Lord Jesus for all Your words are all faithful and true. I praise and thank You so much Father in Heaven (Yahweh) our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You so much for the grace of salvation for my mama Ria and us all who believed in You and Your words. And I thank you so much for those who prayed with me. Bless them Lord Jesus, bless us all. Amen. Amen. Amen, Glory, Halleluiah Lord Jesus/GOD. You are so Good, Great and so Kind! Glory to You Lord JESUS CHRIST, our loving and merciful savior. Amen. Amen! I love YOu Lord Jesus/GOD..Thank you so much!
• 13 Februari pukul 12:11
Paul de Beloved
O God i need ur strenght for my body i dont know why i am feeling quite weak...and thank you Lord for waking me up this afternoon..i tried to wake up but my body wouldnt, my spirit struggle out and wake my body but within seconds i fell back unconcious..but i want to thank you LORD JESUS for waking me up and keepin me alive til this hour and forever. Thank you FATHER.
• 13 Februari pukul 1:31 melalui seluler
Bianca Ambrose
Let us Celebrate the Truth of the Heart
... I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can
understand the confident hope he has given to those he called his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.
I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.
Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.
Jesus, is the Way to the Father “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil
things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest
for your souls.
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
• 14 Februari pukul 20:59
Sally S. Richter
I was on my knees praying to our Lord Jesus this morning, asking Him to let me enter His heart again for only in His heart I can find the peace and love, I've always been searching and longing for when I saw a pitch darkness then arrows, muptiples of arrows flying. I then saw shining heart, a giant shining heart and the flying arrows pierced the heart and I saw the heart bleeds and when I looked at the heart intently I saw all the arrows and thorns all around it....I felt then the Lord Jesus pains and sorrows. I can just pray and say to the Lord Jesus, with all my heart Lord, I am sorry if we hurt You, I am sorry if we foget You. I am sorry Your heart is bleeding for all of our sins and iniquities. I am praying for your forgiveness for my sins, my family, my loved ones, the brethen here and all the people of earth. I pray for Your forgiveness on all our iniquities. Have mercy on us. Wash us Lord Jesus and make us throughly clean by Your Holy Blood. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.
• 14 Februari pukul 14:39
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
I find myself ...crying out to God and asking God to forgive me for scenes of my life ...that flashes before me; scenes that shamed the Cross...I am so humbled by this Mighty God Head I serve....I want to apologise and ask forgiveness to my Lord...because when you take such Holy God for granted...when you dishonor His name for the things of this world....Not that I was a terrible person but I did things that was shameful to the Cross. I have pierced His wounds many times ..over and over and He saw fit to forgive me...One thing He said...Enough!! I am in control right now ...going forwards....You will dance to my Heavenly Harps and not the drum beat of man....Hallelujah !!.He is truly long-suffering...To allow me to inflict all that pain upon Him..was madness...Jesus!! ...I asked my Lord..why did you not stop me? but you know he has been speaking to me all along...heard his voice....but did not listen...So He created the perfect get the perfect result...Yes!! I had to scrawl on my stomach before Him...He got me good..but I am so happy that he put me into the Fire of affliction....melted..mold
• 14 Februari pukul 22:28
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Hallelujah....Hallelujah ...Hallelujah to a Holy ...Awesome...Mighty God ...yet so humble ...moved by the worship of pure hearts....Bless you Mighty Father...Bless you Mighty Son...Bless you Mighty sweet Spirit of the Living God...How great art Thou ..Oh Precious Lord....Thank you Holy Spirit for being the core of our Worship...Bless you Father...You are so Worthy...thank you Lord Jesus YAHUSHUA for dying on the Cross to Bring Glory to our Loving Father YHWH
• 16 Februari pukul 20:15
HourofGrace CarleneGrace are the Moon and the stars on a dark night...Beauty to behold ...I love you blessed Trinity...All is well..I will rest in your peace wonderful; merciful; loving; Holy Father of Life...I will submit my life unto the Cross forever and are awesome ..I love to sing this song for you..You are awesome in this place Mighty God.....I love you...precious Lord...Hallelujah...Fathe!
• 16 Februari pukul 8:24
Sarah Riedel
Our Beloved LORD JESUS,
i thank YOU our Loving Father for YOUR
wonderful presence that lifts up my soul.
You are my delight,my joy,my song!
I praise and magnify YOUR mighty name.
How many times i failed YOU but You are so good
to forgive my mistakes and iniquities oh LORD!
How can i not worship a GOD like YOU
there´s no other can take YOUR place!
You alone deserves our devotion and adoration!
Our hearts desire is to be with YOU SWEET LORD
to behold YOUR beauty and bow at YOUR feet
and offer our sacrifice of praises.
Oh HOLY SPIRIT YOU alone can help us be
the pure bride that our LORD wants us to be,
clean and holy,sweet smelling aroma
in our Beloved Holy Nostrils.
Thank YOU LORD for raising YOUR standards
over us,ushering us into a deeper and higher
level of realationship with YOU LORD JESUS.
An intimate love with the KING of Kings
its like a dream...its like a fantasy
but i believe it will be oh LORD!
