HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Glory to the King of all Kings...Lord you have made me so happy with your wonderful words. My wish precious Daddy; is that... all people will get to know the wonderful...Real..Supernatural...Charming...Humorous...Forgiving..Loving...gracious.....generous....Life giving....Merciful....Kind.,...compassionate ..mysterious and Holy High Priest you are....you are the true meaning of the word....LOVE!! THIS END OF YEAR 2011...WE WANT TO THANK AND PRAISE YOU FOR A GREAT YEAR OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND INSIGHT INTO THE KINGDOM AT HAND...WE WELCOME 2012 THE YEAR OF OUR LORD!!...expect a great outpouring of God's Holy Spirit ...the Mighty shift...the Divine Move of God...What a Year this will be..Praise God...Father, I thank thee for who you are ...a wonderful Father...we praise and honor your name..Thank you Holy Spirit...have you precious way in our lives....thank you Mighy Jesus...Glory to your Holy name....Yahweh..Mighty great Creator of this world..God of Israel..Bless your Bosom...we thank Thee for our Lord...Jesus...Hallelujah...We thank thee for your Love ....to this world...We need him more and more as the days gets darker...we need the guidance of our precious Holy Spirit...Hallelujah....Glory to God...I bow before the Throne. and pledge my Loyalty to the Cross for Eternity...Hallelujah...Jesus you are lord and in full control..SHELOM!!
• 1 Januari pukul 5:40
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father! Thank you for your generous air I am breathing...Thank thee for your love..mercies and grace upon our lives...Thank you Lord Jesus for this wonderful church of Hope..where your children will all learn about your wonderful Kingdom and how to follow you according to your statues and precept. We thank thee for all the wonderful things you have in store for your children on this first day of 2012 ...a year where the Divine moves of God will be evident in His children lives....Thank you blessed Holy Spirit for your Leadership...your powerful Works to lead God's people through the gate of heaven in droves...Thank you Lord Jesus..our King of all King ...Thank you mighty YHWH....for our First Love...Jesus...Selah
• 1 Januari pukul 19:15 melalui seluler
Edie Porter
Dear Lord Jesus: I now pray even harder for my two little grand daughters Megan and Elizabeth, in praying that they will be taken in the Rapture. I found out tonight that their mother is still partying with friends and alcohol until the wee hours of the morning. I have tried and tried to witness to my daughter about the lateness of the hour but she will not listen and what's worse, is that my two grand daughters are not being taught knowledge of God. Megan just turned 12 years old and is past the age of accountability. I make a plea to you that you visit both of them and introduce yourself and talk to them about your being their savior . Little Elizabeth is 4 years old and she is not too young to also love you to pieces. Please Lord, have those two little girls fall in love with you and want to be with you. Even take them to visit Heaven if you want to. Also, have them meet their older brother or sister that is already in Heaven if you think that would make them happy. I am in another state and do not live close to have a positive influence on their little lives. PLEASE Lord, WHATEVER it takes, please save those two precious little girls from the claws of demons. I humbly thank you Lord Jesus for reading this urgent plea from me. I have Faith that you will act upon this plea and do whatever is necessary to save the souls of my two precious grand daughters. Praise the Lord! Thank you Lord Jesus!!
• 2 Januari pukul 11:29
Edie Porter
Heavenly Father/ Lord Jesus: With year 2011 behind me, I wish to thank you for all the blessings you bestowed upon me. You did not provide me with worldly riches but provided the most essential item, which money cannot buy. Yes, I am truly rich and I thank you for the gift of saving grace, through the Lord Jesus Christ. For the coming year 2012 I am looking forward to Spiritually growing more. I so much desire a closer relationship with you, which requires more Spiritual growth . I have Faith that will be provided, for you also desire a closer relationship with me. I also thank you for the wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ in LJUSC and so much look forward to a closer relationship with them, also.
My heart yearns for you Yahshua. I can hardly curtail my excitement in anticipation of finally meeting you face to face in all your Glory when your beloved Church takes flight to meet you in the air. Oh... what a glorious day that will be! I pray that I will be found worthy to hear the trumpet blast and found worthy to be part of that flight that meets you in the air. I pray for your precious Holy Spirit to always be a part of me, guiding me and helping to guide others. I pray that the year 2012 will be the year in which you bless your Church body in finally taking them HOME! Ah....home....such a wonderful word! Oh---how I so much want to go home to be with you, as so many others do.
Please help me to die more to myself every day and to continue cleaning out unncessary things from my physical, psychological and emotional life. I so much desire to become completely like you in your will for me and in your ways. All praises , Love, Honor, Glory and thanksgiving go to the Blessed Trinity. Hallelujah!
• 2 Januari pukul 2:41
San Davis
Heavenly Father, I bow and worship and praise before You and I apply the Blood of Jesus Christ over myself and over each person that I have prayed for today; from the tops of our heads to the soles of our feet. I apply the Blood of Jesus over each of us, over the airways that surround us, over us and under us....over our homes, everything in our homes, our pets, our properties, our vehicles, our marriages, our finances and our ministries...Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to wash and cleanse our minds with Your Precious Blood and surround us with Your Hedge of Protection.... Give each of us clarity of thought; give each of us a sound and sober mind, in Jesus Christ Holy Name, I pray and To God be the Glory. Amen, Amen & Amen!
• 2 Januari pukul 14:50
Sarah Riedel
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once, upon the cross, Alleluia!
Suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia!
Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia!
Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia!
Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia!
Sinners to redeem and save, Alleluia!
Sing we to our God above, Alleluia!
Praise eternal as his love, Alleluia!
Praise him, all you heavenly host, Alleluia!
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
• 2 Januari pukul 3:15
Beckie Cobos
Last night the Holy Spirit spoke through His servant that His "angels were right there working on her, she's going to be ok." This morning Toni is talking like herself and up and walking and showered herself today. This is after respiratory failure, 3 cardiac arrests and a stroke! She was due for emergency surgery this morning to explore for abdominal tumors and the Dr.'s have postponed her surgery this morning for another emergency surgery. My question was..who postpones emergency surgery for emergency surgery? Other than triage I know hat is the Holy Spirit working in her. Yesterday she could hardly speak and could not eat without sitting up straight. Today she's walking, bathing herself and speaking normally. Praise God! Bless Your Holy Name oh Lord! Thank You Sweet Holy Spirit! Thank You for the two souls which will be won for your kingdom through this experience. Praise God! Hallelujah! AMEN!
• 3 Januari pukul 2:15
Edie Porter
Dear Lord Jesus: I humbly come before you to thank you for having brethern in agreement with my plea concerning my two grand daughters. I also thank you for already answering that plea and that it is in line with you divine Will that my grand daughters be saved. All love, honor, glory and praises go to you Lord. Your Will be done, Lord.
• 3 Januari pukul 1:23
Sally S. Richter
The Messiah "Rejoice heart and soul, daughter of Zion. Shout with gladness, daughter of Jerusalem. See now, your king comes to you. He is victorious. He is triumphant, humble and riding on a donkey.. He will banish chariots from Ephraim and horses from Jerusalem, the bow of war will be banished. He will proclaim peace for the nations. His empire shall stretch from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth (Zechariah 9:9) Dear Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise and thank You so much for Your words from the Bible. Everytime I will ask You for a word You gave me always hope and joy in my heart. I always hear You talk of Your coming and You always confirmed it by Your words. Last night, I heard You again, telling me it wont be long, and this morning is Your confirmation. Thank You so much Lord Jesus. I bless Your grea name and the Father in Heaven. I bless Your name and glorify Your name. Halleluiah. Almighty God in Heaven. My GOD, my LORD, My KING. The GOD, KING, LORD of Lords. And all of us here. Amen..Halleliuah. Halleluiah. Amen! Glory to You Lord, Glory. Amen. Praise You Lord Jesus. Amen!
• 4 Januari pukul 5:49
Bianca Ambrose
1/4/2012 Prayer
I intercede for the salvation of the unsaved. You said Father that every believer has a position of authority with our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, above all authority, power, force and dominion and every name mentioned, not only in this age but also in the one to come. I ask Father that the eyes of my heart may be enlightened in
order that I may know your incomparably great power for us who believe.
Humble I come Father, humble I lay before You Lord, Holy Spirit guide my words and thoughts as I humble my self remove any hindrance I ask in the name of my Lord Jesus Thank You )) thank you)))).
Father You have exerted in Christ when You raised him from the dead and seated him at Your right
hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every
title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
Father You placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church.
You Father God raised us up with Christ Jesus and seated us with him in the heavenly
realms in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Oh ))) Father I ask you today for unsaved people on the grounds that Jesus has already come and
paid with His blood for the sins of the world. You Father demonstrates Your own love for us
in this, while we were still sinners, Our Lord Jesus Christ died for us.
I ask oh ))) yes Father I ask that Jesus will bring people from death into life. Father just as You raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom He is pleased to give it thank you, thank you )))) Lord.
Father it is You alone that draws people to our Lord Jesus. Lord remember what You said that no one can come to you unless the Father who sent You draws him and You will raise him up at the last day. I believe that Father Your word is true.
I know You told me that Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.
and that Your words You have spoken to me are Spirit and they are life.
You said to me Father without faith it is impossible to please You my Lord and my God, because
anyone who comes to You must believe that You exists and that You my Lord rewards those who
earnestly seek You.
Oh )))) Father oh )))) Father I believe in Your omnipotence to recreate and save people.
I believe that You my Lord wants to save people.
Tears, tears)))))) oh ))) Father I believe in You my Lord Jesus who came to save and that You paid the full price for our sins with Your precious blood that flowed on the cross.
Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit I stand in faith on Your promises in connection with the salvation of all those outside the ark of Your safety.
Father I come boldly unto Your throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. I know without faith it is impossible to please You for you said he that cometh to You must believe that you are and that You are a rewarder of them that diligently seek You, oh ))) my Lord my soul floods with gratitude and my eyes floods with tears, tears I am overwhelmed with Your mercy and love, I am so unworthy of such mercy.
Thank you )))) thank you ))) thank you )))) tears))))).
Lord Jesus remember when You look upon them You said, With men it is impossible, but not with You my Lord for with you all things are possible.
Lord remember when You saw the multitudes, You were moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. I am feeling that same spirit, thank you Father for the spirit of compassion thank you.)))
