Selasa, 31 Juli 2012
Jumat, 27 Juli 2012
Senin, 23 Juli 2012
Sally S. Richter
20 July 2012
The Final Warning: Repent and GET OUT OF AMERICA!,
To all. Please note that this message had been given by the LORD JESUS to me on the morning of July 13, 2012. And please know it has not been easy to me.
The Message:
I woke up thinking of the Lord, when I heard His voice speaking. The Lord has been talking again of His judgement to come to the world. The worse for America. I was hearing the Lords voice telling me to tell His children to leave America..As I seek for His words, the Lord open it in Jeremiah 51.
I took time to publish it because of the very delicate message in it as I also understood the financial situation of many especially at these hours. I also fear the set back it will create on the lives of others and I dont want to be blame on it so I ask each one to also pray about your situation as I am only here to follow what our LORD JESUS is telling me to write and tell. I hold this message as a mixed feeling of mercy and timidity. I read this to Sarah Riedel a day after our Lord gave me this with another message that I was not able to deliver because of this.
The Lord's heart is for His children who has unsaved families to leave America. The Lord says He is ordering it especially if you have families which are not believers and still struggling to their faith..tell them to leave America that they may be saved.
The Lord has given me Jeremiah 51 and here our Lord spoke of His coming severe judgement. Just as His words in Zephaniah and Jeremiah 50 of which our Lord reminded me of His words to get out. And here in Jeremiah 51:27- the Lord's words of command to get out is again written or says by our Lord just like His words in Jeremiah 50 ( His previous words given on the three day message) just as I kept hearing the Lord telling me to tell everyone especially those who has unsaved families to leave America.
The Lords warning in His words (Where He is asking the people to flee)
" “Flee out of Babylon; leave the land of the Babylonians, and be like the goats that lead the flock. For I will stir up and bring against Babylon an alliance of great nations from the land of the north. They will take up their positions against her, and from the north she will be captured. Their arrows will be like skilled warriors who do not return empty-handed. ( Jeremiah 50: 8-9) and
" I will punish Bel in Babylon and make him spew out what he has swallowed.The nations will no longer stream to him. And the wall of Babylon will fall. “Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the Lord. (Jeremiah 51: 44-45)
Yesterday and today as I am watching the news in CNN and BBC. They mentioned the spreading drought in America. It rings back to me at once. I remember it to be in a verse in Jeremiah 51. as I have read it all on the day the Lord has given me the message. I at once open my Bible in Jeremiah 51 and in verse 36, I found " Therefore thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will plead thy cause, and take vengeance for thee; and I will dry her river up and make her springs run dry. ( Jeremiah 51:36/New Jerusalem Bible) And the Lord reminded me again about His message.
I knelt down and cry for forgiveness to The Lord for not making and publishing at once His given message. I beg the Lord for forgiveness this morning and I cried to Him to make me strong for Him and make me bold on His message and our Lord gave me His words in Sirach. I feared the Lord so much that I know I should give His message and as the Lord says:
" Sometimes I have been in danger of death for these things, and I have been delivered by the grace of God. The spirit of those that fear God; is sought after, and by his regard shall be blessed. (Sirach 34:13-14)
And now as I am typing this. I can feel the Lord's hand on my head. And I can just beg Him for everyone of us especially those who are in America. May our LORD JESUS CHRIST have mercy on us all. Amen. Amen! GOD bless you all, children of GOD who are in America in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
And as a parting message for this, I went again upstairs and prayed to our LORD JESUS for courage and strenght and my eyes caught The heaven is so real book. I pray to the Lord to give me a words from Him and and I opened it. It opens in Chapter 20. The Heavens Opened Up and I read it and I have found this on the part CHRISTMAS EVE MEMORIES WITH THE LORD" as the Lord is speaking to sis. Choo. " He explained that during His time on this earth He lived only to obey His Father’s will. He was not interested in pursuing His own will or plans, only God’s. He also pointed out to me that those to whom He imparts special gifts for ministry must pay a higher price than others. He concluded by saying, “Even if you don’t want to do this work, you have to do so, because I have chosen you to be an End-Time prophetess.”
Glory to GOD in the Highest in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Thank Thee our LlORD JESUS! thy will be done. (Air in my head in stillness) Amen! Amen!