Because as i close my eyes i see no one but YOU
SWEET true!
Come take us with YOU LORD!
Come take us home to YOU!!!
• 16 Februari pukul 3:57
Sarah Riedel
Heavenly Father us to know YOU
more,our LORD JESUS and the Holy Spirit
that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers,
nor things present nor things to come,
nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing,
shall be able to separate
us from YOU our God Almighty.
May we know the love of Christ which passes knowledge;
that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.
And to experience the wonders of being
able to hear YOUR voice and the blessings of
loving ELOHIM...the GOD who created the heaven and earth...
there´s no other love that comes close to it
that YOU went down from YOUR throne
in a flesh through our LORD JESUS
to save all humanity from the sting of death.
May we all feel the warmth of YOUR embrace
and breath YOUR Holy breath upon us
and saturate our whole being.
May we be filled by the power
of the Holy Spirit and overwhelm us
with YOUR gentle touch.And hide us in YOUR
pavillion from the sight of our enemy.
To know and experience the pure love of
GOD in a deeper way...which bring us
to a higher level of intimacy with
a pure and Holy GOD
this we desire oh LORD!
and...the breadth(boundless)
and measureless(height)
love of our Wonderful Father and SWEET LORD JESUS
and YOUR everlasting mercy..for this we praise
YOU now and forever! AMEN!
In YAHUSHUA´s powerful name! I pray! AMEN&AMEN!
Hallelujah! Glory to God YAHWEH/Our LORD YAHUSHUA!!!
• 17 Februari pukul 16:15
Daniel Pasaribu
By Apostle John Eckhardt:
Let every plant that my Father has not planted be rooted out in the name of Jesus.
I lay the axe to the root of every evil tree in my life.
Let every ungodly generational taproot be cut and pulled out of my bloodline in the name of Jesus.
Let the roots of wickedness be as rottenness.
I speak to every evil tree to be uprooted and cast into the sea (Luke 17:6).
Let Your holy fire burn up every ungodly root in the name of Jesus (Mal. 4:1).
Let the confidence of the enemy be rooted out (Job 18:14).
Let every root of bitterness be cut from my life (Heb. 12:15).
Let the prophetic word be released to root out evil kingdoms (Jer. 1:10).
Let any evil person planted in my church be rooted out in the name of Jesus.
Let any sickness rooted in my body be plucked up in the name of Jesus.
Let all false ministries that have rooted themselves in my city be plucked up.
Let every bramble and nettle be plucked up from my life in the name of Jesus.
Let all thorns be burned out of my life in the name of Jesus (Isa. 10:17).
Let all spirits rooted in rejection come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in pride come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in rebellion come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in fear come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in lust and sexual sin come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in curses come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in witchcraft come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in any part of my body and organs come out in the name of Jesus.
• 17 Februari pukul 8:11 sekitar East Pasadena,
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father your Mighty ...Holy...precious...Name.
• 18 Februari pukul 16:13
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father your Mighty ...Holy...precious...Name.
• 18 Februari pukul 16:01
Sally S. Richter
Father God in Heaven (YAHWEH), our GOD of truth beauty and all. Our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for the 7 days of fasting and prayers. In between all this, many things kept coming up, that tries to destroy my attention from You. I thank You for at the end, You calmed me and ask to give You the storms that keeps hitting me. For making me realized always that no one else can truly help me, not even myself, but only You. Please forgive me when I get weak. Forgive every iniquities of my soul, cleanse Me and wash me at once from it all. And Lord, I thank You for making known Your presence to me that no matter what happens, You are there just like what You have said and promised unto me in John 14, that you will not leave me orphan as Your promised words , 15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. I thank for your promised words for in Your words Lord, I have always found strenght and truth of the loving kindness of Yours. I thank You for showing Your loving and smiling face to me from the clouds after we stepped out from the church yesterday. I bless Your great name Holy Lord Jesus. My soul bless Your Holy name, Your Holy face and I knew in my heart then You will truly never leave me nor abandon me. And I praise You Lord Jesus, Father GOD for all of Your loving kindness unto me. Glory to You, GOD, the Father, our loving Jesus Christ and to Your Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! And you reminded me Lord Jesus, just now, it was the 7th day of our fasting. Thank you God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much...Glory to you Lord, for inspite of all..You made me known You listen, see and receive it. Thank you Lord! Amen. Amen!
• 20 Februari pukul 12:52
Daniel Pasaribu
Prayer of Penitence: Psalm 51, By Prayer Partner Ministry
( A psalm of King David, written when the prophet Nathan came to him after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and killed Uriah, her husband.)
“Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in Your sight,
so that You are proved right when You speak
and justified when You judge.
Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones You have crushed rejoice.
Hide Your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from Your presence
or take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
and sinners will turn back to You.
Save me from bloodguilt, O God,
the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of Your righteousness.
O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare Your praise.
You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, You will not despise.
In Your good pleasure make Zion prosper;
build up the walls of Jerusalem.
Then there will be righteous sacrifices,
whole burnt offerings to delight You;
then bulls will be offered on Your altar.”