Lord Jesus remember when You spoke to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint, You said that he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination and that he that cover his sins shall not prosper but whoso confess and forsake them shall have mercy. Thank you for your mercy.
Oh )))) Father You so loved the world, that You gave us Your only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, You also said that it is the spirit that quicken and that the flesh profit nothing but that the words that You speak unto me they are spirit, and they are life.
You said no man can come to You, except the Father which hath sent You draw him: and You will raise him up at the last day and as the Father raises up the dead, and gives them life even so You my Lord gives life to whom he will. Ohhhhhh))))) Father I ask for mercy and grace for the ignorant and decieve and blind, ohhhh ))) for salvation. Tears, tears))) for the lost.
You said when You come, You will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in You they do not regard to righteousness.
Lord Jesus in regard to judgment, I ask You Lord judge the prince of this world and I know that he will stand condemned for his wickedness and deception.
Father the prince of this world has made the gospel we proclaim veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel and of the glory of You my Lord Jesus Christ, who is the image of your Father.
Thank you Lord for instilling in me that we do not war after the flesh and that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through You to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against Your knowledge Father and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of my Lord Jesus Christ.
You are not slack concerning Your promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. I know from You Father according to Your word that it is not Your will that any should perish but that it pleases You our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
I ask Father remember Your words unto your servant in which have cause me to hope. Shower me and my brothers and sisters with Your Spirit of health, protection, strength to labor in Your vineyard, shower us emotionally with the message of salvation, faith, grace, mercy, spiritual growth joy, peace, hope, love.
I ask Father spiritual blessings in marriages, good relationships with family, friends, neighbors, even associates at work. My praise is always unto You my Lord as I worship You, and thank You before my eyes see I believe for You said it and I walk in it by faith giving You all glory honor as I humble before thee. In Jesus mighty name Amen.
I love You Lord, your child Bianca
Ed Gen
Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit
On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses, I offer myself, soul and body to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity, the unerring keenness of Your justice, and the might of Your love. You are the Strength and Light of my soul. In You I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve You by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against You. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Your light, and listen to Your voice and follow Your gracious inspirations. I cling to You and give myself to You and ask You by Your compassion to watch over me in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart I implore You, Adorable Spirit, Helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Your grace that I may never sin against You. Give me grace O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere "Speak Lord for Your servant heareth." Amen.
• 4 Januari pukul 15:54
Marguerite Botha
Father, hear the prayer we offer:
Nor for ease that prayer shall be,
But for strength, that we may ever
Live our lives courageously.
Not forever in green pastures
Do we ask our way to be,
But the steep and rugged pathway
May we tread rejoicingly.
Not forever by still waters
Would we idly, quiet stay;
But would smite the living fountains
From the rocks along our way.
Be our strength in hours of weakness,
In our wanderings be our Guide;
Through endeavor, failure, danger,
Father, be Thou at our side.
Let our path be bright or dreary,
Storm or sunshine be our share;
May our souls in hope unweary
Make Thy work our ceaseless prayer.
• 4 Januari pukul 7:09
Joseph G Muiruri
Change My Heart LORD Jesus to always be true, Change My Heart to be like Yours.You are the Potter, i am the clay.Mould me to the form & kind You want me to be.Search deep within my Heart and uproot the weeds, catch the small foxes making my vineyard not to blossom.
My Jesus, the Saviour of My Life, create in me a Heart of flesh, tender & alive , a clean and pure resting place for the Holy Spirit.
You are a God full of Compassion, Your Mercies very Plenteous,Remember me today and fellowship with My Heart always.
Thank You for Your Love & Kindness.I bless You and exalt You.
This are times LORD, when You are calling us to Worship You in Spirit & Truth [John 4:24], Please create New wineskins in all of us to enable us to offer acceptable Sacrifice & Worship in Your Holy Presence.
My Father in Heaven You inhabit Eternity, dwelling in High & Holy places with the Humble Hearts & Contrite Spirits.Ooh My Dear LORD help us to be humble always inspite of showdowns; circumstances or opportunities we have in life.By this Our Master, we are assured a place together with You.
Father You delight not in burnt offerings nor Sacrifices lest we should take rams & bullocks and offer them to You, But a contrite Heart You despise not.Help us LORD to offer our Hearts in brokeness & Meekness with Sincerity.
Take our Hearts Jesus and Purify us with Your Precious Blood. Cover us and Protect us from the enemy of Our Hearts.We are Yours and nothing will Separate us from You.Blessed is Your Name Jesus, that is Why we Trust You with Our Hearts.You Never dissapoint, You nourish us and Your Joy is unquenchable.
Thank You Father God, Thank You Jesus Christ, Thank You Holy Spirit ,You have done it Holy Trinity of God...Amen! In Jesus Mighty Name, I pray & believe.Glory to God Highest..
• 4 Januari pukul 17:42 melalui seluler
Suana D'branch
Lord, You know the desire of my heart..I need You in every area of my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit..come Holy Spirit, I really need You..
• 5 Januari pukul 20:36
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Our Father is a King....a Supernatural King...a humble King...as gentle as a Lamb...as Mighty as the Lion of Judah...He should be our first love...because He loved us first by dying on the Cross..He Reigns forever ...Angels bow before Him ...Heaven and Earth adores Him; He neither slumber nor sleeps; the entire Army of nature pays homage to His Holy name; He is the Mighty voice that ripples over many waters; He commands the sea, the wind, to halt and they obey; What kind of Power is that; the mighty sun comes out and shine all for his glory; the moon and stars are perched high in the sky to add to His mystique and glory. the sun shines in all its brilliance giving glory to a wonderful God of creation. Daddy Jesus...you are Honor...and you are Glory.....you are worthy Lord Jesus ...You are our Mighty King.....we await your coming...Glory to your blessed Holy Spirit who makes everything possible in the Body of Christ......Mighty Yahweh we bow before the Throne and thank you with love and pride and joy in our hearts for such a beautiful Gift of Life....Jesus...Hallelujah!!
• 6 Januari pukul 8:03
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
It is indeed a great honor to serve a God ...who neither slumber nor sleep; you do not have to look over your shoulders and wonder ..How close are my enemies? every battle is won...every decision of your life is made; angels surrounds you and your household; you children are being watched; you are constantly reminded how much you are loved and cared for by the supreme Power...Jesus...You refuse to... worry about the bills; because you know divine favors and blessings are on its way; you hear the unspoken things; see the unseen things; you know who you should trust; and who you should run from. You worship and praise God in the beauty of Holiness.. His sweet Holy Spirit is constantly there to guide you and snatch you out of shark infested waters...What a wonderful privilege to be called a King's daughter...to be free from the burden of a world that is no longer what it appears; pure evil is hovering over and the ordinary eyes refuse to see. O dearest Daddy ...thank you my Lord.
• 6 Januari pukul 6:48
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
Father what a wonderful privilege to be loved by such gentle..humble Super Power of the World...Glory to God...Jesus!! you ignite my tongue to praise you by just the mere mention of your name...You are the Lilly of the garden..a sweet smelling aroma to my senses..you have captivated my soul with the beauty of your Holiness ..you are the Bright and Morning Star...you light will never grow dim in a world that is dark and evil...Hallelujah...King Jesus...glory to your precious Holy name....Gloraaay..All ye gates..Rise up your heads and let the King of Glory ..come through...HALLELUJAH • 6 Januari pukul 6:57 Bianca Ambrose 1/6/2012 Oh))))) God, our Heavenly Father, out of whose mind this great universe has been created, my Lord I come before Your presence in total submission and humbled to give you all glory honor and praise and to thank You my Lord for the many blessings of life. Oh))) Jesus I come recognizing my dependence on You. I also come, oh))) God, with an awareness that I have fallen short in my life to that which You have instructed me to do. I fall short in the dungeons of ungratefulness, diligence and perseverance forgive me Lord. In these days of emotional tension, when the problems of the world are gigantic and chaotic in detail, give us penetrating vision, broad understanding, power of endurance and abiding faith, and save us from the paralysis of crippling doubt and selfishness. Oh))) God, I ask You to help me to work with renewed vigor as I see the day approaching. Father look out for my brothers and sisters in Christ, let their prayers come into your ear, grant that their household serve You and keep them from all sickness and harm. I thank you Father. You are so faithful and You care so much about us. Thank you )))) tears thank you ))) tears Thank You Father, thank you my Lord Jesus,thank you Holy Spirit for the marvelous things which have been done around us, thank you for sustaining your faithful children. Father I ask Thee, Oh))) God, for your continue blessing upon Your children for the roof over their heads, food on the table, cloths on their backs, warmth from the cold and the high and holy privilege to come before You and make their petition known. With tears oh )))) Father I lift up to you Lord the homeless, the hungry, the naked and the outcasts, the widows and the orphans, Father the sick and the lonely and those that society forget. Lord cover them I ask You, send me to be Your hands, Your feet, the mouth used by You to speak your word of encouragement, destroy the spirit of forgetfulness and open us up and pour compassion in us let it over flow like a river that all may see the love of You in us. My Lord as we look unto You, grant that our hearts and spirit be open to the divine inflow. I love You so much Father, all of these things I ask, in the name of Him who taught us to pray. “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Amen Sarah Riedel To My Sweet LORD JESUS, Thank YOU my Holy LORD for waking me up early this morning. There´s nothing more wonderful than to be awaken with the voice of my LORD.So Loving,so encouraging,so comforting! Your beauty wraps my heart and soul! You are my King, My