My Testimony: My After life Experience after dying in an automobile accident on April 4, 1986
25 October 2011,
Thank You Father for answering my prayers from last night. You are a mighty God and Awesome in all You do. I prayed Lord for the babies, children, women, elderly, disabled, handicapped, terminally ill in the Turkey earthquake. You heard and You answered. You let them find the 2wk old baby, it's mother and the grandmother from the Turkey earthquake. Hallelujah to Your Holy name! Let them survive and be living testimonies to You and Your great mercies and love for all Your children around the world. Lord God receive all the Praise and Glory! They give it to those who found them. I just ask Your blessing upon all the rescue and medical aid workers at the scene of the earthquake and in the hospitals. You are our Great Physician, Have Your perfect way in all of this. I know in the end You will turn it all around for Your glory and divine purpose under heaven.
Thank You heavenly Father for not giving up on me and my family. I know they're starting to come around. Continue to draw them in Lord God. You are awesome and nothing is impossible for You. Be glorified in this.
Your ways are not our ways Lord, how wrong so many have always been. Thank You for revealing Your ways to me. Finally I see through a gradual process how You've always been there for me in my life and just how different our ways are compared to yours. It's an obvious conclusion. You Lord are our Lord and our God and You Lord are Lord of ALL!
Help us to reach the lost, give us the right words at the right time to reach that one person standing before us who can't see Your light. Let Your light so we shine through us and let us always be a reflection of Your love and great mercy. May we always have compassion toward one another and toward those suffering around the world.
Technology is booming Lord! It's astounding what man has developed. You said these things would occur in the last days and we who know You, know nothing was created by man that You yourself did not create. Everything comes from and belongs to You Lord. You're amazing! We thank You for all You've given us to make life more accomodating but let us not be deceived by slothfulness. Keep us grounded firmly in the foundation You established for us. May our feet never wander from the straight and narrow through the deception of technology.
This is Your special day Lord made by You, thank You for letting me be a part of it. May I bring You glory in all I put my hands to. Renew our minds today, refresh our bodies, restore our joy, revive our spirits and replenish our energy. Bless this Your Church wall as we unite in prayer for one another and various causes around the world. Protect all Your missionaries as the take the gospel to the famine stricken, disaster stricken, impoverished and wealthy nations of the world. Watch over all Your children and the leaders in America. Cover Israel with a mighty blood hedge of protection and seal it with your Holy Ghost Fire! May every weapon aimed at her be reversed in the Mighty name of Jesus! May all those weapons be null and void and rendered useless. May they self implode and return from whence they came. Protect all the innocent children, bystanders and animals.
Lord Jesus, no matter how I really feel in this tired body that feels worn out, run down and exhausted, I choose to lift up Your name. You are the marrow to my bones. The air to my lungs, the water to my soul. Look upon me now and breathe upon me the breath of life. Command these dry, thirsty bones to come to life. Fill me up and revive me. Your word says:
The Valley of Dry Bones
The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said, “Sovereign LORD, you alone know.”
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’”
So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.
Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the LORD have spoken, and I have done it, declares the LORD.’”
I thirst Lord, quench me that I may thirst no more. There is nothing this world has offered me that compares with You. I look around me and I see nothing satisfying. Material things mean nothing to me, they fill up space but offer no life. You Lord are the Maker and giver of life. Breathe on me Lord I need You tonight.
Thank You for always knowing what I need and when I need it. You always go before me and after me. My provider, my healer, my friend. All praise is Yours. Never, ever leave me.
Thank You Lord for all my beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ that You have connected me with through this Your church. Who could have a better family. I pray for Your will here and in each and every life. All for Your glory, In Jesus name. Amen.
My Testimony:
My After life Experience after dying in an automobile accident on April 4, 1986
(Due to length exceeding Facebooks 10,000 character limit. I will have to post it separate parts.) I apologize for this in advance This is my first time writing it out so it will be difficult to condense)
Part 1:
Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ who reigns from heaven over all the earth! His love endures forever! He is True and Faithful! Lord Jesus I give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise! I lift up my hands and rejoice singing Glory to Your name! Hallelujah! The devil is defeated! He is a Liar and a counterfeit! He is beneath the lowest points on earth and his time is short! Praise the Lord our God! For all Glory is due Him alone in the highest!