• 20 Februari pukul 1:16 sekitar East Pasadena, CA
Rina Odermatt
Father God, King Yaweh today I humbly submit myself to You because You are good and faithful. I choose to work and live according to Your Word because I love You and desire to honor You. I receive Your mercy and grace today so I can live a life pleasing to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
• 20 Februari pukul 19:32
Rina Odermatt
Father God,KINGYAWEH today I humbly submit myself to You because You are good and faithful. I choose to work and live according to Your Word because I love You and desire to honor You. I receive Your mercy and grace today so I can live a life pleasing to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
• 20 Februari pukul 22:17
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father !! one of our Sisters in Christ Jesus is having surgery today...Father touch and heal Sister Sonia Sanchez...your faithful Servant...who toils endlessly to promote your Holy..precious .Sacred Name...Glory to God....We have been praying for Sister Sonia for sometime now...Today Lord Jesus is a very crucial operation for her...Jesus we are healed by your stripes...You Shed your precious Blood over 2000 years us victory over the enemy Rev 12:12 and he was overcame by the Blood of the lamb and by the testimonies of the saints and the loved not their lives unto death...Oh Death where is your sting...You were mightily...supernaturally defeated by the Blood have no power...Father!! with the Authority your Precious Name Holy Dagger of Truth...the gates of Hell shall not prevail against your church...I cancel our Sister Sonia name from the Book of it into the Book of life...decree and declare healing...decree and declare this surgery is a success all wrapped in the Blood of Jesus and that Sister Sonia Sanchez will get better and better as the days progresses...we breath the Life of the Cross back into her body and decree and declare there will be many testimonies all in the name of the glory of God..our Father...Hallelujah...Hall
• 21 Februari pukul 2:17
Tehillah Fu
Dearest Lord God, thank You for another day full of mercy and grace. Thank You for Your loving hands always guide us with the help and council by Holy Spirit. We love You Father with our whole heart and we delicate our lives and surrender ourselves to You. We trust in You alone and we stand on the rock of salvation with joy and hope longing to meet you on Your glorious return. Thank You Father for Your loving kindness over our lives and always cherish our heart and soul with compassion and endless love. We give all honor, praises and glory to You forever and ever. Hallelujah!!!
• 21 Februari pukul 7:10 melalui seluler
Bianca Ambrose
Oh )))) Father I humbly come before You my Lord and my God, in the name of JESUS.
With my soul, I bless You Lord. With all that is within me, I bless Your holy name. I will bless You, Lord, with all of my soul and I will not forget all of Your benefits.
Thank You for forgiven all of my iniquities. You have healed all of my diseases and redeemed my life from destruction. Thank you Lord.
You have crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies and You have satisfied my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s. HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord.
Father, You are the light and the salvation of your people whom shall they fear? You are the strength of their lives of whom shall they be afraid? When the wicked even their enemies and their foes come to eat up their flesh, the wicked will stumble and fall.
Lord Jesus I lift us my brothers and sisters in You I ask that we live as one body, under You for you are Father of all. May we remember that as we live out the good news of the gospel, that You Father God will call upon us to do our part to share his good news with others. Lord Jesus You prayed for us as believers, but also prayed for those that will believe through our example as well.
I place upon Your alter Father in the name of JESUS all that are sick, I place my Sister Sonia, Brother Angelo, Sister Cindy, Sister Carlene, My Sister Beatrice, and Sister Jules and I declare your word, Psalm 107:20 You sent your word, and healed them, and delivered them from destructions. HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord.
Be with all those that are defending this country our service men and women. My Lord please watch over them and give them the Faith and Courage they need to serve our country.
HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord.
Though a host should encamp against us, we confess that our hearts shall not fear. If war should rise against us, we confess that our confidence will be in You.
I cover myself in your blood my LORD JESUS. I cover all my family members in your blood JESUS. I thank you for your giant warring angels that are surrounding us, protecting us from all harm of the enemy. I take the authority given unto me and I attack and I bind the strongman over the minds, will, emotions and over homes where our children dwell, in JESUS name.
I Speak Your word LORD I speak Your blood upon all the children LORD in Your name. LORD JESUS I speak Salvation. I Thank you, I thank you for your promises my LORD thank you. All glory is yours LORD all glory as I walk by faith and not by sight.
I declare that Your children will desire and seek to dwell in Your house my Lord all of the days of their life. I confess that I will behold Your beauty and inquire in Your temple. HaleluJah )))) Glory )))) Thank you Lord, Oh)))))) yes I claim it by faith in Jesus name. Oh)))) yes ( So Be It)
In Jesus name. Amen
• 21 Februari pukul 16:08
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Precious are you Oh Lord in the eyes of the saints...How wonderful...Kind...conside
• 21 Februari pukul 0:49
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I praise, glorify and love You with all my heart, mind, soul and spirit. I thank You for Your loving kindness about everything. Good or bad Lord I would want to always praise You and say thank You so much and I love You. I knew whatever happened You are with me. Your with us and in Your children here and around the world. You have made me known always Your great presence in any circumstances..You are there, You are here. In joy and in sorrow You are there. Always ready to help us and comfort us. I pray to You Lord Jesus today for my sister Sharon Kay Sell Howard. I pray with a humble heart to Thee that You will keep her in Your love at all times. Comfort her soul Oh Lord Jesus for the passing of her husband. Please let her know, she is not alone that You have a perfect plan for her. Give her strenght Oh Lord and still her heart for You, knowing at the end she will see her husband again with You in heaven and it much more so glorious and beautiful. Comfort her Lord Jesus with Your loving heart and bless her and uplift her spirit unto You. I pray for her Lord Jesus and her family. Blessings at this times of sorrow Lord Jesus for her and for everyone who mourns. I love you Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for hearing and listening to our prayers. You are our great GOD and no one but only You can help us at these trying moments. Thank You Father in Heaven (YAHWEH) our LORD JESUS CHRIST: Amen! Amen! Amen!