From the Lord Jesus direction from the Calvary Cross
All for the glory of GOD/LORD JESUS CHRIST
Written for the LORD JESUS
By: Sally S. Richter
Sally S. Richter
21 July 2012
For Your children / GET OUT OF AMERICA 2
My child write and tell them not to forget I am Your Lord Jesus, Your Father GOD. I am the GOD of great mercy and love and I love my children and everyone who comes to me with a humble and pure heart (hands of the Lord in my head)
But tell them I am also the GOD of great wrath and this is my time of cleansing. Did I not tell you before that I will sweep my ways for I cannot come when the earth is full of abomination in My sight? I will fulfill what I have written in My words before I come on this earth for it is written and it shall happen for it is true; I do not lie.
If then My children I will not fulfill my words to happen; you will make me a liar and I am your GOD who does not lie. What is written is written and has to be fulfilled. My children I gave you the message out of My mercy unto you; your children, you loved ones for I hear your cries and I heard the cries of My children especially for their children in the land of Babylon. I have given you honey and milk and I have filled your land with all of my children, you are so special to me but you have defiled my land and you turn your back to Me. You did not seek me and this is my time to remove the abominable things in My sight. This is the time of vengeance.
What is written must happen, Oh my children what is written must happen, but look at me My children and wait a while for My promised of everlasting love and peace is at hand. Look unto me and listen to My plea for your children whom you love and I also loved but their hearts are not with Me for the fire of my anger is at hand for your land and it is now that I am asking you, get out while you still have time.
And now My children, continue your faith in Me and seek me and let me guide you. The fiercest of my anger will fall in your land. Out of My mercy on your children I am calling you out. Out my children out, (Tears in my eyes)
And the Lord says , these things will fall in America...Great calamities, RFID and a great war, a great famine and not all Christians will be raptured but only those who were chosen from the beginning and those who made their hearts and souls right for the LORD! But the Lords heart still is full of mercy on those who are calling on Him and He wants to saved them and their lost loved ones!
And the Lord says who is wise in His eyes but only the Lord!
And the Lord confirmed to me what He was telling me that the worse judgement will fall in America by giving me this words " And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. (Rev. 16:19 ) until Revelation 17.
And I prayed for the Lord to re-confirm the message through the promised of His Holy spirit in His words in John 14, but the Lord instead open to me Acts 2, which is more clearer and broad that goes all with His message. Please read it. It speaks of the great visitation of the Holy Spirit. death, judgement, the covenant of the Lord to David, the prophesy, the Lord Jesus and His offered salvation " and this struck me most " For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation ( Acts 2:39-40) As the Lord says He wants to save your children.
The Lord also even lead me to watched this morning Noah's ark and in the beginning of the movie..It was written " And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. (Genesis 6:13)
Beat your breast My children repent, repent of the sins you committed against Me..Kneel down on Me and cry, worship Me in Spirit and in truth and pray hard for me to guide you..Do not lose strenght And I prayed hard for the LORD to guide me again and give His words..The Lord opened for me His words in Revelation 14 (speaking of judgement again about Babylon)
And the Lord says it will be worse to those who will be caught on His judgement when they are caught on it and they have no way to escape at all.
Now I rest my case unto our LORD JESUS CHRIST and I will kneel down to Him for His great mercy, love, protection, provision be given unto His children who are in America. I can see the Lord giving His children time before the election in America. Please leave..the Lord Jesus Holy Spirit keeps saying...telling me this to instruct those who are not sure of their own salvation and their loved ones. Whose families are not saved yet..leave., pray, hard, repent..for the judgement of the Lord is at hand as in Jeremiah 1, that He gave me the other night after I posted the first warning, with all those words in Revelation and for the truth of His words that He is asking me to write and the Lord says again Fear not and deliver My words and the Lord gave me Baruch 4 (One of His promised words to me) In here the Lord spoke of the integrity of His message given that I am writing.
Parting Words for the moment, as the Lords words 1 Timothy 6 (All verses)
And the Lord Jesus is asking Christians in America who is well off to reach out and help other Christian families to leave America. And not to doubt the Lord's message : "
"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
" O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. (1 Timothy 6:17-21)
(And I kneeled again to the LORD JESUS to released the message..I saw a mighty hand in white garment, holding a sickle. I saw lightnings, waves, moving mountains)
For the LORD JESUS Direction from the Calvary Cross
All for the glory of GOD/LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Written for the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
By. Sally. S. Richter
The Final Warning: Repent and GET OUT OF AMERICA!,
To all. Please note that this message had been given by the LORD JESUS to me on the morning of July 13, 2012. And please know it has not been easy to me.