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ Universal Salvation Church for allowing me to be part of such an elite group of believers. Thank you Sally for your kind love, patience and understanding during this huge undertaking on my part. May the Lord Jesus Christ always richly bless you. You are a true woman of God.
The following is my testimony of how I died in an auto accident and stood before Jesus Christ.
My Mother was born into a strict Catholic family of 14 children but I was not raised Catholic. One day for some reason she decided to convert to Christianity and was raising her 7 children to attend The First Assembly of God Church. Praise God! The wisest decision of her entire life. Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older he shall not depart from it. (KJV) And that we are doing, one by one they come! Hallelujah!
My Mother suddenly fell ill on January 7, 1974 at the young age of 32. She suffered a major stroke due to reasons beyond her control and became paralyzed from the waist down. She was comatose for 6 weeks. At 9yrs old I found her around 3:30am in her bed hardly breathing. That particular day she would have been declared Mother of the Year 1974 by our local Mayor. Growing up without her wasn't easy for 7 children. Needless to say we quit attending church but that's another testimony.
Just to give you an idea of how I died. Upon descending the mountain lookout the driver was extremely drunk and out of control. He never regained control of the truck and kareened out of control for a very long distance of windy road curves. We rolled several times and the truck as I understand it came to rest in a deep barr ditch on the right side of the road. The tailgate flipped open during the accident and my body rolled into the gap between the tailgate and the truck bed lengthwise.
Example: Though graphic, I think it's imperative to prove how I was in this accident to show how great and merciful our loving God is. Imagine opening a tailgate and the gap you see between the tailgate and the edge of the truck bed is where I rolled into lengthwise, due to being so lean. The tailgate then slammed shut on me and the rear of the truck came to rest in the barr ditch, with the front end up in the air and rear end of the truck buried in the ditch. My head as I understand it was sticking out of the right side of the tailgate somehow and buried 4" in the barr ditch. My neck, I was told was pushed in from the front by the truck about 4 inches. It wasn't until the tow truck was removing the truck that I was located and pronounced Dead at the scene.
Background: At age 18, extremely shy and underweight for my height of 5'8, I took my GED and began attending college, thus, bringing me to reside here. After 3yrs of college I dropped out and met my boyfriend Joseph by accident. He was riding a bicycle and crashed into a telephone pole for not lookng where he was going. After making sure he was okay, he limped his bicycle home. He later returned to invite me to dinner. That's how we met.
My Testimony on My Afterlife Experience after I died in an Auto Accident April 4, 1986
Part 2:
On April 6, 1986 at age 25 while out with my boyfriend and a couple of his friends we stopped and I bought some liquer for mixed drinks. Upon arrival to a mountainous location, I needed to go my separate way for a few minutes as did my bofriend. I returned first and not knowing where he was I called to him to hurry back. When I reached the others, I discovered the others had finished off all the alcohol by themselves in just a few minutes or so they said. They were very drunk and boisterous. Upon confronting the driver David about it, because I purchased everything, he became upset and punched me in the face. I began crying and yelling at him that my brother would come beat him up. My boyfriend finally returned and asked why he had struck me. They argued and David and his friend jumped into the truck and sped off kareening down the mountain side leaving Joseph and I stranded. Crying, I told my boyfriend we were lost because I didn't know my way around. He said he would get me home and before we knew it, we heard a loud rumbling, screeching noise. To our surprise it was David returning up the mountainside in reverse! After the dust cleared he said he couldn't leave Joe there and told him to get in. When Joe tried to help me in the truck, David became angry and said "not her! I don't want her in my truck!" Joseph wasn't about to leave me stranded, so he said no thanks, I'm staying with Beckie and so David sped off in a huff again. We began walking, when suddenly David appeared again telling us to get in, but that I had to go in the bed of the truck and for my boyfriend to sit up front. My boyfriend said he'd go in the back with me, so he helped me into the bed of the truck. The truck was already moving before we ever got into the back. Immediately, I knew we were out of control and told my boyfriend we were wrecking. He said we weren't and asked how I knew. I pointed out the negative G-force and the sand spinning in a circular motion mid-air in front of our faces. He then agreed and told me to say a little prayer that it would be alright. I said I didn't know any so he being Catholic cupped his hands in prayer formation around mine and told me to repeat after him. "Hail Mary" (Hail Mary) "Full of Grace," (Full of Grace)...