• 21 Februari pukul 13:44
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Dear Jesus...It has been a rough year so many persecutions many disagreements among the brethren ....I at times ask myself...How do you cope? You are a Supernatural God of Love...peace...yet!! I asked this question...How do you cope with such Blaspheme ? ..Such dishonor to your Holy name!!...You are long suffering a fact!! you possess all the Fruits of the Spirit....a noted fact...Jesus you have paid a terrible price ; you dear Lord is not worthy of such disobedience from your children....Forgive us Lord Jesus!! .. . Dear Father ..there are so many complex...disobedient...un
• 22 Februari pukul 6:27
Sally S. Richter
Dearest Father in Heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ...I love You most and above all. You have taught me something from the beginning everytime I will cry to You and I thank You so much for You kept it in my heart. You always tell me "keep love in your heart, this is the only way You will survived." I thank You so much for teaching me this for it is the best of Your commands. Without love and pure love in my heart, in our hearts for You and all. We cannot enter Your kingdom. I thank You so much for the great revelation of Your heart. Let me always love like You, looking only on Your great love when You were on the cross and help me, help us and all the elders, the brethen here to always give it to each and everyone. Help us to give this love above all to You and for everyone even to those who has wrong us. I love You Lord/God of Heaven and earth...You are the mighty GOD of LOVE, of peace and order. Help us to live by this, by Your will, Your ways and help us to follow the guidelines set upon us here and most of all help us and give us wisdom through Your words with the guidance of Your loving heart, for only then we will understand the truth about Your words. I love you Lord Jesus. Help us and all to be conform into Your image of a true and perfect love and holiness in our whole heart, spirit and our whole being. Fill us with this Lord Jesus, fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we will move, act, think, and do things according to Your guidance and light. This I pray to Thee our loving Father in Heaven, in our Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen!
• 22 Februari pukul 13:39
Rina Odermatt
God The Father King Yaweh, I believe in you: increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. I love you: let me love you more and more. I am sorry for my sins: deepen my sorrow.
I worship you as my first beginning, I long for you as my last end, I praise you as my constant helper, and call on you as my loving protector.
Guide me by your wisdom, correct me with your justice, comfort me with your mercy, protect me with your power.
I offer you, Lord, my thoughts: to be fixed on you; my words: to have you for their theme; my actions: to reflect my love for you; my sufferings: to be endured for your greater glory.
I want to do what you ask of me: in the way you ask, for as long as you ask, because you ask it.
My Father God King Yaweh, enlighten my understanding, strengthen my will, purify my heart, and make me holy.
Help me to repent of my past sins and to resist temptation in the future. Help me to rise above my human weaknesses and to grow stronger as your servant.
Let me love you, my Father and my God, and see myself as I really am: a pilgrim in this world, a servant called to respect and love all whose lives I touch, those in authority over me or those under my authority, my friends and my enemies.
Help me conquer anger with gentleness, greed by generosity, apathy by fervor. Help me to forget myself and reach out towards others.
Make me prudent in planning, courageous in taking risks. Make me patient in suffering, unassuming in prosperity.
Keep me, Lord, attentive at prayer, diligent in my work, firm in my good intentions.
Let my conscience be clear, my conduct without fault, my speech blameless, my life well-ordered.
Put me on guard against my human weaknesses. Let me cherish your love for me, keep your law, and come at last to your salvation.
Teach me to realize that this world is passing, that my true future is the happiness of heaven, that life on earth is short, and the life to come eternal.
Help me to prepare for death with a proper fear of judgment, but a greater trust in your goodness. Lead me safely through death to the endless joy of the name of your loving Son my savior and the Blood of covenant who takes away the sin of the world YAHUSHUA MESSIAH.AMEN!
• 22 Februari pukul 14:29
Rina Odermatt
My Father King Yaweh,in the name of your loving Son Yahushua Messiah my savior,in the HOLY SPIRIT:you said in Matthew10:37 and Luke14:26 those who love their father,mother,husband,wife
You are my beloved,faithful,amazing GOD,You are my Strength,You are my Rock,You are my Salvation,You are my Healer,You are my teacher,You are my lawyer,You are my Judge,You are my everything in my whole life,i live in this world only for you.I love you with all of my heart and soul.i will serve you until the rest of my life.You are so faithful and loving GOD.all i ask you in Prayer you give it to me,when i cry to you,You comfort me and i feel your loving care.
i will not stop worshiping you until the end of my breath,my heart is beating only for you my FATHER GOD KINGYAWEH.KINGYAHUSHUA my savior,and HOLY SPIRIT.You are my TRINITY GOD:AMEN AND AMEN.ALLELUYA!
