Sally S. Richter
December 01, 2011
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for the strenght that you were giving me. For your guidance on Your will upon us. Sarah and I want to thank You for the words that You have given us yesterday that this is Your house of prayers. Thank you Lord for Isaiah 56, "5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever. 6 And foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD to minister to him, to love the name of the LORD, and to be his servants, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant— 7 these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” 8 The Sovereign LORD declares— he who gathers the exiles of Israel: “I will gather still others to them besides those already gathered. Thank you Lord Jesus for your words. I am lifting up this wall and dedicating it to You and for Your name's sake God/Lord Jesus to be always the house of prayers for You and You alone, as our only GOD, King and LORD. Amen. Amen Lord Jesus. Amen!
Carlenegrace Geran
December 01, 2011
Lord...I love you precious Jesus...I want to thank you for your church...thank you for being true to your words...thank you for your never failing love..grace..mercy upon our lives...I WANT TO THANK YOUR FOR THE SPIRITUAL GROWTH IN OUR LIVES...THANK YOU SWEET HOLY SPIRIT FOR NURTURING US TO PERFECTION IN YOUR BODY..HALLELUJAH....Daddy is very obvious you coming is are in the atmosphere...I feel your heart is so heavy Lord...I worry about the many souls...I now see how burdened you felt while on the way to the cross...Lord give us the Spirit of Evangelism...the Boldness of your bring in the lost souls to decorated the streets of the Kingdom...Father let each one us your children...focus on a friend..a loved one...a stranger and tell them about you..your near return..your love...the reward of Eternal life...Glory to God...glory blessed Father...Glory Holy Sweet Spirit of God...Hallelujah...give us holy liquid be released when we open our and dedicate time alone with you Lord...Glory Hallelujah to you dear Father...Fire Lord to accomplish your Will...Thank you Jesus....Glory
Carlenegrace Geran
December 01, 2011
Lord Jesus...I am so sad...tears for an unbelieving world..I am feeling you in the atmosphere ...You are coming...I know have spoken....People of God...please be in complete holiness...the next few weeks are going to be trying ...many supernatural will take the devil himself to deny that the End has come. Please call up...sit down...warn..cry to your children...grand children....enemies..frien ds..neighbors...brethrens. ..brothers...sisters...inl aws..tell
everyone....Our Lord Comes....Father...have Mercy on a generation that is
spiritually blind...Have Mercy for the youths...the rejects of society....the
elderly and forgotten people...the troubled kids....runaways...the Pastors..the
Edie Porter
December 02, 2011
Heavenly Father. I come before you this evening not only with praise and thanksgiving, but also come with a heavy heart of saddness, for our country of America , has died. There is no more land of the free and home of the brave. As carlenegrace stated below, the End has come. The death of our country for freedom loving Americans has finally occurred. She will rise no more. However, where ever there is saddness with tears there is also joy with tears. I pray for the Holy Spirit to work on our hearts and minds to help us replace the saddness with tears, behind us, and have hope in joy for continuing looking forward to the blessed coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, what evil that has been in the works these past years has culiminated in shock for the citizens of the United States and I would imagine, for the entire world. America will no longer be looked upon by other countries as a shining example of freedom and democracy. No longer will she be able to be an example for other countries to follow. I know that what has been stated in this prayer, stands a strong chance of being the same feelings and thoughts of many Americans. Also, as Carlenegrace has stated, we will all need spiritual help for the next few weeks to sustain our faith in what else will be trying us. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Not only for myself, but also for all of those whom come to you and accept Jesus and their Loord and Savior. Amen
Daniel Pasaribu
December 02, 2011
Lord Jesus, I bow my head in recognition of all You have provided. Everywhere I look I see the work of Your creation, and everywhere I look I also see the hand of man at work. My heart is full this morning realizing how much You value the work that each one of us accomplishes for You. As I have grown closer to you I have been able to watch You place men and women in their rightful places for Your kingdom purposes. Some of them unfortunately have thick veils in place and are unable to see the magnificent possibilities available to them as they are blinded by pride and selfish ambition. Wherever they are working, playing, serving and worshipping , I ask You to whisper Your wisdom and revelation knowledge to help them to see the deception working from the Kingdom of Darkness in my life and their lives.
Everything we do we should be done to worship You. Every task we are given, every vision we receive, every step of faith we take, should be done the very best way possible as an act of worship to our Lord Jesus and we owe You and the Body of Christ nothing less.
Lord Jesus, I find myself today seeking Your forgiveness for the sin that I have made and multiple times I have wasted the precious opportunities You have given me and the congregation. I don’t believe it was ever intentional, but I often come down on the side of expediency. You stand ready every day to use us. You give us opportunities to witness and to serve and You give us skills to use, and abilities to sharpen. In Your kingdom economy nothing is wasted. In Your kingdom economy we are allowed to see with Your eyes which will always give us a vision for excellence if we look and pray for it.
I recognize in this moment how tenderly You hold the world in Your hands and I realize the love and nurturing care that this has brought to all of us. Everything we do, Lord, we need to give to You for Your Glory. Every task, every plan and strategy, we need to turn to You for Your purposes. We are so guilty, of accomplishing many things without even consulting You much less obeying You.
Lord Jesus, I pray this day for the leadership of our church, our country and the world in general. I recognize in all we do, we need to do it as You would have done it. We need to be using our spiritual gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit as well as our natural abilities to accomplish our jobs and to fulfill the mandate for Your end time church ministry . You are preparing the Body of Christ to be ready for the return of our Lord Jesus to be holy, righteous and humble, and You clearly want to be involved in every facet of our work and ministries in these Last Days. Help us, Lord Jesus to increase our intimate relationship with You as to hear Your Voice to obey Your Commandments to bring everything according to Your Plan which You have already designed for everyone of us.
I pray You would give our leaders, the congregation of this church and the rest of the Christian believers worldwide the divine wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment they need to see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, and think with Your mind. It is Your heart of love that will bring everything into completion, so I pray we will be consumed with Your same heart of love. You are holy, my God, You are to be listened to and acknowledged in all we do to accomplish Your Great Commandments and Great Commissions on this earth to bring love, peace and joy and to win the lost souls into the Kingdom of God.
Lord Jesus, I cry out asking You to advance Your kingdom by changing the hearts of leaders everywhere around the world so they will consult with You first. In order to be a blessing to the world, we must first exhibit Your heart of love. I believe that means we begin in our homes, jobs and ministries including our church. All that we do must be done as an act of worship to You, our King and Lord. When we do this we will be able to love and honor one another with our gifting and talents as well as our spiritual strengths. We will then begin to see You as the Master architect who is building a magnificent structure that cannot be shaken.
Forgive us, Lord, for seeking after personal recognition. Forgive us for wanting our hand print on the work we do in place of Yours. All we have should be seen as a holy offering of sacrifice and praise to You, our God.
Forgive us for not caring about each other. Forgive us for putting individual accomplishment first ahead of worshipping You with our talents. Remind us when we need it, that when we put you first in every decision and plan, the results will always be wisdom, fruit, perseverance and will bring You all the glory.
Lord Jesus, Help us, before we self destruct in pride and ego because we do not fear you and obeying Your Holy Commandments. You help us to balance what we have been entrusted with by fitting everything together as You desire. You are sounding a trumpet call in our Christian lives to stand firm in our faith, to use our spiritual abilities and earthly talents wisely and trust You for Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You command all of us to treat each other with love and a caring Jesus heart and to bring peace and joy wherever we go in this world as being the light and the salt of Your Kingdom.
Lord Jesus, As You release the Body of Christ to the front lines of battle, we are going to unite and need each other in this church and everywhere in this world. Blend us together as You choose using our spiritual gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit in combination with our natural abilities and talents to enable us to flow in the Movement of Your Holy Spirit in these Last Days to give the divine impact, influence and motivation through our relationship with other believers and the nonbelievers who do not recognize yet that Jesus is their Lord and the Savior of this world. Only then when this combination is released, will true peace, joy and faith be found alive and well in this church, our homes, jobs and ministries and by example into this dying world. One without the other will not accomplish Your purposes for eternity.
To You Be All The Honor And Glory Today And Forever, Amen, Haleluyah.
Edie Porter
December 03, 2011
Father/Lord Jesus...I come before you with thanksgiving and praise for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me and my pets. We had a roof over our heads and food to eat, which so many people were unable to have due to the world's economic situation and unemployment. I count my blessings and thank you for providing the necessities to sustain physical life. I am also so grateful for your hearing the cries of my heart in so much wanting a church home but knowing that desire could not be fulfilled in a church of man with walls. I sure lit up with joy when I saw the article posted by Daniel about the LJUSC and it did not take me long to KNOW that I wanted to join in church membership. I thank you Lord, for providing this Spiritual blessing in order to help sustain my Spiritual life. In providing for both my physical comfort needs AND Spiritual needs, you proved that "man does not live by bread, alone". I am able to understand how I was an example of that and I pray that others in LJUSC are also able to see that you provided the same for them. So, WE ALL praise and give thanksgiving for these blessings! Harder times are coming, we know. I pray for all of us, that the Holy Spirit help keep us focused on YOU and not so much the way things are getting worse and worse every day. Several issues in the news these past few days has caused utter emotional shock with many people. Knowing, that these issues involved the work of the devil...and it IS a sign that WE ARE LITERALLY in the last days and your coming could be at any time. I pray that we all are able to continue praying and keeping our focus on you, Lord. Knowing, that YOU are in charge and do have EVERYTHING under control. Please have the Holy Spirit keep reminding us that : "All is cool and under control of the Lord Jesus!" Hallelujah and Amen!
Bianca Ambrose
December 03, 2011
Ohhh Lord my God as I sit and sup with you this morn hmmm ohhh tears, tears. Father, nothing brings abiding peace more than knowing that we are saved from the penalty of sin and that we are firmly grounded in Your holy precepts.
It makes me feel safe in a struggling world that continues to search for knowledge from all the wrong sources. Make my brethren and I sound in our outlook when we align ...our understanding and convictions with your teachings my Lord Jesus Christ.
Help us to speak wisdom among those who are mature a wisdom, however, not of this age nor from the authority of this world that changes all the time.
Lord let our wisdom be based upon our knowledge and understanding of You, Father for you are the One who changes not. In You we are saved and we are sound. I love you Father and I praise Your matchless, holy name. Amen.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 04, 2011
Lord Jesus, Your ways astonish me. This morning I awoke aware of the tug and pull of my heart being led into my quiet devotional place. I obeyed with some trembling and wondering what You had prepared for me. Just knowing that You had something prepared was enough to cause me to pray for Your Holy Spirit to ignite my spirit with His discernment, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
I approach You, and this time together with a grateful heart, knowing already that You never disappoint, You never discourage, and You always bring about a clarity that I need. It is beyond my comprehension to understand why You do what You do but I am completely convinced that part of it is stretching me beyond my own comfort zones and teaching me that I can indeed grow and accelerate the progress of my ministry by meeting with You every day.
Today, my King, it seems to be all about faith and believing that You do what You say You do according to Your promises. You helped me this morning to recognize once again how powerful faith is and how necessary faith is to navigate the muddied waters all around me and to only believe that with You nothing is impossible.
Lord Jesus, I thank You today for the reminder I received years ago about faith, as You helped me to see that it was through my faith that I was able to receive all I needed from You. You also reminded me about the second part of faith which is the obedience part when I act on Your instructions, by obeying Your Holy Word and listening to the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, The challenge for me today centered on the magnitude of Your commands. I recognize with excitement and anticipation the potential for my life, and I trust You, and turn over control of it to You. You have been teaching me for many years now about how to recognize Your voice and to discern when I am not. The sense I received today was that I was going to need even greater faith in the days ahead in these Last Days so that I will obey You and follow your direction at every turn especially when I should be ready and get prepared for Your Coming to bring your all True Believer to meet with You in the air according to Your Glorious Hope in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
Thank You, Jesus, that for many years now You have been about the business of alerting me to the kingdom possibilities that can be achieved by even the newest believer in Christ. This has sustained me and helped me to grow. But today, I sense You reminding me that there is much more ahead and more seeds to be sown that have the potential of going down deeper than we understand to be possible. To the extent that we are willing to listen and obey that "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit and the commands of Your Word, we will be used.
Lord Jesus, I pray today for my brothers and sisters here in this church and in any other places around the world that they will recognize the potential they have to make a difference. I pray they will be convicted and shown the areas of their lives where they have sold out to self. I pray that the Holy Spirit would ignite a flame every time they lay down an old bondage. You showed me just this morning how easy it is to be deceived by pride. You reminded me how I used to put myself down and call it humility when in reality it was a prideful thing and a bondage that held me firmly. It made me dwell on myself and my own needs, sometimes to the exclusion of anything else. It stopped me from recognizing that I was Your child and that I have Your Holy Spirit within me. It stopped me from recognizing that I was who I was because of Your holiness, faithfulness and righteousness and not because of my own talents and strengths. It was Your grace and mercy that mattered, and it was service to You that became my tool of freedom.
Lord Jesus, I ask You, Lord, to help my brothers and sisters here in this church and in any other places around the world to recognize that they may be held back because of their small faith they may be hemmed in by boundaries erected by Satan to confuse and stop them from moving ahead. I pray You would help them to recognize their need for a deeper, more abiding faith and a closer, more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. I pray also that you may impart your Holy Glory, Holy Fire, Spiritual gifts, Spiritual fruits and all God’s blessing and Supernatural Protection into the life of every one of them to enable them to please you during their lives here on earth and I thank you Lord that you have made us also the Overcomers and the Conquerors of this world based on our faith unto You. We will never find true fulfillment until we redefine our own limitations which are holding us back from pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.
May all we do will bring honor and glory to Your Kingdom here on earth, Amen, Haleluyah to the Lord Jesus.
San Davis
December 04, 2011
Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Father God, I pray for the lost of the world this day and that every man, woman, and child from here to the farthest corners of the earth be saved. As I intercede, I use my faith, believing that thousands this day have the opportunity to make Jesus their Lord. I ask the Lord of the harvest to thrust the perfect laborers across these lives this day to share the good news of the Gospel in a special way so that they will listen and understand it, that it will touch their hearts. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray with thanksgiving in my heart, Amen, Amen & Amen.
San Davis
December 04, 2011
Heavenly Father, This is Your commandment: that we love one another just as You have loved us.....I thank You for Your Word for this truth sets us free...You told us these things, that Your joy and delight may be in us and that our joy and gladness may be full measure, complete and overflowing...It is our desire to be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that we may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all Your devoted people, the experience of that love....I pray in the Name of Jesus, that we may know this love that surpasses knowledge, that we may be filled to the measure of all Your fullness....Now to You Who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work within us, to You be glory in this LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHUCH and in Christ Jesus throughout generations, forever and ever...Amen, Amen & Amen!
Carlenegrace Geran
December 04, 2011
Father Jesus glory to your precious name..I want to thank and praise you Father for this beautiful..clear day...with the blue sky and the enchanted sounds of nature...the birds ....paying homage to your Holy blessed Name...the different noises ..the world is alive because of your Holy sweet spirit...the gentle breeze flowing through the window..reminding me of your gift of and strength as my lungs soak up your precious air...glory to God...Father I join them in praising and thanking you for your provisions..your mercies..your Grace upon our lives...Hallelujah..Lord of Lords...King of Kings...we celebrate life by lifting up our voices and praising a Holy..merciful...compassio nate...loving
...forgiving God Head.)))))JESUS(((((. ALL GLORY TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD THAT IS
Ricardo Alonzo
December 04, 2011
Lord Jesus you are worthy of all our praises! We thank you Lord for all the things you've done in our lives. Thank you Lord Jesus for your precious and Holy Blood that clenses me. All Praise, Glory and Honor to God the Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit! Hallellujah! Amen!
Suana D'branch
December 04, 2011
|Father God, I want to thank You for Your present in our praise and worship service this morning. I know that the Holly Spirit is the one that lead and bless us. Im glad to serve You..all glory and honour to You. In Jesus name, amen.
San Davis
December 04, 2011
Heavenly Father, I pray today for all of Your Children who are in need of a financial touch. Maybe they are losing their home. Maybe they need a job. Maybe they need a car. Perhaps they need a home, or a roof over their heads. They may be hungry, thirsty, in need of clothing. I pray Your Hand of Mercy will reach down and touch each and every one of them. I pray for GREAT faith on their part, so that You May Perform a GREAT MIRACLE in each and every one of their lives. I ask these things in the Precious Name of Jesus....Many are crying out daily, LORD HELP....Our hearts and prayers goes out and are with them who cry ABBA, FATHER, PAPA, HELP....Many are desperately in need of wisdom, peace, direction, deliverance, freedom, miracles, provision, healing or just a touch from God... I pray today for the outcast, the broken, the desolate, the sick, those treated unjustly, the overwhelmed, the needy, the abused, the forgotten and the lost...I pray for Gods extended hands of Grace upon His people...I pray for His Mercy which are new every morning upon a broken people, producing Creative Miracles, uncommon favors and peace that surpasses all understanding in Jesus Name.....Amen, Amen & Amen..
Sally S. Richter
December 04, 2011
Dearest Father In Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, we praise and thank you and give You all the glory, praise and worship. I want to thank You for Your great mercy, goodness and love. Thank you God/Lord Jesus Christ for everything, for the strength for the help and all the blessings that You were continually giving. Thank You for all that You were doing for us all here in the church of Yours that we can offer You praises and worships all together. We bless Your name Lord Jesus. I bless Your name.You are our God, our Lord, our King. Amen Lord Jesus. Amen Lord. Amen!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 04, 2011
All through this day, O Lord Jesus, by the power of Thy quickening Spirit, let me touch the lives of others for good, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I speak, or the life I live. I pray that the Anointing of the Holy Spirit may flow into the spiritual life of all my brethren here in this church that we may hear Your Voice to follow Your instruction to enable us to fear You and obey Your Word in Ephesians 5:16 that we should redeem the time, because the days are evil. In the Name of Jesus Christ , we pray, Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 04, 2011
Gracious Father, I see that before I can love, I must comprehend how much I am loved. Help me be aware that in my heart I have the most aggressive Lover in the universe. I am eternally grateful to YOU Oh SWEET JESUS! You alone bring joy,meaning and gladness in our lives.Nothing compares to the treasure that we have in YOU that last to infinity and beyond.We YOUR children will never cease to be amazed by YOUR magnificence,by the grandeur of YOUR LOVE&GRACE! Oh LORD we lift up YOUR beautiful mighty name above the heavens.Come and inhabit our praise that is only due YOU,our MOST HIGH GOD! We worship and adore YOU HEAVENLY FATHER,LORD JESUS& BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT! AMEN!
Bianca Ambrosech
December 05, 2011
Lead me, Oh ))) LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.
Shew me thy ways, Oh)))) LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
You said Father the meek will you guide in judgment: and the meek will You teach your way. Teach me thy way, Oh))) LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
You said You will instruct me and teach me in the way which I shalt go:You will guide me with your eye.
Thank you)))) Father that the steps of a good man are ordered by You: and You delighteth in his way. Thank you))) for guiding me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
Father I come to You this morning with a humble heart and stretched out arms. I love You, I adore You, I worship You my Lord and my God.
My Lord God open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. For your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Father the entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
Oh))))) Lord cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
I trust in You my Lord with all my heart; and I lean not unto my own understanding. In all thy ways I acknowledge You, and I know that You shall direct thy paths.
When I goest, You shall lead me; when I sleep, You shall keep me; and when I awakest, You shall talk with me. My ears shall hear a word , saying, this is the way, walk in it, when I turn to the right hand, and when I turn to the left.
You said You will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; You will lead them in paths that they have not known: You will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will You will do unto them, and not forsake them.
Oh ))) my Lord and my God You hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to those that is weary: And You LORD shall guide me continually, and satisfy my soul in drought, and make fat my bones: You said Lord I and all your children shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
Oh))) LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. You said You will cause us to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein we shall not stumble: for You are a Father to Israel , and Ephraim You said is your firstborn.
Show us how to walk by faith, not by sight. Oh))) Father Your word is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Thank you Father, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for keeping watch over us. We love you so.
I love you so. Amen
Sally S. Richter
December 05, 2011
Dear God/Father in Heaven. Today and as always. I thank You for the desire to be with You. . With the new days ahead and the coming year ahead,, we pray that Your chidren who are gathered here in this church of Yours be filled with Your loving presence and that the faith, hope, love and joy in You may be renewed. Help us to renew our longing to know You better and better and be closer and closest unto You. With Your steadfast love, You have been so kind, patient and supportive to those who are calling You, out of their deep love and pure heart. Help each one of us in the congregations of the saints, be given this gift into our hearts, mind, soul and spirit. Let this awareness inspire us to also love our friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters, even people who are causing pains in our hearts. and everyone.
Help us to be an encouragement to the discouraged, a help and comfort to bear their burdens and limitations and lighten their loads. Keep us from any actions that may hurt and destroy. Keep us from making hasty conlusions and judgement about others, knowing well that we are all at a different stages of growth, with different family backgrounds, values and cultures, and that You are dealing with us in different ways.
Grant us the grace to respect each person including ourself as a temple of Your holy Spirit. ! Grant us this Father in Heaven, we humbly pray in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen!
Rina Odermatt
December 05, 2011
O Lord, my God, how great you are!
You are clothed with majesty and glory;
you cover yourself with light.
You have spread out the heavens like a tent
and built your home on the waters above.[a]
You use the clouds as your chariot
and ride on the wings of the wind.
You use the winds as your messengers
and flashes of lightning as your servants.
You have set the earth firmly on its foundations,
and it will never be moved.
You placed the ocean over it like a robe,
and the water covered the mountains.
When you rebuked the waters, they fled;
they rushed away when they heard your shout of command.
They flowed over the mountains and into the valleys,
to the place you had made for them.
You set a boundary they can never pass,
to keep them from covering the earth again.
You make springs flow in the valleys,
and rivers run between the hills.
They provide water for the wild animals;
there the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
In the trees near by,
the birds make their nests and sing.
From the sky you send rain on the hills,
and the earth is filled with your blessings.
You make grass grow for the cattle
and plants for us to use,
so that we can grow our crops
and produce wine to make us happy,
olive oil to make us cheerful,
and bread to give us strength.
The cedars of Lebanon get plenty of rain—
the Lord's own trees, which he planted.
There the birds build their nests;
the storks nest in the fir trees.
The wild goats live in the high mountains,
and the rock badgers hide in the cliffs.
You created the moon to mark the months;
the sun knows the time to set.
You made the night, and in the darkness
all the wild animals come out.
The young lions roar while they hunt,
looking for the food that God provides.
When the sun rises, they go back
and lie down in their dens.
Then people go out to do their work
and keep working until evening.
Lord, you have made so many things!
How wisely you made them all!
The earth is filled with your creatures.
There is the ocean, large and wide,
where countless creatures live,
large and small alike.
The ships sail on it, and in it plays Leviathan,
that sea monster which you made.[b]
All of them depend on you
to give them food when they need it.
You give it to them, and they eat it;
you provide food, and they are satisfied.
When you turn away, they are afraid;
when you take away your breath, they die
and go back to the dust from which they came.
But when you give them breath,[c] they are created;
you give new life to the earth.
May the glory of the Lord last forever!
May the Lord be happy with what he has made!
He looks at the earth, and it trembles;
he touches the mountains, and they pour out smoke.
I will sing to the Lord all my life;
as long as I live I will sing praises to my God.
May he be pleased with my song,
for my gladness comes from him.
May sinners be destroyed from the earth;
may the wicked be no more.
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Praise the Lord!
Carlenegrace Geran
December 05, 2011
My beutiful King...the food that I crave after is your Holiness and righteousness...I long to see you in the Spiritual and sit at yout feet and sing my heart out to you...Jesus...I hand you my heart and you have coated it with such passion and fire for your truth...I love you Jesus with the pure love you have touch my soul with. My thoughts are saturated with your fire...I think of you only....I speak of you only.....I live for you are my beginning and my end....I am clueless without your Holy Spirit....the cloth on my head is the colour of the Blood you is a reminder of the Blood that bought me....I am yours forever and your are mines forever....What manner of Love is This? is befitting the King of all Kings...the Lords of all Lords.....Jesus you are all...By Me!! Glory...Hallelujah...Sweet
Holy Spirit incubate me....God you are love ..Bless you Mighty YHWH..Hallelujah
December 01, 2011
Dearest Father in Heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for the strenght that you were giving me. For your guidance on Your will upon us. Sarah and I want to thank You for the words that You have given us yesterday that this is Your house of prayers. Thank you Lord for Isaiah 56, "5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever. 6 And foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD to minister to him, to love the name of the LORD, and to be his servants, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant— 7 these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” 8 The Sovereign LORD declares— he who gathers the exiles of Israel: “I will gather still others to them besides those already gathered. Thank you Lord Jesus for your words. I am lifting up this wall and dedicating it to You and for Your name's sake God/Lord Jesus to be always the house of prayers for You and You alone, as our only GOD, King and LORD. Amen. Amen Lord Jesus. Amen!
Carlenegrace Geran
December 01, 2011
Lord...I love you precious Jesus...I want to thank you for your church...thank you for being true to your words...thank you for your never failing love..grace..mercy upon our lives...I WANT TO THANK YOUR FOR THE SPIRITUAL GROWTH IN OUR LIVES...THANK YOU SWEET HOLY SPIRIT FOR NURTURING US TO PERFECTION IN YOUR BODY..HALLELUJAH....Daddy is very obvious you coming is are in the atmosphere...I feel your heart is so heavy Lord...I worry about the many souls...I now see how burdened you felt while on the way to the cross...Lord give us the Spirit of Evangelism...the Boldness of your bring in the lost souls to decorated the streets of the Kingdom...Father let each one us your children...focus on a friend..a loved one...a stranger and tell them about you..your near return..your love...the reward of Eternal life...Glory to God...glory blessed Father...Glory Holy Sweet Spirit of God...Hallelujah...give us holy liquid be released when we open our and dedicate time alone with you Lord...Glory Hallelujah to you dear Father...Fire Lord to accomplish your Will...Thank you Jesus....Glory
Carlenegrace Geran
December 01, 2011
Lord Jesus...I am so sad...tears for an unbelieving world..I am feeling you in the atmosphere ...You are coming...I know have spoken....People of God...please be in complete holiness...the next few weeks are going to be trying ...many supernatural will take the devil himself to deny that the End has come. Please call up...sit down...warn..cry to your children...grand children....enemies..frien
Edie Porter
December 02, 2011
Heavenly Father. I come before you this evening not only with praise and thanksgiving, but also come with a heavy heart of saddness, for our country of America , has died. There is no more land of the free and home of the brave. As carlenegrace stated below, the End has come. The death of our country for freedom loving Americans has finally occurred. She will rise no more. However, where ever there is saddness with tears there is also joy with tears. I pray for the Holy Spirit to work on our hearts and minds to help us replace the saddness with tears, behind us, and have hope in joy for continuing looking forward to the blessed coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, what evil that has been in the works these past years has culiminated in shock for the citizens of the United States and I would imagine, for the entire world. America will no longer be looked upon by other countries as a shining example of freedom and democracy. No longer will she be able to be an example for other countries to follow. I know that what has been stated in this prayer, stands a strong chance of being the same feelings and thoughts of many Americans. Also, as Carlenegrace has stated, we will all need spiritual help for the next few weeks to sustain our faith in what else will be trying us. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Not only for myself, but also for all of those whom come to you and accept Jesus and their Loord and Savior. Amen
Daniel Pasaribu
December 02, 2011
Lord Jesus, I bow my head in recognition of all You have provided. Everywhere I look I see the work of Your creation, and everywhere I look I also see the hand of man at work. My heart is full this morning realizing how much You value the work that each one of us accomplishes for You. As I have grown closer to you I have been able to watch You place men and women in their rightful places for Your kingdom purposes. Some of them unfortunately have thick veils in place and are unable to see the magnificent possibilities available to them as they are blinded by pride and selfish ambition. Wherever they are working, playing, serving and worshipping , I ask You to whisper Your wisdom and revelation knowledge to help them to see the deception working from the Kingdom of Darkness in my life and their lives.
