Senin, 27 Februari 2012


Daniel Pasaribu


Monday Sermon For LJUSC, February 28, 2012

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

When we started studying the book of James, a Servant of God, Steve Carr said that many theologians including Martin Luther struggled with James’ theology because it was so full of laws, do’s and dont’s and we’ve been taught that the gospel is not about works but about grace. We are not under law but grace. So what is up with James opening up a can of legalism on us? Isn’t this a contradiction of sorts?

This is why it is important to put the book of James in its proper context. The book of James is a specific type of literature known in the ancient world as wisdom literature. Wisdom literature was primarily proverbial, it was full of quick witty sayings; usually was poetic; very directive and often contain very obvious advice. This literature taught you how to be a wise person and how to make good decisions. Wisdom literature usually focused on topics like understanding and discernment and knowledge.

The Old Testament contains wisdom literature; Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are wisdom literature. Job is also considered wisdom literature. Other ancient cultures also had wisdom literature. The sayings of Confucius are wisdom literature. The Egyptians had wisdom literature. The Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle wrote volumes on wisdom.
On top of this kinds of Wisdom then we know that The Old Testament also held wisdom in high regards Initiated by the mind of God.
Proverbs 8:11, "For wisdom is better than jewels; and all desirable things cannot compare with her.
Proverbs 16:16, “How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver.”

Wisdom was the key to prosperity, success and living to a ripe old age. In those days if you survived to old age, you must have been wise to avoid death because people usually died early. Wisdom was so sought after in the ancient world that when Solomon was asked by God in 1 Kings 4 of all thing in this world what do want, Solomon said “wisdom.”
Now if God came to you and was going to grant you a wish what would you wish for besides three more wishes. I would say most of us would wish for riches or money, maybe health. Solomon said, “wisdom” and the Bible says that Solomon was wiser than all the sages of his day. In fact, Solomon was considered the wisest man who ever lived.

James is a book of wisdom. In fact, much of what James writes about you can find in the book of Proverbs. For instance James talked about the tongue. Proverbs talks also extensively about the tongue:

Proverbs 15:22 :"The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly".

What is truly wisdom according to your opinion? In fact, there are a million definitions of wisdom based on men's knowledge and understanding.
If we go to the bookstore or on and you will find all kinds of books giving advise on how to Live a Purpose Driven Life and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In the Business section you read book like Good to Great. And a new one written by Jeffrey Pffefer entitled, What Were They Thinking: Unconventional Wisdom About Management. All these titles echo wisdom…

The funny thing is that even though the word wisdom appears in the Bible over 300 times, I am yet to find anywhere where it really defines wisdom. It tells us what is the wise thing to do, what is not wise to do, it tells us where wisdom begins, it tells us to get wisdom. But wisdom is not really defined in the Bible but through the scriptures I try to show you the definition of wisdom that I have arrived at :

"True Wisdom is the ability to live (act) in harmony with the created order of God".

The Bible teaches us that God is an orderly God (1 Corinthians 14:33, For God is not a God of disorder but of peace). He created this world with a certain order to it.

Oliver O’Donovan stated in the book of Resurrection and Moral Order (1986):
"We must understand creation not merely as the raw material out of which the world as we know it is composed, but as the order and coherence in which it is composed. To speak of this world as created is already to speak of an order. By virtue of the fact that there is a Creator, there is also a creation that is ordered to its Creator, a world which exists as his creation and in no other way so that by its existence it points to God".

There are phenomenon in this world that you can predict with precision. The orderliness of God is reflected in the consistency and structure of nature or the created order. The created order operates according to something we call laws. So wisdom would be living in harmony with these laws.

There are two basic types of laws in this world:


Jeremiah 33:25 :
This is what the LORD says: ’If I have not established my covenant with day and night and the fixed laws of heaven and earth”.

There are fixed physical laws of the universe. In fact that word “fixed” is Hebrew word that means, “cut in, inscribed or decreed.” These laws are cut into the fabric of the universe.

Scott Rae writes in his book : , “God’s wisdom includes the material laws of the universe and also includes interpersonal and especially moral knowledge. It is ‘inscribed’ in nature and can be discovered by the human mind and reason.”

