by Sally S. Richter on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 10:47am ·
As I traveled with our Lord JESUS CHRIST since He calls me and reveals Himself to me as the only and real savior of mankind and with His unfolding revelations with His words from the Bible as a support says 2011, The time is at hand (Rev. 22:10, given words and the great year of change and seen this fulfill with the rise of the of the Arab Spring in this given year (2011) and with the all the currents events now, I am compelled to share what the other things the Lord has given me to watch for and share on all people..
One early morning in the year 2007, As I am asking and praying at these times for the Lord to give me a clearer understanding of His coming and His timings, I was suddenly awaken and went to open the computer, when for the reason its hard to explain but has been happening to me always the computer page turns to the articles about the planets aligning on December 21, 2012 at 11:11pm, I was lead to read it and I felt in my heart the Lord's leading and the significant of this date for the Lord reminded me of the number 2011 that I kept seeing, By the Lord's leading I include this information on the website
The Lord made me realized then that the December 21, 2012 events is just so close to the number 2011, that I kept seeing for a year since then. Now the Lord has given me more clearer understanding with all the current events of how close we are for the fulfillment of His words through His guidance of visions, dreams and words, the Lord Jesus asked me to write for Him for all the brethen and other people.
I am compelled, lead by the Lord to make this urgent note for everyone. DECEMBER 21, 2012, THAT IS NEXT MONTH is a very significant one. I knew in my heart the Lord was giving all these to prepare and warn everyone of the lateness of the hour. The website I made is the compilation of things the Lord has shown me after I surrender myself to Him and He calls me for this works of writing His messages (Wrote almost all things the Lord has given me with the little upgrades of what the Lord has shown me till January 2010 in the website, followed by more messages that I only wrote here on Facebook notes. This special date and the events soon to take place next month was confirmed by the Lord for what I have experienced on January 11, 2010, and it says so much that it leads me to make the note (THE TIME LINE OF THE LORD' S TRUMPET FOR THE BRIDE OF CHRIST! /Written on-29 November 2011
As I have experienced and written in www.godsmessage.mainview.d
Planets Aligning and the World in Darkness (VISIONS, WARNING AND DREAMS/(Part VI)
11 January 2010
I dreamed but I know its not just a dream. I knew in my heart I was there. I saw myself flying outside the universe. I can see the planets, the skies, the vast universe and the sun all around me. Then slowly I stand infront of the sun. (I do not feel the heat of the sun) I saw the sun and the planets alignning. I saw the planets moving behind the sun, aligning behind the sun, then I suddenly I saw myself flying back inside the earth and three or four meters before I landed on the soil, I felt a very great force behind me like a magnet that took me and made me fly back up going up higher and higher. I found myself flying very fast.I am flying and flying very, very fast. When I looked around me I saw many, many other people flying. They are so many and all around me. All are wearing a white dress. While I am flying fast higher and higher I can see the whole world getting darker and darker.
Note: The event that I am seeing to happen about why the world would get darker. There are three things on it. It may be the rapture of the saints of GOD as I have experienced (As these times the Lord says His Holy Spirit children who is still lighting up the world by their intercessory prayers can already be taken, but pls. know only our Lord knows as He has written but the Lord has given me His words in John 14, to meditate. I am also seeing a very very scary thing is to happen at this date. this information, I have shared inbox already to some of my close and trusted elders in LJUSC, and seeing this events, I asked for a prayers about this. I am seeing this to be the day of the assasination of Pres. Obama and the great calamity to fall on earth. But one thing I am really sure is that 2013, is THE YEAR OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION, for such a long time now I knew this in my heart. I know this is the year the Lords says and the Lord has confirmed this by leading me to read the book of Daniel two times with the revelation given about the four muscular man on Pres. Obama's inauguration. The three and a half year is soon to began and it will begun in 2013. An the Lord says to me again as I am typing this, He is he GOD of love and mercy and His heart is melting with sorrow, pain and mercy for millions of people now who are sufferings and with these people are also His children, whom he loves so much!
Note : One thing more the Lord, brought me is that during the hurricane Sandy as CNN reports from NASA, the earth, sun and moon has aligned then and this caused that great storm that brought so much damaged in the US, North-East Coast and on December 21, 2012, its not only the sun, moon and earth that will align but all the planets and I have witnessed it myself for my spirit was there and have witnessed it all and I knew it is the Lord JESUS works for He is the only one who can removed our spirit from our physical body! to show me things that has to take place, to write and share it on all people and this will happen month..