Everything we do we should be done to worship You. Every task we are given, every vision we receive, every step of faith we take, should be done the very best way possible as an act of worship to our Lord Jesus and we owe You and the Body of Christ nothing less.
Lord Jesus, I find myself today seeking Your forgiveness for the sin that I have made and multiple times I have wasted the precious opportunities You have given me and the congregation. I don’t believe it was ever intentional, but I often come down on the side of expediency. You stand ready every day to use us. You give us opportunities to witness and to serve and You give us skills to use, and abilities to sharpen. In Your kingdom economy nothing is wasted. In Your kingdom economy we are allowed to see with Your eyes which will always give us a vision for excellence if we look and pray for it.
I recognize in this moment how tenderly You hold the world in Your hands and I realize the love and nurturing care that this has brought to all of us. Everything we do, Lord, we need to give to You for Your Glory. Every task, every plan and strategy, we need to turn to You for Your purposes. We are so guilty, of accomplishing many things without even consulting You much less obeying You.
Lord Jesus, I pray this day for the leadership of our church, our country and the world in general. I recognize in all we do, we need to do it as You would have done it. We need to be using our spiritual gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit as well as our natural abilities to accomplish our jobs and to fulfill the mandate for Your end time church ministry . You are preparing the Body of Christ to be ready for the return of our Lord Jesus to be holy, righteous and humble, and You clearly want to be involved in every facet of our work and ministries in these Last Days. Help us, Lord Jesus to increase our intimate relationship with You as to hear Your Voice to obey Your Commandments to bring everything according to Your Plan which You have already designed for everyone of us.
I pray You would give our leaders, the congregation of this church and the rest of the Christian believers worldwide the divine wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment they need to see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, and think with Your mind. It is Your heart of love that will bring everything into completion, so I pray we will be consumed with Your same heart of love. You are holy, my God, You are to be listened to and acknowledged in all we do to accomplish Your Great Commandments and Great Commissions on this earth to bring love, peace and joy and to win the lost souls into the Kingdom of God.
Lord Jesus, I cry out asking You to advance Your kingdom by changing the hearts of leaders everywhere around the world so they will consult with You first. In order to be a blessing to the world, we must first exhibit Your heart of love. I believe that means we begin in our homes, jobs and ministries including our church. All that we do must be done as an act of worship to You, our King and Lord. When we do this we will be able to love and honor one another with our gifting and talents as well as our spiritual strengths. We will then begin to see You as the Master architect who is building a magnificent structure that cannot be shaken.
Forgive us, Lord, for seeking after personal recognition. Forgive us for wanting our hand print on the work we do in place of Yours. All we have should be seen as a holy offering of sacrifice and praise to You, our God.
Forgive us for not caring about each other. Forgive us for putting individual accomplishment first ahead of worshipping You with our talents. Remind us when we need it, that when we put you first in every decision and plan, the results will always be wisdom, fruit, perseverance and will bring You all the glory.
Lord Jesus, Help us, before we self destruct in pride and ego because we do not fear you and obeying Your Holy Commandments. You help us to balance what we have been entrusted with by fitting everything together as You desire. You are sounding a trumpet call in our Christian lives to stand firm in our faith, to use our spiritual abilities and earthly talents wisely and trust You for Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You command all of us to treat each other with love and a caring Jesus heart and to bring peace and joy wherever we go in this world as being the light and the salt of Your Kingdom.
Lord Jesus, As You release the Body of Christ to the front lines of battle, we are going to unite and need each other in this church and everywhere in this world. Blend us together as You choose using our spiritual gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit in combination with our natural abilities and talents to enable us to flow in the Movement of Your Holy Spirit in these Last Days to give the divine impact, influence and motivation through our relationship with other believers and the nonbelievers who do not recognize yet that Jesus is their Lord and the Savior of this world. Only then when this combination is released, will true peace, joy and faith be found alive and well in this church, our homes, jobs and ministries and by example into this dying world. One without the other will not accomplish Your purposes for eternity.
To You Be All The Honor And Glory Today And Forever, Amen, Haleluyah.
Edie Porter
December 03, 2011
Father/Lord Jesus...I come before you with thanksgiving and praise for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me and my pets. We had a roof over our heads and food to eat, which so many people were unable to have due to the world's economic situation and unemployment. I count my blessings and thank you for providing the necessities to sustain physical life. I am also so grateful for your hearing the cries of my heart in so much wanting a church home but knowing that desire could not be fulfilled in a church of man with walls. I sure lit up with joy when I saw the article posted by Daniel about the LJUSC and it did not take me long to KNOW that I wanted to join in church membership. I thank you Lord, for providing this Spiritual blessing in order to help sustain my Spiritual life. In providing for both my physical comfort needs AND Spiritual needs, you proved that "man does not live by bread, alone". I am able to understand how I was an example of that and I pray that others in LJUSC are also able to see that you provided the same for them. So, WE ALL praise and give thanksgiving for these blessings! Harder times are coming, we know. I pray for all of us, that the Holy Spirit help keep us focused on YOU and not so much the way things are getting worse and worse every day. Several issues in the news these past few days has caused utter emotional shock with many people. Knowing, that these issues involved the work of the devil...and it IS a sign that WE ARE LITERALLY in the last days and your coming could be at any time. I pray that we all are able to continue praying and keeping our focus on you, Lord. Knowing, that YOU are in charge and do have EVERYTHING under control. Please have the Holy Spirit keep reminding us that : "All is cool and under control of the Lord Jesus!" Hallelujah and Amen!
Bianca Ambrose
December 03, 2011
Ohhh Lord my God as I sit and sup with you this morn hmmm ohhh tears, tears. Father, nothing brings abiding peace more than knowing that we are saved from the penalty of sin and that we are firmly grounded in Your holy precepts.
It makes me feel safe in a struggling world that continues to search for knowledge from all the wrong sources. Make my brethren and I sound in our outlook when we align ...our understanding and convictions with your teachings my Lord Jesus Christ.
Help us to speak wisdom among those who are mature a wisdom, however, not of this age nor from the authority of this world that changes all the time.
Lord let our wisdom be based upon our knowledge and understanding of You, Father for you are the One who changes not. In You we are saved and we are sound. I love you Father and I praise Your matchless, holy name. Amen.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 04, 2011
Lord Jesus, Your ways astonish me. This morning I awoke aware of the tug and pull of my heart being led into my quiet devotional place. I obeyed with some trembling and wondering what You had prepared for me. Just knowing that You had something prepared was enough to cause me to pray for Your Holy Spirit to ignite my spirit with His discernment, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
I approach You, and this time together with a grateful heart, knowing already that You never disappoint, You never discourage, and You always bring about a clarity that I need. It is beyond my comprehension to understand why You do what You do but I am completely convinced that part of it is stretching me beyond my own comfort zones and teaching me that I can indeed grow and accelerate the progress of my ministry by meeting with You every day.
Today, my King, it seems to be all about faith and believing that You do what You say You do according to Your promises. You helped me this morning to recognize once again how powerful faith is and how necessary faith is to navigate the muddied waters all around me and to only believe that with You nothing is impossible.
Lord Jesus, I thank You today for the reminder I received years ago about faith, as You helped me to see that it was through my faith that I was able to receive all I needed from You. You also reminded me about the second part of faith which is the obedience part when I act on Your instructions, by obeying Your Holy Word and listening to the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, The challenge for me today centered on the magnitude of Your commands. I recognize with excitement and anticipation the potential for my life, and I trust You, and turn over control of it to You. You have been teaching me for many years now about how to recognize Your voice and to discern when I am not. The sense I received today was that I was going to need even greater faith in the days ahead in these Last Days so that I will obey You and follow your direction at every turn especially when I should be ready and get prepared for Your Coming to bring your all True Believer to meet with You in the air according to Your Glorious Hope in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
Thank You, Jesus, that for many years now You have been about the business of alerting me to the kingdom possibilities that can be achieved by even the newest believer in Christ. This has sustained me and helped me to grow. But today, I sense You reminding me that there is much more ahead and more seeds to be sown that have the potential of going down deeper than we understand to be possible. To the extent that we are willing to listen and obey that "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit and the commands of Your Word, we will be used.
Lord Jesus, I pray today for my brothers and sisters here in this church and in any other places around the world that they will recognize the potential they have to make a difference. I pray they will be convicted and shown the areas of their lives where they have sold out to self. I pray that the Holy Spirit would ignite a flame every time they lay down an old bondage. You showed me just this morning how easy it is to be deceived by pride. You reminded me how I used to put myself down and call it humility when in reality it was a prideful thing and a bondage that held me firmly. It made me dwell on myself and my own needs, sometimes to the exclusion of anything else. It stopped me from recognizing that I was Your child and that I have Your Holy Spirit within me. It stopped me from recognizing that I was who I was because of Your holiness, faithfulness and righteousness and not because of my own talents and strengths. It was Your grace and mercy that mattered, and it was service to You that became my tool of freedom.
Lord Jesus, I ask You, Lord, to help my brothers and sisters here in this church and in any other places around the world to recognize that they may be held back because of their small faith they may be hemmed in by boundaries erected by Satan to confuse and stop them from moving ahead. I pray You would help them to recognize their need for a deeper, more abiding faith and a closer, more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. I pray also that you may impart your Holy Glory, Holy Fire, Spiritual gifts, Spiritual fruits and all God’s blessing and Supernatural Protection into the life of every one of them to enable them to please you during their lives here on earth and I thank you Lord that you have made us also the Overcomers and the Conquerors of this world based on our faith unto You. We will never find true fulfillment until we redefine our own limitations which are holding us back from pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.
May all we do will bring honor and glory to Your Kingdom here on earth, Amen, Haleluyah to the Lord Jesus.
San Davis
December 04, 2011
Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Father God, I pray for the lost of the world this day and that every man, woman, and child from here to the farthest corners of the earth be saved. As I intercede, I use my faith, believing that thousands this day have the opportunity to make Jesus their Lord. I ask the Lord of the harvest to thrust the perfect laborers across these lives this day to share the good news of the Gospel in a special way so that they will listen and understand it, that it will touch their hearts. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray with thanksgiving in my heart, Amen, Amen & Amen.
San Davis
December 04, 2011
Heavenly Father, This is Your commandment: that we love one another just as You have loved us.....I thank You for Your Word for this truth sets us free...You told us these things, that Your joy and delight may be in us and that our joy and gladness may be full measure, complete and overflowing...It is our desire to be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that we may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all Your devoted people, the experience of that love....I pray in the Name of Jesus, that we may know this love that surpasses knowledge, that we may be filled to the measure of all Your fullness....Now to You Who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work within us, to You be glory in this LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHUCH and in Christ Jesus throughout generations, forever and ever...Amen, Amen & Amen!
Carlenegrace Geran
December 04, 2011
Father Jesus glory to your precious name..I want to thank and praise you Father for this beautiful..clear day...with the blue sky and the enchanted sounds of nature...the birds ....paying homage to your Holy blessed Name...the different noises ..the world is alive because of your Holy sweet spirit...the gentle breeze flowing through the window..reminding me of your gift of and strength as my lungs soak up your precious air...glory to God...Father I join them in praising and thanking you for your provisions..your mercies..your Grace upon our lives...Hallelujah..Lord of Lords...King of Kings...we celebrate life by lifting up our voices and praising a Holy..merciful...compassio
Ricardo Alonzo
December 04, 2011
Lord Jesus you are worthy of all our praises! We thank you Lord for all the things you've done in our lives. Thank you Lord Jesus for your precious and Holy Blood that clenses me. All Praise, Glory and Honor to God the Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit! Hallellujah! Amen!
Suana D'branch
December 04, 2011
|Father God, I want to thank You for Your present in our praise and worship service this morning. I know that the Holly Spirit is the one that lead and bless us. Im glad to serve You..all glory and honour to You. In Jesus name, amen.
San Davis
December 04, 2011
Heavenly Father, I pray today for all of Your Children who are in need of a financial touch. Maybe they are losing their home. Maybe they need a job. Maybe they need a car. Perhaps they need a home, or a roof over their heads. They may be hungry, thirsty, in need of clothing. I pray Your Hand of Mercy will reach down and touch each and every one of them. I pray for GREAT faith on their part, so that You May Perform a GREAT MIRACLE in each and every one of their lives. I ask these things in the Precious Name of Jesus....Many are crying out daily, LORD HELP....Our hearts and prayers goes out and are with them who cry ABBA, FATHER, PAPA, HELP....Many are desperately in need of wisdom, peace, direction, deliverance, freedom, miracles, provision, healing or just a touch from God... I pray today for the outcast, the broken, the desolate, the sick, those treated unjustly, the overwhelmed, the needy, the abused, the forgotten and the lost...I pray for Gods extended hands of Grace upon His people...I pray for His Mercy which are new every morning upon a broken people, producing Creative Miracles, uncommon favors and peace that surpasses all understanding in Jesus Name.....Amen, Amen & Amen..
Sally S. Richter
December 04, 2011
Dearest Father In Heaven, in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, we praise and thank you and give You all the glory, praise and worship. I want to thank You for Your great mercy, goodness and love. Thank you God/Lord Jesus Christ for everything, for the strength for the help and all the blessings that You were continually giving. Thank You for all that You were doing for us all here in the church of Yours that we can offer You praises and worships all together. We bless Your name Lord Jesus. I bless Your name.You are our God, our Lord, our King. Amen Lord Jesus. Amen Lord. Amen!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 04, 2011
All through this day, O Lord Jesus, by the power of Thy quickening Spirit, let me touch the lives of others for good, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I speak, or the life I live. I pray that the Anointing of the Holy Spirit may flow into the spiritual life of all my brethren here in this church that we may hear Your Voice to follow Your instruction to enable us to fear You and obey Your Word in Ephesians 5:16 that we should redeem the time, because the days are evil. In the Name of Jesus Christ , we pray, Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 04, 2011
Gracious Father, I see that before I can love, I must comprehend how much I am loved. Help me be aware that in my heart I have the most aggressive Lover in the universe. I am eternally grateful to YOU Oh SWEET JESUS! You alone bring joy,meaning and gladness in our lives.Nothing compares to the treasure that we have in YOU that last to infinity and beyond.We YOUR children will never cease to be amazed by YOUR magnificence,by the grandeur of YOUR LOVE&GRACE! Oh LORD we lift up YOUR beautiful mighty name above the heavens.Come and inhabit our praise that is only due YOU,our MOST HIGH GOD! We worship and adore YOU HEAVENLY FATHER,LORD JESUS& BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT! AMEN!
Bianca Ambrosech
December 05, 2011
Lead me, Oh ))) LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.
Shew me thy ways, Oh)))) LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
You said Father the meek will you guide in judgment: and the meek will You teach your way. Teach me thy way, Oh))) LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
You said You will instruct me and teach me in the way which I shalt go:You will guide me with your eye.
Thank you)))) Father that the steps of a good man are ordered by You: and You delighteth in his way. Thank you))) for guiding me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
Father I come to You this morning with a humble heart and stretched out arms. I love You, I adore You, I worship You my Lord and my God.
My Lord God open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. For your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Father the entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
Oh))))) Lord cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
I trust in You my Lord with all my heart; and I lean not unto my own understanding. In all thy ways I acknowledge You, and I know that You shall direct thy paths.
When I goest, You shall lead me; when I sleep, You shall keep me; and when I awakest, You shall talk with me. My ears shall hear a word , saying, this is the way, walk in it, when I turn to the right hand, and when I turn to the left.
You said You will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; You will lead them in paths that they have not known: You will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will You will do unto them, and not forsake them.
Oh ))) my Lord and my God You hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to those that is weary: And You LORD shall guide me continually, and satisfy my soul in drought, and make fat my bones: You said Lord I and all your children shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
Oh))) LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. You said You will cause us to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein we shall not stumble: for You are a Father to Israel , and Ephraim You said is your firstborn.
Show us how to walk by faith, not by sight. Oh))) Father Your word is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Thank you Father, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for keeping watch over us. We love you so.
I love you so. Amen
Sally S. Richter
December 05, 2011
Dear God/Father in Heaven. Today and as always. I thank You for the desire to be with You. . With the new days ahead and the coming year ahead,, we pray that Your chidren who are gathered here in this church of Yours be filled with Your loving presence and that the faith, hope, love and joy in You may be renewed. Help us to renew our longing to know You better and better and be closer and closest unto You. With Your steadfast love, You have been so kind, patient and supportive to those who are calling You, out of their deep love and pure heart. Help each one of us in the congregations of the saints, be given this gift into our hearts, mind, soul and spirit. Let this awareness inspire us to also love our friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters, even people who are causing pains in our hearts. and everyone.
Help us to be an encouragement to the discouraged, a help and comfort to bear their burdens and limitations and lighten their loads. Keep us from any actions that may hurt and destroy. Keep us from making hasty conlusions and judgement about others, knowing well that we are all at a different stages of growth, with different family backgrounds, values and cultures, and that You are dealing with us in different ways.
Grant us the grace to respect each person including ourself as a temple of Your holy Spirit. ! Grant us this Father in Heaven, we humbly pray in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen!
Rina Odermatt
December 05, 2011
O Lord, my God, how great you are!
You are clothed with majesty and glory;
you cover yourself with light.
You have spread out the heavens like a tent
and built your home on the waters above.[a]
You use the clouds as your chariot
and ride on the wings of the wind.
You use the winds as your messengers
and flashes of lightning as your servants.
You have set the earth firmly on its foundations,
and it will never be moved.
You placed the ocean over it like a robe,
and the water covered the mountains.
When you rebuked the waters, they fled;
they rushed away when they heard your shout of command.
They flowed over the mountains and into the valleys,
to the place you had made for them.
You set a boundary they can never pass,
to keep them from covering the earth again.
You make springs flow in the valleys,
and rivers run between the hills.
They provide water for the wild animals;
there the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
In the trees near by,
the birds make their nests and sing.
From the sky you send rain on the hills,
and the earth is filled with your blessings.
You make grass grow for the cattle
and plants for us to use,
so that we can grow our crops
and produce wine to make us happy,
olive oil to make us cheerful,
and bread to give us strength.
The cedars of Lebanon get plenty of rain—
the Lord's own trees, which he planted.
There the birds build their nests;
the storks nest in the fir trees.
The wild goats live in the high mountains,
and the rock badgers hide in the cliffs.
You created the moon to mark the months;
the sun knows the time to set.
You made the night, and in the darkness
all the wild animals come out.
The young lions roar while they hunt,
looking for the food that God provides.
When the sun rises, they go back
and lie down in their dens.
Then people go out to do their work
and keep working until evening.
Lord, you have made so many things!
How wisely you made them all!
The earth is filled with your creatures.
There is the ocean, large and wide,
where countless creatures live,
large and small alike.
The ships sail on it, and in it plays Leviathan,
that sea monster which you made.[b]
All of them depend on you
to give them food when they need it.
You give it to them, and they eat it;
you provide food, and they are satisfied.
When you turn away, they are afraid;
when you take away your breath, they die
and go back to the dust from which they came.
But when you give them breath,[c] they are created;
you give new life to the earth.
May the glory of the Lord last forever!
May the Lord be happy with what he has made!
He looks at the earth, and it trembles;
he touches the mountains, and they pour out smoke.
I will sing to the Lord all my life;
as long as I live I will sing praises to my God.
May he be pleased with my song,
for my gladness comes from him.
May sinners be destroyed from the earth;
may the wicked be no more.
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Praise the Lord!
Carlenegrace Geran
December 05, 2011
My beutiful King...the food that I crave after is your Holiness and righteousness...I long to see you in the Spiritual and sit at yout feet and sing my heart out to you...Jesus...I hand you my heart and you have coated it with such passion and fire for your truth...I love you Jesus with the pure love you have touch my soul with. My thoughts are saturated with your fire...I think of you only....I speak of you only.....I live for you are my beginning and my end....I am clueless without your Holy Spirit....the cloth on my head is the colour of the Blood you is a reminder of the Blood that bought me....I am yours forever and your are mines forever....What manner of Love is This? is befitting the King of all Kings...the Lords of all Lords.....Jesus you are all...By Me!! Glory...Hallelujah...Sweet
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 06, 2011
Our Father who art in Heaven...Blessed be thy name....thy Kingdom come...your Will be done....Lord enpower your people with the Holy fire of you Blessed Holy their eyes to behold the various signs of your read the many messages you have given your chosen vessels at this hour to impart upon the their ears to hear what the Holy Spirit of the Lord is saying...FIX YOUR EYES ON YOUR SAVIOR..WALK IN HOLINESS WITH HIM..ONLY HE IS THE ANSWER AT THIS SECONDS BEFORE HIS COMING....PREPARE YE THE WAY BECAUSE JUST AS HE WAS TAKEN UP IN HEAVEN SO WILL HE RETURN...PRAISE GOD...Lord given them the boldness to go all over and warn your people who are in bondage by the enemy...AWAKE OH YE STUBBORN CHILDREN OF GOD...OUR LORD JESUS SAYS...ANY MOMENT I WILL RAPTURE MY BRIDE TO SAFETY!!...this world will be one big cess pool of evil..satan cannot wait for the Holy Spirit of God to be withdrawn from earth to commence his rule of pure evil..from the core of hell..he is sharpening his fangs to.dig into the flesh of the likewarm Christians and unbelievers who were left behind....He will hunt you down and you will be beheaded......everyone will pay with their own Blood. It is not too late to Submit to Jesus....RUN to the Cross...Our King COMETH IN THE CLOUDS!!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 06, 2011
Glory and Honour to Our Father for what He has done,is already doing and Will continue to do.!I have this zeal to give thanks to My Father for Everything.He loves us so much with such a great Love....we cannot even begin to fathom nor understand it.Thank You Jesus,the Priceless Gift anybody can ever Receive from an Everlasting Holy God.I Magnify and Exalt the Name of My Lord Jesus above all.My Redeemer & Comforter,The Beauty of My Life.
I Love You My Jesus,Today,Tommorrow, Always & forevermore.AMEN!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 07, 2011
Father Jesus......I saw your light in a dream ....and could not stop praising you ....can you imagine seeing it with my pure eyes...God you are love...You are life... Streams of living waters...breathing living air...mysteries.....supern atural encounters...You are the impossible that
becomes impossible to fully comprehend the beauty of your face...your
kingdom...what you have planned for your are life in abundance
multiplied millions of time..With splendor...treasures...glo ry...Joy...Beauty;
you are the glorious sunshine after the storm; you are the puffed up clouds on
a lazy, hazy summers' day...You are the impossible that is impossible...You are
the moon shining in the sky with such majesty..Such power...Such
are the many stars in the sky...In a magical moment while the sea is still...
under the powers of your Hand; you are the song I sing in the spiritual Realm
by the guiding of your Holy Spirit. You are beyond our human
expectations...Imagination s...comprehension....fores ights...reasoning...
beyond our vain glory...Our foolishness...Our shallow wealth,
are paradise unknown to mankind...You are the beauty that man's eyes have never
beheld in its are SIMPLY GOD!! THE FATHER...THE SON...THE HOLY
YOU..HONOR YOU...IN AWE OF YOU...GLORAAAAAAY!!...Tear s...tears....tears....tear s!!!
Edie Porter
December 07, 2011
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost"
Lord, the above is something I learned a long time ago and for this past week or so it has been going around in my head. With this being so Lord, I took that to denote it was meant to be shared with my fellow brothers and sisters of the
LJUSC. All praises, honor, glory, Thanksgiving and love go to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 08, 2011
Lord Jesus, I pray that you will lay your hands on every one of us for the protection from injury, the devil and anything else that might come to harm us. I know the devil is constantly trying to attack us to get into our hearts to create worry, doubt and confusion but with your divine intervention, we know that evil will have to find another place to rest. Thank you Lord Jesus, for all of your blessings, both the one’s we can account for and the one’s that we don’t know about. I pray to lay everything at your feet and let your spirit lift us up. You are the God of Peace, Joy and I ask that you continue to provide for us in the areas we need provision. I also pray for supernatural healing and deliverance for those who are need of healing.
I pray that You will impart all God's blessing and Supernatural Protection upon us from Your Kingdom according to 1 Chronicles 4:10 and Psalm 91 :1-16 so that your congregation may see the amazing provision in their daily life when they surrender everything unto Your Mighty Hands.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your abundance and love. It’s in your name we pray, Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 08, 2011
Am praise dancing to the Heavenly Harp; I am enchanted by your Holiness; by your Mysteries, by your Greatness, your Peace, your meekness. Your Hand upon my life has rippled the waters of my soul and I am flowing, flowing into the waters of wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the Great God you are. Abba! Touch my eyes; I need to ...see only your vision for my life. Touch my ears...only to hear your voice and March to your commands. Jehovah Nissi!! Have Mercy!! Your anointing on my Life is Great, the Voice I speak is only of you; enlarge my territories Father so I speak, I teach, I prophecy in your name. It is your Glory only, Your Glory; hallelujah!! Mercy! The calling is for the Glory of your name only. Your Glory has wrapped my soul with Beauty. I am blinded by your Splendor; Jesus, Jesus Oh hallelujah!! Mercy! The Joy is overwhelming; Jesus you are my soul and it is on Fire. Mercy!! Hallelujah!!
Andres Villareal
December 09, 2011
Truly Lord that You are always faithful,loving,miraculous ,powerful,merciful,graciou s,and
glorious in evrythng You do!You're a perfect and a just God of this world!I
always honor and give You thanks!praises and glory for all Your plans in our
lives,Your ways are always greater than our ways and Your thoughts are always
higher than our thoughts!You are the Almighty God!our Saviour!our Lord and
King!You are the creator of all things here on earth!and nothing we own.All is
Yours forever!thats why I always depend on You alone...I long for all of Your
will to be done always in each day up to eternity according to Your amazing!powerful
and wonderful words!Thy will be done!Thy kingdom come!Let Jesus come and reign
and dwell in our lives in Your perfect time and always oh God our Father in Jesus name!Amen!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 09, 2011
O Lord Jesus, grant me and all my brethren here in this church to greet this wonderful day and the coming days in peace and joy to help us in all things to rely upon Your Holy Will. In every hour of the day reveal your will to everyone of us. Bless our dealings with all who surround us. Teach us to treat all that comes to throughout the day with peace of soul and with firm conviction that your will governs all. In all our deeds and words, guide our thoughts and feelings. In unforeseen events, let us not forget that all are sent by you. Teach us to act firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing others. Give us strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring. Direct our will, teach us to pray according to Your Will only. We pray all these things in Your Holy Name, Amen.
Ed Gen
December 09, 2011
Prayer to the HOLY SPIRIT
God the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from God the Father and God the Son, come and remain in us. We need you in everything. We cannot do any good without you.
Come and remain in us in order to enlighten us against the deceits of the devil, of the world and of ourselves; to give us strength for holiness, for forbearance, and for self-denial in everything that pleases us.
Come and remain in us in order to comfort us in every sorrow. It's only through your help alone that we can live a holy life, shun sin, and eventually, at death, enter into everlasting life where we praise you, the Father and the Son.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 10, 2011
Jesus!! thank you for this blessed morning...your presence in your church is doing great wonders in the lives of people and we thank and praise you this morning ....Thank you blessed Holy Spirit of God...continue to outpour and anoint your saints to do great work all to the glory of your name..Jesus our eyes are fixed on you at this moment and we bless your name and your sweet Holy Spirit ...asking for your Spiritual Guidance to the point of ...the trumpet call of God...Hallelujah...WE bow before the Throne Oh precious Jesus ...HighPriest of our Church.. Bless you Lord...Bless you Holy Trinity....Hallelujah!!
Sarah Riedel
December 10, 2011
Father,our Beloved LORD JESUS we praise YOU! You alone knows us entirely.You alone loves us endlessly and unto YOU we commit ourselves unreservely.WE LOVE YOU LORD! YOU ALONE DESERVE ALL THE HONOR AND GLORY...FOREVER!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 10, 2011
O Holy Spirit, You are the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are the Spirit of truth, love and holiness, proceeding from the Father and the Son, and equal to Them in all things. I adore You and love You with all my heart. Teach me to know and to seek God, by whom and for whom I was created. Fill my heart with a holy fear and a great love for Him. Give me compunction and patience, and do not let me fall into sin.