• 22 Februari pukul 17:36
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
• 22 Februari pukul 5:49
Paul de Beloved
LORD we reverence you in this church
LORD we honour you in this place
LORD we adore you in this house
we give all the Glory and Praise to your Holy name...AMEN
• 23 Februari pukul 13:22 melalui seluler
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
• 23 Februari pukul 11:46
Sally S. Richter
" Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything, give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18)
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for Your words. You created me and us all according to Your purposed. I thank You so much for the revelations, guidance and all, for answering all my questions of who I am to You. I thank You for I am no longer lost and have more and more understanding of my life here on earth. I thank You so much for coming into my life and giving me light. Help me and us all (the elders, all the brethen) to be Your light at this darkest moments. Help us to fulfill Your will in our lives. Amen Amen! Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ, our Father in heaven (Yahweh) and to Your Holy spirit. Amen. Amen! Glory to you Lord! Amen!
• 23 Februari pukul 16:20
Sarah Riedel
Heavenly Father YAHWEH,i thank YOU dear Father for giving us YOUR only SON our LORD YAHUSHUA as a proof of YOUR endless love for us all.Though we are sinners, not worthy of YOUR great love YOU still choose to pour out YOUR abundant love upon us and sacrifice YOUR only begotten SON!
We can never thank YOU enough Father.Help us to show our gratitude to YOU by obeying all of YOUR will and desire for our lives and make our LORD YAHUSHUA as our our SAVIOR and LORD in every aspect our life.Cause us Father to follow YOUR heart and carry our own cross so we can be YOUR disciples and friends.I lift up to YOU each one here in YOUR church,each member and Brethrens that YOU annoint each one with YOUR fresh oil upon our lamps..make us full with YOUR precious HOLY SPIRIT and draw us deeper unto YOU.May we all enter into the deepest chamber of YOUR heart oh LORD! Your heart is magnificent and splendid.WE GIVE YOU PRAISE FOR ALL THAT YOU ARE AND FOR ALL THAT YOU ARE DOING TO ALL OF YOUR CHILDREN AROUND THE WORLD! Help us Blessed Holy Spirit to be found worthy,blameless and wrinkle free when our BELOVED LORD JESUS(YAHUSHUA) come to get His bride! YOU are holy,holy,holy LOVING FATHER YAHWEH,LORD YAHUSHUA and Blessed HOLY SPIRIT!
All the glory,honor,dominion and power belongs to YOU our Mighty GOD&KING!
In the great name of our awesome LORD YAHUSHUA! AMEN&AMEN!!!
• 23 Februari pukul 16:00
Gloria Ehumadu
Most people think that happiness comes from out side. Therefore they rely on their hope and chase after it from man and materially things. They don't know that the true happiness is inside their heart as the out come of being gratefull for the grace of God that has given them the Kingdom of heaven.For that reason,we rejoice and be happy. Richness,career,family,lov
• 24 Februari pukul 18:32
Edie Porter
Dear Lord Jesus: I just want to say again, how grateful I am for your extreme sacrifice which has set us free from the bondage of sin. I am also thankful for the many blessings you have bestowed and am looking forward to serving you in your kingdom. I pray for a closer relationship with you and I know you wish for us to seek that at this time. All honor, power and Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever more.
• 24 Februari pukul 6:33
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
• 24 Februari pukul 0:30
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
It is raining cats and are crying for a Lost world...a hopeless people who has chosen to reject your name....children whom you love so much and have done many things to try to save them from the impending doom and destruction and the evil by the hands of the Antichrist... Lord Jesus!!...My Savior...My First Love...You weep and the ocean, the rivers, the streams over flows with water... yet no one listens...they walk around like time will be forever; I am saddened also Faithful and trusting Daddy to your children; a stubborn bunch of goats; I see the disrespect; I feel your pain; your sorrow...You are such a gentle Lamb ...But also you are the Lion Tribe of will exact Judgment on your people...Oh Father; Mighty God Head of Heaven..Consuming Fire of Heaven..they seems to forget you are a Holy God...a God that controls nature; a God that at a snap of your Holy fingers...this world can be destroyed by whatever means necessary..Yet!! lots of people..Lord are just another name..For many people Lord you are their Air Supply....their very Life core......I am singing you are awesome in this Place Mighty God...Oh you are awesome...Hallelujah...Glo
• 25 Februari pukul 5:11
Paul de Beloved
Its good to worship and praise God especially in an open and secluded the evening time..we shouldnt forget the scripture in the book of Genesis, God used to come down to Adam and eve at the cool of the day i.e in the evening. Its good to have fellowship with God in that way. This evening as i was worshipping God the clouds parted as usual and after the sun as gone, thou the sky still lighted i was stil worshipping then with my eyes close as i open my eyes i saw a huge cloud of fire, i was scared,my body shook but i kept on worshippin. I thank God for manifesting as i worship him. So brethren let us keep it in mind to worship God, He loves it when we come to his presence with praise and worship. GOD BE PRAISED...AMEN
• 25 Februari pukul 0:42 melalui seluler
Edie Porter
We shall rise, to the sky, for the wedding of the Lamb;
Lift your eyes, to the sky, for the wedding of the Lamb.