Next thing I knew, I was standing before a very tall man dressed in a sparkling white robe made much whiter than snow, wtih long wavy white hair much whiter than snow and with a long wooly, wavy beard much whiter than snow. He looked down at me as I was looking around the place. I noticed to my left a great wide area filled with innumerable black shadow looking people.(spirits, souls) To my right were white sparkling shadow people (spirits, souls) gathering to enter through a very narrow and small white door. The white spirit people were excited, talking happily to one another. The whiter than snow, glistening surrounded by light door seemed to only allow a very few people to enter through it at a time as opposed to the wider spanse area that allowed so many black shadow images to gather and fill it. The black images which were to my left seemed to be sad and not so eager to move forward compared to the white images to my right who were rather excited and eager to enter through the narrow white doorway. Inside the narrow white doorway was such glistening, brilliant light!
In my naivety I began to follow the black images thinking they had dark hair so I was to go that way. Immediately, the Tall Man with the robe much whiter than snow and the long wooly white hair, beard and mustache collected me back to Him saying NO! I asked am I do I go to the right then with these others? He said No! You are to stand before Me. I believe He already knew at that point He would be allowing me to return to earth. He's omnipotent after all.
I didn't recognize who He was. It was then I realized I had died and I began to plead for my return to earth for my Mother's sake. I said I can't stay here my Mother needs me! I must go back! He said No, the decision has been made and the decision will not change. I asked, what do You mean the decison has been made and the decision will not change? He again stated. "The decison has been made and the decision will not change. I said, but I have to go back my Mother needs me. Just then, I remembered the prayer my boyfriend told me so I said, "let me talk to Mary, she'll understand!" He said No, she's busy right now and you can't speak with her. I said then let me talk to Jesus! The white robed, wooly haired man in His whiter than snow robe just laughed and smiled at me saying No, He's busy too. I didn't even recognize who He was! Shame isn't it?
Meanwhile, back at the scene of the accident, my boyfriend had been thrown 30 ft across an eastern boundary fenceline (we were heading south at the time of the accident) and the driver went through the windshield and the front passenger blew out his right elbow when it struck the right sideview mirror. Behind us my boyfriends cousin witnessed the entire accident. He said one minute he was behind us saying the driver needed to slow down because we're in the bed of the truck and the next, he was rounding a curve and saw a big cloud of dust and smoke. He said he knew we'd crashed and he could hear our accident over his stereo blasting in his car.
When help arrived they began treating the other three passengers with no knowledge I was even there! The truck rolled several times and landed front side up with the rear of the vehicle partially buried in a deep barr ditch on the right side of the highway. My boyfriend needed to be transported for a serious pelvic injury. His pelvis was at 6 and 12 o'clock instead of 9 and 3. He needed emergency surgery. The driver was transported claiming paralysis and the front passenger refused treatment due to alcohol in his blood. I was told my boyfriend refused to be transported until I was found. No one believed his persistence that I was with them at the time of the accident. They thought he was suffering from trauma due to the accident and only thought I was with him. He insisted if they find my wallet, they would find me.
Turns out a hippy observing the accident had stolen my wallet. He was arrested and the search began for me.
In 1986 we didn't have the Enhanced 911 system in place, so the radio and red phone were the only means of communication. My boyfriends mom was standing by the Emergency entrance where the radio was on the counter and overheard the EMT announce they had found one deceased female in her 20's. Joseph's mother Mary heard the attending physician say "go ahead and administer high flow o2; will confirm upon arrival." She told me she'd never forget those words because she cried knowing she would have to tell her son I died.