Increase faith, hope, and love and bring forth in us all the virtues proper to our state of life. Help me and all my brethren in this church to grow in maturity through, Your nine spiritual gifts, and Your nine spiritual fruits.
Make us a faithful follower of Jesus, an obedient children of the Alnmighty God , and a help to our brethren. Give us Your love, grace and mercy to fear the Lord and keep your commandments according to Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Raise us to holiness in the state of life to which You have called us, and lead us in the way everlasting life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Grant us also, O Holy Spirit, Giver of all good gifts, the special favor for which I ask for every one of us here in this church , if it be for Your honor and glory in your Kingdom on this earth. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 10, 2011
Our Heavenly Father we bow down to YOU in great awe. Everywhere we look this day we see evidence of Your Presence, and everywhere we look we see the hearts of your created ones reaching our their arms and shouting, "Glory, glory to You, our King! Who never changes, who stands by the oppressed and who heals the brokenhearted." Voices are coming together all over the land in songs of praise for the glory of the Lord is near, and He is in His heavenly place lovingly looking out for us.
I thank YOU FATHER for YOUR loving kindness that accompany us the whole day.Thank YOU LORD that though we stumble many times YOU pick us up and reassure us of YOUR unfailing love.Thank You for pursuing us. We want to know and rely on the love You have for us, and live in the security of it! When we feel afraid, insignificant or alone today, help us turn to You and remember You are there!
You call out to us today, telling us to come and sit at Your feet and be refreshed. You call us today to be at peace in Your Presence and to recognize all that You are doing everywhere all around us so we can see the magnitude of Your power and be put at ease in our relationship. Remove whatever pride or ego that still exists, and set us aside so we can worship at Your feet and be renewed ourselves.
I ask You to accomplish a deep work in us. I ask You to anoint Your people through the Holy Spirit and give them penetrating strength of character. Thank You that You are in the business of restoration and that Your church is being raised to its proper place where the fullness of Your truths will be revealed and the darkness destroyed. In JESUS powerful name!
To You be all the honor and glory! AMEN&AMEN!
Bianca Ambrose
December 10, 2011
Oh Lord you are so worthy. Many times even those you walked with try to take your eyes off of the mission you were sent for, but you kept your eyes fixed on Jerusalem. Keep my eyes fix to Lord. Forgiven those that persecute me and stay focus on the prize of your calling. Thank you Lord.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 10, 2011
Jesus....may I please pour my heart out to you.....My Lord you make my Christian walk possible...I have been so disappointed in the many people whom I have looked up to in this race. I have had to learn to depend solely on the directive of your Holy Spirit; Jesus they are many people who claim to know of you but are clue less and are about to be greatly disappointed when you according to your word ..spue them out.....with these words..."depart from me I know you not....My Lord" minkind is a failure unto themselves and that only prove you are the only answer to our hopelessness...I adore are faithful and trusting...your love is fair and just to all people...Your love is supernatural and pure..without conditions. YOUR PRECIOUS BLOOD IS THE ONLY FORM OF PROTECTION AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL. How precious are you Lord before our eyes. Blessed Holy Spirit you are the only friend a man needs..your guidance and leadership is superb...the best in the heavens and earth....your wisdom and knowledge of this world and beyond surpasses man's peak of brillance. The beauty of your presence In our lives precious Savior is incomprehensible; the fire of your love..your anointing on our lives is beyond reason and cannot be explained. You are a supernatural wonder and blessings to all who behold your beauty and presence....the meek...gentle Lamb of the most High God....your are Holy and a rare..precious of a kind gem....You are the definition of beauty...power..humility..
extraordinary package that cannot be duplicated...Oh how you are loved by
me...your Bride...your daughter..your lowly servant...I bow and proclaim my
undying love...loyalty to a mighty God Head...I Humbly say Lord Jesus...I am
your earthly robot...Here to do your Will..Glory to God....Glory
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 11, 2011
Touch the lives of your children Father...Touch their hearts so that they can love their enemies the way your love...touch us Father so we can forive others as you have forgiven others....Touch us Lord Jesus and heal our broken hearts...relatiionships... and many worries....Let it all be to the glory
of your Name..your Kingdom...Daddy as for the many people who read this
message....Lord Jesus...Touch them in a Divine Way and allow them to experience
your fullness..your Grace...your Mercy..your divine Blessings and Favor in your
Precious ...Holy...Supernatural Name ...I pray...Your Daughter
Carlenegrace..Have Mercy Lord...I wrap this prayer with your Holy Oil...your
Holy Blood...Your Fire and release it in the atmosphere for Divine touch of
your Supernatural!! Hallelujah!! Glory to God. Precious Holy Spirit have your
Blessed way our lives with your Liquid Holy Fire blazing through our
Day...Glory!! Hallelujah...God is real..the Fire is Real ...His presence is
real...Jesus is Lord...
Sarah Riedel
December 11, 2011
Our Heavenly Father in the awesome name of our LORD JESUS,
we thank YOU for taking care of our needs daily,in every aspect.
Thank you for nurturing our health,physically and spiritually.
You created us fearfully and wonderfully and our whole being
yearned to go back to YOU where we belong...
You alone gives us the peace that the world can never give.
We praise YOU LORD for YOUR wisdom and patience.
We thank YOU for improving us and using our mistakes
for YOUR highest purpose.
We thank YOU that our lives and the lives of our children
is in YOUR hands...preserving our minds,body and soul!
Thank YOU that YOU hear our cries and attend to heal our pain.
Everytime we are hurting YOU draw us more closer to YOU.
I likewise thank YOU our BELOVED LORD for my childrens
laughter and that they can play freely and safely.
I pray for all the children around the world that they have the
same privilege and freedom.You see everything LORD nothing
is hidden in YOUR sight...and i know that in some part of the
world there are children and people suffering daily...thank YOU LORD
for one day this will be forgotten...YOU will wipe away every tears in our eyes
specially this poor kids who hunger for love and affection...
YOU will be a Father for them and cuddle them tight in YOUR loving arms!
And their pain and hurt will vanish soon after and will be
remember no more.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 11, 2011
I am you child..Oh Mighty Father...I am your loyal servant...your daughter without shame ....I apologise; for anger consumed me today. Father!! examine the does not matter who is right or wrong....your name should always be glorifies.. honored...I am the daughter of a King...a Holy king of all kings. Jesus has such pride ...arrogance...your Holy Liquid fire ..cannot be bought and no man should feel that because of your gifts ...they are above others..Lord!! you washed the feet of your disciples to show them show them that within your vineyard...every man is a servant...vain glory is a is pride and it plays no part in your kingdom....Humility is of you Jesus...I look unto the Cross for guidance...Holy Spirit of God..please supress my anger...touch my heart and give me the peace that comes only from your Throne Room...Jehovah!! God...I am sorry for my short comings....Jesus my Lord..My Father whom I love with such passion and conviction...I am sorry...Holy Spirit of Guide...I am soo sorry If I grieved your Holy Spirit....allow me to wash myself clean under the Blood and restore my position of honor before your eyes....I love you precious Father....I march to the drum beat of your Holy Spirit and seek a higher understanding of you my Lord and Master...Jesus...I bow before the Throne and profess my undying Love for the Cross and the Purpose...Praise God...Glory to God
Tehillah Fu
December 11, 2011
Father in Heaven, in the name of Your beloved son Jesus Christ, I thank You for Your never ending love, mercy, grace, faithfulness, protection, blessings and provisions of life for us everyday. God/Lord Jesus You deserve all praises, honor and worship from Your children all around the world. We pour our heart out to You and surrender under Your Devine will. Holy Spirit we thank you for Your guidance and council leading us into perfect holiness and righteousness. Our hearts rejoice, longing to know You more and dwell in Your secret place. Thank you Lord for everything. Our hearts belong to You alone. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen!
Sally S. Richter
December 11, 2011
Father in heaven (Yahweh), in the name of of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I praise and thank You for the greatness of Your love upon my soul, upon my life, upon our souls. I thank You so much for Your goodness at all times. I thank You so much for the help and deliverance always in any kind of troubles, worries and all. Thank You so much for the safe travel and all provisions that comes with it. I thank You God/Lord Jesus for Your faithful children who never waivers in their faith and love for You. Who faithfully are watching and waiting for Your grea promised. We praise You and thank You Lord for the goodness of Your heart, for Your never ending love on those who loved and fear You, for the protection, for the help in our daily needs, for everything, thank You in our Lord Jesus mighty name. Thank You so much Father in Heaven, Lord/God. Amen. Amen! Halleluiah, our Lord Jesus to Your great and mighty name. Amen. Amen!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 11, 2011
Touch the lives of your children Father...Touch their hearts so that they can love their enemies the way your love...touch us Father so we can forive others as you have forgiven others....Touch us Lord Jesus and heal our broken hearts...relatiionships... and many worries....Let it all be to the glory
of your Name..your Kingdom...Daddy as for the many people who read this
message....Lord Jesus...Touch them in a Divine Way and allow them to experience
your fullness..your Grace...your Mercy..your divine Blessings and Favor in your
Precious ...Holy...Supernatural Name ...I pray...Your Daughter
Carlenegrace..Have Mercy Lord...I wrap this prayer with your Holy Oil...your
Holy Blood...Your Fire and release it in the atmosphere for Divine touch of
your Supernatural!! Hallelujah!! Glory to God. Precious Holy Spirit have your
Blessed way our lives with your Liquid Holy Fire blazing through our
Day...Glory!! Hallelujah...God is real..the Fire is Real ...His presence is
real...Jesus is Lord..
Tehillah Fu
December 12, 2011
Heavenly Father, we come to You covered by the precious blood of Jesus, we thank you for this brand new fresh blessed day. We give all glory, honor and priases unto You. We bless Your spirit and Your mighy move all over the world. Father God have mercy on Your lost children. Open their spiritual eyes and take away the scales off their eyes. Lord fill the earth with Your glory, thy will be done on the earth. Send Your servants out for the great harvest according to Your will. Holy Spirit lead us and fill us in full measure. Holy fire pours on us for zealous for the work of Your kingdom. Hallelujah!! Glory to You the Most High King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!
Edie Porter
December 12, 2011
Father/Lord Jesus. I want to praise you for all that you are to us and all creation. All of creation is crying out to you in these last days. I give praise, honor, love and glory for your faithfulness, in that you will bring your redeemed and lesser forms of creation through the coming storms to dwell in your kingdom. Hallelujah!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 12, 2011
Hallelujah to the Most High God....Father...Jesussss.y our are worthy
Lord...How precious your are in our sight...we thank you Holy Blessed Spirit
for your superb divine Leadership...we love you Holy Spirit...our Mighty
Yahweh...Creator of life...Bless you...Bless your Bosom r are a worthy Father....we love you.....Might
Hand that ticks the clock of Life...Glory to the name YHWH...Hallelujah...glory
is your precious Father....Our Lord Jesus...Glory...Hallelujah ...Anointed
one of Heaven...Hosannah in the Highest...Yeshua...oH my Precious Lamb of the
Most High are precious..meek...tender precious love of our Lives...we
glorify your name...Jesus...the name above all
...glory and honor is yours...the voice of nature..rippling across the waters...Like a Mighty wind you sweep through our lives....precious Spirit of God....breaking..molding.. .recreating bridges to accommodate the plans of
our Lord and Savior...We thank thee for the many blessings in our lives small.
Great...bad..indifferent.. .we Praise you...Hallelujah....All yea gates
lift up your heads and let the King of Glory pass through....Hallelujah...Ev ery
Kness under the sun shall bow...every tongue shall confess...Jesus is
Lord....Glory to the precious Trinity...glory ...glory...glory...Father Jesus
as the sun shines and provide light...provide the sun
in the lives of the people who are struggling in their relationship with
you...strengthen the battle worn soldiers....rejuvenate us under the Blood of
the Lamb....give us all a Higher understanding of you Lord...pour out your
precious Holy Spirit...JESUS!!...Hallelu jah...passion of Life....kiss us
with your love...your peace that only you Lord can do....great is your name
Lord Jesus...Thank you precious simply Rock...hallelujah...Rock of
life....Jesussss!!! Rock!!
Sally S. Richter
December 12, 2011
Father it is our duty and salvation always and everywhere to give You thanks through Your beloved son, Lord Jesus Christ. He is the word through whom You made the universe, the whole world. He is the loving savior You sent to redeem us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, He took flesh. For our sake He opened His arms on the cross. He put an end to death and revealed the resurrection. In this He fulfilled Your will and won for You a Holy people. and so we join the angels and the saints in proclaiming Your glory as we say...Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hossana Lord in Your name...the highest name. Hossana Lord, You are our King, the king of kings, the Lord of Lords. Hossanna God forever and ever. Amen. Amen!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 13, 2011
Mighty Father,God of Israel.You are Alpha and Omega,the begining & the end.We came to be,because It is was Your will.You Jehovah is Our Genesis.In this Church Father,called by the Name of Your Son Jesus,Let Your power move Mightly & Touch Your People who have Believed in the Saving Power of Your Son Jesus.Release Power God to strengthen the feeble knees & the weak hands.You have said in Matt 5:48 that we ought to perfect in Holiness Just as You are Holy.It is possible with You,because We have Your Holy Spirit Living in us.Teach us today to obey Your word & live Holy lives.The Sacrifice we bring to You of Worship,Praises & Intercession; please accept it like a sweet fragrance,pleasing in Your Holy presence .The Heartfelt Words we Speak to You everyday in prayer,please hear them & Move to act in our Lives.Thank You because You have a plan & Intention to Take us in Your Heavenly Chambers to delight forevermore with You.We await eagerly for You Jesus to Fly away with You.
You are Faithful to promise & make it happen Our Master. We Love You so Much, Our Bridegroom Jesus.
Abba Father,yea, It gets very Intimate to call You Our God,FATHER because You pity us,Just like a natural father pities his own.Give us Spiritual senstivity to be vigilant and not found wanting by Your measuring yardstick.
Seal all the Members of the LJUSC & Your Saints everywhere until the day of Redemption.Give us Strength & Zeal to run a good race and win with a Glorious victory.
Those who have not known Your Love & Salvation through Jesus,bring them aboard because that has always been Your will.We know this to be true because even though we were sinners You Loved us and Shone Your Light in & to us.I say thank You to You Our Great God.
Use us as members of LJUSC to be vessels of Honour to draw many lost people back to Your righteousness,through words & deeds.Thank You Jesus Our Lord & Saviour,I pray In Your Most Holy Name Redeemer and Believe Amen,Amen!..
Joseph G Muiruri
December 13, 2011
Forgive us tonight Our Father,we have fallen short of Your standards.Wash us tonight with the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus.We seek to be reconciled to You now & everytime.Let the Peace of God rain tonight in the lives of all LJUSC members.You know us better than we know ourselves,Forgive our known & unknown sins,the ones we have committed consciously & sub-consciously.Forgive us and restore us back to Your will & plan.Your Peace is present to the repentant hearts and those who walk humbly with You Mighty God.Crown us today with Your Tender Mercies & Loving Kindness.Hearken to this repentance prayer today and incline Thy ear to Listen to us.Dear God the Holy One, never forsake Your beloved children called by Your Holy Name.I pray this prayer believing & trusting in the Valuable Name of Jesus Christ.AMEN!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 13, 2011
Dear Lord Jesus, we ask you to forgive us of our sins, teach us and show us so that we will be pleasing in your sight. We pray for ourselves, our brothers and sisters in this church this day and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for each other, this day and most of all for You. We pray for our relatives and friends, our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ worldwide.
We pray for those who labor in the field of deliverance, for their families, churches and ministries that You would give them a triple-fold portion of courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray for the Army of the Lord that it would grow strong and mighty and be valiant and do exploits in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord Jesus, We pray that deliverance would come to the forefront of Christianity around the world. We pray for those that we have ministered to, for their families, churches and ministries that they would go on with the Lord. We pray for all brethren everywhere especially in this wall church that they would come into the.
saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord Jesus, We pray for the five-fold ministry, for their families, churches and ministries. We bind up all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We lose the powers of God: warring angels, ministering angels, Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God to come down and do a mighty battle on earth today. We bind up every force of evil and loose every force of good that we have the power and authority to do so in Jesus' Name. We thank you Lord for power and authority over the enemy, and the use of the Name of Jesus Christ. In His Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 14, 2011
Our Heavenly Father,in the Holy Name of our LORD JESUS we come together with a lowly heart and mind praising YOUR glorious name.Forever YOUR wonderful name is exalted in our midst Oh LORD! Thank YOU Father for drawing us continually to YOU,preparing us and molding us into the image of our KING&SAVIOR LORD JESUS.
Oh HOLY SPIRIT we invite YOU...COME and fill us...fill our lamp with YOUR fresh oil and refresh us.Invigorate and purify our mind,body and soul...only YOU can make us blameless and spotless OH LORD! We thank YOU and praise YOU for YOUR goodness and YOUR unfathomable mercy that endures forever.Keep increasing YOUR divine mercy towards us LORD,we are nothing without it.We live and breath because of YOUR mercy alone.Usher us into a higher level of intimacy with YOU our SWEET LORD JESUS as the new year 2012 approaches make our love grow even more intense and burning for YOU OH FATHER,YOU alone are worthy....only YOU OUR MIGHTY CREATOR&KING! We love YOU and adore YOU! Remain in the throne of our hearts and life LORD as YOU prepare us as YOUR pure and holy sanctuary! ALL GLORY AND HONOR belongs to YOU our LOVING FATHER,SWEET LORD JESUS AND THE BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT! AMEN&AMEN!
Rina Odermatt
December 14, 2011
Father GOD KINGYAWEH, thank You for setting me up for success in everything I do. I choose to trust and rely on You knowing that Your plans are for my good. I know my best days are ahead of me and look ahead to the blessings You have in store for me,in the name of JesusChrist the Messiah my savior and the blood of covenant.Thank you HOLY SPIRIT for guide me.AMEN
San Davis
December 14, 2011
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus I praise Your Holy Name....Thank You Lord, O Lord, You are my God, I will exalt You. I will give thanks to Your Name, for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness according to Isaiah 25:1. Thank You Lord that You are my strength and my song and You have become my salvation. You are my God, and I will exalt You according to Exodus 15:2-3. Thank You Lord that our mouths will speak the praise of the Lord, all flesh will bless Your Holy Name forever and ever according to Psalms 145:21. Praise be to Your glorious Name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with Your glory according to Psalms 72:19. The Lord lives; praise be to my Rock; exalted be God my Savior according to Psalms 18:46. Thank You Lord that we will praise You from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the Name of the Lord be praised according to Psalms 113:3. In Jesus Holy Name, I pray. Amen, Amen & Amen.
Edie Porter
December 15, 2011
Heavenly Father/Lord Jesus. I come before you with praise and thanksgiving for the wonderful life you have given me. Even the so called negative things coming into my life was meant to draw me closer to you. It is my prayer that so many others will see these present day negative aspects in their life, as a call from you for them to draw closer to you. I pray to be found worthy to enter your kingdom. In seeking your face everyday, I pray for your Holy Spirit to reveal to me any spots or blemishes that would prevent me from being part of your Holy Kingdom. I trust in your Mercy and Faithfulness in helping me and many others endure the coming year 2012. I and so many others give you all love, glory, honor and thanksgiving. Praises be to the Lord on high!
Sally S. Richter
December 15, 2011
Dear God in the name of Your loving son our Lord JesuS Christ, thank You so much for letting me finish what I have to finished for my personal things. Many things always comes up in between. Disturbances and all but at the end Your faithfulness remains and will be the same. Thank you so much Lord/God in heaven for all that You were doing. For the prayers answered by Thee. It may not be all but Your loving kindness is still great. Thank you so much for moving into the life of my brothers and of my father. I pray for their continual growth in You. I pray Lord for the salvation of each member of my family. Thank You so much for Your faithfulness. Your words in John 14 and many promises words are faithful and did not come back void. I am continually praying for Your great mercy upon us all. For all the children who gathers here and are praying faithfully to You. I am lifting up in Your mercy while You were on the cross the teen-agers You brought to me last night to share Your messages and the information You were giving us for the preparation of Your coming. Lord, You are so great. You are so kind. You are so merciful. Bless all the people, children, teen-agers I have met and draw to know Your good news. I pray for each one of them. Bless them Father in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless all of us. Amen. amen. amen! Glory to You Lord, Thank You so much. Amen!
San Davis
December 15, 2011
Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Lord, my Savior. I come to You with a heart of thanksgiving. Thank You Lord for all the good things in our lives, for You are the Creator of all things good. Father, thank You for Your Presence. For in Your Presence is the fullness of our joy and in Your Presence we are complete and whole. In Your Presence we have purpose. Because of Your Presence, we are glad to be here. Father, thank You for Your plan, that we might have a full life and enjoy it and have it in abundance to overflowing. Father, thank You for Your provision, that all our needs are met according to Your riches in glory and that we may prosper in all areas of our lives as our soul prospers. Father, thank You for Your protection, that Your perfect love casteth out all fear and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Father, thank You for Your peace. The peace that passes all understanding. The peace that keeps us calm and secure through adversity. The peace that leads us through all the storms that come into our lives. Father, thank You for my life and Your Presence in it. In Jesus Name. Amen, Amen & Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 15, 2011
I bow before the Throne of God ....I pledge my Loyalty to our Lord and Savior...I am the Robot of the Most High God...mold and perfect me Holy Spirit of God to fulfill the Will of my Master...and my life.....Jesus King of the Jews...Yeshua the Christ...Glory to Yahweh...the Mighty God of Creation....Bless your Bosom Israel...Holy sweet Spirit have your way in my life...Use me for your Kingdom ...Glory!!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 16, 2011
Our Father who art in heaven...hallowed be thy name...Dear is the time of year where so many people are broken...lonely...hungry for truth... searching for looking for this in all the wrong places...Jesus Help them all...Father!! allow your Holy Spirit to minister unto them...right now Lord. There are some broken...twisted ....faceless people standing before you...Lord you know them all...only you lord can help...Savior .. Redeemer..Comforter...pour out your divine grace
and mercy upon their lives...Jesus you are are hope for the are food for the hungry...cloth them lord with your righteousness...your
Holiness...wrap them in the warm blanket of your precious holy
Blood...Jesus..mercy Lord on all the forgotten people of this society...have
mercy on the hungry....the homeless children all over the world...have mercy
Lord on the people who do not know who you are...who is crying out for help
from society but to no avail...reveal yourself to many Lord..Give them the best
Christmas...Salvation...Gl ory ...Glory to your precious name . Holy Spirit
of God let there be an outpouring of anointing upon your people...fill them up
with your Fire..your power to do your Will...Lord!! let there be supernatural
happenings in this world .. Let the brilliance of man be exposed for what it
is...spiritual ignorance and folly before a Mighty God...Lord I know you are
listening to my the reason behind this letter...Help Lord...Help us
all....cover us under your beautiful wings and let us soar with you to the
heavens...You are so loved and honored by many...You are deserving of all the
glory of all your subjects in this Lord Jesus...our High Priest
...are worthy of your Honor....we Bow before you and profess our love and
loyalty to the Cross...Selah....Selah...S elah
Sally S. Richter
December 16, 2011
Dear Father in heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ. You are our God, our Lord, our king. I thank You for the protection You are continually giving to us Your children. I am, we are lifting up Your name on the congregation of the saints who gathers here in this wall church, outside of this wall of Yours and everywhere in the world. We praise, glorify and thank You. Thank You so much for everything, be it loneliness or happiness, hardships or richness, sickness or health, in dryness, in abundance, sorrow or joy, or whatever. I still want to thank You about everything for You are with me, You are with us. You are the real meaning of our life. The true happiness and meaning my heart longs for and looking forward to spend eternity. I believe everything has a reason and a purposed and a real meaning and only You know but Your goodness, kindness and loving mercy will remain for eternity, for those who seek to persevere until the end forever and ever. I am continually praying with Your children and for Your children. We are Lord are continually praying for each and everyone of us. Amen. I like wise Lord is begging for Your mercy, mercy on all of us. Be merciful and grant us always peace and forgiveness. Remember each one of us and our loved ones when the trumpet sounds. Have mercy Lord. Have mercy on Your great name even to the lost souls, in Lord Jesus mighty name , I pray. Amen! amen!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 17, 2011
Jesus You are Lord exalted above everything in heavens & on earth.We honour Your Great Name today.In Your Name there is Salvation,in Your Blood there is Redemption.You Lord Jesus is the Truth,King of Righteousness, Prince of Life.
We love You Saviour.We express our Love to You by accepting to carry Your Cross daily & submission to the Will of Our Father in Heaven.We ask You Lord Jesus to Hold our hands tight and lead us to the paths of Righteousness.Purify the Cores of Our hearts with Your Precious Blood; destroy the Power of sin completely within us.Helps us to die completely to the fleshly desires.
Garment us with Your Blood to be able to appear in the presence of Our Father Jehovah God.
Thank You because,those the Father Has given to You will never be snatched away from Your Bosom.
We are Your Children Jesus,guard us Jealously from any snares and baits of the enemy.
Thank You because of Your Love Jesus,bearing the pain to give us Life.We are forever thankful.
Hossanna, blessed is You Jesus who is sitted in the Right hand of God in Heaven.I pray this believing in Your Mighty Tremendeous Name Jesus Christ.Amen!
Ed Gen
December 17, 2011
Jesus I, give You thanks for the safety and Your loving care for me and my family. Thank you for your goodness and compassion. I love You and I give You back the honor, glory, and thanksgiving.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 18, 2011
Mighty Holy Spirit of God...Blessed sweet Spirit of the Almighty God...How I thank thee for your words of wisdom ...Knowledge and the wonderful beautiful words that are given to worship our Lord.. I thank thee for being my Leader. Thank thee for being my voice...Thank you for being the great and mighty Revelator...the Brain of this world and beyond. Thank thee for being the life... line between heaven and earth..Thank your for the gift of life..Without you Holy Spirit..Mankind would be lost and confused...there would be emptiness’ and barrenness...nature would moan without your are life to every subject on earth. You are the sweet Spirit of God...who makes every thing possible on earth... I thank thee Holy Spirit ...Oh mighty Yahweh...Bless you...Bless your Holy Spirit ...Thank you Lord Jesus...What is man without his spirit ...the bodily frame will die and go back to the dust but the spirit...the most important force of the physical body will live on if under the blood but will be condemned to hell if not in tuned with the Holy Spirit of God ......The Spirit of God is God himself; doing the work amongst men...Thank you!! Blessed Spirit of the Most High God. I bow before the Throne of Almighty God...Jesus and thank Him for his special gift of Love ...His Holy Blessed Spirit...Shalom!!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 18, 2011
Blessed Holy Spirit of God thank you for your insight into many problems and negativity floating around me.. Lord I thank you for your grace and mercies upon my lives and your people. I give you Special thanks Lord for your Blood ..the powerful blood; Lord that reverses all evil...makes every wrong right and your Blood which sanctifies us and make us worhty to be heard by our Heavenly Father ..Mighty Yahweh ..the God of Israel..the God of creation. I ask Jesus for a double portion of you that my tongue Lord will be bold to proclaim your truth; despite the many oppositions...Lord!! you always come to my rescue who has called me by my name..and has anointed me for your purpose...I humbly bow before you Lord and ask that your prove the nay sayers and scoffers wrong...let them be confused and confounded in their own bitterness..I pray for a lowly heart ..touch my heart..touch my soul...allow me to love them all through your eyes...hear them through your ears and speak to them with your Fire on my tongue...I am you servant...meek and low...honored to be called your daughter...humbled by your grace..your mighty ..your power ..your humility...I thank thee Daddy..for you are the Hill I look up to...the voice upon the waters that is mighty ..yet gentle like the breeze that bloweth on a lazy summer's day. How I love thee FAther...Perfect me Holy Spirit I would be an instrument of great Honor unto the name of our Lord and Savior ..Father!! may your peace flow from me like a great river ..that supply water to the masses....Let your peace and love flow all to the glory of your Kingdom...clothed me in your Holiness and righteousness...There is beauty in worshipping you Lord...In your Holiness and Righteousness...You!! precious Lord is my prize....I cherish you forever and ever..Selah..
