Sally Richter
04 November 2011
04 November 2011
My children, all of you. Out of My mercy upon your soul, I will open My heart. . Many of My people are preparing for the rapture but the meaning of those ready for the rapture is hidden in the intentions of the hearts. I Your Lord is a just judge and searchest the innermost of the hearts. I give rewards to the intentions of the hearts. To the works and intentions of one's heart.
My children, make your intentions clean in everything you think and do.. Does it pleases Me, does it glorify Me. Does it exalt My name. Does it clean in My sight. Does it give strength and food for the souls of others or the brethens or does it made them fall away from My ways and My will for them?. Does it made the soul fall away from Me because of ungodliness and unloving hearts.
My children, do always everything with love in your heart. If you have love in your heart in everything you do, you will not fail to pleased Me. Many of My children are preparing for the rapture. There are people who wants to get out of poverty, from the problem of this world. If your heart is focused on this, , you will not hear the trumpet sounds.
But if your heart is right infront of My sight, wanting to be with Me because you truly loved Me and wanted to really be with Me and you do not love Your life, you may hear the trumpet sounds. For in love I have come for you and in your love and doing your best to follow My will and ways, I will exalt you. Do you love Me or do you love your life?
True love knows long suffering, it is not selfish. It does not fear. It does not take advantage of situations and others. True love is willing to sacrifice Your life, time for others and to protect them and led them rightly to My path. True love knows no evil. It is patient . It is kind. True love must shine in My childrens heart . Know this My children true love is not wanting for herself/hiself but to love Me and others and are willing to sacrifice. Did I not say to you that those who love their life will lose it and those who hated their life will have an eternal life.t
My true servants has in their hearts and soul above the will to please Me, To advance only My kingdom and comforting the brethens. They are selfless, humble, they bear and suffer long and does not think of themselves. They are not prideful but low in heart.
My child, tell them, only those who has a pure heart in My sight and their heart and spirit attached to Me would know and the words that you hear is not Mine but the Father who is in Me is telling Me to tell you. this. My children. My children, if anyone of you is still being affected by this world, you are not yet pure. You are not ready for the rapture. My children who knew Me and My heart will will not be moved.. They are not easily shaken. Their love and trust has been perfected in Me. Her/his true hearts will be seen in times of adversity. They knew Me that I am their faithful God.. I want you to be careful about My words.
My children, My real children who are ready for the rapture will not be moved for their hearts had been perfected in Me. I have perfected their hearts for Me. They are firm in their faith. They knew Me. They keep My words and. they will not perish even the mountains be moved and the sea roars they have peace in their hearts for what is coming and falling on this world. They knew in their spirit. None of them will perish or be taken from Me. These are the children given to Me by My Father in heaven
Many of you have seen Me but then My children why are you moved? Did My love not perfected in you yet. You were shaken from the words, and other doctrines what more on the coming dark days. I tell you the truth many of you will be left behind, because you have fears in your heart. Many of you get easily confused. Why are you not steadfast in your faith ?. Do you know My ways? I am telling you all these now Many of you has not perfected your heart for Me. My love is not perfected in you. How can you hear the trumpet sounds? How can you face Me on the day of judgement ?
I have said and showed things to My servants that I can speak. Where are you at the moment? Do you see yourself strong for Me? I tell you many of my children will be taken and die because they did not seek My ways. My covenant are for My children who are pure in hearts and perseveres inspite of afflictions and sufferings, they do not easily moved by anything
I am telling you this, out of My love and mercy on your soul when I am in the cross. Listen to My children, Listen to Me
The world will hate My church. My real children but do not be afraid for I have overcome the world. Many hearts are failing and will continue to fail as the hardships kept falling but My true brides are prepared for I am keeping them in My hands. They are with Me. I have created them. and yes I have said there will be division among you, my children but I have also said I will gather you you from the ends of the earth before that dreadful day but My salvation when the trumpet sounds it is for those who are ready and pure. They have no fear. For My love is already perfected in them. They have purified their hearts and spirit for me. Didnt I say blessed are the pure in heart for they will see Me? are you pure, anything unpure cannot come to Me.
Now My child, do and fulfill the works of an evangelist. Do and fill the needs of the ministry. Let your works be pleasing to My eyes and do not be moved. . Do not listen on other doctrine but let Your heart and work be focus on Me and the Ministry. You all are and are laboring for Me. Labor without murmuring, without prejudice on others works for it is not pleasing in My sight. Be a good example to the flocks and hay not on My commands. Focused your heart to Me and do not be concerned of this world. For this worls is passing soon and blessed are those who will be caught still working for My kingdoms sake.
By the Lord Jesus direction from the calvary
And our Lord exactly made the Bible opens for me in 1 John 4:16-18 /Colossians 2: 1-23
1 John 4:16-18
New International Version (NIV)
1"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love"
And will cut, what tallies with the words of the Lord in 1 John 4:16
" 2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:2-3) And reminded me of all His promised words in John 14.
My Prayer:
Father in Heaven, in the name of Your loving son Our Lord Jesus Christ
Thank you so much for helping us to understand You, your will and ways
Thank you for Your mercy upon us all. All the glory and honor is only for You
This I pray in our Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen! Amen!
All glory to GOD/LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen!
Dictated by the Lord Jesus to Sally S. Richter
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