My Testimony Part 3
Meanwhile, my reality was I was standing before the Lord asking Him to let me speak to Mary not realizing who He was!! He was our LORD! My Creator! The one who knew me before He formed me in my mother's womb! Could I have been more lost in my earthly existence!? Enroute to the hospital I awoke and recall placing my right hand on my forehead saying, "FROZEN." The EMT, "Scotty" my friend, someone I actually knew and went to college with flew backwards and upwards hitting his head on the ambulance ceiling. He said "WHAT!?" I said "COLD." He jumped on the radio and told them I was ALIVE!! and I could hear the element of shock and surprise on the hospital end of the radio. The doctor said "She has too much oxygen, go ahead and turn it down and Haul/A!" (expletive)
Next thing I know, I'm before our Beautiful LORD! (still not realizing it's Him, exactly) He was looking at me and I began pleading for Him to please let me return to earth for my Mother's sake, for she had no one to care for her. I promised to always be there for her and said I loved her with my whole life and I lay down my life for hers. I said I don't care what You do with me, just please let me go back for her sake and her sake only!
Now I've arrived at the emergency room and I see before me my boyfriends mother Mary. She's in my face telling me to calm down. Her son is in surgery and every time I ask to speak with Mary they go and get her from the operating waiting room. She said every time that they called her to me, thinking I was asking to speak to her, that I would say the same thing every time..."uh, but you're not her." She would answer, " I know that I'm not her but every time you ask to speak to Mary they go and get me from the waiting room." This went on for several more times until suddenly I awoke straddling the x-ray table like I was seated on a horse without a stitch of clothing in complete shame and disbelief. (I'm not trying to be graphic it's just the only way I remember it.) Now Mary, my boyfriends mother was in my face again only this time with a clenched jaw muttering, "I'm trying to tell you something, calm down, you're not wearing any clothes; they're trying to x-ray you but you're not letting them do their job. I have to get back to my son Joe, he's in surgery and you're starting to upset me. I want to be here with you, but he's my son. I burst into tears, apologized telling her to go to him and I passed out cold! I'm crying as I recall that horrible, yet tender moment. My eternity is at stake and I was crying for Mary, my boyfriends mother over her concern for her child.
Now passed out here on earth, I'm again standing before our LORD and Master JESUS CHRIST (still not fully grasping who He IS!) I'm pleading to send me back for my mother's sake. As you can see this went on for some time. Finally, our Precious and most Merciful Savior, Lord, God, Creator and King said, "Okay, you may return to earth but only for your Mother's sake and for your Mother's sake only. Remember, the decision has been made, and the decision will not change." I said Thank You! Thank You! I won't let You down!"
Next thing I knew it was 10:30 the next morning. The accident was recorded at 6:30pm the previous night. My sister and her husband were leaning against the wall at the foot of my bed. She was saying, Uh, Oh! Somebody's waking up! Good morning! Somebody's waking up! Better open your eyes!" (as if she was speaking to a child) I opened and closed them unable to wake up. I heard my sister say "somebody's coming out of their coma, better wake up!" I tried to move to no avail and passed out again. After this went on a few times I began to feel something in my back that was really hurting. I asked if I broke my back and she said no, no broken bones whatsoever! (let the reader remember this and understand)
I asked about Joseph's condition and cried. I called for a nurse but no one would come and my sister had to go get a nurse. When the nurse finally came to my door, she peered inside not setting foot in my room. She was a short haired red head with glasses an she asked what I needed. I told her something was wrong with my back. She said I had no broken bones but would find new hurts for a long time to come do to the roll over. I kept insisting something wasn't right so she said she'd get another nurse. When she returned she again only peeked into my room, not entering in. This time she said, "you don't remember me do you?" I said "No Ma'am." She said well I remember you and I'll never forget you for as long as I live." Dismayed, I asked why? She replied, "last night, you beat up 12 student interns here from Albuquerque doing their internship on trauma and triage. The entire emergency room staff, EMT's and security and "ME!" and I'll never forget you as long as I live. She told me what I did to her and I really physically hurt her very badly." We had to call the police to calm you down. No one could control you." I looked at my sister and she nodded in assent saying it's true, what's wrong were you drunk? I said no, I was fighting for my life, literally!"