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 18, 2011
Good mornin Jesus....Father ..forgive me for any sin I migh have committed knowingly or unknowingly....Lord this morning I wash myself with your precious Blood and seal my territory with fire...Holy liquid fire from the Altar of God....Holy Ghost fire.. to enable my voice to be heard...Hallelujah...Daddy
I greet the whole heavenly Host and pledge my loyalty to the Cross and your purpose
for my life....Daddy....there are so many doubts and confusion at times but I
know these are spiritual attacks from the enemy....fortify me...strengthen me
under you Blood...inject me with your Blood and set the fire ablaze in
me...rekindle my strength...pour you holy oil on my head and anoint me...Father
it is all about your Will for my life is your purpose....
Hallelujah...sometimes seems like there are so many mountains in my
way but somehow I manage to pass them all...thank you Holy Spirit...My soul
yearns for more of you my Lord....I am scared at times...wondering If I will
lose you...fear grips my heart and then I cry out....there goes the meek
voice...I am here my child...Daddy be never far from me....Your love is the only
pure and true Love that I it sheer madness not to feel your
presence around me....My dear Father....I search my mind for your spoken words
of comfort...Hallelujah...the n my heart can never lie..your
words are a lamp unto my feet...I need your every spoken word to go through a
day...what is life without the King of all Kings...Jesus...for me daddy and for
the is torture...pure hellish torture...I am no longer me...I am you
in your Body and I cannot see ...think.....reason without your very
presence...I get scared at times ..wondering if I will lose you...the
enemy....I rebuke Him Daddy in your name....tears..tears...nev er be far
from are the oxygen for my lungs....I need air to function and you
Lord...your Holy Spirit..Yahweh is that Air...Hallelujah...glory to
God...Daddy..I have beared my soul to you this morning...before the world...I
am a scared child and need the love and attention of my Father....How I love
thee Lord Jesus....My words are not tears are not enough
describe how much you mean to soul groans for more of you....Jesus you
have touched the core of my being....I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU...I AM YOURS
soul dear Jesus...Rest my soul....The Lord Strong and Mighty will never leave
you....Hallelujah...Thank you Lord Jesus...Precious are you to me my
Lord...Precious!!!Halleluj ah...Only your Love matters....I have no care in
this world...I live for your Love only...Hallelujah...Glory Lord
Jesus....Glory...Halleluja h!!
Sarah Riedel
December 18, 2011
Sarah Riedel
December 18, 2011
Gracious and loving heavenly Father, we praise YOU along with my Brothers and Sisters here in The LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHURCH! You are the source of all power and might.Your wisdom is matched by none.We are so thankful that You show us a way of life that doesn't demean us, but develops us. We fall at Your feet, and lo - we rise to new purposes and new achievements. We are eternally grateful Almighty Father Yahweh.
Thank You for each blessings You have bestowed to all of us and for answering our prayers no matter how simple it may seem YOU are listening intently and full of compassion.Thank YOU LORD for giving us strength and providing us our needs in every situation.Thank YOU LORD for filling our hearts with YOUR love making it easier for us to love difficult people around us.Thank YOU LORD for carrying our loads making our burden lighter and bearable.You are so amazing GOD,our BELOVED LORD JESUS! How can we not praise YOU! Thank YOU for the dreams and visions that YOU are giving us...helping us to take heed and to pray even more and draw closer to YOU! Thank YOU LORD for the beautiful,wonderful things that YOU prepared for us in heaven,waiting for us to enjoy them.Thank YOU for YOUR presence LORD,we cant live without YOU.Thank YOU for YOUR mercy that endures forever! Thank You LORD for never changing. Thank You for listening and hearing. Thank You for Your faithful friendship.
Father there are thousand reasons to thank and praise YOU and the list just goes on and on...our hearts and our lips will praise YOU tirelessly.
Sally S. Richter
December 18, 2011
Oh Lord, You said, Without You, we can do absolutely nothing And You also said "ask and you shall receive. Inspire us Lord with You grace throughout this day, proportion it to all our needs and give us strength to avoid anything evil and to practice at all times things which is pleasing to You. Grant us the grace to bear patiently all the trials that is just suddenly coming on our way, knowing that You permit them to happen and You are in control no matter what. Above all teach us always to love You above all things, to trust in You whatever difficulties we are facing and put in our hearts always the love and patience on one another and whomsoever is putting our hearts to the test that we can survived the evils of the present times. Grant us the grace of protection, guidance, of sound mind focused only in You and the truth about You and In You. Renew our spirit and revive us from the tiredness, breath in us Your Holy Spirit Lord and make our spirit fresh as the morning dew. Help us always to walk in Your will and ways alone. This I pray in Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 18, 2011
O God, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, in the Name of Jesus Christ,
We humbly pray for all sorts and conditions of men and women, precious brothers and sisters in Christ that you would make your ways known to them.
More especially we pray for the congregation of the universal church that it may so
guided and governed by your Holy Spirit.
We pray that all who profess and call themselves Christians may be led into the way
of truth and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life.
Finally, we commend to your fatherly goodness all those who are in any way afflicted or distressed in mind, body or spirit to enable us to live victoriously.
We give you thanks for hearing our common concerns,in the Name if Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Tehillah Fu
December 18, 2011
Thank you Father in Heaven, in the precious name of Jesus Christ, today our local church are witnessing and evangelizing Your salvation and Your mighty Kingdom to the lost souls in different areas in Hong Kong. Thank you Lord for Your great mercy, everlasting love for the lost. Thy Kingdom come Lord!! Thy will be done on the earth!!! Thank You Lord Jesus for bringing all these lost souls into Your kingdom. We give all glory, worship, honor and praises unto You. Jesus please cover the saved souls by Your holy blood and Holy Spirit of God lead them in every aspect of life into Your righteousness and holiness. Teach them Your ways, show them Your truth with wisdom and knowledge. We honor You, exalt Your mighty name with fear and love above all. Glory forever be to Our beloved Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit of God!! Hallelujah!!!
Tehillah Fu
December 18, 2011
Leaving Hong Kong tonight heading to Bangalore, India for 3 days. Dear Heavenly Father/Lord Jesus, I know it well deep in my heart, no matter where I go, Your abundant grace, everlasting love, mercy and blessings always follow me and keep me safe in Your loving hands. Father but wherever I go, my greatest and only desire is to dwell in Your presence and to know more about You. Strengthen me Lord, for only You see what lies ahead of my ways. Lead me and teach me precious Holy Spirit of God, as a lamp to shine for Your kingdom purpose. Anoint me with Holy Spirit oil Lord, that whoever I witness You to when chance comes, even member of Freemason, Your outpouring mercy and love flow into their heart and lead them individually under Your will for salvation. Father have mercy for your lost children. God/Lord Jesus, all glory, power, honor and praises forever be to You only. Thank you Father for everything!!! Hallelujah!!! Thy Kimgdom comes on earth Lord!!! Glory!!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 18, 2011
Grant unto us, Almighty God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, all time of sore distress, the comfort of the forgiveness of our sins. In time of darkness give us blessed hope, in time of sickness of body give us quiet courage; and when the heart is bowed down, and the soul is very heavy, and life is a burden, and pleasure a weariness, and the sun is too bright, and life too mirthful, then may that Spirit, the Spirit of the Comforter, who will lead us to live and walk according to Your Commandments and to fear the Lord until the end of the age.
Lord Jesus, after our days of darkness may there be the clear shining of the heavenly light; that so, being uplifted again by Thy mercy, we may pass on through this our mortal life with quiet courage, patient hope, and unshaken trust, hoping through Thy loving-kindness and tender mercy to be delivered from death into the large life of the eternal years. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 19, 2011
Good Morning family and friends on Fb...I thank thee for the many people who are truly supporting each other in the walk to the finish line...This race is almost over and today I am lifting up all my friends and family here and in the world..asking God to give them a greater understanding of who He is; and their role in the Body of Christ Jesus: Precious Savior please cleanse us under your Blood; sanctify us and make us whole so our voices can be heard and our prayers answered; As I lift them up; I also ask; that I am lifted up in prayer so that the Will of our Father will be done in my life...We all need prayers this very second before the coming of our King..... Lord!!...I ask thee to bless and favor your children this season to enable them to provide for their families; touch them if they are sick; heal them under your precious blood; Father!! be there for them in all their worries; for the people Lord who are struggling in their spiritual life;I ask that your Holy Spirit minister unto them and perfect their walk so that they will gain their Reward...Eternal Life with you...Lord you know our needs and wants and I ask that you examine our hearts and bless us all accordingly...Praise your precious name Lord Jesus; thy will be done in our lives. Thank you God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Selah
Edie Porter
December 19, 2011
Father God/Jesus. I praise , love and glorify you for your never ending love, mercy, and faithfulness. I am so thankful for the ways in which you surprise your children with such good things. I praise and thank you for the best birthday gift I have ever received. Knowing that you consider me to be your daughter, was the best birthday gift I could receive. Even though I did not receive any birthday wishes from my own two daughters, finding out that you consider me to be your daughter, meant everything to me. I thank you and glorify you. Your love, mercy and faithfulness does endure to all generations. Glory to the Lord on High! May we praise and glorify forever!
San Davis
December 19, 2011
Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. thanking You that all Israel will be saved according to Romans 11:26. Thank You that Israel will hope in the Lord for with You there is loving kindness, and with You Lord there is abundant redemption, and You will redeem Israel from all his iniquities according to Psalms 130:7-8. Thank You Father that You have taken away Israel’s punishment, You have turned back Israel’s enemy. Thank You that the king of Israel is with Israel; never again will Israel fear any harm. Thank You Father that You are with Israel, You are mighty to save, You will take great delight in Israel. You will quiet Israel with Your love, You will rejoice over Israel with singing. Thank You that You will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered. You will give Israel praise and honor in every land where they have been put to shame. At that time You will gather Israel; at that time You will bring Israel home according to Zephaniah 3:15-20. Heavenly Father, thank You that You will give honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when You restore Israel’s fortunes before her very eyes. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray with thanksgiving. Lord, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Amen, Amen and Amen!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 20, 2011
Increase our Faith today Abba Father.Help us to move to a Higher level of Faithfulness to Your Will.By Faith you impute Righteousness to Your Saints.Blessedness comes by Faith in Your Promises.
Help us LORD to bear works Pertaining to Faith in You.
Those who trust upon You Jehovah will grow strong and do exploits in the Spiritual.Give us this Kind of Faith,to overcome the flesh & move deep in Your Spirit to experiece Your Awesome Beauty.
Mighty Lord,those who wait upon You, will renew their strength, mount up with wings like eagles,run and never be weary,walk and not faint [Isaiah 40:31].Re-energize us today to hold on Your Truth,no matter the circumstance we find ourselves in.Nothing can separate us from You.We have Your Great wonderful Name as Our Safe Tower & Refuge.
Cover us today with the Blood of Jesus Christ.Increase our Faith Always amidst the storms of Life.By Faith You shall give us Victory in Salvation & Life Eternal.Thank You Father God.You are Just & Faithful forever,We pray this prayer Faithfully believing in the Holy Name of Your Son Jesus,AMEN!!
Rina Odermatt
December 21, 2011
Father in heaven, I choose to trust in You. Even when things don’t go the way I planned, I know You are at work in my life. Thank You for Your perfect love which casts out all fear. I love You and surrender every area of my life to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sharon Kay Sell
December 21, 2011
Dear Lord, I awoke about a hour ago unable to sleep & feel you calling me to pray, so here I am. I pray as all mpthers do firstly for my children, grandchildren, husband & closest family. I plead the precious blood of Jesus upon us to surround us like a shield, to protect us from satan & all the powers & principalities of darkness, from all those who serve him,to help us overcome the stumbling blocks & temptations he puts between us & You Lord. A shield to heal us Lord, spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally, head to toe Lord inside & out, to shield us from the dangers of the world around us no matter what form that danger might take Lord, I plead Your precious blood upon us all to protect us from all these things with unconditional trust & belief in the power of the blood of Jesus! I pray for this prayer to cover all my brothers & sisters everywhere & to protect those with ministries gathering in souls & spreading Your word Lord. I pray for the homeless & those caught in the middle where wars are going on. I pray for all the lost wandering & seeking not knowing it is you they seek. Please Father, give someone, somewhere the words to speak to lead them all to You. I pray that all my loved ones that haven't asked You into their heart DO ask You, giving themselves to You & turning their lives around for I love them so much Father. I lift up Rosie Garretson & her husband Ben to you in prayer Lord. I ask that You be with them this morning when Rosie goes in at 7 to have her surgery for the breast cancer. Guide the.hands of her surgeons Lord & please heal her in the name of Jesus, according to her needs & Your will. Lord, thank You for loving us so much.You sent Your only precious Son to die for our sins. Remind everyone Lord as Christmas gets closer, this is why we are celebrating. It is the day set aside to honor the birth of Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ so they all need to remember to keep Him the center of it all...keeping Christ in Christmas. I ask Lord that You help my husband Tommy as his health is getting worse as is mine. Please bless & heal us both, help me get stronger so I can take better care of us. Please Lord, help us be able to get our home repaired so it will br warm & not leak. I have came to You with many petitions tonight Lord, many requests. But I also come to You with a heart full of thanks & gratitude for all the blessings that You have given me. My family Lord, You have blessed me with a big beautiful family & circle of friends & I am not alone here & with You as my Lord I will never be alone. Thank You for my life & the gift of forgiveness & eternal life through Christ Jesus. I love You Lord & to You all the praise & glory. In Jesus name, Amen
Sarah Riedel
December 21, 2011
Dear Lord, thank You for the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. And thank You for ensuring the story of His life has been recorded for me to read. Fill me with Your presence as I do, and help me to be as gracious and as (for)giving as You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Bianca Ambrose
December 21, 2011
My prayer for the Nations
Let the nations be awakened!Let the earth hear the voice of the Lord!
Judge the nations in Your sight, Father, and put them to fear,
that they might know themselves to be but men.
Father, the whole creation groans and labors to be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of your children OH God.Send forth Your Spirit of Truth to bear witness of You,and to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
Cause them to repent and to turn from their idols.
Shake the nations, so they will come to the Desire of All Nations(Jesus).
Father, cause Your people to rise up. Gather Your mighty ones to prepare for war.
Bring the multitudes into the valley of decision. Send Your ambassadors into all the nations.
Open to them a door for the Word, to speak the mystery of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the gospel of the kingdom may be preached in all the world.
You have declared to Your people the power of Your works,giving them the heritage of the nations.Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord!
Father, gather the nations together, that they may worship Thee, and exult Thee in all the earth.
Let all the nations be blessed through Your people, and let the wealth of the heathen be gathered together and be delivered into the hands of Your people for your work. Send forth Your salvation to the ends of the earth,and make Your enemies to be Your footstool.
Rina Odermatt
December 21, 2011
GOD THE FATHER IN HEAVEN KING YAWEH, thank You for sending Your SON, JESUS, so that I could be free to live an abundant life in You. Fill me with the revelation of Your love and everything that You have for me in Jesus’ name.and the HOLY SPIRIT,AMEN.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 21, 2011
Lord Jesus, Today and forever, You alone are to be lifted up on high, worshipped and glorified by every human being on this earth. You are beautiful in all Your ways, pure and righteous above all others. You are the Lamb of God we choose to worship! You loved us first without reservation even to the sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary. You reach out from heaven to this earth and willingly draw us to Yourself. You provide all our needs and You charge us to trust in You and live a life of peace.
We bow down before You, for You are here knowing You alone are worthy of our worship, praise and thanksgiving. Our hearts quicken at the very real knowledge of Your Manifest Presence and Your hope floods through our veins causing us to bow down and rejoice. There is none like You, Jesus and on this new day and the days,weeks and months to come, we ask You to transform our hearts into Your likeness. We seek after You in all we do, think, and feel and we willingly lay down my life and all my brethren here in this church surrendering all for Your glory and for the good of Your kingdom needs and Your kingdom people.
Lord Jesus, We do not have all the answers for the things happened in our lives and we never will! We do have faith of God that increases exponentially and we have been blessed through Your Holy Spirit with a trust and a hope that can only be explained by His divine intervention in my life and all my brethren here in this congregation.
However, We are always seeking after love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, righteousness, faithfulness gentleness and self control. We are looking out with renewed eyes, renewed ears, renewed hope, and our faith is being lifted up on eagle's wings.
Because You love and desire to use all of us, You are protecting, refining and transforming our hearts through worshipping, praising and thanksgiving. We are living in the reality of the belief that "nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37) We are surrounded by challenges that even a few short years ago would have caused us to run away yet in the middle of it all, We have Your peace which "transcends all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).
Lord Jesus, I believe, that You have allowed us this great pursuit of a thankful life for a reason. I believe that many praying this prayer are in desperate need of a heart transplant. You charged me many years ago to mount my watchtower, listen, learn, and pray for those You bring to me. That is what I am doing this morning. I humbly bow my knee on behalf of my brothers and sisters here in this church and other places everywhere around the world in seeking Your Holy Spirit’s wisdom, knowledge and power to guide this prayer. I pray each life being touched by You through this prayer would have their hearts transformed. I ask You to release them from bondage of anxiety, confusion, hopelessness, helplessness and despair. I ask You to gently remind them they were never intended to live a life overwhelmed by these counterfeit strategies. Help them to live free to live in peace to live purpose-filled live and to reveal Christ in all they do let by the Holy Spirit for the expansion of Your Kingdom on this earth.
You have called us, to a holy standard, pure motivations, unconditional love. You show us the path, and You reveal Yourself around every corner. You remind us constantly that we are as close to You as we want to be and that is our choice. Today we pray for those You send us to step up and step out into the deeper realization of a transformed life in Jesus. We ask You, Lord, to stir feelings in their hearts and spirits as they recognize the truth of Your Maninfest Presence.
Lord Jesus, We pray for the fruit of the Holy Spirit to penetrate every fiber of their being. Wake up Your children wherever they live to restore their peace to empower them through the power of the Holy Spirit within. Free them from fears, bondages of any kind to teach and guide them Your ways with Your Own Eyes. May all who pray this prayer be filled with worship to You our God. May they rejoice in You (Philippians 4:4–7) -- "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again - Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Lord Jesus, We trust You to transform each soul for whom we pray and as You do we ask You to release them into the world wherever they serve with a renewed understanding of their place in the Body of Christ and a deepening love, faith, hope and trust that will cast out all fears or anxieties.
We present to You all the glory and honor, for You are our greatest hope, strength and treasure to help us to put You first above all else, knowing without reservation that You provide for Your beloved Children on this earth and You came to save and restore us especially when we are watching, waiting and be ready and get prepared for the soon coming of the Lord Jesus. In Your Holy Name, we pray, Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 21, 2011
Armor of God Prayer (Ephesians 6:10-18):(FROM SUSAN DAVIS)
Lord Jesus, place around me and my family’s waist the belt of truth. Me and my family will know the truth and the truth will set us free. We are free because whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. My family and I are free from Sexual Sin, Lust of the flesh, Immorality, Lies, Love of Money, Hatred, Deceitfulness, Violence, Greed, Gossip, Falsehood, Dishonesty, Contentions and any evil act the comes from the Devil and his demonic presence.
We are sons and daughters of God Almighty, the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth and the truth sets us free from any Bondage, Slavery, or Oppression. Lord Jesus Christ you will direct me and my family with your eyes, and the truth of the power of God Almighty through the Holy Spirit. We have wisdom and fear through the knowledge of God, the Holy Spirit will also instruct us in the ways we should walk. My family and I put on the breastplate of righteousness, because of the cross Jesus has placed upon us the robe of righteousness, we are the righteousness of Christ Jesus, God Almighty.
We plead the Blood of Jesus over ourselves today and forever. Forgive us of our Sins this day and cover them through your precious Blood which you shed for us at Calvary. Convict us Holy Spirit of any wrong doing and search our hearts of any Secret Sins. The righteous are as bold as a lion and we thank you for the boldness to do your will today and forever and help us to speak your word with great boldness and authority in Christ Jesus. We are established today and forever in your righteousness and power through the Holy Spirit and through the covering of the Blood of Jesus. Our feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace and the Gospel of truth and Love. Help us to prepare to give our testimony to others anywhere at any time today and forever more. We thank you Lord that you have made a covenant with me and my family that your laws and your words are written on our hearts and in our minds and into our confessions through our tongues. Jesus you said that you put your words in our mouths and we proclaim your every word which is declared in the Word of God. Let our lives reflect the Gospel of peace and anointing power of the Holy Spirit through the precious blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Please send many people across our paths today and forever so to share the Gospel and proclaim your mighty works and use us Lord Jesus to bless many today and forever more. We take up the shield of faith which quenches every fiery dart of the enemy and Satan’s Demonic Forces. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world so we are over comers in our Lord Jesus Christ who strengthens us in all our ways and in every Situations and Circumstances. We thank you for our Angels, we have Angels of the Lord that encamps around us and we are protected from the evil one, delivered from the enemy’s grip of this present world. You placed on our heads the helmet of salvation, the hope of glory and we have the mind of Christ which no weapon formed against us will prosper. We think, Dwell and Say things which are good, pure, perfect, mighty in victory and with a good report that always shows the character of Jesus our Lord & Savior. Please take authority over our Mind, Feelings and Desires and have us crucify the flesh and be filled with the Spirit of God at all times. In you Jesus we have authority over all the power of the enemy and we choose to cast down every vain and vague imagination that tries to exalt itself in the knowledge and wisdom of God and we will bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. We belong to Jesus and give the Holy Spirit control over our thoughts and intentions of the heart. We submit our minds to God, we resist the devil and as it’s written: Rebuke the Devil Steadfastly and he will flee: We take up the sword of the Spirit and Faith and use it on the offense to defeat and trample over Satan and his principalities. We will not shrink back but move forward and kill the adversary with his deceptions and lies in this world. We are mighty Soldiers of Christ our Lord and we wrestle against principalities and rulers in high places. We thank you for the power of the Word, it is sharper than any two-edged sword in which we use to fight and defeat the enemy with, also your word will not return back void but accomplish the Task and Purpose it was sent out to do. Your Word is the truth and the light of this World which is in us. Jesus you are not a man that should Lie or Mislead but your word is very clear and powerful. We are doers of the Word and achieve great and mighty acts through it, Father also your Word is a lamp unto our Feet and a light unto our paths. We will hide your Word in our hearts so that we will never sin against you. We will pray in the Spirit on all occasions and pray at every chance we get because the Spirit will pray through us the will of God and help us to speak in Tongues at all times. This builds up our inner Man and gives us strength for the entire days ahead. We will pray for the Saints according to your word. We thank you that the glory of the Lord is our rear guard; we shall praise you today and forever more. Let the high praises of God be in our mouths and a two-edged sword in our hands. We will praise you because you are worthy of our praise day and night. You placed on us a garment of praise for a spirit of worship. Put a new Song in our hearts Lord and let your praises be continually on our lips. We thank you Lord Jesus that you are a God of Healing, Provision, and Restoration; you are our Healer and Redeemer through your precious blood at Calvary. It is your will for us to be healed and delivered of any Sickness, Disease, Pain or Affliction. You took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses on the Cross, you said you heal all thy diseases and take all of our infirmities. You are our provider and those who seek you will not lack any good thing. You will prosper us just as our soul prospers. As we seek you first, you will add all things unto us. All our needs are met in Christ Jesus. You have made a covenant with us that as we tithe, give offerings, help the needy, comfort the poor, provide for the orphans and the widows and seek whom we can bless in the time of need that you will supply all our needs and we shall reap according to your will and promise. You are a God of restoration, as we plead with you and walk pure and upright, you will rouse yourself on our behalf and restore in us to our rightful place. You will restore what the worms and moths have eaten-up, you will also restore our soul. We thank you Lord that we walk in the Fruit of the spirit and pray that our Fruits are evident and abundant in all that we do for your Kingdom and Glory. It is not by might, not by power, but by your spirit says the Lord. We have Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control, Humility, Humbleness and are anointed with Holy Spirit to Teach, Preach and talk like Christ and have the mind of Christ at all times, this is our personality and character in you, we ask for the gifts of the Spirit. Your word says to seek the gifts, we want to edify others and pray for others through these gifts. We ask you for the message of Wisdom and Fear in you, the Message of Knowledge, the Gift of Faith, the Gifts of Healing, Miraculous Powers, Gift of Prophecy, Discerning of the Spirit, Speaking in Various Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues - as your will desires in our lives Lord. Help us to Encourage and have Compassion and love for many people every day of our lives through the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Fire of God Almighty poured down from Heaven. We pray all these requests in the Holy name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the blood on the Cross at Calvary. Your name is above every other name that was that Is and that ever Will be and all things are placed under your feet. All authority has been given unto you in Heaven and on Earth. In Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer we live, in you we move and in you we have our being.
In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen
Leslie Kail Villarreal
December 22, 2011
Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over America right now. Protect this country that was bought and paid for by the blood of many saints who gave their lives to create a country that worshiped you and was one nation under YOU Lord! I stand in here in the gap for this country and plead for your protection and blessing against the enemy on my country. No weapon formed against it shall prosper! Restore our leadership and take over our governments in full submission and authority to You Father. Answer the prayers of all your people here that worship you and restore dignity back to the United States. Pour out your Holy spirit fire here here and wash us clean and make us once a gain a great nation UNDER GOD, INDIVISABLE with Liberty and Justice for all!
Lord now I lift up the my state of California to you. This has been the place of such great creativity. Lord you are the giver of Creativity. You blessed us to bring forth from this place amazing technology such as the world has ever seen! Lord you gave your people such powerful an amazing companies here such as Google, Apple computers, PIXAR, ETC. The Internet was born HERE. Lord, use everything here for YOUR gLory. I rebuke the enemy who has tried to take all your gifts and turn them to evil. Lord I pray your kingdom would come here and rule as it is in heaven, restore creativity to your people and to this amazing state. This time, let the creativity of this state be used for YOUR glory! Bring your consuming love, burning passion and hunger hear to your people in California for YOU! Lord hear our prayers as we stand over our cities and pray for deliverance and protection onto your loving hands. Start here in at the top of the state and rain your Holy spirit fire down to the bottom. TAKE OVER OUR CHURCHES and fill them with pastors who are FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT! Lord burn out all the iniquity and make it COOL TO BE A CHRISTIAN HERE! Lift up your people and here our prayers!. WE LOVE YOU! In Jesus name, AMEN!
Fred McConnell
December 22, 2011
Holy Father, In hearfelt prayer with all thanksgiving, please watch over the children and the adults who didn't just find some time, but made time to bring truth and love to children, who otherwise may not have come to know their Lord and Savior and what Christmas truly means. Please watch over the children and bless those branches who know what bearing fruit in Your Holy Spirit is all about. To You belongs all the praise, honor, and glory, for Thou are worthy of such things. Amen
Sally S. Richter
December 22, 2011
Dearest Father in heaven. In the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You so much for the help on accessing again my account and in Your church. Thank You for my husband who even is tired from work always has an ear to listen to my request. Thank You so much for everything. In difficulties and even in pain, for then I can see Your loving kndness when You moved. You are our awesome God and You will never leave Your children no matter how difficult we go through in this world. Ialways believe You are just watching us seeing our hearts and the intentions inside. Give me always Lord a persevering heart, that knows only patience and knows how to wait for Your help and answer patiently. Trusting in You at all times. Knowing always everything is set by You and You are always in control of everything. Thank You God/Lord Jesus for everything as always. I love You Lord always! Amen. Glory to You Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Sally S. Richter
December 22, 2011
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. Amen. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours. Now and for ever and ever. Amen!
Tehillah Fu
December 23, 2011
Thank you Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you for Your protection hand guiding me safely back to my home town with abundant love and mercy from my business trip from India. God/Lord Jesus, my heart goes out to the lost souls in India, the children, the poor and the elderly, unbelievers... Lord Jesus please have mercy on every one of them and lead them to Your salvation cross by Your will.