Dance for joy, sing for joy, to the Father of the Lamb;
Lift your eyes, to the sky, for the wedding of the Lamb.
In fine white linen, and the robe of righteousness,
We walk in unity, we walk in holiness;
No spot or wrinkle, there’s nothing we can hide,
Jesus Christ is coming, He’s coming for His bride;
The fires of life are rising, the last days have begun,
Through trials and tribulation, the testing time has come;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The bride is getting ready, for the wedding of the Lamb.
Signs and wonders follow, those who do believe,
The world shall see You, in all Your majesty;
We’re looking for Your coming, we’re watching at the door,
Jesus Lord and Master, our King forever more;
Entering the kingdom, and walking in the light,
Preparing for the wedding, we are the Bride of Christ;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The Master waits in glory, for the wedding of the Lamb.
Tell this generation, tell everyone you see,
The Lord is coming, He’s coming for you and me;
Be filled with the Spirit, be in the secret place,
Standing on His promises, there is no other way;
The angels are awaiting, the Father’s great command,
To gather up the righteous, from all across the land;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The Master waits in glory, for the wedding of the Lamb.
The angels of the harvest, are getting very near,
For those with eyes to see, the signs are very clear;
They’ll separate the righteous, from all ungodliness,
Those in worthless garments, from those in wedding dress;
The time has come for everyone, choose what you shall wear,
Garments made of righteousness or garments of despair;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The Master waits in glory, for the wedding of the Lamb.
The latter rain is falling, our rescue is at hand,
Pouring out His Spirit, all across the land;
Preparing for the harvest, the angels sing on high,
Glory to the Father, all glory Lord Most High;
The wedding invitation, it comes to one and all,
By faith you must receive it, until the trumpet call;
The Father of Creation, His Word our Guiding Light,
The Rock of our salvation, He shall wed the Bride of Christ!
All power, honor and Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ Now and forever more!
• 26 Februari pukul 9:03
Sarah Riedel
Our Loving Father,Sovereign GOD Yahweh,
We praise YOU Dear LORD for YOU are full of mercy and grace,
to all of YOUR people specially to those who are suffering and in pain.
Today oh LORD i lift up to YOU those who are in bondage of all sorts,
may it be alcohol,drugs,nicotine,med icaments, etc.
Lord,our Sweet LORD YAHUSHUA...YOU see and know all of them,
and it hurts YOU so much looking at them this way.You see their tears and anguish
in their hearts and soul.Nobody seems to care for them sincerely.But YOU Oh Dear Father care for them deeply and wanted them so much to hold them close in YOUR loving arms.They feel unloved and used and worthless but through YOUR eyes they are precious children whom YOU are calling home.Father YOUR heart aches for this children,and longed so much for them to return safe into their rightful place with You.
Like a lost sheeps who found their Shepherd..YOU ARE OUR FAITHFUL SHEPHERD LORD YAHUSHUA!
Draw them all to YOU SWEET LORD.May they find the path that leads to YOU
and may they see the LIGHT that shines brightly for them---that leads
them finally home to YOU our Loving Father.
I pray that each one will call upon YOUR HOLY NAME,
"Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you", says the Lord,(Jeremiah 29:12-13)
I pray that YOUR PRECIOUS HOLY BLOOD cleans them entirely,mind,body and soul and remove every guilt and toxins in their hearts and mind
and be made whole through the power of YOUR SPIRIT! For YOUR namesake LORD
bring them home safe...We praise YOUR loving-kindness!
Thank YOU BELOVED FATHER for YOUR merciful heart!
Hallelujah!!! Glory to YOU alone our TRIUNE GOD!!!
This all we ask and pray in YAHUSHUA´s powerful mighty name! AMEN&AMEN!!!
• 26 Februari pukul 0:10
Gloria Ehumadu
Saint Paul said that we should be thank for ALL THING. Why..? Because God who has designed and planned your life.And He is at work togather with you for your own good. He will not let you be tempted out of your strength.He has provided the way out for each of your problems,to ascape,so you can bear it.
• 26 Februari pukul 14:25
Sarah Riedel
Heavenly Father,YAHWEH...our faithful and loving GOD,
let today and every day be a time of worship. Let us worship You, not only with words and deeds, but also with our hearts.
In the quiet moments of the day, let us praise You and thank You for creating all of us after YOUR image.
Thank YOU BELOVED LORD YAHUSHUA for loving us, guiding us, and saving us.
Even when we are discouraged, even when our hearts are heavy, we will earnestly seek Your will for our lives. You have a perfect plan for us that we can never fully understand. But You understand. And we will trust You today, tomorrow, and forever.
We praise YOU and glorify YOUR name forever Father.
We are everyday grateful we belong to YOU our Precious LORD&KING!
I pray that all will know the rewards of Loving a God like YOU!
You are our most precious treasure and our greatest reward!