Interestingly enough, I just now did the math and that was 25yrs ago and I was 25 yrs old at the time. Turns out while I was literally fighting for my life, some innocent people were hurt. My Lord, I'm so very sorry for that. I repent and ask You to please forgive me and put put it under the shed blood of the cross at Calvary. Cleanse me with hyssop that my robe would be made much whiter than snow and my name may be found written in the Lambs Book of Life on Judgement Day. In Jesus Mighty name, Amen. She never did set foot in my room. She said she forgave me but it was safer for both of us if she stayed away from me. Bless her heart.
When the nurses finally arrived to help me, upon sitting me up to check my back we discovered an oak tree branch extending out of the right side of my body with leaves attached to it. My bed was filled with leaves and soil! No one could explain where this branch came from. I asked if I made people so mad they left it there on purpose. Then I recalled the x-ray table and I had nothing then, nor pain did I feel at that time. But now, it was excruciating! They called for the doctor and for O.R. to prep for emergency surgery. Next thing I knew, they were cleaning it out to see how deep it was and they said the hole it came out of was closing before their very eyes! In disbelief they called for the doctor and he came and said it was closing, no surgery would be needed. Let me tell you. People, this tree branch was almost 3ft long and extended out of my right side at an angle. In measuring from memeory it was around 32 to 33 inches long at least! No one could explain how it got there or where it came from. When Mary, my boyfriends mother heard of this she had no explanation for it. She was there in the emergency room as you recall from my above testimony, she couldn't explain where it came from. I required no surgery to stitch it up it just healed by itself.
For the next 3 days I called for Sister Neria, an elderly Nun who would go room to room to pray for the sick, injured. Being that I wasn't Catholic, she was apprehensive to answer my call. She said she prayed and Jesus told her to go to me. She obeyed and led me to Salvation right on the spot! Down Romans Road and asked me if I knew who Jesus was I said no tell me! She asked if I do will you believe? I said Yes! Tell me! She told me all about Jesus and told me to keep telling Jesus I love You Jesus! over and over so I did and then she said she could pray. I repeated the Sinners prayer after her and received my Savior into my heart! She then asked why I called for her, I said because I've heard people get healed when you pray for them. She asked if I'd looked in a mirror yet, I said no I didn't want to and I didn't want to be scarred for life, knowing I must have looked a sight. As she was praying for me her eyes grew wide and she was taken aback as I asked what was wrong she said Jesus is healing you before my very eyes! I praised Him and thanked Him so much! I walked away ALIVE from an accident I died instantly in and came away with only one injury, a major concussion. That was more than enough believe you me. I knew I was spared great suffering but I suffered for weeks from that major concussion. I couldn't walk, talk, eat, sleep or do anything because everything made my head hurt.
My Testimony Part 4
(sorry so long)
First Note:
Upon discussing this accident with my sister about a week or so ago for the first time in many years, I learned for the first time that it took one and a half hours to locate me at the scene of the accident. No one knew where I was. Once my wallet was found they had a photo but no one could find me because I was rolled up like a burrito in the tailgate of that truck! Imagine opening a tailgate and laying a bat in the open crevice. That's how my body was insidle the crevice, then the tailgate slammed shut and wound up buried in the ditch.
Second Note:
My Mother passed away in my arms on June 1, 1997. She suffered several massive heart attacks in August of '96 which went untreated for several hours while in the care of a nursing home. After being comatose for 2 weeks she survived with only 14% of her heart remaining; 86% of her heart was gone! I told her if she would fight I'd bring her home with me and take care of her. Two days after her episode her father died of heart failure. When she awoke from her coma, she said she already knew, she said he told her.