Lord I also lift up the ones I met/worked with/the whole crew in that Banglore Hotel project over the years. Jesus our merciful mighy Savior have mercy on their souls and open their eyes to know Your sacrifice for each one of them, Your truth and life. Father God, everything is in vain without having You to be Our center of life, the real meaning of our existence. I lift up in prayer especially for Seema, Shenoy, Ameya, Ajay, Ridhima, Manish, Martin, Simon, Paolo, Jose, Lawrence and Jayshanka. Lord please show Your great love and grace to them, touch them individually in a special way and bring them back to Your Kingdom.
All praises, glory and honor forever and ever be to You only. I exalt Your holy mighy name. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!!! Glory to You Lord!!! King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!!! Hallelujah!!! Glory!!!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 24, 2011
Father ..bring me down...touch me father....touch my mind..the battle is yours.....people are strange....the serpent is at war with the Bride of Christ...deception is high...Even the very people you pray with are attacking in their subtle ways....but spiritual eyes and ears see and know. Who is at war...Eph 6:12 we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Rethink...stratergize...un ited we stand ..divided we man
standing with God is the majority against a million pharohs..Herods...snakes.. .chariots...horsemen
and talismans...glory...Jesus shed His Precious Blood on the Cross for one give us Everlasting defeat death..the is done...THE BLOOD REIGNS....COME ALIVE IN THE BLOOD WITH
Fred McConnell
December 24, 2011
The following is being reposted today as a love offering to our Lord for His day, Dec. 25, which we as Christians have come to know as Christmas. He has also shared with me to continue this program for another day to come which we know as Easter. Thus it will be an Easter Basket of Goodness and Kindness for the children of men. More will be posted soon. I pray all a most Spirit filled and joyous Christmas.
Sunday’s Message: To the Church Body of our Lord Jesus Universal Salvation Church and members of The Light Of The World Fellowship Group.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, all who labor upon this glorious wall. Let us now labor for the children, the parents, grandparents, children of our friends and neighbors. May this child’s prayer reach into your hearts today.
May every eye see, every ear hear, and every heart perceive. The Word of God is our faithful prophecy and the Spirit of God our faithful guide in all we see is being done within our Church and upon this wall.
Truly, truly, I say to you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father. And whatever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may glorified in the Son. If you shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If you love me, keep my commandments. John 14:12-15
Our Wailing Wall is established: (See Ezra & Nehemiah)
For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burns. And the Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory: and you shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall your land any more be termed Desolate: but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah: for the LORD delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you: and as the bride-groom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you. I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: you that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence.
And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. The LORD has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Surely I will no more give your corn to be meat for your enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink your wine, for the which you have labored: But they that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the LORD; and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness. Go through, go through the gates; prepare you the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people. Behold the LORD has proclaimed to the end of the world, Say you to the daughter of Zion, Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and you shall be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken. Isaiah 62
Holy Father,
I refuse to remain quiet. Touch those who pray and give praise on this wall, as well to draw out those who remain quiet in the shadows of this wall to come forth and fellowship with us, for we long for them in love as a family in You. May they begin to think and feel for the salvation of children, who otherwise may be lost. To the praise, honor, and glory of Your glorious Son. I’ve shared the message of A Basket Filled With Goodness and Kindness upon certain Christian sites, groups, and personal messages for 25 days now. I’m thankful for new doers and the returning doers from previous years and pray for their success in blotting out the X and placing Christ back into Christmas for the children of their families, and their friends and neighbors families. Bless these doers of Your Holy Word and the children and the children being enlightened by their efforts. May Christmas be filled with Your Word and Spirit this year for the unloved that they become the loved, to your praise, honor, and glory. Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 24, 2011
Lord Jesus!!..... you are the basket of goodness coming through your children....this Day Lord Jesus is all about you ...Jesus..the savior of this World...I do hope Lord that all your children near and far will see this day through your eyes and share the basket of cheer...your Gospel to all who are willing to listen...I thank thee for the gifts that are oupouring through your children...which your Holy Spirit has generously given...Bless us all Lord...Bless your children all around the World...Lord ...let your light shine on the forgotten people of society..and let your angels tell them of the Christ who is celebrated on this special day...Christmas...Happy Holidays to one and all in the name of Jesus ...Our lord...Savior and Coming King of all Kings
Sally S. Richter
December 24, 2011
Dear God. Thank You so much for giving us Your son our Lord Jesus Christ. People in the world are remembering Your birth. I can feel in my heart what is mos important is for the person/people to remember You and Your coming for us. I would love Lord to always remember You at all times for its much more than like a snow in the brings so much happiness in my life and heart. Christmas time or Your birth gives joy to the souls..glory to You Lord/God for Your loving kindness upon us all. Thank You so much GOD for sending us Your loving son..our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You so much Lord. Amen. amen!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 24, 2011
Dear sister is only fitting that we take this time to thank you ... this very special time of the year...the celebration of the Birth of our Lord and Savior...the High Priest of this church...Lord Jesus universal Salvation Church. We truly thank you for being the mouth piece of our Lord and Savior .... and for being the very person whom our Lord called to organize his church on FB. We appreciate all your hard works and efforts to keep order in his church and to follow the directives of his Holy Spirit. Praise God. We thank each person who has contributed their time and energy to this church without walls. Father!! Bless your children richly...bless our Dear Sally and continue to anoint her and all your workers with your Fire; to enable us to fulfill your plans and purposes for this administration all to the glory of your Kingdom. Father!! Let your love...your power..your peace....your mystique be felt through this wall of great Hope and love.. Praise your name..Hallelujah. We bless you Father..we bless our sweet Holy Spirit for being the force behind these walls...glory to the Kingdom of God..Hallelujah. We thank brother Kenneth and sis San for their obedience to your Word. We thank all the other children sister Margareta.....sister Sarah...sister Beckie and myself for standing in prayers for this Wall of Hope in Christ Jesus...Praise God. Father Bless the other children Lord ..who are working so hard to maintain your wall.. I give special thanks to all the beautiful saints who are always praying...praising ...glorifying your name on your Wall..glory to God. Father bless the silent children (they are still heard by your).. and we pray that the lend their voices on you wall and be bold about your truth..praise God...We thank you all . Holy Spirit of God ..I asked of you; to direct me with this message...I thank thee for being my Leader. Lord Jesus !! fill us all with new fire to do your work her on the wall; and bring all the lost souls into the Kingdom of God...praise your name precious Lord...Once again Sister Sally.... we thank you and wish you and your Family Happy Holidays...and to all the members and their families ....Happy Happy Holidays...To God be all glory.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 25, 2011
Father in Heaven,The day of joy returns, and crowns another year with peace and good will.
Help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesus Chrsit, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men.
Close the doors of hate and open the doors of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil, by the blessing that Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clean hearts.
May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children,
And the Christmas evening bring us to our bed with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake.
Lord Jesus, the Light of the World, as we celebrate your birth, may we begin to see the world in the light of the understanding you give us. As you chose the lowly, the outcasts, and the poor to receive the greatest news the world had ever known, so may we worship you in meekness of heart. May we also remember our brothers and sisters less fortunate than ourselves in this season of giving. Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 25, 2011
Thank YOU so much our Heavenly Father for the privilege of having us to serve YOU in YOUR own church,the LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHURCH.Its such a joy oh LORD to be able to serve a Faithful Loving Almighty GOD...the Creator of heaven and earth and its a joy to celebrate the birth of our BELOVED LORD and SAVIOR together with my dear Brothers and Sisters around the world through YOUR church LORD.We are so grateful for You came into this world,left YOUR throne,born to a virgin, lowly and simple to save the lost and reconciled us to our Heavenly Father.
How great is YOUR divine love! YOUR whole creation sings songs of jubilee...Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
We are forever grateful LORD...forever we give YOU praise and all the glory and honor belongs to YOU ABBA FATHER,our BELOVED LORD JESUS and BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT!
Leslie Kail Villarreal
December 25, 2011
Father, Your word says ALL things must be restored before Jesus returns. I'm longing for you to come and restore us, restor your plan for us and restore the Love in our hearts, pour out your will on this Earth. Acts 3:21 He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. We wait for for Malachi 4:5-6 “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” I believe you will bring a beautiful restoration to us which is about to happen. I love you Lord!
Elizabeth Anna Lumanauw
December 25, 2011
†Ñ’ąηks LORD JESUS,because of YOUR great love,we may celebrate this joyful Christmas, so Merry Christmas for all my brothers and sisters in LJUSC. Ǧ☺Ï‘ ßlεšŠYºü all.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 25, 2011
Our gracious, loving and merciful God in Heaven, on this Christmas Eve, the people all over the world will celebrate the birthday of Your Son, Jesus Christ, as the light of Your Word penetrates our hearts, as we are reminded of the gift of life and faith, as the glories of the heavenly hosts are echoed in our church, we open ourselves up to your Spirit and give you praise,worship and thanksgiving. We all pray, to instill in us a profound sense of your abiding presence of the Holy Spirit and help us to put into our hearts the wonder of your love, that we may walk in your ways and delight in your will. Help us, Lord God, to be the faithful, gracious, loving, giving and forgiving people you would have us to be and to restore the Wounderful Joy of Christmas to our hearts. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
Joseph G Muiruri
December 25, 2011
Jesus Christ,the Saviour of the World,we rejoice today with exceedingly great Joy.
You came from Heaven to show us the Way.
A King You are enthroned Eternally!
Your Kingdom has no end;It's everlasting.
You are adorned with Precious Gifts, depicting Your Stature & Nature.
Matthew 2:11 And when they had come into the house, they saw the Young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and WORSHIPED Him.And when they had opened their TREASURES, they presented gifts to Him:GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, and MYRRH.
GOLD - You are Precious Sweet Jesus,those who encounter You become rich in abudance.
Richness never found on earth,Treasure uncomparable.
This is what You are Jesus to us.Thank You so much.
FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH - You are a Sweet Fragrance Our Lord Jesus.You Ignite a desire in Our Hearts, to forever Stay at Your Feet Jesus.You are a friend who sticks closer than a brother.Being near You is Refreshing to Our Lives.You are very attractive in all Aspects.Everything about You Jesus is Supernatural; extraordinary.
In this Christmas, we Magnify Your Name & enthrone You in our hearts.You are Our Lord,we are You subjects.
Thank You so much Lord Jesus!
Edie Porter
December 25, 2011
Thank you Lord Jesus for sacrificing yourself for us so that we may have eternal life. You are the only hope for this dying world and my heart grieves, as yours does, that so many still will not heed your call. I know. You have knocked and knocked at the door of their hearts and people have not opened that door to you. You have sent prophets and they have been ignored. You have given dreams, visions and communication . Those of us whom have heard your knocking and opened the doors to our hearts to welcome you in, shout with joy in being able to celebrate your coming down from your Throne in Heaven and being humbly born in a manager, to save us. So many of us do look forward so eagerly for your imminent second coming to take us home. My heart aches to see your face and for us to hug each other in a warm embrace. I so yearn for that with all my heart. All praise, love, honor and glory and thanksgiving to the Lord on high. Hallelujah!
Edie Porter
December 26, 2011
Holy Lord Jesus Christ; I love, give thanksgiving to all that you are in the Glory of your Heavenly Divine Deity. My heart holds much love. My heart is true. In worshiping you in Spirit and Truth, I do not celebrate your birthday as being on December 25, because I feel so pained that my Lord and Savior's blessed birthday is assocaited with a pagan holiday. My heart grieves that your true birth date is not known, so a great travesty of disrespect can be rectified among the body of Christ. The only thing my heart knows to do is to wish you "belated birthday wishes." I say "belated" birthday wishes because it is suspected that your true physical birth was sometime in the early Fall of the year. You are indeed, the most important person that ever walked the face of the Earth, after leaving your Throne from on high to sacrifice yourself for all mankind. Even though your birthday upon this Earth has been and still is celebrated December 25, that still does not make it right. I pray Lord that it will be within your will to make it known to us the TRUE date of your birthday here on Earth over 2,000 years ago, so the error can be corrected within the body of Christ. I also ask that you forgive those whom have followed your December 25 birthday celebration tradition, as well as forgiving me. In now knowing that your birthday celebration is associated with a pagan holiday, I cannot wish you a December
happy birthday. It is too repungent for me to even think about doing it. Blessed be the name of the King of Kings forever. Much love forever.
Joseph G Muiruri
December 26, 2011
Lord Jesus we Celebrate Your Birth today.You are King of Kings My Jesus, Saviour of mankind.
Born in a Manger in Bethlehem, little did we know that You were sent of God, to be the ONLY WAY to Heaven & in You Life Eternal to Mortal men became POSSIBLE. We worship You Jesus for giving us Life in Fullness.
This day Lord Jesus help us to do a thorough check of our Garment and release Your Blood that Speaks Mercy to Purify us.
We Love You Jesus.You are Awesome in this place.
Leslie Kail Villarreal
December 26, 2011
Lord as I come to learn that my identity is a relationship with you, I will be able to sing, "All your waves and billows are gone over me," as my life becomes lost in YOUR life. This is the pupose for my life, and hearing your voice has now become my song.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 26, 2011
DADDY JESUS!! Thank you for the grace upon our lives...thank you for all your mercies Lord...Thank you for your second chances...thank you for life...thank you for your truth...thank you for the beauty of life with you ...thank you for your Holy...beautiful Spirit....thank you for the reign upon our lives.....thank you for your Holy Fire....thank you for this heavenly madness of loving you without shame...thank you for the water of life you have provided for us.....thank your for being the source of goodness to the world...Hallelujah to your name...Jesus!! thou art worthy...we praise you...we adore your...we celebrate you...we lift up the cup of salvation in your name...we magnify your name...we lift you up on high ..we proclaim your name...Lord of all Lords and King of all Kings...Hallelujah...Holy sweet Spirit of God thank you for the words of praises of our Lord...thank you all to the glory of the Mighty Yahweh ..the God of Creation..The Mighty God of Israel who who gave us this Love child...Jesus...Hallelujah ....We celebrate you...
Lord Jesus!!....this season are the Reason..Hallelujah...
Sally S. Richter
December 26, 2011
Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus me to love like You do. Help me and strenghten me in times of difficulties, adversities. Help me to understand others like how You understand me with so much patience and love. Help me to be patient with insults and shame and let me take it by a humble heart. Help me to do all things here on earth without complaining no matter how hard, painful and difficult it is. Help me and let me stay on the course of my destiny going through You, in Your kingdom, to Your promised of a perfect life. Help me to understand, everyday is part of my growth and walked with You. Help me to see Your face instead of the things here in this world. Help my heart, mind and soul to be focused in You alone and what You wanted me to do for You alone. Help me, heal me, mold me and make me die from this world. Help me Lord just to live above all for You and Your will alone in my life. Strenghten me Lord Jesus. Strenghten and cover my children with your light. Hide us Lord from the shadow of Your wings. Hide my daughter, my sons from the attacks of the enemies. Hide my husband, my whole family.I have pains and its like it will not end..but I knew its part of my works and walked with You. Thank You for making me understood about it..I am putting it all in Your feet..myself and all. And if my own sister and brother in a church where I am back physically attending, neighbor, friend, family hurt me Lord, let me forgive and accept them and love them unconditionally like how You accept me and love me unconditionally. I pray also at the end that they will realized, my work is not a waste of time but this things is Your their eyes for this Lord. Let them know..this is not in vain and You are here and You are the author of this all. And about the sins/hurts that others inflict me I forgive them in Your name Lord Jesus and if I hurt others please forgive me too. Help me, help us...and please have mercy and stay with us. Amen! Lord me. help us. Amen!
Marguerite Botha
December 26, 2011
Heavenly Father, I pray and thank you God for a save return for me and my family, I thank you Father for giving us the most special and most beautiful gift, your son our Precious Savior Jesus Christ, thank you Abba Father for loving us so much, for your grace, your mercy....
Jesus you are our King our Lord our Love, thank you Jesus for giving us a chance to be saved, giving us salvation, giving us freedom through your precious blood, thank you King for your unconditional love, your sacrifice, O' what a sacrifice you gave us, your life, your blood, thank you Jesus...
We celebrate your Birth for you are our King and Savior, thank you Jesus I love you so much, thank you for every blessings, protection your unfailing love, thank you Holy Spirit for your guidance, your wisdom, and thank you Father for sending your angels to protect us every hour of the day, we give Thee all the Glory, I pray for your hand to cover all of your children, our families and friends, Lord Jesus Universal Salvation Church, every member, Abba Father help us were we are weak give us strength, open our eyes and ears, were we are blind and death so we may see your perfect will for our paths/destiny, carry us in your loving hands...
Let your will be done Lord and not our own, I pray this in Jesus Mighty Wonderful Glorious Name...Amen!
Bianca Ambrose
December 26, 2011
My prayer for my beloved.
I thank You Father for my husband who loves me so unconditionally even as Christ also loved the church, and we shall be heirs together of the grace of life according to Your Word.
My Lord God, You said that the man is the image and glory of You.
Therefore I come to You now, praising You for my husband who nourish and cherish me.
I thank you that he is blameless, vigilant, and sober. He is patient, respectful, of good behavior, and hold the mystery of faith in a pure conscience. He is a just, holy, temperate man holding fast Your faithful Word as he has been taught.
I thank You that he is not covetous, self-willed, easily angered or lifted up with pride. Thank you that I stand in subjection to him according to Your Word. I would rather do nothing else my Lord.
Thank you Father that my husband is blessed, therefore he does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful.
His delight is in your law my Lord Jesus and in that law, he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in season.
His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall prosper.
I lift up my voice to thank You my Lord in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I pray also for an overflow for all my brothers and sisters.
This season has been such a joy to celebrate your birthday Lord Jesus with you as we embrace in the unity of love as we give ourselves to each other.
We thank You Lord for our lives that even though we are two we are one in You my Lord. Bless him and he shall be bless keep him and he shall be kept.
Bind upon our neck your Love, Mercy, Grace, Peace and Compassion for Your glory sake.
I will hold my beloved, whom my soul loves and adores according to Your Word, I decree and declare that whom God has joined together, no man shall put asunder.
We Love You Lord
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 26, 2011
Father!!...I simply want to thank you for this day...while praying this morning I was reminded of a message I wrote and was rebuked and also I read a message that was written to educate people about the word...CHRISTMAS..... God bless you my brother and sister...My reason is...I read that the word Maas...Means depart...and Christmas is a pagan holiday…..therefore the words Christmas mean…Christ Depart…I am not disputing this…I do not argue what I do not know about but I know one thing I pray and reason this out with my God. .last year when I decoded read satan..It was an eye opener to me.
***Here is my take on this…I came away with this after my prayer time this morning….God has always used satan for his Great Glory...Hallelujah..The Book of Job...A perfect example. If satan meant to fool people with the Christmas celebration… it has turned back to his shame and…ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD... On this day..there are churches, adults, children the masses... all over the world celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (NOT satan) people are so much more aware right now of the significance of the word Christmas...Jesus’ Birthday to some…to others the Celebration of his Birth...Anyhow you take it...we are glorifying our Lord..Jesus who is worthy of all praises…Even the atheist .the unbelievers…the backsliders know that this is all about ….Christ Jesus…what the enemy meant for bad it is now for the Glory of the Kingdom of God.
***At his crucial hour; the Coming of our Lord and Savior…I refuse to be distracted with such debates…No one can tell me about Jesus…He has healed my mother form a stroke before my very eyes….he has healed the toe of a friend within 5 minutes of prayer by a powerful man of God .before my eyes…I have witness the SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD in a place of worship and heard like a millions angels worshipping God….Jesus has done so many miracles in my life…He has spoken to me directly…the voice of God was heard speaking onto me audibly…I am glorifying the God I know…I do not care what pagan Holiday it is…
*** For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, The everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
Beckie Cobos
December 26, 2011
A very Blessed Birthday to You Lord Jesus Christ! Light of my salvation! I glorify Your Holy name! Be Thou exalted forevermore! Angels of the most High God, Give Him Praise and Glory! We celebrate Your precious birth today Lord, we lift up Your name oh KING of Kings and LORD of LORDS!! Merry Christmas Lord!! Thank you Father, for the gift of Your Love, Son, my life, health, dogs and Your "surprise packge, gift to me." I love it! I will always cherish Your gift. In Christ's name, Amen.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 26, 2011
Prayer Petitions for the year of 2012 :
1. Our Father in Heaven, we want to thank you for making next year a reality and for granting us, our congregation and other churches and Christian organization around the world the privilege to witness to the world the Good News of Jesus Christ, to bring the lost souls into the Kingdom of God.(Mark 16:16-18).
2. Father in Heaven, we thank you Lord for honouring these days each year as a period of divine dialogue through an intimate relationship with You to hear Your Voice and obey Your instruction concerning your guidance in the coming year and your divine purposes for our lives (John 10:27).
3. Father in Heaven, we thank you for keeping us throughout this year despite all demonic activities and to help us to be aware of the spiritual warfare against the enemies from the Kingdom of Darkness that we are here standing strong because of your faithfulness.(Ephesians 6:10-18).
4. We are here to acknowledge You are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last and so we commit the year of 2012 into your hands today oh Lord that you assume your rightful place in our congregation, lives, families, cities, and nations in the name of Jesus Christ.(Revelation 22:13).
5. Heavenly Father, I thank you for every good thing you have planned to do in our lives, and families, in the year of 2012. We plead the Blood of Jesus, and Supernatural Protection frrom Your Throne shall be the eternal covenant over the months of 2012 for our sanctification and covering.(Psalm91: 1-16).
6. It is written, “Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.” (Ps.24:7-8NIV) by the revelation of the eternal Word of God, I command the year of 2012 to lift up its head that the King of Glory might come in for us, with all that We need to survive and succeed in the year 2012, in the mighty name of Jesus.
7. We decree that the evil of 2011 shall not follow us into January 2012 let every flood destruction and disaster that has been released by the forces of darkness dry up from the face of the earth in the name of Jesus Christ. (Genesis 8:13).
8. Our Father in Heaven, we declare according to Your Word that January shall be the beginning of the year for us. By our voice of prayer we apply the Blood of Jesus Christ to the doorpost of our churches, lives, families, cities and nations that as you visit the earth with judgment we shall be exempted from destruction and disaster in the name of Jesus Christ (Exodus 12:2-14).
9. We declare that from January our celebration of liberty shall evidence. Father, let each day of January to December 2012 be a day of divine of intervention that will end in celebration (Exodus 12:17-18).
10. Father in Heaven, let tabernacle of your presence be set up in our hearts, churches and homes, in our cities and communities, let the fire of true worship be kindled as we enter the month of January and let it continue to mark 2012 apart with the cloud of your glory in Jesus name. (Exodus 40:2-34).
11. Father in Heaven, we call upon you that the monts of January to December 2012 shall be the months with shield from iniquity and shall be a place of holiness for us and our family members. Let the year of 2012 witness the termination of rebellion in our midst in the name of Jesus (Number 20:1).
12. In the light of the written word of God that says all things are sanctify and consecrated by the Word of God and prayer, We sanctify every second in every minute, every minute in each hour, every hour in each day, every day in each week and every week in the month of the year of 2012. I declare the year of 2012 a year of blessing, favour, breakthrough, open doors, divine connection etc. (1Tim.4:5).
13. We declare that our testimonies shall be “these are the ones who crossed the Jordan” in the first month in the name of Jesus Christ. We declare that we are unstoppable by the power of the most high God in the name of Jesus Christ (1Chron.12:15).
14. We employ the ministry of the Hand of Jehovah the Man of war for every journey of 2012 Let Your good Hand prevail from January till December 2012 in all our journey in the name of Jesus Christ (Ezra 8:31).
15. Heavenly Father, let all wickedness that has been programmed and sealed against our churches, lives, families, ministries, businesses, cities and nations backfire in the name of Jesus Christ.(Luke 10:19-20).
16.We take our stand on the platform of fasting and prayer against every plan of the wicked, programmed against us and our families in the year of 2012. We declare by the power of the Holy Spirit that it will not happen, because the lord is with us. (Is.8:9-10).
17.By the revelation of the Word of the Lord that says when men slept, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. I declare that every seed of death, destruction, accident, incident, failure, sickness, poverty etc. sowed by the wicked, against our lives and destiny this year 2011 that is waiting to manifest in 2012, be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. (Matt.13:24-30).
18.We declare that the year of 2012 is a year of gladness and rejoicing, we declare the year of 2012 is a year of double blessing, we shall enjoy the former and the latter rain of God’s blessing in the name of Jesus Christ. (Joe 2:23).
19.We pray that as we are called the Choosen Generation,the Royal Priest,the Holy People, the Bride of Christ that the year of 2012 is a year of unity in the Body of Christ to accomplish Your Divine Mission on this earth and a serious preparation for everyone of us to be ready and wait for the Coming of the Lord let by the Holy Spirit(Revelation 16:15).
Sally S. Richter
December 27, 2011
Dear God/Lord Jesus Christ. You have revealed, that Facebook is Your Universal Church, the church without a wall. And thanak You so much for LJUSC...Thank You so much for all. Your read here the prayers of our hearts just like how You read my diary. You answered my secret wishes, things I only wrote in my diary addressed to You alone. Its been answered by You and I know its You for its all been addressed to You and You are the only who knows about it. Lord Jesus, You read it all, as I have seen it comes, many of it. I know oh Lord, You will read my prayers here for You are sitting here as our GOD, Lord, King. I would like to praise and glorify You among the brethen and my prayer to You Lord today just like of what I pray to You this morning and since yesterday in the secluded place of my whole and inner being is to be worthy of You. Worthy of You at all times. To die from this world and see only Your face in my heart, mind, soul, body and spirit. In my action, will and ways. Let nothing in this world Lord affect me anymore but my whole and inner being be Yours for forever and ever. Amen.
Sally S. Richter
December 29, 2011
"As the body is one, having many members, and all the members, while being many shall, from one body, so it is with Christ." (1 Corinthians 12:12) Father God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, bind us all in His body, Lord Jesus Christ body..all Your children here in LJUSC and our families. Make us one in You..this I pray in Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen!
Sally S. Richter
December 29, 2011
Prayer for Peace : Lord make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair hope. Where there is darkness light. Where there is sadness, joy. Oh Divine Master grant that I may not so much much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand. To be loved, as to love. For it is giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life..
December 06, 2011
Our Father who art in Heaven...Blessed be thy name....thy Kingdom come...your Will be done....Lord enpower your people with the Holy fire of you Blessed Holy their eyes to behold the various signs of your read the many messages you have given your chosen vessels at this hour to impart upon the their ears to hear what the Holy Spirit of the Lord is saying...FIX YOUR EYES ON YOUR SAVIOR..WALK IN HOLINESS WITH HIM..ONLY HE IS THE ANSWER AT THIS SECONDS BEFORE HIS COMING....PREPARE YE THE WAY BECAUSE JUST AS HE WAS TAKEN UP IN HEAVEN SO WILL HE RETURN...PRAISE GOD...Lord given them the boldness to go all over and warn your people who are in bondage by the enemy...AWAKE OH YE STUBBORN CHILDREN OF GOD...OUR LORD JESUS SAYS...ANY MOMENT I WILL RAPTURE MY BRIDE TO SAFETY!!...this world will be one big cess pool of evil..satan cannot wait for the Holy Spirit of God to be withdrawn from earth to commence his rule of pure evil..from the core of hell..he is sharpening his fangs to.dig into the flesh of the likewarm Christians and unbelievers who were left behind....He will hunt you down and you will be beheaded......everyone will pay with their own Blood. It is not too late to Submit to Jesus....RUN to the Cross...Our King COMETH IN THE CLOUDS!!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 06, 2011
Glory and Honour to Our Father for what He has done,is already doing and Will continue to do.!I have this zeal to give thanks to My Father for Everything.He loves us so much with such a great Love....we cannot even begin to fathom nor understand it.Thank You Jesus,the Priceless Gift anybody can ever Receive from an Everlasting Holy God.I Magnify and Exalt the Name of My Lord Jesus above all.My Redeemer & Comforter,The Beauty of My Life.