Provider,My Sustainer, My Defender,My Healer, My Lover...Perfect Lover, My All in all. We magnify YOUR glorious name...forevermore! • 7 Januari pukul 15:29 Bianca Ambrose 1/7/2012 Thank you, Lord Jesus, for awakening me this early morning into your light. Thank you, Lord, for transforming by the renewing of the mind. Thank you, Lord, for pouring out your Spirit on me, and revealing your Word to me. Thank you, Lord, for giving your angels charge over me in all my ways. Thank you for your gift of faith that from my innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. Thank you for directing my mind and heart into love and the steadfastness of all your ways. Fill me to overflowing with your life and love, my Lord and King, Jesus Christ. All glory honor and praise be unto You my Lord and my God, thank you Father for your wrath against all evil, for You are mighty, awesome steadfast, unshakable and righteous in all Your ways. HaleluJah !!!! Glory !!! I worship You Lord I adore you Lord, I am humbly laid out before You Lord. Your will))) Your will )))) Your will )))) be done on earth Lord as it is in heaven )))) Heaven is your throne and the earth is your footstool. You are Holy Holy Holy !!! HaleluJah !!!! Oh ))))) Father through the power of Lord Jesus Christ, come against every source of sin. I ask you Lord Jesus to send forth an assignment of warring angels to strike down and destroy every demonic entity that has been influencing sinful behaviors of envy, criticism, impatience, resentment, pride, rebellion, stubbornness, unforgiveness, gossip, disobedience, strife, violence, divorce, accusation, anger, manipulation, jealousy, greed, laziness, revenge, coveting, possessiveness, control, retaliation, selfishness, deceitfulness, deception, dishonesty, unbelief, seduction, lust, pornography, idolatry and witchcraft. May your warring angels strike down and destroy every demonic influence that has contributed to physical and psychological infirmities of nerve disorder, lung disorder, brain disorder or dysfunction, AIDS, cancer, hypochondria, hyperactivity, depression, schizophrenia, fatigue, anorexia, bulimia, addictions, gluttony, perfectionism, alcoholism, self-abuse, sexual addictions, sexual perversions, attempted suicide, incest, pedophilia, lesbianism, homosexuality, adultery, homophobia, confusion, ignorance, procrastination, self-hatred, isolation, loneliness, paranoia, nervousness, passivity, indecision, doubt, oppression, rejection, poor self-image, anxiety, shame, timidity and fear. Thank you Lord my God for awakening today through Your power Lord Jesus thank you that You filled me with the Holy Spirit proclaiming by the power of YOU my Father which are in heaven the gifts of peace, patience, love, joy, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, humility, forgiveness, goodness, fortitude, discipline, truth, relinquishment, good self-image, prosperity, charity, obedience, a sound mind, order, fulfillment in Christ, acceptance of self, acceptance of others, trust, freedom from addictions, freedom of having-to-control, freedom from shame, wholeness, wellness, health, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and the light and life of the Lord Jesus Christ. I stand firm in faith and I trust my Lord GOD that which He says He will perform in the name of JESUS Amen. HourofGrace CarleneGrace Father !!! Bless your Holy name...You are worthy of all the praises...the thanks...the worship...the Glory is all yours. Daddy..with tears in my heart I come before your Throne and pledge my loyalty to the Cross...No devil..no demon...no man shall silent my tongue from paying homage to you..from worshipping you from praising your Holy..righteous name..Hallelujah!!... You are the High Priest of this Church...It is a church without walls...Our prayers to you Lord Jesus...will be heard...we praise and magnify your name ...Father !! the enemy is using your scriptures at the End Time to reek havoc in your sanctuary; but My Lord ...you know...you hear..you see the cry of every broken heart...You will never be mocked...some of your children has a form of godliness but they deny your Power...The Power of the Holy Spirit of God...the Power to truly know your voice..to know the supernatural God you are...to know the kind and considerate God Head you are...to truly know that you are the purest form of Love....you are the Author of Peace and Order and not confusion they refuse to view thing with their Spiritual eyes..to see your powerful Hands at work in any given siutation.. Lord Jesus!!....they claim you with their lips but their hearts are dark...evil full of guile from the rancid..putrid bowel of satan; Lord !! Minister unto the confused; the deceived; the broken hearted ...minster unto them through your precious Holy Spirit. My heart is broken....my soul is in tears...my eyes are filled with water because I know you are grieved....Oh my precious Lord....Have Mercy on your children...show them your ways..give them wisdom and knowledge that comes only from you...shine your light upon their situations ...dispel all the errors and doubts from their minds..their hearts ..their soul...Kiss them Father with your peace..your love your understanding...Oh Holy Father...Son of David ..I cry ...Mercy!! Mercy!! Mercy!! Hallelujah to the King of all Kings...thou Son of David....MERCY!! • 7 Januari pukul 14:01 HourofGrace CarleneGrace Father!! I lift up the Cup of our Salvation in your precious name and thank you for your shed Blood....Holy Blessed Spirit have your precious way in this church perfecting us all to meet our Lord and Savior on that very soon glorious day....Thank you Father ..for your undying Love for all Creation....Thank you Lord Jesus for your faithfulness to your children...We bow before your Throne and proclaim our Loyalty to the Cross...Amen!! • 8 Januari pukul 12:30 HourofGrace CarleneGrace Wash me and make me white as snow. Purify my soul with Holiness so that I can be in your presence for a Lifetime without stumbling. Let my footsteps be the road to Salvation for your saints. Enflame me with the Fire of the Holy Ghost and fan the flame with your wisdom and Knowledge of your Word. I am your humble servant; USE ME FOR YOUR GLORY!! • 8 Januari pukul 14:31 Sally S. Richter " Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved" ( Psalms 80:3) Yes! Father in heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us and restore us. Restore us Oh Lord, Restore us, O God; Make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. Saved us, Restore us, Oh God; that we may be saved. according to Your mercy when You were on the cross, according to Your unfailing steadfast love, according to Your lovingkindness, according to Your goodness and great faithfulness, pardon our every iniquities, pardon us and cleanse us. Help us and let Your Holy Spirit and Your holy love shine in us. Make us one in You alone. Make us strong for Your name's sake. Make Your face shine in us. Keep us the apple of Your eye and make us the favorable people of Yours, who carries the torch of Your light on every nations under heaven. Make us, the brethen here in LJUSC and our loved ones shine for You. Amen! Amen. Glory to You Lord! Thank You God/Lord Jesus for everything. Amen! • 9 Januari pukul 5:50 Edie Porter God the Father/ Lord Jesus...I come before you today with praise and thanksgiving for all you have provided for me. Your extreme sacrifice, love, mercy and faithfulness has made it possible to have a deeper relationship with you and to spend eternity with you. I also thank you for the spiritual gift of discernment you have given to use to your Glory. I pray for the people that the enemy has been deceiving...to get them to believe other doctrines than your Holy Bible. By your Spirit, Lord, I will do my best to expose spiritual deception, even if I be attacked by the enemy. I will also pray that an elder member of LJUSC give a Sermon on how vitally important it is that we "test" the spirits communicating with us verbally, claiming to be you . The "religious" spirit demons are very busy these last days because they know their time is short and people need to know to test every spirit that communicates with them and every time a spirit communicates with them. 1 John Chapter 4 verses 1-3 tell people how to do that. I am just so delighted that I am able to serve you in this manner these last days and I thank you for providing the spiritual gift of discernment to be able to do that, to your Glory. I praise your Holy Name forever. Hallelujah! • 9 Januari pukul 3:25 Bianca Ambrose A Prayer for my Brothers and sisters in You Lord Jesus. I ask you, O Lord. Open our eyes to Your presence. Open our ears to Your call. Open our hearts to Your love. May we open our arms to others. May we open our hearts to strangers. May we open our doors to those who call to us. I ask my Lord that Your grace,Your love and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and forever. In the name of our Father Who is our Creator, in the name of our Lord Jesus who is our Savior, and in the name of the Holy Spirit Who is our Sanctifier. Amen. • 8 Januari pukul 19:24 HourofGrace CarleneGrace This is a Repost from Ty Allen.....Praise God.... Abba Father in the Everlasting Name of Yeshua...I pray for Thy Elect and the Body of our Beloved Bridegroom. So many are troubled on every side. Give them not to be distressed. Perplexed all around. Give them not to be in despair. Persecuted on every hand. Abba Father...Jehovah Shammah...cause them to know they will never be forsaken. Our spirits and hopes may be cast down Yet give us the wisdom and with Thy covering hand the protection to never be destroyed. Grant the Saints the Love and the Patience to be uplifting and encouraging when one of our own falls short of Thy Glory. Realizing but for Grace we like sheep could go astray. Teach us to restore with the spirit of meekness and to receive those who are weak in the faith as well as those who appear to have conquered the mountain. Lest we become respecter of persons and hold some in higher esteem than others. Lest we offend the tender plant you are nurturing by the power of adoption and through Thy Precious Holy Spirit. We bind scisms, clicks and separation attempting to infiltrate the Body of Christ. We stand as one Organism dedicated and determined to be the Sons & Daughters of Zion...to offer the first-fruit of our praises and worship to our Almighty King. I declare & decree in the Above Every Name Jesus...that the fellowship and unity of Thy Remnant shall holdfast even now and forevermore. It Is So!!! AMEN • 11 Januari pukul 4:02 Rina Odermatt Father God King Yaweh, The Creator Of Heaven And Earth, thank You for the blood of Jesus which cleanses me from all unrighteousness. Thank You for forgiving me and restoring me. I choose to forget the past and move forward into all that You have prepared for me in Jesus’ name. Amen... • 11 Januari pukul 23:17 Rina Odermatt Morning Prayer I have so many enemies, Lord, so many who turn against me! They talk about me and say, God will not help him. But you, O Lord, are always my shield from danger; you give me victory and restore my courage. I call to the Lord for help, and from his sacred hill[b] he answers me. I lie down and sleep, and all night long the Lord protects me. I am not afraid of the thousands of enemies who surround me on every side. Come, Lord! Save me, my God! You punish all my enemies and leave them powerless to harm me. Victory comes from the Lord — may he bless his people. • 12 Januari pukul 3:56 Rina Odermatt Evening Prayer Answer me when I pray, O God, my defender! When I was in trouble, you helped me. Be kind to me now and hear my prayer. How long will you people insult me? How long will you love what is worthless and go after what is false? Remember that the Lord has