Heart specialists gave her 5 seconds to 5 minutes to 5 hours to 5 days to live. I physically, literally carried her from room to room so she wouldn't exert her heart muscle by walking, bending, etc.. Our Precious heavenly Father let her live 8 months and 22 days in my care. On June 1, 1997 my mother passed away three times in my arms. After the first I shook her calling her back to me, she returned and died a second time, I again shook her calling her back saying don't leave me! I need you! She returned a third time, tried to kiss me and I freaked out and missed the kiss! (I can only plead temporary insanity) Then I heard a whoosh! and she was gone! The day before my sister had called a priest to give her last rites. I said she's not Catholic! During his blessing I saw millions of tiny silver stars hovering over her bed. Millions! They then turned to millions of tiny silver crosses just hovering over her bed! My brother then saw her standing before him jumping up and down opening and closing her hands. Something she'd told only him about..how she couldn't wait until she could once again open and close her hands without nerve damage.
My Mother Socorro F. Uzueta is now home with Jesus 14yrs and our precious, beloved Savior has seen fit to show me His divine love, mercy and grace in allowing me to remain. I surely would have perished. In this time I have learned to let past hurts go and forgive those who hurt me. I've learned that God is a loving, merciful and always faithful God who loves me and has never abandoned me. I've learned that the devil is a liar and the reason for everything that has gone wrong in my life, while all the while I was blaming God. I've learned that God is always good and faithful! Without His tender mercies, forgiveness, love and Sacrifice, I would not be here writing this testimony right now. I tell you the truth, I am not worthy of the price my Jesus paid for me. I am not worthy of the love and forgiveness and mercy He has shown me. I do not deserve such a loving and faithful Master! He is the only one who is Worthy! He is the only one who deserves to be loved, praised and glorified! He is HOLY! His name is Holy; not only do I mean in the meaning of the name but Holy is literally His name. Just like Jesus is His name! He is a Holy God and He requires of me to walk, talk and live in Righteousness and Holiness. I strive everyday to make the mark that He would one day say, Welcome Home! My good and faithful servant!
Because of His Mercy and His Grace, I am now a member of Lord Jesus Universal Salvation Church! I am writing this testimony to the best of my knowledge as the events of April 6-9, 1986 unfolded.
Yes, I stood before the King of Kings! Yes! He said "The decision has been made and the decision will not change." I firmly believe that He was looking at my heart and that He saw me die completely to self for my Mother's sake. I said I didn't care what He did with me and He knew I meant it. I believe Jesus made the decision to let me into heaven when He saw me deny my eternity for the love and life of someone else. I believe He made the decision then and that's the decision that will not change. Otherwise, He would have let me keep walking to the left with all the dark shadow people entering through that wide gate. I was as if they were all walking off a cliff. I was literally standing beside the brilliant white door to my right. I watched it open and Jesus let the whiter than snow people begin to enter into it. Inside it was filled with glorious, brilliant white Illuminating light. I was right beside it and the wide gate was farther to my left. He called me back from that wide gate which He never told me to enter. I just went because I was naive. He literally reached out and pulled me back. Praise be the Lord our God!
Jesus allowed me to come back for my Mother's sake and I was here when she needed me most. Of all 7 children and her 5 brothers and 8 sisters, I was the only one there for her when she was in a coma. In this lifetime, I could never receive a finer blessing. More than all the gold or money in the world at that time. Today I gladly lay down my life a second time and deny myself in Honor to my Beloved Savior. Had I truly known who Jesus was, is back then.. I would've gladly laid down my life for Him. If I could go back and start over I would want to serve Him every day to the fullest extent of my being. It is not about us! it has never been about us! It will never be about us! To God be the Glory forever and ever! Amen! Everyday I learn more about my loving and faithful Savior. I could live a million years and never learn it all. He has taken a tragedy and turned it around for His Divine Glory! His Divine Purpose under heaven. We've yet to see it to fruition but I know one thing for sure. God does have a plan for my life! I wait for Him to reveal His purpose for my life. Have Your way Lord! I say these things not for fame or glory but because I choose LIFE! I choose JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH! I choose You Lord God! I choose to obey You and how I wish I hadn't wasted all those years before. You know everything Lord. You know the beginning from the end and You knew how long it would take to bring me around. You knew I would believe in You and You had mercy and gave me another chance. To You be all the Glory, Honor and Praise forevermore! Hallelujah! Our God Reigns from Glory, to glory, to Glory! Amen! Yes, and In Him,
Amen! Hallelujah!