I Love You My Jesus,Today,Tommorrow, Always & forevermore.AMEN!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 07, 2011
Father Jesus......I saw your light in a dream ....and could not stop praising you ....can you imagine seeing it with my pure eyes...God you are love...You are life... Streams of living waters...breathing living air...mysteries.....supern
Edie Porter
December 07, 2011
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost"
Lord, the above is something I learned a long time ago and for this past week or so it has been going around in my head. With this being so Lord, I took that to denote it was meant to be shared with my fellow brothers and sisters of the
LJUSC. All praises, honor, glory, Thanksgiving and love go to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 08, 2011
Lord Jesus, I pray that you will lay your hands on every one of us for the protection from injury, the devil and anything else that might come to harm us. I know the devil is constantly trying to attack us to get into our hearts to create worry, doubt and confusion but with your divine intervention, we know that evil will have to find another place to rest. Thank you Lord Jesus, for all of your blessings, both the one’s we can account for and the one’s that we don’t know about. I pray to lay everything at your feet and let your spirit lift us up. You are the God of Peace, Joy and I ask that you continue to provide for us in the areas we need provision. I also pray for supernatural healing and deliverance for those who are need of healing.
I pray that You will impart all God's blessing and Supernatural Protection upon us from Your Kingdom according to 1 Chronicles 4:10 and Psalm 91 :1-16 so that your congregation may see the amazing provision in their daily life when they surrender everything unto Your Mighty Hands.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your abundance and love. It’s in your name we pray, Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 08, 2011
Am praise dancing to the Heavenly Harp; I am enchanted by your Holiness; by your Mysteries, by your Greatness, your Peace, your meekness. Your Hand upon my life has rippled the waters of my soul and I am flowing, flowing into the waters of wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the Great God you are. Abba! Touch my eyes; I need to ...see only your vision for my life. Touch my ears...only to hear your voice and March to your commands. Jehovah Nissi!! Have Mercy!! Your anointing on my Life is Great, the Voice I speak is only of you; enlarge my territories Father so I speak, I teach, I prophecy in your name. It is your Glory only, Your Glory; hallelujah!! Mercy! The calling is for the Glory of your name only. Your Glory has wrapped my soul with Beauty. I am blinded by your Splendor; Jesus, Jesus Oh hallelujah!! Mercy! The Joy is overwhelming; Jesus you are my soul and it is on Fire. Mercy!! Hallelujah!!
Andres Villareal
December 09, 2011
Truly Lord that You are always faithful,loving,miraculous
Daniel Pasaribu
December 09, 2011
O Lord Jesus, grant me and all my brethren here in this church to greet this wonderful day and the coming days in peace and joy to help us in all things to rely upon Your Holy Will. In every hour of the day reveal your will to everyone of us. Bless our dealings with all who surround us. Teach us to treat all that comes to throughout the day with peace of soul and with firm conviction that your will governs all. In all our deeds and words, guide our thoughts and feelings. In unforeseen events, let us not forget that all are sent by you. Teach us to act firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing others. Give us strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring. Direct our will, teach us to pray according to Your Will only. We pray all these things in Your Holy Name, Amen.
Ed Gen
December 09, 2011
Prayer to the HOLY SPIRIT
God the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from God the Father and God the Son, come and remain in us. We need you in everything. We cannot do any good without you.
Come and remain in us in order to enlighten us against the deceits of the devil, of the world and of ourselves; to give us strength for holiness, for forbearance, and for self-denial in everything that pleases us.
Come and remain in us in order to comfort us in every sorrow. It's only through your help alone that we can live a holy life, shun sin, and eventually, at death, enter into everlasting life where we praise you, the Father and the Son.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 10, 2011
Jesus!! thank you for this blessed morning...your presence in your church is doing great wonders in the lives of people and we thank and praise you this morning ....Thank you blessed Holy Spirit of God...continue to outpour and anoint your saints to do great work all to the glory of your name..Jesus our eyes are fixed on you at this moment and we bless your name and your sweet Holy Spirit ...asking for your Spiritual Guidance to the point of ...the trumpet call of God...Hallelujah...WE bow before the Throne Oh precious Jesus ...HighPriest of our Church.. Bless you Lord...Bless you Holy Trinity....Hallelujah!!
Sarah Riedel
December 10, 2011
Father,our Beloved LORD JESUS we praise YOU! You alone knows us entirely.You alone loves us endlessly and unto YOU we commit ourselves unreservely.WE LOVE YOU LORD! YOU ALONE DESERVE ALL THE HONOR AND GLORY...FOREVER!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 10, 2011
O Holy Spirit, You are the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are the Spirit of truth, love and holiness, proceeding from the Father and the Son, and equal to Them in all things. I adore You and love You with all my heart. Teach me to know and to seek God, by whom and for whom I was created. Fill my heart with a holy fear and a great love for Him. Give me compunction and patience, and do not let me fall into sin.
Increase faith, hope, and love and bring forth in us all the virtues proper to our state of life. Help me and all my brethren in this church to grow in maturity through, Your nine spiritual gifts, and Your nine spiritual fruits.
Make us a faithful follower of Jesus, an obedient children of the Alnmighty God , and a help to our brethren. Give us Your love, grace and mercy to fear the Lord and keep your commandments according to Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Raise us to holiness in the state of life to which You have called us, and lead us in the way everlasting life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Grant us also, O Holy Spirit, Giver of all good gifts, the special favor for which I ask for every one of us here in this church , if it be for Your honor and glory in your Kingdom on this earth. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 10, 2011
Our Heavenly Father we bow down to YOU in great awe. Everywhere we look this day we see evidence of Your Presence, and everywhere we look we see the hearts of your created ones reaching our their arms and shouting, "Glory, glory to You, our King! Who never changes, who stands by the oppressed and who heals the brokenhearted." Voices are coming together all over the land in songs of praise for the glory of the Lord is near, and He is in His heavenly place lovingly looking out for us.
I thank YOU FATHER for YOUR loving kindness that accompany us the whole day.Thank YOU LORD that though we stumble many times YOU pick us up and reassure us of YOUR unfailing love.Thank You for pursuing us. We want to know and rely on the love You have for us, and live in the security of it! When we feel afraid, insignificant or alone today, help us turn to You and remember You are there!
You call out to us today, telling us to come and sit at Your feet and be refreshed. You call us today to be at peace in Your Presence and to recognize all that You are doing everywhere all around us so we can see the magnitude of Your power and be put at ease in our relationship. Remove whatever pride or ego that still exists, and set us aside so we can worship at Your feet and be renewed ourselves.
I ask You to accomplish a deep work in us. I ask You to anoint Your people through the Holy Spirit and give them penetrating strength of character. Thank You that You are in the business of restoration and that Your church is being raised to its proper place where the fullness of Your truths will be revealed and the darkness destroyed. In JESUS powerful name!
To You be all the honor and glory! AMEN&AMEN!
Bianca Ambrose
December 10, 2011
Oh Lord you are so worthy. Many times even those you walked with try to take your eyes off of the mission you were sent for, but you kept your eyes fixed on Jerusalem. Keep my eyes fix to Lord. Forgiven those that persecute me and stay focus on the prize of your calling. Thank you Lord.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 10, 2011
Jesus....may I please pour my heart out to you.....My Lord you make my Christian walk possible...I have been so disappointed in the many people whom I have looked up to in this race. I have had to learn to depend solely on the directive of your Holy Spirit; Jesus they are many people who claim to know of you but are clue less and are about to be greatly disappointed when you according to your word ..spue them out.....with these words..."depart from me I know you not....My Lord" minkind is a failure unto themselves and that only prove you are the only answer to our hopelessness...I adore are faithful and trusting...your love is fair and just to all people...Your love is supernatural and pure..without conditions. YOUR PRECIOUS BLOOD IS THE ONLY FORM OF PROTECTION AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL. How precious are you Lord before our eyes. Blessed Holy Spirit you are the only friend a man needs..your guidance and leadership is superb...the best in the heavens and earth....your wisdom and knowledge of this world and beyond surpasses man's peak of brillance. The beauty of your presence In our lives precious Savior is incomprehensible; the fire of your love..your anointing on our lives is beyond reason and cannot be explained. You are a supernatural wonder and blessings to all who behold your beauty and presence....the meek...gentle Lamb of the most High God....your are Holy and a rare..precious of a kind gem....You are the definition of beauty...power..humility..
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 11, 2011
Touch the lives of your children Father...Touch their hearts so that they can love their enemies the way your love...touch us Father so we can forive others as you have forgiven others....Touch us Lord Jesus and heal our broken hearts...relatiionships...
Sarah Riedel
December 11, 2011
Our Heavenly Father in the awesome name of our LORD JESUS,
we thank YOU for taking care of our needs daily,in every aspect.
Thank you for nurturing our health,physically and spiritually.
You created us fearfully and wonderfully and our whole being
yearned to go back to YOU where we belong...
You alone gives us the peace that the world can never give.
We praise YOU LORD for YOUR wisdom and patience.
We thank YOU for improving us and using our mistakes
for YOUR highest purpose.
We thank YOU that our lives and the lives of our children
is in YOUR hands...preserving our minds,body and soul!
Thank YOU that YOU hear our cries and attend to heal our pain.
Everytime we are hurting YOU draw us more closer to YOU.
I likewise thank YOU our BELOVED LORD for my childrens
laughter and that they can play freely and safely.
I pray for all the children around the world that they have the
same privilege and freedom.You see everything LORD nothing
is hidden in YOUR sight...and i know that in some part of the
world there are children and people suffering daily...thank YOU LORD
for one day this will be forgotten...YOU will wipe away every tears in our eyes
specially this poor kids who hunger for love and affection...
YOU will be a Father for them and cuddle them tight in YOUR loving arms!
And their pain and hurt will vanish soon after and will be
remember no more.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 11, 2011
I am you child..Oh Mighty Father...I am your loyal servant...your daughter without shame ....I apologise; for anger consumed me today. Father!! examine the does not matter who is right or wrong....your name should always be glorifies.. honored...I am the daughter of a King...a Holy king of all kings. Jesus has such pride ...arrogance...your Holy Liquid fire ..cannot be bought and no man should feel that because of your gifts ...they are above others..Lord!! you washed the feet of your disciples to show them show them that within your vineyard...every man is a servant...vain glory is a is pride and it plays no part in your kingdom....Humility is of you Jesus...I look unto the Cross for guidance...Holy Spirit of God..please supress my anger...touch my heart and give me the peace that comes only from your Throne Room...Jehovah!! God...I am sorry for my short comings....Jesus my Lord..My Father whom I love with such passion and conviction...I am sorry...Holy Spirit of Guide...I am soo sorry If I grieved your Holy Spirit....allow me to wash myself clean under the Blood and restore my position of honor before your eyes....I love you precious Father....I march to the drum beat of your Holy Spirit and seek a higher understanding of you my Lord and Master...Jesus...I bow before the Throne and profess my undying Love for the Cross and the Purpose...Praise God...Glory to God
Tehillah Fu
December 11, 2011
Father in Heaven, in the name of Your beloved son Jesus Christ, I thank You for Your never ending love, mercy, grace, faithfulness, protection, blessings and provisions of life for us everyday. God/Lord Jesus You deserve all praises, honor and worship from Your children all around the world. We pour our heart out to You and surrender under Your Devine will. Holy Spirit we thank you for Your guidance and council leading us into perfect holiness and righteousness. Our hearts rejoice, longing to know You more and dwell in Your secret place. Thank you Lord for everything. Our hearts belong to You alone. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen!
Sally S. Richter
December 11, 2011
Father in heaven (Yahweh), in the name of of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I praise and thank You for the greatness of Your love upon my soul, upon my life, upon our souls. I thank You so much for Your goodness at all times. I thank You so much for the help and deliverance always in any kind of troubles, worries and all. Thank You so much for the safe travel and all provisions that comes with it. I thank You God/Lord Jesus for Your faithful children who never waivers in their faith and love for You. Who faithfully are watching and waiting for Your grea promised. We praise You and thank You Lord for the goodness of Your heart, for Your never ending love on those who loved and fear You, for the protection, for the help in our daily needs, for everything, thank You in our Lord Jesus mighty name. Thank You so much Father in Heaven, Lord/God. Amen. Amen! Halleluiah, our Lord Jesus to Your great and mighty name. Amen. Amen!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 11, 2011
Touch the lives of your children Father...Touch their hearts so that they can love their enemies the way your love...touch us Father so we can forive others as you have forgiven others....Touch us Lord Jesus and heal our broken hearts...relatiionships...
Tehillah Fu
December 12, 2011
Heavenly Father, we come to You covered by the precious blood of Jesus, we thank you for this brand new fresh blessed day. We give all glory, honor and priases unto You. We bless Your spirit and Your mighy move all over the world. Father God have mercy on Your lost children. Open their spiritual eyes and take away the scales off their eyes. Lord fill the earth with Your glory, thy will be done on the earth. Send Your servants out for the great harvest according to Your will. Holy Spirit lead us and fill us in full measure. Holy fire pours on us for zealous for the work of Your kingdom. Hallelujah!! Glory to You the Most High King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!
Edie Porter
December 12, 2011
Father/Lord Jesus. I want to praise you for all that you are to us and all creation. All of creation is crying out to you in these last days. I give praise, honor, love and glory for your faithfulness, in that you will bring your redeemed and lesser forms of creation through the coming storms to dwell in your kingdom. Hallelujah!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 12, 2011
Hallelujah to the Most High God....Father...Jesussss.y
...glory and honor is yours...the voice of nature..rippling across the waters...Like a Mighty wind you sweep through our lives....precious Spirit of God....breaking..molding..
Sally S. Richter
December 12, 2011
Father it is our duty and salvation always and everywhere to give You thanks through Your beloved son, Lord Jesus Christ. He is the word through whom You made the universe, the whole world. He is the loving savior You sent to redeem us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, He took flesh. For our sake He opened His arms on the cross. He put an end to death and revealed the resurrection. In this He fulfilled Your will and won for You a Holy people. and so we join the angels and the saints in proclaiming Your glory as we say...Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hossana Lord in Your name...the highest name. Hossana Lord, You are our King, the king of kings, the Lord of Lords. Hossanna God forever and ever. Amen. Amen!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 13, 2011
Mighty Father,God of Israel.You are Alpha and Omega,the begining & the end.We came to be,because It is was Your will.You Jehovah is Our Genesis.In this Church Father,called by the Name of Your Son Jesus,Let Your power move Mightly & Touch Your People who have Believed in the Saving Power of Your Son Jesus.Release Power God to strengthen the feeble knees & the weak hands.You have said in Matt 5:48 that we ought to perfect in Holiness Just as You are Holy.It is possible with You,because We have Your Holy Spirit Living in us.Teach us today to obey Your word & live Holy lives.The Sacrifice we bring to You of Worship,Praises & Intercession; please accept it like a sweet fragrance,pleasing in Your Holy presence .The Heartfelt Words we Speak to You everyday in prayer,please hear them & Move to act in our Lives.Thank You because You have a plan & Intention to Take us in Your Heavenly Chambers to delight forevermore with You.We await eagerly for You Jesus to Fly away with You.
You are Faithful to promise & make it happen Our Master. We Love You so Much, Our Bridegroom Jesus.
Abba Father,yea, It gets very Intimate to call You Our God,FATHER because You pity us,Just like a natural father pities his own.Give us Spiritual senstivity to be vigilant and not found wanting by Your measuring yardstick.
Seal all the Members of the LJUSC & Your Saints everywhere until the day of Redemption.Give us Strength & Zeal to run a good race and win with a Glorious victory.
Those who have not known Your Love & Salvation through Jesus,bring them aboard because that has always been Your will.We know this to be true because even though we were sinners You Loved us and Shone Your Light in & to us.I say thank You to You Our Great God.
Use us as members of LJUSC to be vessels of Honour to draw many lost people back to Your righteousness,through words & deeds.Thank You Jesus Our Lord & Saviour,I pray In Your Most Holy Name Redeemer and Believe Amen,Amen!..
Joseph G Muiruri
December 13, 2011
Forgive us tonight Our Father,we have fallen short of Your standards.Wash us tonight with the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus.We seek to be reconciled to You now & everytime.Let the Peace of God rain tonight in the lives of all LJUSC members.You know us better than we know ourselves,Forgive our known & unknown sins,the ones we have committed consciously & sub-consciously.Forgive us and restore us back to Your will & plan.Your Peace is present to the repentant hearts and those who walk humbly with You Mighty God.Crown us today with Your Tender Mercies & Loving Kindness.Hearken to this repentance prayer today and incline Thy ear to Listen to us.Dear God the Holy One, never forsake Your beloved children called by Your Holy Name.I pray this prayer believing & trusting in the Valuable Name of Jesus Christ.AMEN!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 13, 2011
Dear Lord Jesus, we ask you to forgive us of our sins, teach us and show us so that we will be pleasing in your sight. We pray for ourselves, our brothers and sisters in this church this day and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for each other, this day and most of all for You. We pray for our relatives and friends, our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ worldwide.
We pray for those who labor in the field of deliverance, for their families, churches and ministries that You would give them a triple-fold portion of courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray for the Army of the Lord that it would grow strong and mighty and be valiant and do exploits in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord Jesus, We pray that deliverance would come to the forefront of Christianity around the world. We pray for those that we have ministered to, for their families, churches and ministries that they would go on with the Lord. We pray for all brethren everywhere especially in this wall church that they would come into the.
saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord Jesus, We pray for the five-fold ministry, for their families, churches and ministries. We bind up all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We lose the powers of God: warring angels, ministering angels, Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God to come down and do a mighty battle on earth today. We bind up every force of evil and loose every force of good that we have the power and authority to do so in Jesus' Name. We thank you Lord for power and authority over the enemy, and the use of the Name of Jesus Christ. In His Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 14, 2011
Our Heavenly Father,in the Holy Name of our LORD JESUS we come together with a lowly heart and mind praising YOUR glorious name.Forever YOUR wonderful name is exalted in our midst Oh LORD! Thank YOU Father for drawing us continually to YOU,preparing us and molding us into the image of our KING&SAVIOR LORD JESUS.
Oh HOLY SPIRIT we invite YOU...COME and fill us...fill our lamp with YOUR fresh oil and refresh us.Invigorate and purify our mind,body and soul...only YOU can make us blameless and spotless OH LORD! We thank YOU and praise YOU for YOUR goodness and YOUR unfathomable mercy that endures forever.Keep increasing YOUR divine mercy towards us LORD,we are nothing without it.We live and breath because of YOUR mercy alone.Usher us into a higher level of intimacy with YOU our SWEET LORD JESUS as the new year 2012 approaches make our love grow even more intense and burning for YOU OH FATHER,YOU alone are worthy....only YOU OUR MIGHTY CREATOR&KING! We love YOU and adore YOU! Remain in the throne of our hearts and life LORD as YOU prepare us as YOUR pure and holy sanctuary! ALL GLORY AND HONOR belongs to YOU our LOVING FATHER,SWEET LORD JESUS AND THE BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT! AMEN&AMEN!
Rina Odermatt
December 14, 2011
Father GOD KINGYAWEH, thank You for setting me up for success in everything I do. I choose to trust and rely on You knowing that Your plans are for my good. I know my best days are ahead of me and look ahead to the blessings You have in store for me,in the name of JesusChrist the Messiah my savior and the blood of covenant.Thank you HOLY SPIRIT for guide me.AMEN
San Davis
December 14, 2011
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus I praise Your Holy Name....Thank You Lord, O Lord, You are my God, I will exalt You. I will give thanks to Your Name, for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness according to Isaiah 25:1. Thank You Lord that You are my strength and my song and You have become my salvation. You are my God, and I will exalt You according to Exodus 15:2-3. Thank You Lord that our mouths will speak the praise of the Lord, all flesh will bless Your Holy Name forever and ever according to Psalms 145:21. Praise be to Your glorious Name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with Your glory according to Psalms 72:19. The Lord lives; praise be to my Rock; exalted be God my Savior according to Psalms 18:46. Thank You Lord that we will praise You from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the Name of the Lord be praised according to Psalms 113:3. In Jesus Holy Name, I pray. Amen, Amen & Amen.
Edie Porter
December 15, 2011
Heavenly Father/Lord Jesus. I come before you with praise and thanksgiving for the wonderful life you have given me. Even the so called negative things coming into my life was meant to draw me closer to you. It is my prayer that so many others will see these present day negative aspects in their life, as a call from you for them to draw closer to you. I pray to be found worthy to enter your kingdom. In seeking your face everyday, I pray for your Holy Spirit to reveal to me any spots or blemishes that would prevent me from being part of your Holy Kingdom. I trust in your Mercy and Faithfulness in helping me and many others endure the coming year 2012. I and so many others give you all love, glory, honor and thanksgiving. Praises be to the Lord on high!
Sally S. Richter
December 15, 2011
Dear God in the name of Your loving son our Lord JesuS Christ, thank You so much for letting me finish what I have to finished for my personal things. Many things always comes up in between. Disturbances and all but at the end Your faithfulness remains and will be the same. Thank you so much Lord/God in heaven for all that You were doing. For the prayers answered by Thee. It may not be all but Your loving kindness is still great. Thank you so much for moving into the life of my brothers and of my father. I pray for their continual growth in You. I pray Lord for the salvation of each member of my family. Thank You so much for Your faithfulness. Your words in John 14 and many promises words are faithful and did not come back void. I am continually praying for Your great mercy upon us all. For all the children who gathers here and are praying faithfully to You. I am lifting up in Your mercy while You were on the cross the teen-agers You brought to me last night to share Your messages and the information You were giving us for the preparation of Your coming. Lord, You are so great. You are so kind. You are so merciful. Bless all the people, children, teen-agers I have met and draw to know Your good news. I pray for each one of them. Bless them Father in the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless all of us. Amen. amen. amen! Glory to You Lord, Thank You so much. Amen!
San Davis
December 15, 2011
Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Lord, my Savior. I come to You with a heart of thanksgiving. Thank You Lord for all the good things in our lives, for You are the Creator of all things good. Father, thank You for Your Presence. For in Your Presence is the fullness of our joy and in Your Presence we are complete and whole. In Your Presence we have purpose. Because of Your Presence, we are glad to be here. Father, thank You for Your plan, that we might have a full life and enjoy it and have it in abundance to overflowing. Father, thank You for Your provision, that all our needs are met according to Your riches in glory and that we may prosper in all areas of our lives as our soul prospers. Father, thank You for Your protection, that Your perfect love casteth out all fear and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Father, thank You for Your peace. The peace that passes all understanding. The peace that keeps us calm and secure through adversity. The peace that leads us through all the storms that come into our lives. Father, thank You for my life and Your Presence in it. In Jesus Name. Amen, Amen & Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 15, 2011
I bow before the Throne of God ....I pledge my Loyalty to our Lord and Savior...I am the Robot of the Most High God...mold and perfect me Holy Spirit of God to fulfill the Will of my Master...and my life.....Jesus King of the Jews...Yeshua the Christ...Glory to Yahweh...the Mighty God of Creation....Bless your Bosom Israel...Holy sweet Spirit have your way in my life...Use me for your Kingdom ...Glory!!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 16, 2011
Our Father who art in heaven...hallowed be thy name...Dear is the time of year where so many people are broken...lonely...hungry for truth... searching for looking for this in all the wrong places...Jesus Help them all...Father!! allow your Holy Spirit to minister unto them...right now Lord. There are some broken...twisted ....faceless people standing before you...Lord you know them all...only you lord can help...Savior .. Redeemer..Comforter...pour
Sally S. Richter
December 16, 2011
Dear Father in heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ. You are our God, our Lord, our king. I thank You for the protection You are continually giving to us Your children. I am, we are lifting up Your name on the congregation of the saints who gathers here in this wall church, outside of this wall of Yours and everywhere in the world. We praise, glorify and thank You. Thank You so much for everything, be it loneliness or happiness, hardships or richness, sickness or health, in dryness, in abundance, sorrow or joy, or whatever. I still want to thank You about everything for You are with me, You are with us. You are the real meaning of our life. The true happiness and meaning my heart longs for and looking forward to spend eternity. I believe everything has a reason and a purposed and a real meaning and only You know but Your goodness, kindness and loving mercy will remain for eternity, for those who seek to persevere until the end forever and ever. I am continually praying with Your children and for Your children. We are Lord are continually praying for each and everyone of us. Amen. I like wise Lord is begging for Your mercy, mercy on all of us. Be merciful and grant us always peace and forgiveness. Remember each one of us and our loved ones when the trumpet sounds. Have mercy Lord. Have mercy on Your great name even to the lost souls, in Lord Jesus mighty name , I pray. Amen! amen!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 17, 2011
Jesus You are Lord exalted above everything in heavens & on earth.We honour Your Great Name today.In Your Name there is Salvation,in Your Blood there is Redemption.You Lord Jesus is the Truth,King of Righteousness, Prince of Life.
We love You Saviour.We express our Love to You by accepting to carry Your Cross daily & submission to the Will of Our Father in Heaven.We ask You Lord Jesus to Hold our hands tight and lead us to the paths of Righteousness.Purify the Cores of Our hearts with Your Precious Blood; destroy the Power of sin completely within us.Helps us to die completely to the fleshly desires.
Garment us with Your Blood to be able to appear in the presence of Our Father Jehovah God.
Thank You because,those the Father Has given to You will never be snatched away from Your Bosom.
We are Your Children Jesus,guard us Jealously from any snares and baits of the enemy.
Thank You because of Your Love Jesus,bearing the pain to give us Life.We are forever thankful.
Hossanna, blessed is You Jesus who is sitted in the Right hand of God in Heaven.I pray this believing in Your Mighty Tremendeous Name Jesus Christ.Amen!
Ed Gen
December 17, 2011
Jesus I, give You thanks for the safety and Your loving care for me and my family. Thank you for your goodness and compassion. I love You and I give You back the honor, glory, and thanksgiving.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 18, 2011
Mighty Holy Spirit of God...Blessed sweet Spirit of the Almighty God...How I thank thee for your words of wisdom ...Knowledge and the wonderful beautiful words that are given to worship our Lord.. I thank thee for being my Leader. Thank thee for being my voice...Thank you for being the great and mighty Revelator...the Brain of this world and beyond. Thank thee for being the life... line between heaven and earth..Thank your for the gift of life..Without you Holy Spirit..Mankind would be lost and confused...there would be emptiness’ and barrenness...nature would moan without your are life to every subject on earth. You are the sweet Spirit of God...who makes every thing possible on earth... I thank thee Holy Spirit ...Oh mighty Yahweh...Bless you...Bless your Holy Spirit ...Thank you Lord Jesus...What is man without his spirit ...the bodily frame will die and go back to the dust but the spirit...the most important force of the physical body will live on if under the blood but will be condemned to hell if not in tuned with the Holy Spirit of God ......The Spirit of God is God himself; doing the work amongst men...Thank you!! Blessed Spirit of the Most High God. I bow before the Throne of Almighty God...Jesus and thank Him for his special gift of Love ...His Holy Blessed Spirit...Shalom!!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 18, 2011
Blessed Holy Spirit of God thank you for your insight into many problems and negativity floating around me.. Lord I thank you for your grace and mercies upon my lives and your people. I give you Special thanks Lord for your Blood ..the powerful blood; Lord that reverses all evil...makes every wrong right and your Blood which sanctifies us and make us worhty to be heard by our Heavenly Father ..Mighty Yahweh ..the God of Israel..the God of creation. I ask Jesus for a double portion of you that my tongue Lord will be bold to proclaim your truth; despite the many oppositions...Lord!! you always come to my rescue who has called me by my name..and has anointed me for your purpose...I humbly bow before you Lord and ask that your prove the nay sayers and scoffers wrong...let them be confused and confounded in their own bitterness..I pray for a lowly heart ..touch my heart..touch my soul...allow me to love them all through your eyes...hear them through your ears and speak to them with your Fire on my tongue...I am you servant...meek and low...honored to be called your daughter...humbled by your grace..your mighty ..your power ..your humility...I thank thee Daddy..for you are the Hill I look up to...the voice upon the waters that is mighty ..yet gentle like the breeze that bloweth on a lazy summer's day. How I love thee FAther...Perfect me Holy Spirit I would be an instrument of great Honor unto the name of our Lord and Savior ..Father!! may your peace flow from me like a great river ..that supply water to the masses....Let your peace and love flow all to the glory of your Kingdom...clothed me in your Holiness and righteousness...There is beauty in worshipping you Lord...In your Holiness and Righteousness...You!! precious Lord is my prize....I cherish you forever and ever..Selah..