We wont ask for anything else...YOU... OUR BEAUTIFUL LORD YAHUSHUA
are more than enough...we wont lack of anything good when we have YOU!
You fill and satisfy our needs and increase our joy and happiness in a day to day basis.I cannot imagine a day without YOU SWEET LORD.You are the food and candy for our soul! I pray that all my loveones and Brethrens here in LJUSC and in FB and around the globe
will all have personal encounter and relationship with YOU.A satisfying intimate close bondage with YOU that nobody else can give.
I thank YOU for everything,thank YOU for YOUR faithfullness in our past and YOUR
wonderful perfect plan in our future!
I thank YOU also Dear Father for forgiving us our trespasses!
Help us to commit ourselves and everything in our lives to YOU alone!
Holy Father,Holy Son and Holy Spirit!
In the mighty name of YAHUSHUA! AMEN&AMEN!!!
• 28 Februari pukul 14:14
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Cleanse me Father...make me whole...wash me in the precious Blood of the Lamb so that I am Holy to visit you in the Holy of Holies...let me experience your divine touch of Holiness...Godliness...rig hteousness...Christ
in my total being...Let my heart be changed to the heart of my Savior...Let me
experience the peace of your Throne room...Let me hear your laughter...Let me
sing and dance with you my daddy...Let me experience your blazing Holy
Fire...let my flesh tingle with the Fire of heaven; your Blessed Holy Spirit...
Let me not be me...but you dear Lord...walking and living in the Spirit at all
times...Come!! dear Lord...take me to the Holy of Holies... free my body...from this world...I cry freedom in your Holy Fire...Your Holy
Spirit...Your Holy presence...Freedom!!...Hal lelujah...Selah!!
• 28 Februari pukul 14:17
Gloria Ehumadu
But this thing commanded I them.saying,Obey My voice,and I will be your God,and ye shall be My people; an walk ye in all the ways,that I have commanded you,that it may be well unto you.Yer 7:23
According to God,in orther for you to be well (happy),you must obey His voice and walk is all the way He has commanded us.
• 28 Februari pukul 18:17
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Jesus...I simply want to praise you name this morning...I want to thank you for the... pita pa ta... of the rain drops on my roof top...I want to praise you for the rain that is right now replenishing your earth...the trees that are swaying in the wind.glorifying you...praising your Holy worth name..the leaves are happy with their new shine and gloss from the showering of rain....the grass will be greener and inviting....the earth will have water to do all the things that are necessary for this earth to flow...our souls God are at peace with you...Nature is at peace with you...the air is fresher ....the oceans; streams; ponds; lakes; everywhere water is deposited to represent is overflowing...we are thanking and praising you Lord Jesus ..for your love..your grace..your mercy upon our lives...we are thanking you for our Salvation...we are thanking you for the many messages...servants...sign s..wonders of this End Time to warn your
people...of your Coming...of your impending Judgment upon the face of the
earth...We are so thankful for you are a compassionate Father...we Love ...we
adore...We worship...We magnify the name of Jesus YAHUSHUA...YAHUSHUA...YAHU SHUA..THOU
• 29 Februari pukul 22:56
We shall rise, to the sky, for the wedding of the Lamb;
Lift your eyes, to the sky, for the wedding of the Lamb.
Dance for joy, sing for joy, to the Father of the Lamb;
Lift your eyes, to the sky, for the wedding of the Lamb.
In fine white linen, and the robe of righteousness,
We walk in unity, we walk in holiness;
No spot or wrinkle, there’s nothing we can hide,
Jesus Christ is coming, He’s coming for His bride;
The fires of life are rising, the last days have begun,
Through trials and tribulation, the testing time has come;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The bride is getting ready, for the wedding of the Lamb.
Signs and wonders follow, those who do believe,
The world shall see You, in all Your majesty;
We’re looking for Your coming, we’re watching at the door,
Jesus Lord and Master, our King forever more;
Entering the kingdom, and walking in the light,
Preparing for the wedding, we are the Bride of Christ;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The Master waits in glory, for the wedding of the Lamb.
Tell this generation, tell everyone you see,
The Lord is coming, He’s coming for you and me;
Be filled with the Spirit, be in the secret place,
Standing on His promises, there is no other way;
The angels are awaiting, the Father’s great command,
To gather up the righteous, from all across the land;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The Master waits in glory, for the wedding of the Lamb.
The angels of the harvest, are getting very near,
For those with eyes to see, the signs are very clear;
They’ll separate the righteous, from all ungodliness,
Those in worthless garments, from those in wedding dress;
The time has come for everyone, choose what you shall wear,
Garments made of righteousness or garments of despair;
The Spirit of the harvest, is working out His plan,
The Master waits in glory, for the wedding of the Lamb.
The latter rain is falling, our rescue is at hand,
Pouring out His Spirit, all across the land;
Preparing for the harvest, the angels sing on high,
Glory to the Father, all glory Lord Most High;
The wedding invitation, it comes to one and all,
By faith you must receive it, until the trumpet call;
The Father of Creation, His Word our Guiding Light,
The Rock of our salvation, He shall wed the Bride of Christ!
All power, honor and Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ Now and forever more!