The Message:
I woke up thinking of the Lord, when I heard His voice speaking. The Lord has been talking again of His judgement to come to the world. The worse for America. I was hearing the Lords voice telling me to tell His children to leave America..As I seek for His words, the Lord open it in Jeremiah 51.
I took time to publish it because of the very delicate message in it as I also understood the financial situation of many especially at these hours. I also fear the set back it will create on the lives of others and I dont want to be blame on it so I ask each one to also pray about your situation as I am only here to follow what our LORD JESUS is telling me to write and tell. I hold this message as a mixed feeling of mercy and timidity. I read this to Sarah Riedel a day after our Lord gave me this with another message that I was not able to deliver because of this.
The Lord's heart is for His children who has unsaved families to leave America. The Lord says He is ordering it especially if you have families which are not believers and still struggling to their faith..tell them to leave America that they may be saved.
The Lord has given me Jeremiah 51 and here our Lord spoke of His coming severe judgement. Just as His words in Zephaniah and Jeremiah 50 of which our Lord reminded me of His words to get out. And here in Jeremiah 51:27- the Lord's words of command to get out is again written or says by our Lord just like His words in Jeremiah 50 ( His previous words given on the three day message) just as I kept hearing the Lord telling me to tell everyone especially those who has unsaved families to leave America.
The Lords warning in His words (Where He is asking the people to flee)
" “Flee out of Babylon; leave the land of the Babylonians, and be like the goats that lead the flock. For I will stir up and bring against Babylon an alliance of great nations from the land of the north. They will take up their positions against her, and from the north she will be captured. Their arrows will be like skilled warriors who do not return empty-handed. ( Jeremiah 50: 8-9) and
" I will punish Bel in Babylon and make him spew out what he has swallowed.The nations will no longer stream to him. And the wall of Babylon will fall. “Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the Lord. (Jeremiah 51: 44-45)
Yesterday and today as I am watching the news in CNN and BBC. They mentioned the spreading drought in America. It rings back to me at once. I remember it to be in a verse in Jeremiah 51. as I have read it all on the day the Lord has given me the message. I at once open my Bible in Jeremiah 51 and in verse 36, I found " Therefore thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will plead thy cause, and take vengeance for thee; and I will dry her river up and make her springs run dry. ( Jeremiah 51:36/New Jerusalem Bible) And the Lord reminded me again about His message.
I knelt down and cry for forgiveness to The Lord for not making and publishing at once His given message. I beg the Lord for forgiveness this morning and I cried to Him to make me strong for Him and make me bold on His message and our Lord gave me His words in Sirach. I feared the Lord so much that I know I should give His message and as the Lord says:
" Sometimes I have been in danger of death for these things, and I have been delivered by the grace of God. The spirit of those that fear God; is sought after, and by his regard shall be blessed. (Sirach 34:13-14)
And now as I am typing this. I can feel the Lord's hand on my head. And I can just beg Him for everyone of us especially those who are in America. May our LORD JESUS CHRIST have mercy on us all. Amen. Amen! GOD bless you all, children of GOD who are in America in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
And as a parting message for this, I went again upstairs and prayed to our LORD JESUS for courage and strenght and my eyes caught The heaven is so real book. I pray to the Lord to give me a words from Him and and I opened it. It opens in Chapter 20. The Heavens Opened Up and I read it and I have found this on the part CHRISTMAS EVE MEMORIES WITH THE LORD" as the Lord is speaking to sis. Choo. " He explained that during His time on this earth He lived only to obey His Father’s will. He was not interested in pursuing His own will or plans, only God’s. He also pointed out to me that those to whom He imparts special gifts for ministry must pay a higher price than others. He concluded by saying, “Even if you don’t want to do this work, you have to do so, because I have chosen you to be an End-Time prophetess.”
Glory to GOD in the Highest in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Thank Thee our LlORD JESUS! thy will be done. (Air in my head in stillness) Amen! Amen!