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 18, 2011
Good mornin Jesus....Father ..forgive me for any sin I migh have committed knowingly or unknowingly....Lord this morning I wash myself with your precious Blood and seal my territory with fire...Holy liquid fire from the Altar of God....Holy Ghost fire.. to enable my voice to be heard...Hallelujah...Daddy
Sarah Riedel
December 18, 2011
Sarah Riedel
December 18, 2011
Gracious and loving heavenly Father, we praise YOU along with my Brothers and Sisters here in The LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHURCH! You are the source of all power and might.Your wisdom is matched by none.We are so thankful that You show us a way of life that doesn't demean us, but develops us. We fall at Your feet, and lo - we rise to new purposes and new achievements. We are eternally grateful Almighty Father Yahweh.
Thank You for each blessings You have bestowed to all of us and for answering our prayers no matter how simple it may seem YOU are listening intently and full of compassion.Thank YOU LORD for giving us strength and providing us our needs in every situation.Thank YOU LORD for filling our hearts with YOUR love making it easier for us to love difficult people around us.Thank YOU LORD for carrying our loads making our burden lighter and bearable.You are so amazing GOD,our BELOVED LORD JESUS! How can we not praise YOU! Thank YOU for the dreams and visions that YOU are giving us...helping us to take heed and to pray even more and draw closer to YOU! Thank YOU LORD for the beautiful,wonderful things that YOU prepared for us in heaven,waiting for us to enjoy them.Thank YOU for YOUR presence LORD,we cant live without YOU.Thank YOU for YOUR mercy that endures forever! Thank You LORD for never changing. Thank You for listening and hearing. Thank You for Your faithful friendship.
Father there are thousand reasons to thank and praise YOU and the list just goes on and on...our hearts and our lips will praise YOU tirelessly.
Sally S. Richter
December 18, 2011
Oh Lord, You said, Without You, we can do absolutely nothing And You also said "ask and you shall receive. Inspire us Lord with You grace throughout this day, proportion it to all our needs and give us strength to avoid anything evil and to practice at all times things which is pleasing to You. Grant us the grace to bear patiently all the trials that is just suddenly coming on our way, knowing that You permit them to happen and You are in control no matter what. Above all teach us always to love You above all things, to trust in You whatever difficulties we are facing and put in our hearts always the love and patience on one another and whomsoever is putting our hearts to the test that we can survived the evils of the present times. Grant us the grace of protection, guidance, of sound mind focused only in You and the truth about You and In You. Renew our spirit and revive us from the tiredness, breath in us Your Holy Spirit Lord and make our spirit fresh as the morning dew. Help us always to walk in Your will and ways alone. This I pray in Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 18, 2011
O God, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, in the Name of Jesus Christ,
We humbly pray for all sorts and conditions of men and women, precious brothers and sisters in Christ that you would make your ways known to them.
More especially we pray for the congregation of the universal church that it may so
guided and governed by your Holy Spirit.
We pray that all who profess and call themselves Christians may be led into the way
of truth and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life.
Finally, we commend to your fatherly goodness all those who are in any way afflicted or distressed in mind, body or spirit to enable us to live victoriously.
We give you thanks for hearing our common concerns,in the Name if Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Tehillah Fu
December 18, 2011
Thank you Father in Heaven, in the precious name of Jesus Christ, today our local church are witnessing and evangelizing Your salvation and Your mighty Kingdom to the lost souls in different areas in Hong Kong. Thank you Lord for Your great mercy, everlasting love for the lost. Thy Kingdom come Lord!! Thy will be done on the earth!!! Thank You Lord Jesus for bringing all these lost souls into Your kingdom. We give all glory, worship, honor and praises unto You. Jesus please cover the saved souls by Your holy blood and Holy Spirit of God lead them in every aspect of life into Your righteousness and holiness. Teach them Your ways, show them Your truth with wisdom and knowledge. We honor You, exalt Your mighty name with fear and love above all. Glory forever be to Our beloved Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit of God!! Hallelujah!!!
Tehillah Fu
December 18, 2011
Leaving Hong Kong tonight heading to Bangalore, India for 3 days. Dear Heavenly Father/Lord Jesus, I know it well deep in my heart, no matter where I go, Your abundant grace, everlasting love, mercy and blessings always follow me and keep me safe in Your loving hands. Father but wherever I go, my greatest and only desire is to dwell in Your presence and to know more about You. Strengthen me Lord, for only You see what lies ahead of my ways. Lead me and teach me precious Holy Spirit of God, as a lamp to shine for Your kingdom purpose. Anoint me with Holy Spirit oil Lord, that whoever I witness You to when chance comes, even member of Freemason, Your outpouring mercy and love flow into their heart and lead them individually under Your will for salvation. Father have mercy for your lost children. God/Lord Jesus, all glory, power, honor and praises forever be to You only. Thank you Father for everything!!! Hallelujah!!! Thy Kimgdom comes on earth Lord!!! Glory!!
Daniel Pasaribu
December 18, 2011
Grant unto us, Almighty God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, all time of sore distress, the comfort of the forgiveness of our sins. In time of darkness give us blessed hope, in time of sickness of body give us quiet courage; and when the heart is bowed down, and the soul is very heavy, and life is a burden, and pleasure a weariness, and the sun is too bright, and life too mirthful, then may that Spirit, the Spirit of the Comforter, who will lead us to live and walk according to Your Commandments and to fear the Lord until the end of the age.
Lord Jesus, after our days of darkness may there be the clear shining of the heavenly light; that so, being uplifted again by Thy mercy, we may pass on through this our mortal life with quiet courage, patient hope, and unshaken trust, hoping through Thy loving-kindness and tender mercy to be delivered from death into the large life of the eternal years. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 19, 2011
Good Morning family and friends on Fb...I thank thee for the many people who are truly supporting each other in the walk to the finish line...This race is almost over and today I am lifting up all my friends and family here and in the world..asking God to give them a greater understanding of who He is; and their role in the Body of Christ Jesus: Precious Savior please cleanse us under your Blood; sanctify us and make us whole so our voices can be heard and our prayers answered; As I lift them up; I also ask; that I am lifted up in prayer so that the Will of our Father will be done in my life...We all need prayers this very second before the coming of our King..... Lord!!...I ask thee to bless and favor your children this season to enable them to provide for their families; touch them if they are sick; heal them under your precious blood; Father!! be there for them in all their worries; for the people Lord who are struggling in their spiritual life;I ask that your Holy Spirit minister unto them and perfect their walk so that they will gain their Reward...Eternal Life with you...Lord you know our needs and wants and I ask that you examine our hearts and bless us all accordingly...Praise your precious name Lord Jesus; thy will be done in our lives. Thank you God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Selah
Edie Porter
December 19, 2011
Father God/Jesus. I praise , love and glorify you for your never ending love, mercy, and faithfulness. I am so thankful for the ways in which you surprise your children with such good things. I praise and thank you for the best birthday gift I have ever received. Knowing that you consider me to be your daughter, was the best birthday gift I could receive. Even though I did not receive any birthday wishes from my own two daughters, finding out that you consider me to be your daughter, meant everything to me. I thank you and glorify you. Your love, mercy and faithfulness does endure to all generations. Glory to the Lord on High! May we praise and glorify forever!
San Davis
December 19, 2011
Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. thanking You that all Israel will be saved according to Romans 11:26. Thank You that Israel will hope in the Lord for with You there is loving kindness, and with You Lord there is abundant redemption, and You will redeem Israel from all his iniquities according to Psalms 130:7-8. Thank You Father that You have taken away Israel’s punishment, You have turned back Israel’s enemy. Thank You that the king of Israel is with Israel; never again will Israel fear any harm. Thank You Father that You are with Israel, You are mighty to save, You will take great delight in Israel. You will quiet Israel with Your love, You will rejoice over Israel with singing. Thank You that You will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered. You will give Israel praise and honor in every land where they have been put to shame. At that time You will gather Israel; at that time You will bring Israel home according to Zephaniah 3:15-20. Heavenly Father, thank You that You will give honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when You restore Israel’s fortunes before her very eyes. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray with thanksgiving. Lord, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Amen, Amen and Amen!
Joseph G Muiruri
December 20, 2011
Increase our Faith today Abba Father.Help us to move to a Higher level of Faithfulness to Your Will.By Faith you impute Righteousness to Your Saints.Blessedness comes by Faith in Your Promises.
Help us LORD to bear works Pertaining to Faith in You.
Those who trust upon You Jehovah will grow strong and do exploits in the Spiritual.Give us this Kind of Faith,to overcome the flesh & move deep in Your Spirit to experiece Your Awesome Beauty.
Mighty Lord,those who wait upon You, will renew their strength, mount up with wings like eagles,run and never be weary,walk and not faint [Isaiah 40:31].Re-energize us today to hold on Your Truth,no matter the circumstance we find ourselves in.Nothing can separate us from You.We have Your Great wonderful Name as Our Safe Tower & Refuge.
Cover us today with the Blood of Jesus Christ.Increase our Faith Always amidst the storms of Life.By Faith You shall give us Victory in Salvation & Life Eternal.Thank You Father God.You are Just & Faithful forever,We pray this prayer Faithfully believing in the Holy Name of Your Son Jesus,AMEN!!
Rina Odermatt
December 21, 2011
Father in heaven, I choose to trust in You. Even when things don’t go the way I planned, I know You are at work in my life. Thank You for Your perfect love which casts out all fear. I love You and surrender every area of my life to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sharon Kay Sell
December 21, 2011
Dear Lord, I awoke about a hour ago unable to sleep & feel you calling me to pray, so here I am. I pray as all mpthers do firstly for my children, grandchildren, husband & closest family. I plead the precious blood of Jesus upon us to surround us like a shield, to protect us from satan & all the powers & principalities of darkness, from all those who serve him,to help us overcome the stumbling blocks & temptations he puts between us & You Lord. A shield to heal us Lord, spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally, head to toe Lord inside & out, to shield us from the dangers of the world around us no matter what form that danger might take Lord, I plead Your precious blood upon us all to protect us from all these things with unconditional trust & belief in the power of the blood of Jesus! I pray for this prayer to cover all my brothers & sisters everywhere & to protect those with ministries gathering in souls & spreading Your word Lord. I pray for the homeless & those caught in the middle where wars are going on. I pray for all the lost wandering & seeking not knowing it is you they seek. Please Father, give someone, somewhere the words to speak to lead them all to You. I pray that all my loved ones that haven't asked You into their heart DO ask You, giving themselves to You & turning their lives around for I love them so much Father. I lift up Rosie Garretson & her husband Ben to you in prayer Lord. I ask that You be with them this morning when Rosie goes in at 7 to have her surgery for the breast cancer. Guide the.hands of her surgeons Lord & please heal her in the name of Jesus, according to her needs & Your will. Lord, thank You for loving us so much.You sent Your only precious Son to die for our sins. Remind everyone Lord as Christmas gets closer, this is why we are celebrating. It is the day set aside to honor the birth of Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ so they all need to remember to keep Him the center of it all...keeping Christ in Christmas. I ask Lord that You help my husband Tommy as his health is getting worse as is mine. Please bless & heal us both, help me get stronger so I can take better care of us. Please Lord, help us be able to get our home repaired so it will br warm & not leak. I have came to You with many petitions tonight Lord, many requests. But I also come to You with a heart full of thanks & gratitude for all the blessings that You have given me. My family Lord, You have blessed me with a big beautiful family & circle of friends & I am not alone here & with You as my Lord I will never be alone. Thank You for my life & the gift of forgiveness & eternal life through Christ Jesus. I love You Lord & to You all the praise & glory. In Jesus name, Amen
Sarah Riedel
December 21, 2011
Dear Lord, thank You for the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. And thank You for ensuring the story of His life has been recorded for me to read. Fill me with Your presence as I do, and help me to be as gracious and as (for)giving as You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Bianca Ambrose
December 21, 2011
My prayer for the Nations
Let the nations be awakened!Let the earth hear the voice of the Lord!
Judge the nations in Your sight, Father, and put them to fear,
that they might know themselves to be but men.
Father, the whole creation groans and labors to be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of your children OH God.Send forth Your Spirit of Truth to bear witness of You,and to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
Cause them to repent and to turn from their idols.
Shake the nations, so they will come to the Desire of All Nations(Jesus).
Father, cause Your people to rise up. Gather Your mighty ones to prepare for war.
Bring the multitudes into the valley of decision. Send Your ambassadors into all the nations.
Open to them a door for the Word, to speak the mystery of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the gospel of the kingdom may be preached in all the world.
You have declared to Your people the power of Your works,giving them the heritage of the nations.Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord!
Father, gather the nations together, that they may worship Thee, and exult Thee in all the earth.
Let all the nations be blessed through Your people, and let the wealth of the heathen be gathered together and be delivered into the hands of Your people for your work. Send forth Your salvation to the ends of the earth,and make Your enemies to be Your footstool.
Rina Odermatt
December 21, 2011
GOD THE FATHER IN HEAVEN KING YAWEH, thank You for sending Your SON, JESUS, so that I could be free to live an abundant life in You. Fill me with the revelation of Your love and everything that You have for me in Jesus’ name.and the HOLY SPIRIT,AMEN.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 21, 2011
Lord Jesus, Today and forever, You alone are to be lifted up on high, worshipped and glorified by every human being on this earth. You are beautiful in all Your ways, pure and righteous above all others. You are the Lamb of God we choose to worship! You loved us first without reservation even to the sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary. You reach out from heaven to this earth and willingly draw us to Yourself. You provide all our needs and You charge us to trust in You and live a life of peace.
We bow down before You, for You are here knowing You alone are worthy of our worship, praise and thanksgiving. Our hearts quicken at the very real knowledge of Your Manifest Presence and Your hope floods through our veins causing us to bow down and rejoice. There is none like You, Jesus and on this new day and the days,weeks and months to come, we ask You to transform our hearts into Your likeness. We seek after You in all we do, think, and feel and we willingly lay down my life and all my brethren here in this church surrendering all for Your glory and for the good of Your kingdom needs and Your kingdom people.
Lord Jesus, We do not have all the answers for the things happened in our lives and we never will! We do have faith of God that increases exponentially and we have been blessed through Your Holy Spirit with a trust and a hope that can only be explained by His divine intervention in my life and all my brethren here in this congregation.
However, We are always seeking after love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, righteousness, faithfulness gentleness and self control. We are looking out with renewed eyes, renewed ears, renewed hope, and our faith is being lifted up on eagle's wings.
Because You love and desire to use all of us, You are protecting, refining and transforming our hearts through worshipping, praising and thanksgiving. We are living in the reality of the belief that "nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37) We are surrounded by challenges that even a few short years ago would have caused us to run away yet in the middle of it all, We have Your peace which "transcends all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).
Lord Jesus, I believe, that You have allowed us this great pursuit of a thankful life for a reason. I believe that many praying this prayer are in desperate need of a heart transplant. You charged me many years ago to mount my watchtower, listen, learn, and pray for those You bring to me. That is what I am doing this morning. I humbly bow my knee on behalf of my brothers and sisters here in this church and other places everywhere around the world in seeking Your Holy Spirit’s wisdom, knowledge and power to guide this prayer. I pray each life being touched by You through this prayer would have their hearts transformed. I ask You to release them from bondage of anxiety, confusion, hopelessness, helplessness and despair. I ask You to gently remind them they were never intended to live a life overwhelmed by these counterfeit strategies. Help them to live free to live in peace to live purpose-filled live and to reveal Christ in all they do let by the Holy Spirit for the expansion of Your Kingdom on this earth.
You have called us, to a holy standard, pure motivations, unconditional love. You show us the path, and You reveal Yourself around every corner. You remind us constantly that we are as close to You as we want to be and that is our choice. Today we pray for those You send us to step up and step out into the deeper realization of a transformed life in Jesus. We ask You, Lord, to stir feelings in their hearts and spirits as they recognize the truth of Your Maninfest Presence.
Lord Jesus, We pray for the fruit of the Holy Spirit to penetrate every fiber of their being. Wake up Your children wherever they live to restore their peace to empower them through the power of the Holy Spirit within. Free them from fears, bondages of any kind to teach and guide them Your ways with Your Own Eyes. May all who pray this prayer be filled with worship to You our God. May they rejoice in You (Philippians 4:4–7) -- "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again - Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Lord Jesus, We trust You to transform each soul for whom we pray and as You do we ask You to release them into the world wherever they serve with a renewed understanding of their place in the Body of Christ and a deepening love, faith, hope and trust that will cast out all fears or anxieties.
We present to You all the glory and honor, for You are our greatest hope, strength and treasure to help us to put You first above all else, knowing without reservation that You provide for Your beloved Children on this earth and You came to save and restore us especially when we are watching, waiting and be ready and get prepared for the soon coming of the Lord Jesus. In Your Holy Name, we pray, Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 21, 2011
Armor of God Prayer (Ephesians 6:10-18):(FROM SUSAN DAVIS)
Lord Jesus, place around me and my family’s waist the belt of truth. Me and my family will know the truth and the truth will set us free. We are free because whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. My family and I are free from Sexual Sin, Lust of the flesh, Immorality, Lies, Love of Money, Hatred, Deceitfulness, Violence, Greed, Gossip, Falsehood, Dishonesty, Contentions and any evil act the comes from the Devil and his demonic presence.
We are sons and daughters of God Almighty, the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth and the truth sets us free from any Bondage, Slavery, or Oppression. Lord Jesus Christ you will direct me and my family with your eyes, and the truth of the power of God Almighty through the Holy Spirit. We have wisdom and fear through the knowledge of God, the Holy Spirit will also instruct us in the ways we should walk. My family and I put on the breastplate of righteousness, because of the cross Jesus has placed upon us the robe of righteousness, we are the righteousness of Christ Jesus, God Almighty.
We plead the Blood of Jesus over ourselves today and forever. Forgive us of our Sins this day and cover them through your precious Blood which you shed for us at Calvary. Convict us Holy Spirit of any wrong doing and search our hearts of any Secret Sins. The righteous are as bold as a lion and we thank you for the boldness to do your will today and forever and help us to speak your word with great boldness and authority in Christ Jesus. We are established today and forever in your righteousness and power through the Holy Spirit and through the covering of the Blood of Jesus. Our feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace and the Gospel of truth and Love. Help us to prepare to give our testimony to others anywhere at any time today and forever more. We thank you Lord that you have made a covenant with me and my family that your laws and your words are written on our hearts and in our minds and into our confessions through our tongues. Jesus you said that you put your words in our mouths and we proclaim your every word which is declared in the Word of God. Let our lives reflect the Gospel of peace and anointing power of the Holy Spirit through the precious blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Please send many people across our paths today and forever so to share the Gospel and proclaim your mighty works and use us Lord Jesus to bless many today and forever more. We take up the shield of faith which quenches every fiery dart of the enemy and Satan’s Demonic Forces. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world so we are over comers in our Lord Jesus Christ who strengthens us in all our ways and in every Situations and Circumstances. We thank you for our Angels, we have Angels of the Lord that encamps around us and we are protected from the evil one, delivered from the enemy’s grip of this present world. You placed on our heads the helmet of salvation, the hope of glory and we have the mind of Christ which no weapon formed against us will prosper. We think, Dwell and Say things which are good, pure, perfect, mighty in victory and with a good report that always shows the character of Jesus our Lord & Savior. Please take authority over our Mind, Feelings and Desires and have us crucify the flesh and be filled with the Spirit of God at all times. In you Jesus we have authority over all the power of the enemy and we choose to cast down every vain and vague imagination that tries to exalt itself in the knowledge and wisdom of God and we will bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. We belong to Jesus and give the Holy Spirit control over our thoughts and intentions of the heart. We submit our minds to God, we resist the devil and as it’s written: Rebuke the Devil Steadfastly and he will flee: We take up the sword of the Spirit and Faith and use it on the offense to defeat and trample over Satan and his principalities. We will not shrink back but move forward and kill the adversary with his deceptions and lies in this world. We are mighty Soldiers of Christ our Lord and we wrestle against principalities and rulers in high places. We thank you for the power of the Word, it is sharper than any two-edged sword in which we use to fight and defeat the enemy with, also your word will not return back void but accomplish the Task and Purpose it was sent out to do. Your Word is the truth and the light of this World which is in us. Jesus you are not a man that should Lie or Mislead but your word is very clear and powerful. We are doers of the Word and achieve great and mighty acts through it, Father also your Word is a lamp unto our Feet and a light unto our paths. We will hide your Word in our hearts so that we will never sin against you. We will pray in the Spirit on all occasions and pray at every chance we get because the Spirit will pray through us the will of God and help us to speak in Tongues at all times. This builds up our inner Man and gives us strength for the entire days ahead. We will pray for the Saints according to your word. We thank you that the glory of the Lord is our rear guard; we shall praise you today and forever more. Let the high praises of God be in our mouths and a two-edged sword in our hands. We will praise you because you are worthy of our praise day and night. You placed on us a garment of praise for a spirit of worship. Put a new Song in our hearts Lord and let your praises be continually on our lips. We thank you Lord Jesus that you are a God of Healing, Provision, and Restoration; you are our Healer and Redeemer through your precious blood at Calvary. It is your will for us to be healed and delivered of any Sickness, Disease, Pain or Affliction. You took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses on the Cross, you said you heal all thy diseases and take all of our infirmities. You are our provider and those who seek you will not lack any good thing. You will prosper us just as our soul prospers. As we seek you first, you will add all things unto us. All our needs are met in Christ Jesus. You have made a covenant with us that as we tithe, give offerings, help the needy, comfort the poor, provide for the orphans and the widows and seek whom we can bless in the time of need that you will supply all our needs and we shall reap according to your will and promise. You are a God of restoration, as we plead with you and walk pure and upright, you will rouse yourself on our behalf and restore in us to our rightful place. You will restore what the worms and moths have eaten-up, you will also restore our soul. We thank you Lord that we walk in the Fruit of the spirit and pray that our Fruits are evident and abundant in all that we do for your Kingdom and Glory. It is not by might, not by power, but by your spirit says the Lord. We have Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control, Humility, Humbleness and are anointed with Holy Spirit to Teach, Preach and talk like Christ and have the mind of Christ at all times, this is our personality and character in you, we ask for the gifts of the Spirit. Your word says to seek the gifts, we want to edify others and pray for others through these gifts. We ask you for the message of Wisdom and Fear in you, the Message of Knowledge, the Gift of Faith, the Gifts of Healing, Miraculous Powers, Gift of Prophecy, Discerning of the Spirit, Speaking in Various Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues - as your will desires in our lives Lord. Help us to Encourage and have Compassion and love for many people every day of our lives through the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Fire of God Almighty poured down from Heaven. We pray all these requests in the Holy name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the blood on the Cross at Calvary. Your name is above every other name that was that Is and that ever Will be and all things are placed under your feet. All authority has been given unto you in Heaven and on Earth. In Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer we live, in you we move and in you we have our being.
In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen
Leslie Kail Villarreal
December 22, 2011
Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over America right now. Protect this country that was bought and paid for by the blood of many saints who gave their lives to create a country that worshiped you and was one nation under YOU Lord! I stand in here in the gap for this country and plead for your protection and blessing against the enemy on my country. No weapon formed against it shall prosper! Restore our leadership and take over our governments in full submission and authority to You Father. Answer the prayers of all your people here that worship you and restore dignity back to the United States. Pour out your Holy spirit fire here here and wash us clean and make us once a gain a great nation UNDER GOD, INDIVISABLE with Liberty and Justice for all!
Lord now I lift up the my state of California to you. This has been the place of such great creativity. Lord you are the giver of Creativity. You blessed us to bring forth from this place amazing technology such as the world has ever seen! Lord you gave your people such powerful an amazing companies here such as Google, Apple computers, PIXAR, ETC. The Internet was born HERE. Lord, use everything here for YOUR gLory. I rebuke the enemy who has tried to take all your gifts and turn them to evil. Lord I pray your kingdom would come here and rule as it is in heaven, restore creativity to your people and to this amazing state. This time, let the creativity of this state be used for YOUR glory! Bring your consuming love, burning passion and hunger hear to your people in California for YOU! Lord hear our prayers as we stand over our cities and pray for deliverance and protection onto your loving hands. Start here in at the top of the state and rain your Holy spirit fire down to the bottom. TAKE OVER OUR CHURCHES and fill them with pastors who are FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT! Lord burn out all the iniquity and make it COOL TO BE A CHRISTIAN HERE! Lift up your people and here our prayers!. WE LOVE YOU! In Jesus name, AMEN!
Fred McConnell
December 22, 2011
Holy Father, In hearfelt prayer with all thanksgiving, please watch over the children and the adults who didn't just find some time, but made time to bring truth and love to children, who otherwise may not have come to know their Lord and Savior and what Christmas truly means. Please watch over the children and bless those branches who know what bearing fruit in Your Holy Spirit is all about. To You belongs all the praise, honor, and glory, for Thou are worthy of such things. Amen
Sally S. Richter
December 22, 2011
Dearest Father in heaven. In the name of Your loving son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You so much for the help on accessing again my account and in Your church. Thank You for my husband who even is tired from work always has an ear to listen to my request. Thank You so much for everything. In difficulties and even in pain, for then I can see Your loving kndness when You moved. You are our awesome God and You will never leave Your children no matter how difficult we go through in this world. Ialways believe You are just watching us seeing our hearts and the intentions inside. Give me always Lord a persevering heart, that knows only patience and knows how to wait for Your help and answer patiently. Trusting in You at all times. Knowing always everything is set by You and You are always in control of everything. Thank You God/Lord Jesus for everything as always. I love You Lord always! Amen. Glory to You Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Sally S. Richter
December 22, 2011
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. Amen. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours. Now and for ever and ever. Amen!
Tehillah Fu
December 23, 2011
Thank you Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you for Your protection hand guiding me safely back to my home town with abundant love and mercy from my business trip from India. God/Lord Jesus, my heart goes out to the lost souls in India, the children, the poor and the elderly, unbelievers... Lord Jesus please have mercy on every one of them and lead them to Your salvation cross by Your will.
Lord I also lift up the ones I met/worked with/the whole crew in that Banglore Hotel project over the years. Jesus our merciful mighy Savior have mercy on their souls and open their eyes to know Your sacrifice for each one of them, Your truth and life. Father God, everything is in vain without having You to be Our center of life, the real meaning of our existence. I lift up in prayer especially for Seema, Shenoy, Ameya, Ajay, Ridhima, Manish, Martin, Simon, Paolo, Jose, Lawrence and Jayshanka. Lord please show Your great love and grace to them, touch them individually in a special way and bring them back to Your Kingdom.
All praises, glory and honor forever and ever be to You only. I exalt Your holy mighy name. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!!! Glory to You Lord!!! King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!!! Hallelujah!!! Glory!!!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 24, 2011
Father ..bring me down...touch me father....touch my mind..the battle is yours.....people are strange....the serpent is at war with the Bride of Christ...deception is high...Even the very people you pray with are attacking in their subtle ways....but spiritual eyes and ears see and know. Who is at war...Eph 6:12 we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Rethink...stratergize...un
Fred McConnell
December 24, 2011
The following is being reposted today as a love offering to our Lord for His day, Dec. 25, which we as Christians have come to know as Christmas. He has also shared with me to continue this program for another day to come which we know as Easter. Thus it will be an Easter Basket of Goodness and Kindness for the children of men. More will be posted soon. I pray all a most Spirit filled and joyous Christmas.
Sunday’s Message: To the Church Body of our Lord Jesus Universal Salvation Church and members of The Light Of The World Fellowship Group.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, all who labor upon this glorious wall. Let us now labor for the children, the parents, grandparents, children of our friends and neighbors. May this child’s prayer reach into your hearts today.
May every eye see, every ear hear, and every heart perceive. The Word of God is our faithful prophecy and the Spirit of God our faithful guide in all we see is being done within our Church and upon this wall.