chosen the righteous for his own, and he hears me when I call to him. Tremble with fear and stop sinning; think deeply about this, when you lie in silence on your beds. Offer the right sacrifices to the Lord, and put your trust in him. There are many who pray: Give us more blessings, O Lord. Look on us with kindness! But the joy that you have given me is more than they will ever have with all their grain and wine. When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace; you alone, O Lord, keep me perfectly safe. • 12 Januari pukul 3:58 Rina Odermatt A Prayer for Protection Listen to my words, O Lord, and hear my sighs. Listen to my cry for help, my God and king! I pray to you, O Lord; you hear my voice in the morning; at sunrise I offer my prayer[b] and wait for your answer. You are not a God who is pleased with wrongdoing; you allow no evil in your presence. You cannot stand the sight of the proud; you hate all wicked people. You destroy all liars and despise violent, deceitful people. But because of your great love I can come into your house; I can worship in your holy Temple and bow down to you in reverence. Lord, I have so many enemies! Lead me to do your will; make your way plain for me to follow. What my enemies say can never be trusted; they only want to destroy. Their words are flattering and smooth, but full of deadly deceit. Condemn and punish them, O God; may their own plots cause their ruin. Drive them out of your presence because of their many sins and their rebellion against you. But all who find safety in you will rejoice; they can always sing for joy. Protect those who love you; because of you they are truly happy. You bless those who obey you, Lord; your love protects them like a shield. • 12 Januari pukul 4:00 Rina Odermatt A Prayer for Justice O Lord, my God, I come to you for protection; rescue me and save me from all who pursue me, or else like a lion they will carry me off where no one can save me, and there they will tear me to pieces. Lord, my God, if I have wronged anyone, if I have betrayed a friend or without cause done violence to my enemy[b] — if I have done any of these things— then let my enemies pursue me and catch me, let them cut me down and kill me and leave me lifeless on the ground! Rise in your anger, O Lord! Stand up against the fury of my enemies; rouse yourself and help me! Justice is what you demand, 7 so bring together all the peoples around you, and rule over them from above.[c] You are the judge of all people. Judge in my favor, O Lord; you know that I am innocent. You are a righteous God and judge our thoughts and desires. Stop the wickedness of evildoers and reward those who are good. God is my protector; he saves those who obey him. God is a righteous judge and always condemns the wicked. If they do not change their ways, God will sharpen his sword. He bends his bow and makes it ready; he takes up his deadly weapons and aims his burning arrows. See how wicked people think up evil; they plan trouble and practice deception. But in the traps they set for others, they themselves get caught. So they are punished by their own evil and are hurt by their own violence. I thank the Lord for his justice; I sing praises to the Lord, the Most High. • 12 Januari pukul 4:03 Edie Porter Praise Prayers - Holy Standard Prayer: Holy, holy! Worthy, worthy! -- You alone are to be lifted up on high, worshipped and glorified. My King, You are beautiful in all Your ways, pure and righteous - above all others. You are the Lamb of God I choose to worship! You loved me first without reservation -- even to the sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary. You reach out from heaven to this earth and willingly draw us to Yourself. You provide all our needs - and You charge us to trust in You and live a life of peace • 12 Januari pukul 4:51 Sarah Riedel Our Heavenly Father,everyday there are hundred reasons to praise YOU. We are so blessed left and right.And we thank YOU Holy God for YOUR provision and protection in our lives and the lives of our loveones.All of what we have is because of YOUR goodness and grace that continously flows daily. We praise YOUR patience and wisdom.How amazing,marvelous,splendid,extravagant are YOUR ways.We are in complete awe! Father,YOU´VE called,each member,each brethren here in YOUR church,the LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHURCH to take part and to serve YOU...its a great blessing to be able to serve YOU our GOD ALMIGHTY,maker of heaven and earth.Reveal to each and everyone what YOU want them/us to do in order to be useful and to advance YOUR Kingdom.You have made us as we are in order to use us as YOU planned...now Father make YOUR perfect plan a reality in our lives.Help us to conform our will into YOUR perfect will.Do not allow us to miss this ONCE AND A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY.We desire nothing but to give YOU glory and to be a faithful servant all the days of our lives.Help us to be pleasing in YOUR sight LORD! Thank YOU LORD,Jehovah T´sidkenu for imparting righteousness to us all of my Brothers and Sisters here in YOUR church and all the Brethrens around the globe. We live,we breath and we have our being because of YOU and YOUR great grace Holy Father. Make us all worthy of YOU our Beloved LORD and Bridegroom! In JESUS´ mighty name we pray! AMEN&AMEN! • 12 Januari pukul 17:24 Edie Porter Lord, we come with humble hearts this day, confessing that we have been so sure of our own ability that we have forgotten our dependency upon Your Grace, Mercy and Love. Guide us back to Your path of righteousness Lord, and fill us with knowledge of Your peace, and reassure us with Your loving care and help. You have placed us just where You want us to be, but so often we struggle against Your reins, and want to go off on our own, instead of quietly accepting Your perfect plans for our lives. Lord, our faith and trust is in You, even though it often seems that we want our own wilful way. Deep down we know that what You want for us is best, and we pray that we may accept Your best with grateful hearts. Bless us, O Lord, and restore us to that place of peace once more. We crave You presence, Lord, with all that is in us. Speak to our hearts Lord God, and reveal what You require of us. We are Your own, and worship and honour You. You are our Lord, and we can go to no one else who understands us like You do. May our praise and adoration rise up as incense before You now, bringing a pleasurable fragrance to You. Blessed is the Name of our Most High God! He is Holy, indeed! Hallelieuia • 13 Januari pukul 4:03 Marguerite Botha Lord Jesus you alone are our Lord King and Savior, you are the Only way the Only truth, the one true light, show us your will, and Lord Jesus you said in your word, My sheep knows and hear my voice, we belong to you, thank you Lord Jesus for your Love, your Precious Blood, thank you Holy Spirit Councillor, Friend for helping us to see the truth, understand the Truth, to Abba Father our Almighty God all the Glory Honour and Praise are to Thee for ever and ever....Amen! • 13 Januari pukul 18:09 Tehillah Fu Father God/Lord Jesus, we thank You for everything for our days. Thank You so much for being our dearest father, guide, protector, friend, lover, sustainer, healer and our all in all in our lives. For every breath we take, we offer thanks, gratitude, and love to respond to Your endless love and mercy for us. Teach us Lord, teach us Your ways and to love You more and more. All glory to You Lord. Hallelujah!!! • 13 Januari pukul 23:49 melalui seluler Bianca Ambrose My prayer for the body of Christ. by Bianca Ambrose 1/13/2012 My Father, in the name of Jesus, this is the confidence we have in You, if we ask anything according to Your will, You hear us: and since we know that you hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of You. Your Word and Your Will are one in the same. Father, you said behold They are one people, and they all have one language; and this is only the beginning of what we will do; and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible to them. I declare by the name of our Lord Jesus that all of us in Your body are in perfect harmony, and in full agreement in what we say, and there are no dissensions or factions or divisions among us; but that we are perfectly united in our common understanding and in our opinions and judgments. Holy Spirit You have taught us how to agree (harmonize together, together make a symphony) about anything and everything, so that whatever we ask will come to pass and be done for us by our Father in heaven. I declare as a member of the Body of Christ, we do live as becomes us, with complete lowliness of mind (humility) and meekness (unselfishness, gentleness and mildness) with patience, bearing with one another and making allowances because we love one another. In the name of Jesus, we are eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness (produced by) the Holy Spirit in the binding power of peace I declare in the name of Jesus and according to the power of God at work in us, that we are of one and the same mind (united in spirit) sympathizing (with one another) loving (each the others) as brethren of one household), compassionate and courteous tenderhearted and humble-minded. We never return evil for evil or insult for insult, scolding, tongue lashing, berating; but on the contrary blessing, praying for their welfare, joy, and protection and truly pitying and loving one another. For we know that to this we have been called, that we may ourselves inherit blessings from God, obtain blessings as heirs, bringing welfare and joy and protection. Father, thank You that Jesus has given to us glory and honor which you gave Him, that we may be one, even as You and Jesus are one: Jesus in us and You in Jesus, in order that we may become one and perfectly united, that the world may know and definitely recognize that You sent Jesus and that You love us as You have loved Jesus. Father, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Amen HourofGrace CarleneGrace Father!! I love you, I adore you, I worship you, I magnify your name, and I glorify your name. I praise you; I am in awe of your Majesty; your mystique…your humility and your Power…Hallelujah…You are the Holy Hill I look up to; You are the air I breathe; You are every moment of my Life; You are the core of my fabric; You are the beat of my Heart; You are the sponge of my problems; You are my Bosom Friend; you are a battle cry; you are the cleansing Blood that flows through my veins. Simply, Father!! I cannot live without you. Jesus Rock of my life!! Hallelujah!! Praise your Holy name • 13 Januari pukul 0:29 Daniel Pasaribu DAILY DECLARATION OF FAITH PRAYER FOR CHRISTIANS' VICTORIOUS LIFE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I COMMAND EVERY CELL TO FUNCTION IN WHOLENESS. EVERY BIOGENETIC CURSE OF ADDICTION IS BROKEN. MY DNA IS CORRECT AND FUNCTIONS IN LINE WITH GOD’S WORD. EVERY GENERATIONAL CURSE OF OBESITY AND ALL OTHER CURSES AFFECTING MY WEIGHT ARE BROKEN. I COMMAND EVERY SPIRIT OF GLUTTONY, BULEMIA, ANEXORIA, SUGAR ADDICTION, OVER-INDULGENCE, COMPULSION, ADDICTION, CRAVING, LACK OF SELF CONTROL, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, ANGER, UNWORTHINESS, DEFORMITY, UNBELIEF, DEPRESSION, OPPRESSION, SELF-HATRED, HATRED OF MY BODY, UGLINESS, REJECTION, REBELLION, INCONSISTENCY, DECEPTION, FAILURE, FEAR, INTIMIDATION AND ALL OTHER CONNECTED AND RELATED SPIRITS NOT OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST TO COME OUT NOW IN THE NAME AND BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DWELL IN, AROUND OR ATTACH TO ME IN ANY WAY. IT IS FINISHED. BE GONE, NOW. MY BODY IS WHOLE AND HEALTHY. I EAT HEALTHY FOOD. I EXERCISE PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ON A LEVEL OF MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. I AM NOT MOVED BY WHAT I SEE FOR FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR BUT NOT YET SEEN. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. I LOVE AND RESPECT MY BODY AND CALL IT HOLY AS THE LORD MY GOD IS HOLY. METABOLISM, GLANDULAR, BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS, RESPIRIATORY, CARDIOVASCULAR, DIGESTIVE, NEURO-MUSCULAR, ALL SYSTEMS OF MY BODY, EVERY CELL, EVERY ORGAN FUNCTIONS AS THEY WHERE CREATED TO IN PERFECT HARMONY AND BALANCE. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I WALK IN THE WHOLENESS OF JESUS CHRIST. I HAVE OUTWARD AND INWARD BEAUTY. THE BEAUTY OF CHRIST RADIATES FROM MY VERY PRESENCE. THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT IS IN ME IS BEAUTIFUL AND THE FRAGRANCE OF THE LORD FOLLOWS ME WHEREVER I GO. I AM THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, PURE, SPOTLESS AND BLAMELESS BEFORE HIM. THE FAVOR OF THE LORD RESTS UPON ME AND IS UNCONDITIONALLY ABOUNDING TOWARD ME IN EVERY SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCE. GOD AND MAN LOVE AND ACCEPT ME. I AM ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED. JESUS HAS PLANS AND A HOPE FOR MY FUTURE, AND I WILL FULLFILL EVERY INCH EVERY CENTIMETER OF WHAT HE HAS FOR ME. SATAN IS BOUND FROM INTERFERING WITH THE DIVINE PATH OF DESTINY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS CALLED ME TO. I WILL NO LONGER LET FEAR, INTIMIDATION, REJECTION OR ANY OTHER THING STAND IN MY WAY. I RUN THE RACE WITH A VICTORS CROWN ON MY HEAD AND FEET THAT ARE SWIFT TO REACH THE HIGH CALLING GOD HAS PLACED UPON MY LIFE. I WALK ON HIGH PLACES IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO RESIDES BIG IN ME. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I AM VIOLENTLY AND FORCEFULLY TAKING BACK EVERYTHING THE ENEMY HAS STOLEN FROM ME. ALL OF SATAN’S PLANS AND ASSIGNMENTS ARE CANCELLED. I AM FULLY EQUIPPED AND EQUIPPING OTHERS IN THE ART OF WARFARE. THE HIGH PRAISES OF GOD ARE UPON MY LIPS. I STAND WITH A TWO EDGED SWORD IN MY HAND SLICING INTO AND PUSHING BACK THE FORCES OF DARKNESS. THE WEAPONS OF MY WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD TO THE PULLING DOWN OF SRONGHOLDS. I AM SHARPENED AS IRON SHARPENS IRON. I HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST AND HOLD THE THOUGHTS FEELINGS AND INTENTIONS OF HIS HEART. I TAKE EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST JESUS MY LORD. EVERY FIREY DART DIRECTED AT MY MIND IS QUENCHED BY THE SHIELD OF FAITH. I DO NOT ENTERTAIN VAIN IMAGINATIONS. I THINK ONLY ON THE GLORIUS AND LOVELY THINGS. THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH ARE WORDS THAT ARE CREATIVE AND BRING LIFE TO ALL WHO HEAR THEM. HE HAS ANNOINTED ME TO HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTED AND SET THE CAPTIVES FREE. I AM MORE THAN A CONQUERER BY THE WORD OF MY TESTIMONY AND THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I AM FULLY ANNOINTED. I AM A CHOSEN ONE. I AM A GENERAL WITH THE HIGHEST RANKING IN THE LORD’S ARMY. WHEN I PRAY DEMONS TREMBLE AND CANNOT REMAIN IN MY PRESENCE FOR I AM PURE TERROR AND DREAD TO THE ENEMIES CAMP. DEMONIC SPIRITS RUN AND FLEE AS I APPROACH AND DO NOT MANIFEST IN MY PRESENCE. I AM THE WALKING TALKING WORD OF GOD IN HUMAN FORM. THE RESSURECTION POWER OF CHRIST RESIDES IN ME. SIGNS AND WONDERS FOLLOW ME AND I WILL DO GREATER WORKS THAN THESE BECAUSE JESUS SAID I COULD AND I WILL. THE LOVE OF GOD IS SHED ABROAD IN MY HEART FOR ALL MEN. GOD’S LOVE FOR ME IS UNCONDITIONAL. GOD IS CONTINUALLY POURING OUT FAVOR AND BLESSING UPON MY LIFE AND THE LIVES OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS. WE LIVE IN THE PROSPERITY AND WISDOM OF SOLOMON, THE FREEDOM AND FAVOR OF DAVID AND THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM OUR FOREFATHER. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, GOODNESS AND MERCY FOLLOW US AS THE ANGELS OF THE LORD GOD PROTECT AND ENCOURAGE US AT EVERY TURN. WE HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD. DIVINE APPOINTMENTS, FRIENDSHIPS, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, MINISTRY CONNECTIONS, MENTORS AND HIGHER LEVELS OF WISDOM, REVELATION AND UNDERSTANDING COME TO US. FINANCES AND RESOURCES FLOW TO US EASILY AND WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. THEY FLOW LIKE THE RIVER OF GOD. WE UNDAMN ANY UNGODLY BLOCKAGES FROM RECEIVING WHAT THE LORD IS TRYING TO GET TO US. MY FAMILY AND I ARE POSITIONED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. WE ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACES AT THE RIGHT TIMES. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US PROSPERS AND EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES AGAINST US THOU SHALL CONDEMN. WORD CURSES OF OTHERS SHALL BEAR NO FRUIT IN OUR LIVES. THEY ARE RETURNED IMMEDIATELY TO THE DEMONIC SOURCE FROM WHERE THEY CAME. WE ARE FREE FROM ALL CURSES FOR JESUS CHRIST BECAME A CURSE FOR US AT CALVARY. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, THEREFORE, WE ARE ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED, DIVINELY HEALTHY, COMPLETELY BEAUTIFUL, AND FULLY RESTORED. WE ARE WHOLE AND THRIVING AS A TREE PLANTED BY THE DIVINE WATERS OF LIFE. JESUS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. WE ABIDE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND ARE FRUITFULL. WE HAVE A JOSHUA CALEB SPIRIT AND SEE THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE FOR US BECAUSE WE BELIEVE. WE GO FORWARD AND POSSESS THE PROMISED LAND BY THE POWER OF YOUR MIGHT. IT IS NOT BY OUR MIGHT OR BY OUR POWER BUT IT IS BY YOUR SPIRIT. WE SEE THE HEAVENLY GATES OPENING TO US AS WE USE THE KEYS TO THE HOUSE OF DAVID AND ENTER INTO THE MANSION OF YOUR HOLY SPIRIT PRESENCE AND THE THRONE ROOM OF YOUR GLORY. HOLY HOLY HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. ALL GODS PROMISES ARE YES AND AMEN. • 13 Januari pukul 5:28 HourofGrace CarleneGrace GLORY TO THE LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY FOR HE ALONE IS GOD...HALLELUJAH TO THE KING OF ALL KINGS...THE LORD OF ALL LORDS...THE STRONG TOWER ...THE HOLY HILLL...THE MIGHTY JEHOVAH GOD...THE SON OF MAN....THE ANOINTED ONE OF HEAVEN...THE ROSE OF SHARON....THE LILLY OF THE GARDEN...THE KING FOREVER....HOSANNAH IN THE HIGHEST...JEHOVA SHALOM...JOHAVA NISSI...THE LORD OF HOST..ADONAI...YESHAUA....THE FIRS...T AND LAST....THE MIGHTY VOICE THAT RIPPLES OVER MANY WATERS....HALLELUJAH...GLORY...JESUS IS HIS NAME...KING JESUS...MIGHTY JESUS...JESUS OF NAZARETH.....THE WIND OF CHANGES IS HIS NAME....THE RISEN KING...THE LION TRIBE OF JUDAE...OH SON OF DAVID....WE LOVE YOU....MERCY!! FATHER WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH....GLORAAAAAY!!! HALLELUJAH......hALLELUJAH...THE CONSUMING FIRE OF HEAVEN...GLORAY...THE BURNING BUSH....GLORAAY THE MONING RAYS..THE SONG IN MY HEART....THE JOY OF MY LIPS...MY LORD..MY SAVIOR...I LOVE THEE ...GLORAAAY!!! HALLELUJAH...PRAISE YOUR NAME...HALLELUHAH...WE EXALT YOUR NAME...WE MAGNIFY YOUR NAME....I WORSHIPPED YOU IN HOLINESS...THOU SON OF DAVID...HOW GREAT ART THOU...OH SACRED BLOOD OF THE MOST HIGH LAMB ...FLOW ALL THROUGH MY VEIN...INFECT ME WITH YOUR HOLY BLOOD....LET THE FIRE OF GOD....ROAR..THROUGH MY LIFE....HALLELUJAH....FIRE...FIRE..MORE FIRE...DILATE MY PUPILS IN THE HEAVEN....HALLELUJAH...RAIN DOWN YOUR HOLY RAIN...SATURATE MY SOUL....MY HEART.....MY MIND.....FILL MY LUNGS WITH FIRE...HOLY FIRE...CONSUMING FIRE...BURNING FIRE...BLAZIANG FIRE...SATURATE MY BEING WITH FIRE...HOLY...HOLY FIRE....GLORY!!...TILL I SEE NO MORE ...TILL I HEAR NO MORE...TILL IF FEEL NO MORE...TILL I BECOME ONE IN Y OU AND YOU IN ME....HALLELUJAH ....GLORY....CONSUME ME..FIRE OF THE MOST HIGH GOD...!!! I SUBMIT !! • 14 Januari pukul 6:18 Sarah Riedel Our Heavenly Father,we give YOU praise and exalt YOUR wonderful name ELOHIM over all the earth.You are our source of joy,our source of strength,our Sustainer,our Deliverer,our source of all that we´ll ever need in this lifetime. We are grateful that we are YOUR children and thank YOU Father for blessing us with endurance and faith that can move mountains in Jesus name! We will continue to give our trust in YOU that YOU will deliver us from every evil work and we give YOU glory for preserving us and qualifying us for YOUR heavenly kingdom! You alone reigns in the whole world,in the whole universe! In Jesus´mighty name! AMEN! • 14 Januari pukul 17:29 Joseph G Muiruri Master go with us until we see You.We cannot make it without You Jesus.You alone is the Light we need to illuminate the path to Eternal Life.Hold our Hands & never forsake us. Thank You for Your Mercies, Love, Protection, Grace, Presence, Provision, Salvation, Authority, We Praise You Forever for Everything You have given to us freely. Blessed is You Jesus, the Perfect Lamb of God. Impute Righteousness on all Your Saints & Protect us by Your Mighty Hand from all snares of evil. We proclaim that Your Name is Exalted. Be Magnified Eternally Jesus!! Amen. • 15 Januari pukul 1:42 melalui seluler Tehillah Fu Good morning Heavenly Father/Lord Yahushua/Holy Spirit of God!! Good morning my beloved brothers and sisters in LJUSC. Thank you Father for Your precious Lord's Day. We come together to praise and worship You with all our heart, soul, mind and spirit. Thy will be done on earth Lord. We love You and give You alone all glory and honor. Thank you Jesus for everything. Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! • 15 Januari pukul 9:00 melalui seluler Sarah Riedel I'm forgiven because you were forsaken I'm accepted, You were condemned I'm alive and well Your spirit is within me Because you died and rose again I'm forgiven because you were forsaken I'm accepted, you were condemned I'm alive and well Your spirit is within me Because you died and rose again Amazing love, how can it be? That you, my king. would die for me Amazing love, I know it's true Its my joy to honor you Amazing love how can it be? That my king would die for me Amazing love I know it's true Its my joy to honor you In all I do I honor you I'm forgiven because you were forsaken I'm accepted, you were condemned I'm alive and well Your spirit is within me Because you died and rose again Amazing love how can it be That you, my king would die for me Amazing love, I know its true It's my joy to honor you Amazing love how can it be? That you, my king, would die for me Amazing love, I know its true Its my joy to honor you In all I do I honor you You are my king You are my king Jesus, You are my king Jesus, You are my king Amazing love, how can it be? That you, my king, would die for me Amazing love, I know it's true Its my joy to honor you Amazing love, how can it be? That you, my king would die for me Amazing love I know it's true Its my joy to honor you In all I do I honor you In all I do honor you • 15 Januari pukul 20:26 Bianca Ambrose FATHER OH)))) FATHER Father, by faith, I declare that as your children let our love be genuine, Let us hate what is evil and I hold fast to what is good. I pray that we love others with brotherly affection, as members of one family and that we give precedence in showing honor to others. ... I ask that we will not lack in zeal and in earnest endeavor, but I will be aglow and burning with the Spirit in serving you my Lord Jesus. Thank you Father, that Your Word has taught us to rejoice in hope, to be patient in suffering, to persevere in prayer, to contribute to the needs of the saints and to extend hospitality to strangers. Father, bless those I ask who persecute us. Bless and do not curse them. Let us rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Instill in us to live in harmony with others, and let us refuse to be haughty, snobbish, high-minded, even to those that think themselves exclusive. I ask make us give ourself to humble tasks, that we never overestimate ourself or be wise in our own conceits. Teach us to refuse to repay evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. Father if it is possible, so far as it depends on you, teach us to live at peace with everyone. You say that we should never avenge ourselves, but to leave room for Your wrath my Lord and my God. Your word teaches us that It is written “ Vengeance is Yours, You will repay. We know your Word does not lie, So Father I trust you and believe your Word. I consider it done. If our enemies are hungry, teach us to feed them, if they are thirsty, teach us to give them something to drink, for by doing this You said it will heap coals on their head. Teach us to be in one accord with You and what Your word says to us. We will be mindful to always give you all praise and all glory. I ask these things in the only name under heaven wherein man may be saved. In the name of our Lord JESUS, Amen • 15 Januari pukul 5:28