• 26 Februari pukul 9:03
Sarah Riedel
Our Loving Father,Sovereign GOD Yahweh,
We praise YOU Dear LORD for YOU are full of mercy and grace,
to all of YOUR people specially to those who are suffering and in pain.
Today oh LORD i lift up to YOU those who are in bondage of all sorts,
may it be alcohol,drugs,nicotine,med
Lord,our Sweet LORD YAHUSHUA...YOU see and know all of them,
and it hurts YOU so much looking at them this way.You see their tears and anguish
in their hearts and soul.Nobody seems to care for them sincerely.But YOU Oh Dear Father care for them deeply and wanted them so much to hold them close in YOUR loving arms.They feel unloved and used and worthless but through YOUR eyes they are precious children whom YOU are calling home.Father YOUR heart aches for this children,and longed so much for them to return safe into their rightful place with You.
Like a lost sheeps who found their Shepherd..YOU ARE OUR FAITHFUL SHEPHERD LORD YAHUSHUA!
Draw them all to YOU SWEET LORD.May they find the path that leads to YOU
and may they see the LIGHT that shines brightly for them---that leads
them finally home to YOU our Loving Father.
I pray that each one will call upon YOUR HOLY NAME,
"Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you", says the Lord,(Jeremiah 29:12-13)
I pray that YOUR PRECIOUS HOLY BLOOD cleans them entirely,mind,body and soul and remove every guilt and toxins in their hearts and mind
and be made whole through the power of YOUR SPIRIT! For YOUR namesake LORD
bring them home safe...We praise YOUR loving-kindness!
Thank YOU BELOVED FATHER for YOUR merciful heart!
Hallelujah!!! Glory to YOU alone our TRIUNE GOD!!!
This all we ask and pray in YAHUSHUA´s powerful mighty name! AMEN&AMEN!!!
• 26 Februari pukul 0:10
Gloria Ehumadu
Saint Paul said that we should be thank for ALL THING. Why..? Because God who has designed and planned your life.And He is at work togather with you for your own good. He will not let you be tempted out of your strength.He has provided the way out for each of your problems,to ascape,so you can bear it.
• 26 Februari pukul 14:25
Sarah Riedel
Heavenly Father,YAHWEH...our faithful and loving GOD,
let today and every day be a time of worship. Let us worship You, not only with words and deeds, but also with our hearts.
In the quiet moments of the day, let us praise You and thank You for creating all of us after YOUR image.
Thank YOU BELOVED LORD YAHUSHUA for loving us, guiding us, and saving us.
Even when we are discouraged, even when our hearts are heavy, we will earnestly seek Your will for our lives. You have a perfect plan for us that we can never fully understand. But You understand. And we will trust You today, tomorrow, and forever.
We praise YOU and glorify YOUR name forever Father.
We are everyday grateful we belong to YOU our Precious LORD&KING!
I pray that all will know the rewards of Loving a God like YOU!
You are our most precious treasure and our greatest reward!
We wont ask for anything else...YOU... OUR BEAUTIFUL LORD YAHUSHUA
are more than enough...we wont lack of anything good when we have YOU!
You fill and satisfy our needs and increase our joy and happiness in a day to day basis.I cannot imagine a day without YOU SWEET LORD.You are the food and candy for our soul! I pray that all my loveones and Brethrens here in LJUSC and in FB and around the globe
will all have personal encounter and relationship with YOU.A satisfying intimate close bondage with YOU that nobody else can give.
I thank YOU for everything,thank YOU for YOUR faithfullness in our past and YOUR
wonderful perfect plan in our future!
I thank YOU also Dear Father for forgiving us our trespasses!
Help us to commit ourselves and everything in our lives to YOU alone!
Holy Father,Holy Son and Holy Spirit!
In the mighty name of YAHUSHUA! AMEN&AMEN!!!
• 28 Februari pukul 14:14
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Cleanse me Father...make me whole...wash me in the precious Blood of the Lamb so that I am Holy to visit you in the Holy of Holies...let me experience your divine touch of Holiness...Godliness...rig
• 28 Februari pukul 14:17
Gloria Ehumadu
But this thing commanded I them.saying,Obey My voice,and I will be your God,and ye shall be My people; an walk ye in all the ways,that I have commanded you,that it may be well unto you.Yer 7:23
According to God,in orther for you to be well (happy),you must obey His voice and walk is all the way He has commanded us.
• 28 Februari pukul 18:17
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Jesus...I simply want to praise you name this morning...I want to thank you for the... pita pa ta... of the rain drops on my roof top...I want to praise you for the rain that is right now replenishing your earth...the trees that are swaying in the wind.glorifying you...praising your Holy worth name..the leaves are happy with their new shine and gloss from the showering of rain....the grass will be greener and inviting....the earth will have water to do all the things that are necessary for this earth to flow...our souls God are at peace with you...Nature is at peace with you...the air is fresher ....the oceans; streams; ponds; lakes; everywhere water is deposited to represent is overflowing...we are thanking and praising you Lord Jesus ..for your love..your grace..your mercy upon our lives...we are thanking you for our Salvation...we are thanking you for the many messages...servants...sign
• 29 Februari pukul 22:56
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