Sally S. Richter
03 February 2012
To all the elders and the brethen.
Blessings be upon us all by our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to apologized that the planned LJUSC/Counselling Board is currently on hold for many reasons. A lot of guidance are still needed as the Lord Jesus is showing me of it on my prayers. I would like to apologized to everyone about it, but the Lord is the head of this church and His will alone be done. While this things are in still in process our Lord Jesus wants us to continue, on the Guidelines given us before on prayers, praises and worships. The Monday sermon are still headed by our standing Ministers bro. Daniel Pasaribu and sis. San Davis.
Please find the Schedule of the sermon below:
February 02 and February 16 - Sister San Davis
February 09 and February 23 - Bro. Daniel Pasaribu
A note to all my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ:Please know that the will of our Lord Jesus is what we are trying to accomplished in LJUSC Wall Church. If ever changes will be made its only in accordance and with the permissions of the Holy spirit of our Lord Jesus and with His words given as a guidance and confirmations.
I would like to thank everyone who are actively and remained comittted on the will of the Lord Jesus in LJUSC.
Please note that informations on prophecies and other ministries which are given to us and other people and prophets, we can share it on our own wall and tag our beloved sisters and brothers in Christ for information and comments. Please avoid posting many other things that will create the lost and focus of the brethen and divide their attention away from what our Lord is giving us to accomplish in LJUSC Church. Please pray to the Lord Jesus first about the posting your making and ask Him to lead You first by Him. Our Lord Jesus is seeking a true worshipper, who love Him and loves to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Pls. understand, I have nothing against prophecies (as I too myself is a prophet but any prophecies given by the Lord I am putting it on my wall out of my respect to the Lord Jesus. And as the Lord says we can read the prophecies as most of it comes from Him to warn us but it should not put fear on us but should moved us to be close and be ready for His plan and coming for us. The Lord Jesus has been saying only those who are fully committed to Him and His heart will understand all these. Only those who are faithfully seeking the Lord, and have a deep love for Him, believes this church is truly given by Him and with love for the brethen will truly help in accomplishing the goal our Lord sets upon us all. (For more information on the word, guidelines of the Lord pls. see and visit the LJUSC Blogs, or contact bro. Stenly Farry for it)
Please note: as the Lord says what He is asking us when He gave us LJUSC is to have unity in prayers, worships, and praises and help in prayers those who cannot and had been lost in their strenght do it and to concentrate on the sermon, words of the Lord Jesus and have a pure and loving heart above all to GOD, His will and to have respect on His Church, His will on what He is asking us to accomplish and on the brethen.
Please note : Any prayers even from other source but in accordance with the Lord mercies, love and above all supported of His words from the Bible is most welcome. Prayers to our Lord Jesus is what will keep us afloat with life at these trying times as the Lord is showing me and wants to remind everyone. Prayers is our connection to GOD, it is releasing us from pains and sins, from the burdens of our hearts. It will keep us in the Lords hands and the grace of mercy and love of the Lord is to those who are faithfully in prayers and never cease to pray. And is trying to keep their life Holy by keeping His commands and are willing to obey His calling in their life. Doing it faithfully with the love for the Lord/God above all.
God bless us all, in the name of Your loving son our Lord Jesus Christ.
03 February 2012
To all the elders and the brethen.
Blessings be upon us all by our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to apologized that the planned LJUSC/Counselling Board is currently on hold for many reasons. A lot of guidance are still needed as the Lord Jesus is showing me of it on my prayers. I would like to apologized to everyone about it, but the Lord is the head of this church and His will alone be done. While this things are in still in process our Lord Jesus wants us to continue, on the Guidelines given us before on prayers, praises and worships. The Monday sermon are still headed by our standing Ministers bro. Daniel Pasaribu and sis. San Davis.
Please find the Schedule of the sermon below:
February 02 and February 16 - Sister San Davis
February 09 and February 23 - Bro. Daniel Pasaribu
A note to all my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ:Please know that the will of our Lord Jesus is what we are trying to accomplished in LJUSC Wall Church. If ever changes will be made its only in accordance and with the permissions of the Holy spirit of our Lord Jesus and with His words given as a guidance and confirmations.
I would like to thank everyone who are actively and remained comittted on the will of the Lord Jesus in LJUSC.
Please note that informations on prophecies and other ministries which are given to us and other people and prophets, we can share it on our own wall and tag our beloved sisters and brothers in Christ for information and comments. Please avoid posting many other things that will create the lost and focus of the brethen and divide their attention away from what our Lord is giving us to accomplish in LJUSC Church. Please pray to the Lord Jesus first about the posting your making and ask Him to lead You first by Him. Our Lord Jesus is seeking a true worshipper, who love Him and loves to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Pls. understand, I have nothing against prophecies (as I too myself is a prophet but any prophecies given by the Lord I am putting it on my wall out of my respect to the Lord Jesus. And as the Lord says we can read the prophecies as most of it comes from Him to warn us but it should not put fear on us but should moved us to be close and be ready for His plan and coming for us. The Lord Jesus has been saying only those who are fully committed to Him and His heart will understand all these. Only those who are faithfully seeking the Lord, and have a deep love for Him, believes this church is truly given by Him and with love for the brethen will truly help in accomplishing the goal our Lord sets upon us all. (For more information on the word, guidelines of the Lord pls. see and visit the LJUSC Blogs, or contact bro. Stenly Farry for it)
Please note: as the Lord says what He is asking us when He gave us LJUSC is to have unity in prayers, worships, and praises and help in prayers those who cannot and had been lost in their strenght do it and to concentrate on the sermon, words of the Lord Jesus and have a pure and loving heart above all to GOD, His will and to have respect on His Church, His will on what He is asking us to accomplish and on the brethen.
Please note : Any prayers even from other source but in accordance with the Lord mercies, love and above all supported of His words from the Bible is most welcome. Prayers to our Lord Jesus is what will keep us afloat with life at these trying times as the Lord is showing me and wants to remind everyone. Prayers is our connection to GOD, it is releasing us from pains and sins, from the burdens of our hearts. It will keep us in the Lords hands and the grace of mercy and love of the Lord is to those who are faithfully in prayers and never cease to pray. And is trying to keep their life Holy by keeping His commands and are willing to obey His calling in their life. Doing it faithfully with the love for the Lord/God above all.
God bless us all, in the name of Your loving son our Lord Jesus Christ.
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