Truly, truly, I say to you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father. And whatever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may glorified in the Son. If you shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If you love me, keep my commandments. John 14:12-15
Our Wailing Wall is established: (See Ezra & Nehemiah)
For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burns. And the Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory: and you shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall your land any more be termed Desolate: but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah: for the LORD delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you: and as the bride-groom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you. I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: you that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence.
And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. The LORD has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Surely I will no more give your corn to be meat for your enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink your wine, for the which you have labored: But they that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the LORD; and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness. Go through, go through the gates; prepare you the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people. Behold the LORD has proclaimed to the end of the world, Say you to the daughter of Zion, Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and you shall be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken. Isaiah 62
Holy Father,
I refuse to remain quiet. Touch those who pray and give praise on this wall, as well to draw out those who remain quiet in the shadows of this wall to come forth and fellowship with us, for we long for them in love as a family in You. May they begin to think and feel for the salvation of children, who otherwise may be lost. To the praise, honor, and glory of Your glorious Son. I’ve shared the message of A Basket Filled With Goodness and Kindness upon certain Christian sites, groups, and personal messages for 25 days now. I’m thankful for new doers and the returning doers from previous years and pray for their success in blotting out the X and placing Christ back into Christmas for the children of their families, and their friends and neighbors families. Bless these doers of Your Holy Word and the children and the children being enlightened by their efforts. May Christmas be filled with Your Word and Spirit this year for the unloved that they become the loved, to your praise, honor, and glory. Amen.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 24, 2011
Lord Jesus!!..... you are the basket of goodness coming through your children....this Day Lord Jesus is all about you ...Jesus..the savior of this World...I do hope Lord that all your children near and far will see this day through your eyes and share the basket of cheer...your Gospel to all who are willing to listen...I thank thee for the gifts that are oupouring through your children...which your Holy Spirit has generously given...Bless us all Lord...Bless your children all around the World...Lord ...let your light shine on the forgotten people of society..and let your angels tell them of the Christ who is celebrated on this special day...Christmas...Happy Holidays to one and all in the name of Jesus ...Our lord...Savior and Coming King of all Kings
Sally S. Richter
December 24, 2011
Dear God. Thank You so much for giving us Your son our Lord Jesus Christ. People in the world are remembering Your birth. I can feel in my heart what is mos important is for the person/people to remember You and Your coming for us. I would love Lord to always remember You at all times for its much more than like a snow in the brings so much happiness in my life and heart. Christmas time or Your birth gives joy to the souls..glory to You Lord/God for Your loving kindness upon us all. Thank You so much GOD for sending us Your loving son..our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You so much Lord. Amen. amen!
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 24, 2011
Dear sister is only fitting that we take this time to thank you ... this very special time of the year...the celebration of the Birth of our Lord and Savior...the High Priest of this church...Lord Jesus universal Salvation Church. We truly thank you for being the mouth piece of our Lord and Savior .... and for being the very person whom our Lord called to organize his church on FB. We appreciate all your hard works and efforts to keep order in his church and to follow the directives of his Holy Spirit. Praise God. We thank each person who has contributed their time and energy to this church without walls. Father!! Bless your children richly...bless our Dear Sally and continue to anoint her and all your workers with your Fire; to enable us to fulfill your plans and purposes for this administration all to the glory of your Kingdom. Father!! Let your love...your power..your peace....your mystique be felt through this wall of great Hope and love.. Praise your name..Hallelujah. We bless you Father..we bless our sweet Holy Spirit for being the force behind these walls...glory to the Kingdom of God..Hallelujah. We thank brother Kenneth and sis San for their obedience to your Word. We thank all the other children sister Margareta.....sister Sarah...sister Beckie and myself for standing in prayers for this Wall of Hope in Christ Jesus...Praise God. Father Bless the other children Lord ..who are working so hard to maintain your wall.. I give special thanks to all the beautiful saints who are always praying...praising ...glorifying your name on your Wall..glory to God. Father bless the silent children (they are still heard by your).. and we pray that the lend their voices on you wall and be bold about your truth..praise God...We thank you all . Holy Spirit of God ..I asked of you; to direct me with this message...I thank thee for being my Leader. Lord Jesus !! fill us all with new fire to do your work her on the wall; and bring all the lost souls into the Kingdom of God...praise your name precious Lord...Once again Sister Sally.... we thank you and wish you and your Family Happy Holidays...and to all the members and their families ....Happy Happy Holidays...To God be all glory.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 25, 2011
Father in Heaven,The day of joy returns, and crowns another year with peace and good will.
Help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesus Chrsit, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men.
Close the doors of hate and open the doors of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil, by the blessing that Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clean hearts.
May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children,
And the Christmas evening bring us to our bed with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake.
Lord Jesus, the Light of the World, as we celebrate your birth, may we begin to see the world in the light of the understanding you give us. As you chose the lowly, the outcasts, and the poor to receive the greatest news the world had ever known, so may we worship you in meekness of heart. May we also remember our brothers and sisters less fortunate than ourselves in this season of giving. Amen.
Sarah Riedel
December 25, 2011
Thank YOU so much our Heavenly Father for the privilege of having us to serve YOU in YOUR own church,the LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHURCH.Its such a joy oh LORD to be able to serve a Faithful Loving Almighty GOD...the Creator of heaven and earth and its a joy to celebrate the birth of our BELOVED LORD and SAVIOR together with my dear Brothers and Sisters around the world through YOUR church LORD.We are so grateful for You came into this world,left YOUR throne,born to a virgin, lowly and simple to save the lost and reconciled us to our Heavenly Father.
How great is YOUR divine love! YOUR whole creation sings songs of jubilee...Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
We are forever grateful LORD...forever we give YOU praise and all the glory and honor belongs to YOU ABBA FATHER,our BELOVED LORD JESUS and BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT!
Leslie Kail Villarreal
December 25, 2011
Father, Your word says ALL things must be restored before Jesus returns. I'm longing for you to come and restore us, restor your plan for us and restore the Love in our hearts, pour out your will on this Earth. Acts 3:21 He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. We wait for for Malachi 4:5-6 “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” I believe you will bring a beautiful restoration to us which is about to happen. I love you Lord!
Elizabeth Anna Lumanauw
December 25, 2011
†Ñ’ąηks LORD JESUS,because of YOUR great love,we may celebrate this joyful Christmas, so Merry Christmas for all my brothers and sisters in LJUSC. Ǧ☺Ï‘ ßlεšŠYºü all.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 25, 2011
Our gracious, loving and merciful God in Heaven, on this Christmas Eve, the people all over the world will celebrate the birthday of Your Son, Jesus Christ, as the light of Your Word penetrates our hearts, as we are reminded of the gift of life and faith, as the glories of the heavenly hosts are echoed in our church, we open ourselves up to your Spirit and give you praise,worship and thanksgiving. We all pray, to instill in us a profound sense of your abiding presence of the Holy Spirit and help us to put into our hearts the wonder of your love, that we may walk in your ways and delight in your will. Help us, Lord God, to be the faithful, gracious, loving, giving and forgiving people you would have us to be and to restore the Wounderful Joy of Christmas to our hearts. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
Joseph G Muiruri
December 25, 2011
Jesus Christ,the Saviour of the World,we rejoice today with exceedingly great Joy.
You came from Heaven to show us the Way.
A King You are enthroned Eternally!
Your Kingdom has no end;It's everlasting.
You are adorned with Precious Gifts, depicting Your Stature & Nature.
Matthew 2:11 And when they had come into the house, they saw the Young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and WORSHIPED Him.And when they had opened their TREASURES, they presented gifts to Him:GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, and MYRRH.
GOLD - You are Precious Sweet Jesus,those who encounter You become rich in abudance.
Richness never found on earth,Treasure uncomparable.
This is what You are Jesus to us.Thank You so much.
FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH - You are a Sweet Fragrance Our Lord Jesus.You Ignite a desire in Our Hearts, to forever Stay at Your Feet Jesus.You are a friend who sticks closer than a brother.Being near You is Refreshing to Our Lives.You are very attractive in all Aspects.Everything about You Jesus is Supernatural; extraordinary.
In this Christmas, we Magnify Your Name & enthrone You in our hearts.You are Our Lord,we are You subjects.
Thank You so much Lord Jesus!
Edie Porter
December 25, 2011
Thank you Lord Jesus for sacrificing yourself for us so that we may have eternal life. You are the only hope for this dying world and my heart grieves, as yours does, that so many still will not heed your call. I know. You have knocked and knocked at the door of their hearts and people have not opened that door to you. You have sent prophets and they have been ignored. You have given dreams, visions and communication . Those of us whom have heard your knocking and opened the doors to our hearts to welcome you in, shout with joy in being able to celebrate your coming down from your Throne in Heaven and being humbly born in a manager, to save us. So many of us do look forward so eagerly for your imminent second coming to take us home. My heart aches to see your face and for us to hug each other in a warm embrace. I so yearn for that with all my heart. All praise, love, honor and glory and thanksgiving to the Lord on high. Hallelujah!
Edie Porter
December 26, 2011
Holy Lord Jesus Christ; I love, give thanksgiving to all that you are in the Glory of your Heavenly Divine Deity. My heart holds much love. My heart is true. In worshiping you in Spirit and Truth, I do not celebrate your birthday as being on December 25, because I feel so pained that my Lord and Savior's blessed birthday is assocaited with a pagan holiday. My heart grieves that your true birth date is not known, so a great travesty of disrespect can be rectified among the body of Christ. The only thing my heart knows to do is to wish you "belated birthday wishes." I say "belated" birthday wishes because it is suspected that your true physical birth was sometime in the early Fall of the year. You are indeed, the most important person that ever walked the face of the Earth, after leaving your Throne from on high to sacrifice yourself for all mankind. Even though your birthday upon this Earth has been and still is celebrated December 25, that still does not make it right. I pray Lord that it will be within your will to make it known to us the TRUE date of your birthday here on Earth over 2,000 years ago, so the error can be corrected within the body of Christ. I also ask that you forgive those whom have followed your December 25 birthday celebration tradition, as well as forgiving me. In now knowing that your birthday celebration is associated with a pagan holiday, I cannot wish you a December
happy birthday. It is too repungent for me to even think about doing it. Blessed be the name of the King of Kings forever. Much love forever.
Joseph G Muiruri
December 26, 2011
Lord Jesus we Celebrate Your Birth today.You are King of Kings My Jesus, Saviour of mankind.
Born in a Manger in Bethlehem, little did we know that You were sent of God, to be the ONLY WAY to Heaven & in You Life Eternal to Mortal men became POSSIBLE. We worship You Jesus for giving us Life in Fullness.
This day Lord Jesus help us to do a thorough check of our Garment and release Your Blood that Speaks Mercy to Purify us.
We Love You Jesus.You are Awesome in this place.
Leslie Kail Villarreal
December 26, 2011
Lord as I come to learn that my identity is a relationship with you, I will be able to sing, "All your waves and billows are gone over me," as my life becomes lost in YOUR life. This is the pupose for my life, and hearing your voice has now become my song.
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 26, 2011
DADDY JESUS!! Thank you for the grace upon our lives...thank you for all your mercies Lord...Thank you for your second chances...thank you for life...thank you for your truth...thank you for the beauty of life with you ...thank you for your Holy...beautiful Spirit....thank you for the reign upon our lives.....thank you for your Holy Fire....thank you for this heavenly madness of loving you without shame...thank you for the water of life you have provided for us.....thank your for being the source of goodness to the world...Hallelujah to your name...Jesus!! thou art worthy...we praise you...we adore your...we celebrate you...we lift up the cup of salvation in your name...we magnify your name...we lift you up on high ..we proclaim your name...Lord of all Lords and King of all Kings...Hallelujah...Holy sweet Spirit of God thank you for the words of praises of our Lord...thank you all to the glory of the Mighty Yahweh ..the God of Creation..The Mighty God of Israel who who gave us this Love child...Jesus...Hallelujah
Sally S. Richter
December 26, 2011
Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus me to love like You do. Help me and strenghten me in times of difficulties, adversities. Help me to understand others like how You understand me with so much patience and love. Help me to be patient with insults and shame and let me take it by a humble heart. Help me to do all things here on earth without complaining no matter how hard, painful and difficult it is. Help me and let me stay on the course of my destiny going through You, in Your kingdom, to Your promised of a perfect life. Help me to understand, everyday is part of my growth and walked with You. Help me to see Your face instead of the things here in this world. Help my heart, mind and soul to be focused in You alone and what You wanted me to do for You alone. Help me, heal me, mold me and make me die from this world. Help me Lord just to live above all for You and Your will alone in my life. Strenghten me Lord Jesus. Strenghten and cover my children with your light. Hide us Lord from the shadow of Your wings. Hide my daughter, my sons from the attacks of the enemies. Hide my husband, my whole family.I have pains and its like it will not end..but I knew its part of my works and walked with You. Thank You for making me understood about it..I am putting it all in Your feet..myself and all. And if my own sister and brother in a church where I am back physically attending, neighbor, friend, family hurt me Lord, let me forgive and accept them and love them unconditionally like how You accept me and love me unconditionally. I pray also at the end that they will realized, my work is not a waste of time but this things is Your their eyes for this Lord. Let them know..this is not in vain and You are here and You are the author of this all. And about the sins/hurts that others inflict me I forgive them in Your name Lord Jesus and if I hurt others please forgive me too. Help me, help us...and please have mercy and stay with us. Amen! Lord me. help us. Amen!
Marguerite Botha
December 26, 2011
Heavenly Father, I pray and thank you God for a save return for me and my family, I thank you Father for giving us the most special and most beautiful gift, your son our Precious Savior Jesus Christ, thank you Abba Father for loving us so much, for your grace, your mercy....
Jesus you are our King our Lord our Love, thank you Jesus for giving us a chance to be saved, giving us salvation, giving us freedom through your precious blood, thank you King for your unconditional love, your sacrifice, O' what a sacrifice you gave us, your life, your blood, thank you Jesus...
We celebrate your Birth for you are our King and Savior, thank you Jesus I love you so much, thank you for every blessings, protection your unfailing love, thank you Holy Spirit for your guidance, your wisdom, and thank you Father for sending your angels to protect us every hour of the day, we give Thee all the Glory, I pray for your hand to cover all of your children, our families and friends, Lord Jesus Universal Salvation Church, every member, Abba Father help us were we are weak give us strength, open our eyes and ears, were we are blind and death so we may see your perfect will for our paths/destiny, carry us in your loving hands...
Let your will be done Lord and not our own, I pray this in Jesus Mighty Wonderful Glorious Name...Amen!
Bianca Ambrose
December 26, 2011
My prayer for my beloved.
I thank You Father for my husband who loves me so unconditionally even as Christ also loved the church, and we shall be heirs together of the grace of life according to Your Word.
My Lord God, You said that the man is the image and glory of You.
Therefore I come to You now, praising You for my husband who nourish and cherish me.
I thank you that he is blameless, vigilant, and sober. He is patient, respectful, of good behavior, and hold the mystery of faith in a pure conscience. He is a just, holy, temperate man holding fast Your faithful Word as he has been taught.
I thank You that he is not covetous, self-willed, easily angered or lifted up with pride. Thank you that I stand in subjection to him according to Your Word. I would rather do nothing else my Lord.
Thank you Father that my husband is blessed, therefore he does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful.
His delight is in your law my Lord Jesus and in that law, he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in season.
His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall prosper.
I lift up my voice to thank You my Lord in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I pray also for an overflow for all my brothers and sisters.
This season has been such a joy to celebrate your birthday Lord Jesus with you as we embrace in the unity of love as we give ourselves to each other.
We thank You Lord for our lives that even though we are two we are one in You my Lord. Bless him and he shall be bless keep him and he shall be kept.
Bind upon our neck your Love, Mercy, Grace, Peace and Compassion for Your glory sake.
I will hold my beloved, whom my soul loves and adores according to Your Word, I decree and declare that whom God has joined together, no man shall put asunder.
We Love You Lord
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 26, 2011
Father!!...I simply want to thank you for this day...while praying this morning I was reminded of a message I wrote and was rebuked and also I read a message that was written to educate people about the word...CHRISTMAS..... God bless you my brother and sister...My reason is...I read that the word Maas...Means depart...and Christmas is a pagan holiday…..therefore the words Christmas mean…Christ Depart…I am not disputing this…I do not argue what I do not know about but I know one thing I pray and reason this out with my God. .last year when I decoded read satan..It was an eye opener to me.
***Here is my take on this…I came away with this after my prayer time this morning….God has always used satan for his Great Glory...Hallelujah..The Book of Job...A perfect example. If satan meant to fool people with the Christmas celebration… it has turned back to his shame and…ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD... On this day..there are churches, adults, children the masses... all over the world celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (NOT satan) people are so much more aware right now of the significance of the word Christmas...Jesus’ Birthday to some…to others the Celebration of his Birth...Anyhow you take it...we are glorifying our Lord..Jesus who is worthy of all praises…Even the atheist .the unbelievers…the backsliders know that this is all about ….Christ Jesus…what the enemy meant for bad it is now for the Glory of the Kingdom of God.
***At his crucial hour; the Coming of our Lord and Savior…I refuse to be distracted with such debates…No one can tell me about Jesus…He has healed my mother form a stroke before my very eyes….he has healed the toe of a friend within 5 minutes of prayer by a powerful man of God .before my eyes…I have witness the SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD in a place of worship and heard like a millions angels worshipping God….Jesus has done so many miracles in my life…He has spoken to me directly…the voice of God was heard speaking onto me audibly…I am glorifying the God I know…I do not care what pagan Holiday it is…
*** For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, The everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
Beckie Cobos
December 26, 2011
A very Blessed Birthday to You Lord Jesus Christ! Light of my salvation! I glorify Your Holy name! Be Thou exalted forevermore! Angels of the most High God, Give Him Praise and Glory! We celebrate Your precious birth today Lord, we lift up Your name oh KING of Kings and LORD of LORDS!! Merry Christmas Lord!! Thank you Father, for the gift of Your Love, Son, my life, health, dogs and Your "surprise packge, gift to me." I love it! I will always cherish Your gift. In Christ's name, Amen.
Daniel Pasaribu
December 26, 2011
Prayer Petitions for the year of 2012 :
1. Our Father in Heaven, we want to thank you for making next year a reality and for granting us, our congregation and other churches and Christian organization around the world the privilege to witness to the world the Good News of Jesus Christ, to bring the lost souls into the Kingdom of God.(Mark 16:16-18).
2. Father in Heaven, we thank you Lord for honouring these days each year as a period of divine dialogue through an intimate relationship with You to hear Your Voice and obey Your instruction concerning your guidance in the coming year and your divine purposes for our lives (John 10:27).
3. Father in Heaven, we thank you for keeping us throughout this year despite all demonic activities and to help us to be aware of the spiritual warfare against the enemies from the Kingdom of Darkness that we are here standing strong because of your faithfulness.(Ephesians 6:10-18).
4. We are here to acknowledge You are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last and so we commit the year of 2012 into your hands today oh Lord that you assume your rightful place in our congregation, lives, families, cities, and nations in the name of Jesus Christ.(Revelation 22:13).
5. Heavenly Father, I thank you for every good thing you have planned to do in our lives, and families, in the year of 2012. We plead the Blood of Jesus, and Supernatural Protection frrom Your Throne shall be the eternal covenant over the months of 2012 for our sanctification and covering.(Psalm91: 1-16).
6. It is written, “Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.” (Ps.24:7-8NIV) by the revelation of the eternal Word of God, I command the year of 2012 to lift up its head that the King of Glory might come in for us, with all that We need to survive and succeed in the year 2012, in the mighty name of Jesus.
7. We decree that the evil of 2011 shall not follow us into January 2012 let every flood destruction and disaster that has been released by the forces of darkness dry up from the face of the earth in the name of Jesus Christ. (Genesis 8:13).
8. Our Father in Heaven, we declare according to Your Word that January shall be the beginning of the year for us. By our voice of prayer we apply the Blood of Jesus Christ to the doorpost of our churches, lives, families, cities and nations that as you visit the earth with judgment we shall be exempted from destruction and disaster in the name of Jesus Christ (Exodus 12:2-14).
9. We declare that from January our celebration of liberty shall evidence. Father, let each day of January to December 2012 be a day of divine of intervention that will end in celebration (Exodus 12:17-18).
10. Father in Heaven, let tabernacle of your presence be set up in our hearts, churches and homes, in our cities and communities, let the fire of true worship be kindled as we enter the month of January and let it continue to mark 2012 apart with the cloud of your glory in Jesus name. (Exodus 40:2-34).
11. Father in Heaven, we call upon you that the monts of January to December 2012 shall be the months with shield from iniquity and shall be a place of holiness for us and our family members. Let the year of 2012 witness the termination of rebellion in our midst in the name of Jesus (Number 20:1).
12. In the light of the written word of God that says all things are sanctify and consecrated by the Word of God and prayer, We sanctify every second in every minute, every minute in each hour, every hour in each day, every day in each week and every week in the month of the year of 2012. I declare the year of 2012 a year of blessing, favour, breakthrough, open doors, divine connection etc. (1Tim.4:5).
13. We declare that our testimonies shall be “these are the ones who crossed the Jordan” in the first month in the name of Jesus Christ. We declare that we are unstoppable by the power of the most high God in the name of Jesus Christ (1Chron.12:15).
14. We employ the ministry of the Hand of Jehovah the Man of war for every journey of 2012 Let Your good Hand prevail from January till December 2012 in all our journey in the name of Jesus Christ (Ezra 8:31).
15. Heavenly Father, let all wickedness that has been programmed and sealed against our churches, lives, families, ministries, businesses, cities and nations backfire in the name of Jesus Christ.(Luke 10:19-20).
16.We take our stand on the platform of fasting and prayer against every plan of the wicked, programmed against us and our families in the year of 2012. We declare by the power of the Holy Spirit that it will not happen, because the lord is with us. (Is.8:9-10).
17.By the revelation of the Word of the Lord that says when men slept, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. I declare that every seed of death, destruction, accident, incident, failure, sickness, poverty etc. sowed by the wicked, against our lives and destiny this year 2011 that is waiting to manifest in 2012, be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. (Matt.13:24-30).
18.We declare that the year of 2012 is a year of gladness and rejoicing, we declare the year of 2012 is a year of double blessing, we shall enjoy the former and the latter rain of God’s blessing in the name of Jesus Christ. (Joe 2:23).
19.We pray that as we are called the Choosen Generation,the Royal Priest,the Holy People, the Bride of Christ that the year of 2012 is a year of unity in the Body of Christ to accomplish Your Divine Mission on this earth and a serious preparation for everyone of us to be ready and wait for the Coming of the Lord let by the Holy Spirit(Revelation 16:15).
Sally S. Richter
December 27, 2011
Dear God/Lord Jesus Christ. You have revealed, that Facebook is Your Universal Church, the church without a wall. And thanak You so much for LJUSC...Thank You so much for all. Your read here the prayers of our hearts just like how You read my diary. You answered my secret wishes, things I only wrote in my diary addressed to You alone. Its been answered by You and I know its You for its all been addressed to You and You are the only who knows about it. Lord Jesus, You read it all, as I have seen it comes, many of it. I know oh Lord, You will read my prayers here for You are sitting here as our GOD, Lord, King. I would like to praise and glorify You among the brethen and my prayer to You Lord today just like of what I pray to You this morning and since yesterday in the secluded place of my whole and inner being is to be worthy of You. Worthy of You at all times. To die from this world and see only Your face in my heart, mind, soul, body and spirit. In my action, will and ways. Let nothing in this world Lord affect me anymore but my whole and inner being be Yours for forever and ever. Amen.
Sally S. Richter
December 29, 2011
"As the body is one, having many members, and all the members, while being many shall, from one body, so it is with Christ." (1 Corinthians 12:12) Father God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, bind us all in His body, Lord Jesus Christ body..all Your children here in LJUSC and our families. Make us one in You..this I pray in Lord Jesus mighty name. Amen!
Sally S. Richter
December 29, 2011
Prayer for Peace : Lord make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair hope. Where there is darkness light. Where there is sadness, joy. Oh Divine Master grant that I may not so much much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand. To be loved, as to love. For it is giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life..
HourofGrace CarleneGrace
December 30, 2011
Father!! touch the lips of men and let them burn with an intense desire of Holy Fire ;to praise and glorify your Holy name....Let them worship you like never before..Holy Spirit of God your Fire is burning across the nation....convincing...con victing and conforming people to the Truth
of God...Jesus!!....put the live coals of Heaven upon our tongues...let the
anointing of the Fire of God...fill us...consume us...burn our souls with the
Fire; so we long only to be in the presence our Lord and speak
unto His powerful hear His voice in the madness of the moment...and
to speak of His wonders...His Goodness..His power ..His stir up the
soul of a nation that has fallen away from their First love...Jesus!!
Hallelujah...all Glory to God...Hallelujah....Glory to the Kingdom of God
...Glory blessed Holy Spirit of God...Glory Lord Jesus....Hallelujah!!
Andres Villareal
December 30, 2011
hallelujah!I humble myself down unto You LORD.Thank You Lord for Your unending Love!Thank You Lord for Your embrace and comfort!You fill me up with Your presence,power,strength and glory!You let me know how Im so special in Your sight for You know me more rather than men!You hear my cries,You ease the pain and hurt I gain from others.You always honor my words and give all my deepest desires!Im so blessed and so very overwhelmed for all Your amazing favors!Your so great and mighty oh God!Thank You for evrything!Your my ALL oh God!I give You all thanks!praises!honor!and glory oh Father God!my Lord Jesus!and to You oh Holy Spirit of God!AMEN!
Bianca Ambrose
Prayer for the Nations.
HaleluJah !! Glory be unto You my Lord God,... I worship You Father.
Father, the whole creation groans and labors to be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of your children my Lord God.
Send forth Your Spirit of Truth to bear witness of You,
and to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. Cause them to repent and to turn from their idols. Shake the nations, so they will come to the Desire of You my Lord Jesus.
Father, cause Your people to rise up.
Gather Your mighty ones to prepare for war.
Bring the multitudes into the valley of decision.
Send Your ambassadors into all the nations.
Open to them a door for the Word, to speak the mystery of You anointed Christ, that the gospel of the kingdom may be preached in all the world.
You have declared to Your people the power of Your works, in giving them the heritage of the nations.
Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that You Jesus is Lord. Thank you Lord let thy will be done in your mighty name my Lord JESUS.
December 30, 2011
Father!! touch the lips of men and let them burn with an intense desire of Holy Fire ;to praise and glorify your Holy name....Let them worship you like never before..Holy Spirit of God your Fire is burning across the nation....convincing...con
Andres Villareal
December 30, 2011
hallelujah!I humble myself down unto You LORD.Thank You Lord for Your unending Love!Thank You Lord for Your embrace and comfort!You fill me up with Your presence,power,strength and glory!You let me know how Im so special in Your sight for You know me more rather than men!You hear my cries,You ease the pain and hurt I gain from others.You always honor my words and give all my deepest desires!Im so blessed and so very overwhelmed for all Your amazing favors!Your so great and mighty oh God!Thank You for evrything!Your my ALL oh God!I give You all thanks!praises!honor!and glory oh Father God!my Lord Jesus!and to You oh Holy Spirit of God!AMEN!
Bianca Ambrose
Prayer for the Nations.
HaleluJah !! Glory be unto You my Lord God,... I worship You Father.
Father, the whole creation groans and labors to be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of your children my Lord God.
Send forth Your Spirit of Truth to bear witness of You,
and to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. Cause them to repent and to turn from their idols. Shake the nations, so they will come to the Desire of You my Lord Jesus.
Father, cause Your people to rise up.
Gather Your mighty ones to prepare for war.
Bring the multitudes into the valley of decision.
Send Your ambassadors into all the nations.
Open to them a door for the Word, to speak the mystery of You anointed Christ, that the gospel of the kingdom may be preached in all the world.
You have declared to Your people the power of Your works, in giving them the heritage of the nations.
Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that You Jesus is Lord. Thank you Lord let thy will be done in your mighty name my Lord JESUS.