San Davis
Father God, in the Name of Yeshua Your only Son Christ Jesus, bless us even we pray this prayer. Open our eyes to revelation knowledge in Your word today. Open doors in our lives today, Save and set us free! I plead the blood of Yeshua Christ Jesus over our minds, thoughts, bodies, subliminal areas, our home, vehicles, businesses, work place and every word that proceeds out of our mouths. Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the defeated devil has stolen: ****Emotional Health ****Physical Health ****Finances ****Relationships ****Children ****In-laws ****Jobs ****Homes ****Marriages I cancel every plot, plan, scheme and set up the enemy has devised against us in the NAME OF JESUS. And I decree and declare: THAT NO WEAPONS FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER… AND EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES UP AGAINST US IN JUDGMENT, WE CONDEMN FOR THIS IS OUR HERITAGE IN CHRIST JESUS….FATHER GOD WE ASK THAT YOU GIVE YOUR ANGELS CHARGE OVER US TODAY, TO KEEP US IN ALL OUR WAYS....THANK YOU DADDY…FOR YOU HEAR AND ANSWER US ACCORDING TO YOUR DIVINE AND PERFECT WILL FOR US. What the enemy meant for our evil, You Lord is turning around for our good. I speak LIFE into every dead situation, I speak life to every organ in my body and the body of those I stand in the gap for, decreeing life, health, strength and wholeness and I command them to function in the way the Lord created them to function. I curse at the root and rebuke every spirit of infirmity of cancer, sugar diabetes, lung disorder, arthritis, blood clots, blood disorder, allergies, skin disorders, lupus, pain, eye problems, crohn's disease, aids, copra- tunnel and all other sickness and diseases known and unknown affecting me or my loved ones and robbing us of our peace. And, I thank You that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! I speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations: Your word says, we shall decree a thing and it shall be established, therefore I decree and declare that: ****our households are blessed; **** our health is blessed; **** our marriages are blessed; **** our finances are blessed; **** our relationships are blessed; **** our businesses are blessed; **** our jobs are blessed; **** our children are blessed; **** our grandchildren are blessed; **** our parents are blessed; **** our siblings are blessed; **** our ministries are blessed; **** our decisions are blessed; **** our friends are blessed. **** Mortgages are paid and debts canceled; our hearts' desires are on the way; and what the Lord bless, no man can curse. You Lord open doors no man can close and close doors no man can open…. give us divine connection with people of like minds. You Lord are able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could pray, ask, or think, according to the power working within us. And you said in Your word, when we pray, believe we receive and we shall have what we say…. It is also written in Your word that any two on earth touching and agreeing on anything they shall ask according to Your will, it shall be done for us….we remind You of Your words Lord, Your word goes forth and does not return to You void, but accomplishes that which You sent it to do. And Your word have we hid in our hearts so we might not sin against You, show us the errors of our ways Lord and help us to obey. Order our steps aright Lord and have Your angels watch over us, keep us in our ways. Watch over our children Lord, bless and anoint them, guide and protect them, raise em up to be mighty warriors for the kingdom of heaven. According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives. As it is in heaven so let it be in the earth in our lives…Not my will, but Yours be done, in our lives as it is in heaven…Heal our land Lord, bless Your people and help us to live according to your perfect will. YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE OR FORSAKE US LORD! And because You said it, I believe it and that settles it IN JESUS NAME I PRAY….AMEN, AMEN & AMEN, IT IS FINISHED….GLORY TO GOD.... Tidak Suka • • Ikuti Kiriman • 16 Januari pukul 6:46 Paul de Beloved How i wish...i wish to have and execute so many plans i laid for myself but time, time is gone...am afraid i wont be able to do those wishes of mine but the ones HE has permitted me to do within this very very short time remainin for mankind....the LORD has already revealed this to me by HIS SPIRIT and they are already manifestin...I JUST WANT TO SAY THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU FATHER • 18 Januari pukul 11:28 melalui seluler HourofGrace CarleneGrace Let prayer be the conversation of your day....let praises and thanks unto the Most High God decorate your lips..let your ears be a channel unto the Kingdom of God...hear the things that your God is speaking unto you...be obedient ..the Spirit of God is Truth ..is our advisor..comforter...our battle Cry....Let your eyes see the things that are impossible for others to see...all to the glory of the Kingdom...Worship your Lord in Spirit and Truth....bow before the Mighty Throne of the Most High God.. Open up the heavens with the praises and worship to the Mighty God Head of the Hour...our lives...Jesus...Yeshua the Christ...the Anointed Darling of God..of our lives...Gloraaaay!! Jesus you are worthy...you are to be praise...your are to be honored...your are worthy...worthy of our praises...glory unto your precious Name...your Holy and righteous Name....Jesus...all demons bow...every knee bow and confess .Bow before a Holy God...Bow demons Bow...Bow saints Bow...Bow nation Bow....Bow and confess ..HE IS LORD AND IN CONTROL...GLORAAY!!!.....H • 18 Januari pukul 5:35 HourofGrace CarleneGrace "Father!! I love you, I adore you, I worship you, I magnify your name, and I glorify your name. I praise you; I am in awe of your Majesty; your mystique…your humility and your Power…Hallelujah…You are the Holy Hill I look up to; You are the air I breathe; You are every moment of my Life; You are the core of my fabric; You are the beat of my Heart; You are the sponge of my problems; You are my Bosom Friend; you are a battle cry; you are the cleansing Blood that flows through my veins. Simply, Father!! I cannot live without you. Jesus Rock of my life!! Hallelujah!! Praise your Holy name" • 20 Januari pukul 14:28 Marguerite Botha Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy way, And give me an obedient mind; That in Thy service I may find My soul’s delight from day to day. Guide me, O Savior, with Thy hand, And so control my thoughts and deeds, That I may tread the path which leads Right onward to the blessèd land. Guard me, O Lord, that I may ne’er Forsake the right, or do the wrong; Against temptation make me strong, And round me spread Thy sheltering care. Bless me in every task, O Lord, Begun, continued, done for Thee; Fulfill Thy perfect work in me; And Thine abounding grace afford. • 22 Januari pukul 0:21 sekitar London Edie Porter All glory, praise and honour we bring to You, blessed Lord. Not a day goes past without a blessing from You, and we thank You that You constantly take care of us. We come Lord, because we want You to know how much we love You and how important You are to all that we think, say or do. Your standards and values are supreme, and we thank You for helping us to live according to Your will. As we come now to You Lord, we seek Your word to us. Open our minds, our ears and our hearts, that we might hear what You are telling us. May we heed that Word, take it deep within us and live its truth out in our lives. We know that so often we hear and yet do not act on what You have told us. May we have clear understanding, Lord, on Your instructions, and follow them implicitly, thus bringing Your message of love to many that do not yet know of it. Use us, Lord, to bring You glory and honour, and may we be able disciples of Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer. Thank You for Your watchful care. Blessed is the Name of our Lord and our God! Holy is He and worthy of all the praise that all mankind can bring. Praise the Name of God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Eternally Holy. Hallelieuia! • 22 Januari pukul 8:44 Marguerite Botha Blessed are you, loving Father, Ruler of the universe: You have given us Your Son as Your Leader, And have made us temples of Your Holy Spirit. Fill our family with Your light and peace. Have mercy on all who suffer, And bring us to everlasting joy with You. Father, We bless Your Name for ever and ever. Amen. • 22 Januari pukul 19:12 sekitar London Daniel Pasaribu PRAYER FOR TIME OF ADVERSITY Father in Heaven, I praise You that Jesus Christ is the Victor over Satan and all his evil powers; that He triumphed over them through the Cross and Resurrection, and that You have highly exalted Him! Thank You Father, my loving and sovereign God, that Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your power is made perfect in my weakness. I am grateful that You have allowed all failures and regrets, tensions and stresses, hostility and anxiety as part of all things, to work together for the good of those who love You, to those who are called according to Your purpose. I thank You for each disturbing and humbling situation in my life, each breaking and cleansing process You are allowing for each problem or hindrance, for each thing that triggers my anxiety, pain, disappointment or anger. I praise You, Eternal God, that all things, including these, can contribute to my spiritual growth and my experience of You! My faith and trust in You, my Lord, shall not be shaken, for I know You have never left me and You are always in control. When my heart is overwhelmed, I am more aware of my need to cry out to You, to take refuge and to rely upon You. Lord Jesus, You have said in John 16:13 that “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” Guide me into all truth and to walk in Your way, and in Your way alone, I pray. The Lord says in Isaiah 42:16, “And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.” I trust in the Lord with all my heart; and do not lean on my own understanding; in all my ways, I acknowledge Him and He directs my paths. Make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth before me, O Lord! Make darkness light before me, my Lord! Many people are suffering, crushed by the weight of their troubles. But the Lord is a refuge for them, a safe place they can run to (Psalm 9:9). In my sufferings, I know You are my refuge from the oppressor, O Lord! In the name of Jesus, I rebuke and cast out all spirits that would attempt to oppress me. May the King be fair to the poor. May He help the helpless and punish those who hurt them. (Psalm 72:4) In Jesus’ name, I rebuke and cast out all spirits of poverty which would oppress me. In the name of Jesus, I break off and reject all limitations and restrictions placed on my life by the evil one. In the mighty name of Jesus, I bind and cast out all spirits of fear and timidity. Let not the proud oppress me, O Lord. (Psalm 119:122) Expose all wickedness and deception of the enemy and every hidden snare for my feet, O Lord! In the name of Jesus, I bind “the thief” from stealing, killing or destroying in my life! Deliver me, O Lord, from all spirits of oppression and heal me, I pray! In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that I am redeemed from the curse of the law. I am redeemed from poverty. I am redeemed from all sicknesses and all disease. I am redeemed from spiritual death! I declare that by the stripes of Jesus, I am healed! Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O Lord, and teach out Your law; that You may give him relief from the days of adversity, until the pit is dug for the wicked (Psalm 94:12-13). Teach me to do your will, for You are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground! For Your name’s sake, O Lord, preserve my life! In Your righteousness, bring my soul out of trouble! (Psalm 143:10-11) Fear not, You say, for You are with me; I shall not be dismayed for You are my God; and You will strengthen me, You will help me, You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). I can say assuredly the LORD is with me as a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble; they will not overcome me. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonour will never be forgotten (Jeremiah 20:11). The LORD is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth. He gives good advice to honest people and shields those who do what is right (Proverbs 2:6-7). The righteous is delivered from trouble, and the wicked walks into it instead (Proverbs 11:8). What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Roman 8:31) I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus! I do not have the spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind! (IITimothy 1:7) The fear of God is my confidence, my hope and life. For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favour and honour. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, blessed is the one who trusts in you! (Psalm 84:11-12) O Lord Jesus, I know I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20) I choose to look beyond my past and present troubles of this life and fix my eyes on the unseen things which will last forever. I praise You, Jesus Christ, my Lord, for the eternal glory these things are piling up for me. Blessed be the name of the Lord, the Creator and Controller of all things! A m e n . • 22 Januari pukul 15:34 Marguerite Botha God, my Father, May I love You in all things and above all things. May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in Heaven. Nothing is good that is against Your Will, and all that is good comes from Your Hand. Place in my heart a desire to please You and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love, so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace. Amen. • 23 Januari pukul 0:02 sekitar London Marguerite Botha May the grace of Christ, our Savior, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above. Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. Amen. • 23 Januari pukul 0:10 sekitar London Beckie Cobos Urgent Prayer Need: Please remember to lift up the people of Washington state who have been without power, heat and water for 4 straight days due to the worse snow storm in 30yrs. Collapsing trees and slabs of ice are falling from tall buildings and bridges onto vehicles, homes and people venturing outdoors. Some lives have been lost. Also, please lift up my brother who lives there. A falling tree just missed his home and today he saw a tree that fell on someone's vehicle. Thank you and God bless everyone • 22 Januari pukul 5:41 Beckie Cobos Washington prayer update: Praise God! The Power is ON in Washington state! It came on in the Roy, Wa. Pierce County, around 10pm last night! Water just came on in some areas. Last report over 190,000 without power in one area. Unknown about other areas. There are several power companies with over 900 people working to get the power on. Thank You Lord for answered prayers. Thanks everyone who prayed. God bless you all. Prayer still needed for other areas and clean up. Many fallen trees and these trees are very high so they fall a long distance onto vehicles and people are being injured and lives have been lost. My brother said it looks like a war zone. Driving is very hazardous. Thank You Jesus for turning the power and heat and water back on. To You be all the glory forever! Amen. • 23 Januari pukul 3:23 HourofGrace CarleneGrace Blessed Holy Spirit of God..flow...flow ..flow let your peace flow...flow...let your fire be felt...rain down your Fire...healing Fire...purging Fire....open our eyes....dilate our pupils...let us see things that ordinary eyes cannot see.....touch our ears...let your voice fill our being.fill our lungs with your fire.....fill our hearts with joy....let us hear the rushing of the mighty winds....your precious presence..let it be felt....touch our tongues..cloves of Fire....Fire ...burn down every demonic portals in our lives...let the fire of God roar until the Shekinah Glory of God comes..down...let the smoke fill our lungs.....hear the voices of the Angels as they worship with you....Hallelujah let the powerful presence of God be felt...let the Holiness of God over power you....praise your God...worship Him...praise Him...Glorify His name...Worship Him in Holiness..Hallelujah melt our souls with your fire... transform us into the perfect vessel for the Kingdom...Rain down your Fire... convince ....convict...conform...Ra • 26 Januari pukul 0:38 HourofGrace CarleneGrace Daddy...touch your daughter's heart and make it whole...cleanse me..wash me in your Precious Holy Blood...renew my mind....rekindle my Spirit with your Holy Raw Fire from the Altar of Heaven...put burning Holy Ghost coal upon my tongue..let me speak your Holy Name...Your Holy Words with such Power and Authority that come only from your Holy Blessed Spirit...Let me walk with confidence in your Holy presence; so all will know and feel your fire around me...let my eyes...pierce the wall of the evil strong hold that is threatening to pull me down; and disconnect all negative bridges from my life...I am at a place and time that I need no distractions of the enemy....Daddy teach me to tie my shoe laces in your presence....and walk in the shoes that you have made..all for the purpose of your kingdom and the Glory of your precious Holy name...I bow..I bow..I bow before a Holy God and pledge my Loyalty to the Cross...the very Cross that saved my Life ...from Hell Fire...Dear Lord...Dear Daddy..how I love thee!! Glory to your precious name....Glory • 27 Januari pukul 5:17 Sally S. Richter Dearest Father in Heaven (YAHWEH), in the name of Your loving son, our LORD JESUS CHRIST! We give You all the honor, glory and praises unto Your great, great name. You are Holy indeed, our GOD of power and might. All the richness and honor is Yours and Yours alone and You alone is GOD, worthy to be praise. Worthy of everything we are. You loved us with a perfect love..I praise and thank you Lord for Your great. great love. There is no one like You Lord Jesus, Yes Lord, there is no one but You . You sacrifice Yourself for us and took all the hardship, pains and shame to save us from the evils of this world and to give us life. A life without pain with You in heaven. A perfect and a very beautiful life, magnificent and cannot comprehend by any intellect, human nor angelic. No man can perceive unless He is drawn into Your great presence and have seen the glory and mercy of Your very loving heart.. Your shining heart. Yes, Lord..I pray to thee to fill me, fill us always of Your great love. Fill us with your mercy, understanding , life and the shining light that is only in You.. Fill me, fill us with all these Lord and let me live, let us live like You. Worthy of You and and Your love upon my soul, upon our souls... Thank you God, for your kindness and loving mercy upon us all. I am lifting up to you Lord, Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ .all the brethen we gathered here in LJUSC, even those of outside..offering praise, worship and prayers to Thee..Bless us Lord, each one of us and our loved ones..I am bringing all the elders, sermons, , postings in this wall church Lord. May it give glory and all honor to You Lord and if anything had been unpleasant You have Your ways Lord, that is not our ways..cleanse us all of it Lord by Your Holy Blood and Your Holy breathe, by your Holy love and by your Holy light. Renew our spirit, renew Lord, our minds and understanding..Gives us understanding that is coming from You alone and is conform in Your image and Your will upon us all. Lead us safely back to Your kingdom. You have mentioned Lord. You will usher us in peace..the peace that is only in You and in You alone Let this peace be our breathe Lord..consume us with Your Holy breathe.. Consume us with Your Holy Fire and makes us one, united always at all times, in Your Holy Spirit. Hearing Your voice perceiving Your will upon us at all times.. Make our hearts like unto Thine Lord..make ourhearts like unto Thine..hearing the beat of Your heart knowing how great and large Your love upon us. Wanting You above all things, seeking You above all things and wanting and waiting for Your love above all kinds of love in this world. Let this love Lord, consume us, the fire of your Holy love consume the brethen in here, our families, our children. our will, our ways...and renew us, renew our tired spirit if it be..and put the joy in our hearts in serving Thee...looking forward to please Thee and be pleasant to Thee.. Amen. Amen. Amen. Glory to God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our loving savior, our loving Lord! The Lord of Lords, the King of Kings. Glory to you Lord, Father in Heaven (Yahweh) Amen. Amen! Glory Halleluiah to Your great, great name. Amen! • 28 Januari pukul 14:54 Paul de Beloved LORD i pray, do not let us to be a waster of your mercies,grace,love and blessings that you daily load us with...but rather help us to accumulate them to manifest in the higher level of your grace....AMEN • 28 Januari pukul 23:13 melalui seluler Sarah Riedel Our Heavenly Father Yahweh i come before YOUR holy throne to give YOU my most heartfelt gratitude,thanksgiving and highest praise.For YOU heard all our prayers that im able to have access in my Facebook account again.I praise YOUR faithfulness and YOUR loving heart Oh LORD.You alone are powerful and mighty.And only YOU know the deepest desire of our hearts.We long to serve no one but YOU.I dedicate and lift up to YOU my account here in FACEBOOK.Im here only to serve and give honor to YOUR precious holy name our Almighty GOD! LORD i thank YOU also for the Elders and Brethrens who are tirelessly praying for YOUR church and for all of the saints to help usher YOUR children on our way to YOUR everlasting kingdom...bless them oh LORD abundantly,exeedingly! I decree and declare that the plan of the enemy to hinder and destroy YOUR perfect will for each of us will not take effect,IN YAHUSHUA´s name.Only YOUR will be done oh LORD! Thank YOU Father for YOUR goodness and mercy endures forever! I magnify YOUR glorious name Almighty GOD YAHWEH,LORD YAHUSHUA/JESUS,and the Blessed Holy Spirit! Amen&Amen! • 28 Januari pukul 15:46 Bianca Ambrose My Prayer for those in Authority Heavenly Father, I pray for all men and women having authority over us in any way. My Lord pour out Your Spirit upon them and make Your Word known to them. Father cause them to be men and women of integrity, obedient concerning us, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. Let wisdom enter their hearts, and let knowledge be pleasant to them. Let discretion preserve them and understanding keep them, to deliver them from the way of evil and from evil men. Make their hearts and ears attentive to Your godly counsel, doing what is right in your sight my Lord. Let the upright dwell in our government. Cause there to be a shaking in all areas. Let those complete and blameless before You stay. Cut off the wicked. Let the unfaithful be rooted out. Bring to light what is hidden in darkness, and expose the secret aims of the hearts. Let this nation remember from where they have fallen, repenting, and returning to doing their first works, setting their hearts and their souls to seek you Lord, humbling themselves, praying, and turning from their wicked ways. Then hear them, O Lord, and forgive their sins and heal our land. Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light. Soften the hearts that are hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Deliver them from their destructions. Father, You have been longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Raise up a standard in this nation. Cause the rains of Your Spirit to flood this land and revive Your work in the midst of us. Raise up intercessors for this nation to pull down strongholds over this land. And let Your glory of the Lord be revealed. I thank you Father, I magnify your Your holy name my Lord. I love you so. Amen • 29 Januari pukul 1:09 Bianca Ambrose Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Hear my prayer for those who do not know you so that your name may be praised among all peoples of the world. Sustain and inspire your servants who bring them the gospel. Bring fresh vigour to wavering faith; sustain our faith when it is still fragile. Renew our missionary zeal. Make us witnesses to your goodness, full of love, of strength, and of faith, for your glory and for the salvation of the world. In Jesus name Amen. • 29 Januari pukul 20:29 Marguerite Botha If I have wounded any soul today, If I have caused one foot to go astray, If I have walked in my own willful way, Dear Lord, forgive! If I have uttered idle words or vain, If I have turned aside from want or pain, Lest I myself shall suffer through the strain, Dear Lord, forgive! If I have been perverse or hard, or cold, If I have longed for shelter in Thy fold, When Thou hast given me some fort to hold, Dear Lord, forgive! Forgive the sins I have confessed to Thee; Forgive the secret sins I do not see; O guide me, love me and my keeper be, Dear Lord, Amen. • 29 Januari pukul 21:24 sekitar London Edie Porter Prayer: My sweet Jesus – You are a wonder to me! Even though I live in a world that has fallen victim to the corruption of selfishness -- in the midst of that world I find the true Lamb of God patiently waiting for His kids. You cry out for us to take the focus off of ourselves and turn to You. I know there is selfishness embedded very deeply in most of us. I recognize Your heart’s cry to set Your people free. Our human tendency toward selfishness -- instead of selflessness -- is being revealed, and I sing with joy at the knowledge that the life of freedom You have planned is about to be granted to those who have died to self and are seeking a true, reverential attitude towards You as their foundation. The throne of pride upon which so many of us sit is being changed. Your people are becoming alive -- and filled with Your truths -- which are bringing them freedom from hopelessness and helplessness. You have been teaching many of us to treasure a personal, intimate, and living relationship with You as pure gold. You are burning away the spirit of weariness and fruitlessness which has permeated our lives, and are replacing it with purposefulness and joy. I ask You to ignite this flame of passion that is present today in so many hearts. We have been waiting for so long to speak about Your truths with passion -- as we live lives of surrender -- giving You first place in our hearts, homes, and churches. Ignite the light of truth You have provided for Your kids -- and take Your rightful place of pre-eminence in our lives, churches, and nations. Remind and renew those who have grown weary to put their faith in You and return to lives of surrender and obedience. My heart screams out with joy knowing that You want Your kids to come into the fullness of Christian maturity and fellowship. You are taking us to the heights where our nature and Yours are joined at the hip – and darkness is set to fleeing. I acknowledge only You can accomplish this -- so I gladly get out of Your way and allow You to have Your way with me. More clearly than ever before I recognize the power and beauty of Your truths. I fall to my knees humbling myself, believing in ALL You have taught me. This is truly a visionary time for those who believe. There is nothing naïve about true faith – rather it is just the opposite. It opens up the door to heaven itself, and allows us to experience the reality of heaven right here, right now. This faith You have provided for Your kids has come at a cost -- but it has also come with a promise. There is no way this servant can stay earthbound any longer – not when Your heavenly truths have provided a heavenly vision to help sustain me. It is with our hearts that we believe, and I ask You right now to open closed off hearts to see the kingdom possibilities all around them. There is a huge army assembling in these days my King! I am convinced that this army is made up of praying people and humble servants of our most Holy, High God. This army doesn’t look like human armies. It is more powerful and more real than anything this earth can possibly offer. You have begun the march by opening up our spiritual eyes to the realities of the kingdom to come. We are overcoming our fears to step ahead in faith -- knowing that all we need will be provided. You alone are at the head of this army, and You are the heart that propels its fuel. You have always stood as the mediator between God and man. You have promised in Your Word that when Your people come together they would do so with You at its head. You have raised up great Godly leaders to help prepare the way for this great battle, and they have stepped up to the plate by not claiming anything for themselves. You have rooted out self seeking in our churches and replaced it with simple John the Baptist like faith that us helping to prepare the way for our Lord. Thank You, my King, that we live in times where we are beginning to see You take Your rightful place -- as You bind us together as one unified Body. To You alone be all the honor and glory. • 29 Januari pukul 4:08 Edie Porter You are such a gracious host, Lord God of all creation. Who are we to receive such goodness? You prepare a table for us, amidst our daily struggles, our successes and failures, even in the presence of our enemies. You anoint us, wash us, feed us. You do all this. We confess that we tend to see our daily bread solely in terms of our own handiwork. But we are not self-sufficient. We need you. Forgive us. We need these brothers and sisters in Christ around us. Empower us. Shower us with your "holy manna" that we might be strengthened for the journey to which you have called us. By faith we stand and worship. By faith we walk and work. By faith we profess that your Christ is alive, and that your spirit moves us to be and to do more than we ever thought possible. We pray all this in the name of the One who said "I am the bread of life." All praises, glory , love and honor to to you Lord. Hallelujah! • 30 Januari pukul 6:41 Sally S. Richter Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I am here Lord in Your presence I came with a humble heart. I prayed to You this morning but You were urging me to say it here what is in my heart and the worries I am starting to feel about all and from being away from my other loved ones. All the feelings inside me right now. You knew each of it Lord and I cannot hide it from You, there were many of it..and I am wanting to give it all to You and into Your hands and guidance alone. You knew each things before it happened and you knew every small details of our feelings, thoughts and all. You knew the intentions of our hearts, nothing is hidden and can be hidden from You, no matter what it is all, God, Father in Heaven, help me and let me be still in Your presence. Yes, Lord Jesus let me be still in Your presence, trusting in You and in You alone, not on my own feelings nor on my own understanding but You and in You alone. I pray Lord Jesus let me be still, and stay only in You, in Your great presence. Help me and guide me always to do the right things in Your sight, serving You and following You alone and what You want me to do, only what Your heart wants me to do and not mine. Speak to me Lord, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, with a humble heart speak Lord for I am Your servant who loved to hear what You want and what You want alone and not mine. Only You Lord, only you. Have Your grace of mercy be given to me Lord and Your guidance on us all. Keep me and Your church, this Wall church of Yours, all the brethen, the works and decisions in Your hands alone. Help us, all of us who are here working for You Lord Jesus be guided by Your desire alone. Help us to accomplish what You want us to accomplish by Your heart desires alone Lord. Only Your will and desires. I am weak and You are my strength. My life is all upon in Your hands and to You I gave it all, even all my desires. This Wall church is Yours, Father God, Lord Jesus Christ where Your children can gather and speak to You. You lead me to pray out my heart and spirit on things I wanted to tell You, You wouldnt let me rest. Lord, whatever it is all, You knew it all well. Your wisdom is higher than the heavens, bigger than the universe, no one can measure it. Your cross Lord is mighty and giant, Your heart is overflowing with great mercy. I am a seed or just a dot in Your hands but inspite of all you loved me, with an everlasting love. You loved us all and I thank You for this great love of Yours. Help me with all the works I still need to do for You, that Your will and desires is all that I follow, no one Lord but only You for only then Lord, I can say that I served You well. Make it Lord Jesus, every decisions, every move, every words, every little things be guided and be pleasing unto You. Guide me, guide us Lord Jesus in Your great, great name I call, let Your will and your will alone be done. Only Yours God, only Yours for only then I can rest my heart, only Yours Lord, only Yours GOD, (Yahweh), Your desires alone, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Only Yours, this I humbly pray to Thee, for only then I can rest. And Father, loving Father in Heaven. I would like to thank You also in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ for the prayer I received this morning, You heard me in a way that only You can hear me. You heard my hearts anguish. Bless us all , Oh Lord and help us to accomplish the things You want for Your church, from us and our spirit and heart seeking You and longing You and Your will alone from us. In the mighty name of your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ..let Your will and Yours alone be established in Your Wall Church Lord Jesus and in each and everyone of us and in every works and decisions we may have to do. I am lifting it all up to You, GOD/Lord Jesus, let Your will and Your heart desires alone be done. Amen. Amen. Glory to You Lord, God, of Heaven and earth, in the name of Your loving son Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen! Your longing and seeking daughter: Sally S. Richter • 30 Januari pukul 14:22 |
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