Originally wrote in the website but I cut it now for easy reading (www.godsmessage.mainview.d
LUNAR ECLIPSES ON 2014 and 2015
I have also found out a very very important thing that all Christians should know about the eclipses. It is being used by GOD to mark an important event on the lives of the Israelite people. The people whom He has chosen from the very beginning. There will be two lunar eclipses on 2014 and 2015 and the solar eclipse that will follow after that.
The important thing about these Lunar eclipses that will take place are:
“And there will be SIGNS in the Heavens”
Blood Red Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses on God’s Holy Days in 2014-2015 – What Does It all Mean?
Astonishing as it seems, four lunar eclipses will occur on God’s annual Holy Days during Passover and Sukkot in the years 2014 and 2015, and two solar eclipses on Nisan 1 and the Feast of Trumpets! These are exceedingly rare occurrences, especially when they dovetail with God’s Holy Days! What does it all mean? What is the prophetic significance? It’s time to wake up and take heed of these ominous, fateful warnings from heaven!
William F. Dankenbring
According to the Jewish calendar, the year 2008 is a Sabbatical year. A new Sabbatical cycle will begin September 29, 2008. 2015 will also be a Sabbatical year. But most amazing of all, it has been discovered that in the year 2014 and 2015 there will be two solar eclipses and four lunar eclipses, all of them occurring on Jewish Holy Days!
The Lunar eclipses break down as follows:
Passover April 15, 2014 Feast of Tabernacles October 8, 2014 Passover April 4, 2015 Feast of Tabernacles September 28, 2015
two Solar eclipses connected with God’s Holy Days in 2014-2015 occur:
Adar 29/Nisan 1(new year) March 20, 2015 Feast of Trumpets September 13, 2015
It was on Nisan 1 that the Hebrew new year’s day occurred, according to the Scriptures (Exo.12:1-2). On the anniversary of this date, one year later, Moses raised up the Tabernacle of God, inaugurated it, and the glory of God descended from heaven (Exodus 40:2, 17, 34). The real shocker is that this phenomenon is extremely rare, for this pattern of eclipses to fall on both Passover and Sukkot in two years in a row, and for a solar eclipse to occur on important Holy Days in the same year (2015). This intriguing, incredible discovery comes from Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries, in Bonner Lake, Washington.
Please find more information on this in any other christian website:
Note: Please note that many phenomenal things keeps on appearing in heaven or sky.
The black hole, green planet, showers of meteors which is frequently seen all over the earth now, the dicovery of new planets:
Confirmation Words of the Lord JESUS to post : Revelation 11 (Deals with Prophecies)
All for the glory of GOD, our LORD JESUS CHRIS!T!
My Prayers:
Our Father in Heaven, in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST
I pray most and above all for Thine great mercy upon each and everyone
Only oh Lord knows what is to come.
I am compelled by Thine Holy Spirit Lord to write what thou oh Lord has shown me to warn everyone for the lateness of the hours.
If there is something not pleasing to Thine Holy eyes Thine Holy Mercy Lord while Thee is on The Cross
Please . forgive me and make it right for me
I have tried Lord, by thine given strength and wisdom Thou hast given me to write as much as I can
to say what thee oh Lord wanted to say
Please know Lord, I am so grateful for everything though at times, its not also easy for me.
Thank Thee Lord JESUS for everything an Thee Oh Lord knew how grateful I am to Thee for all of these
Please give me oh Lord strength to continue and cover me, my children, my husband Thou hast given me
and all of my loved ones of Thine Holy Blood.
I pray for Thee oh Lord to cover also Thine given children in LJUSC and all the people Thou hast oh Lord brought on my way, friends and enemies alike and so as our loved ones to be covered by Thine Holy promised words in John 14:13-14.
Forgiveness mercy and salvation this I pray and request from Thee for all of us.
Cover us oh LORD JESUS by Thine Holy promise words while Thee oh Lord is still on the Cross suffering for us and giving us in that hour Thine great, great love and mercy. I asked Thee oh Lord GOD of heaven and earth and all things that exist, this special favor from Thee in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!, who is our Lord who reigns forever and ever. Amen! Amen!
Written for the LORD JESUS CHRIST from the Calvary Cross!
By: Sally S. Richter
" The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him (Psalm 28:7)