From the Lord Jesus direction from the Calvary Cross
All for the glory of GOD/LORD JESUS CHRIST
Written for the LORD JESUS
By: Sally S. Richter
Sally S. Richter
21 July 2012
For Your children / GET OUT OF AMERICA 2
My child write and tell them not to forget I am Your Lord Jesus, Your Father GOD. I am the GOD of great mercy and love and I love my children and everyone who comes to me with a humble and pure heart (hands of the Lord in my head)
But tell them I am also the GOD of great wrath and this is my time of cleansing. Did I not tell you before that I will sweep my ways for I cannot come when the earth is full of abomination in My sight? I will fulfill what I have written in My words before I come on this earth for it is written and it shall happen for it is true; I do not lie.
If then My children I will not fulfill my words to happen; you will make me a liar and I am your GOD who does not lie. What is written is written and has to be fulfilled. My children I gave you the message out of My mercy unto you; your children, you loved ones for I hear your cries and I heard the cries of My children especially for their children in the land of Babylon. I have given you honey and milk and I have filled your land with all of my children, you are so special to me but you have defiled my land and you turn your back to Me. You did not seek me and this is my time to remove the abominable things in My sight. This is the time of vengeance.
What is written must happen, Oh my children what is written must happen, but look at me My children and wait a while for My promised of everlasting love and peace is at hand. Look unto me and listen to My plea for your children whom you love and I also loved but their hearts are not with Me for the fire of my anger is at hand for your land and it is now that I am asking you, get out while you still have time.
And now My children, continue your faith in Me and seek me and let me guide you. The fiercest of my anger will fall in your land. Out of My mercy on your children I am calling you out. Out my children out, (Tears in my eyes)
And the Lord says , these things will fall in America...Great calamities, RFID and a great war, a great famine and not all Christians will be raptured but only those who were chosen from the beginning and those who made their hearts and souls right for the LORD! But the Lords heart still is full of mercy on those who are calling on Him and He wants to saved them and their lost loved ones!
And the Lord says who is wise in His eyes but only the Lord!
And the Lord confirmed to me what He was telling me that the worse judgement will fall in America by giving me this words " And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. (Rev. 16:19 ) until Revelation 17.
And I prayed for the Lord to re-confirm the message through the promised of His Holy spirit in His words in John 14, but the Lord instead open to me Acts 2, which is more clearer and broad that goes all with His message. Please read it. It speaks of the great visitation of the Holy Spirit. death, judgement, the covenant of the Lord to David, the prophesy, the Lord Jesus and His offered salvation " and this struck me most " For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation ( Acts 2:39-40) As the Lord says He wants to save your children.
The Lord also even lead me to watched this morning Noah's ark and in the beginning of the movie..It was written " And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. (Genesis 6:13)
Beat your breast My children repent, repent of the sins you committed against Me..Kneel down on Me and cry, worship Me in Spirit and in truth and pray hard for me to guide you..Do not lose strenght And I prayed hard for the LORD to guide me again and give His words..The Lord opened for me His words in Revelation 14 (speaking of judgement again about Babylon)
And the Lord says it will be worse to those who will be caught on His judgement when they are caught on it and they have no way to escape at all.
Now I rest my case unto our LORD JESUS CHRIST and I will kneel down to Him for His great mercy, love, protection, provision be given unto His children who are in America. I can see the Lord giving His children time before the election in America. Please leave..the Lord Jesus Holy Spirit keeps saying...telling me this to instruct those who are not sure of their own salvation and their loved ones. Whose families are not saved yet..leave., pray, hard, repent..for the judgement of the Lord is at hand as in Jeremiah 1, that He gave me the other night after I posted the first warning, with all those words in Revelation and for the truth of His words that He is asking me to write and the Lord says again Fear not and deliver My words and the Lord gave me Baruch 4 (One of His promised words to me) In here the Lord spoke of the integrity of His message given that I am writing.
Parting Words for the moment, as the Lords words 1 Timothy 6 (All verses)
And the Lord Jesus is asking Christians in America who is well off to reach out and help other Christian families to leave America. And not to doubt the Lord's message : "
"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
" O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. (1 Timothy 6:17-21)
(And I kneeled again to the LORD JESUS to released the message..I saw a mighty hand in white garment, holding a sickle. I saw lightnings, waves, moving mountains)
For the LORD JESUS Direction from the Calvary Cross
All for the glory of GOD/LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Written for the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
By. Sally. S. Richter
Senin, 02 Juli 2012
Minggu, 01 Juli 2012
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