Think about this. Being wise means that you understand and act in harmony with these physical laws. If I told you that I was going home and I was going to the top of my apartment building and I was going to jump off it you would call me a fool would you not? Jumping off a building is not a wise thing to do because it is not in harmony with created order. And you can predict that the laws of gravity usually hold up and I’m going to wipe out. Living against the physical laws of nature is foolish.

In Proverbs 8:22-31 it is clear that God’s wisdom was intimately bound up in physical creation. In this passage wisdom is personified and wisdom actually speaks to us:


This could also be called the moral order. Scientific laws rule the physical order. Moral laws rule the moral order. So Wisdom is also living in harmony with the natural moral dimension of creation. When I talk about the moral order I mean that which dictates to us the right way to live or the godly way to live. People used to call this prudence.

C.S. Lewis said, "The Moral Law tells us the tune we have to play: our instincts are merely the keys..."

Where do moral laws come from? The primary source of the moral law is also the created order or nature. Morality comes from the same place that physical laws come from. It is written into the fabric of the universe and it is encoded on our consciences. We are born with a moral sense. This is what Paul says in Romans chapter 2.

Indeed, when pagans, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.

Paul argues that even the pagans, the Gentiles who had never read the Bible, never been to a church have access to moral order. It is written on their conscience. There is an external and internal moral order.

These laws are self-evident if you just observe the way things are in the world. So Wisdom is the ability to observe the world, scrutinize circumstances and live in harmony with both the physical and moral order set in place by God.

What does the Bible call the ability to weigh a situation, consider the consequences of your actions and make the wise or right decision? Discernment!

Here is what discernment means: to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend.
In fact, there are a lot of situations in your life where you are not going to be able to open the Bible and get a direct answer and you are going to have to use discernment to make the right choice.

Wisdom pushes us to understand how the world works and gives us the possibility of acting in ways that fit the pattern of the created order. Even those who have never gone to church or read the Bible have access to wisdom.

Proverbs 14: 33 :
“Wisdom reclines in the heart of the discerning and even among fools she lets herself be known”.

Often we over-spiritualize things like wisdom and discernment but they are fairly practical common sense things. If you read the commands in the book of Proverbs or James they are pretty common sense. Proverbs says in several places; Don’t sleep with a prostitute that’s not going to go well with you. Don’t drink too much wine, you’ll get drunk. Don’t spend more money than you have! Those aren’t really all that novel ideas.

Discernment and wisdom are often gained from understanding and reason and being able to choose the right thing. It is living in harmony with the created order from God.

James 3:14-16:
“But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice”.

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

James tells us that there are actually two types of wisdom.

1. There is godly wisdom which is the type of wisdom that I described before (TRUE
2. There is earthly wisdom (FALSE WISDOM). What is then earthly wisdom?

Earthly Wisdom is living in harmony with the corrupted order.
There are two orders in this world. There is the original created order; the way God originally designed this world at creation. It was good, perfect, God called the shots. Man was in submission to God.

But something happened to the created order. Look at Genesis 3:6:

“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it”.

Eve sought another type of wisdom. What is the wisdom that Eve wanted? It was worldly wisdom. Satan tempted her with worldly knowledge, with worldly wisdom. And after the fall the corrupted order emerges. Eve got what she wanted; what we all want, a world where we rule and we do things our way and not God’s. But it is a corrupted order. James describes it as disorder.

To have worldly wisdom means to live according to the spirit of the present age. And this age is a corrupted order where envy and selfish ambition and bitterness are the way you get ahead. If you harmonize with greed, self-interest, manipulation, strife and conflict you are living according to worldly wisdom.

It is survival of the fittest in the corrupted order. Those attributes can actually work to your benefit in the corrupted order. You can get ahead by stabbing co-workers in the back, by spreading gossip with your tongue.

I read a study that most people who rise to management and leadership positions in corporations usually are people with lower standards of morality; they just know how to kiss butt and work the system. The college students most likely to cheat on tests are Harvard MBAs. And they will probably make a lot of money!

Greed is good on Wall Street. Be the alpha male! Live up to your evolutionary heritage. Look out for yourself. Take all you can. Lie to get ahead. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you and if they do; exact revenge.

James says here you can describe the corrupted order also by bitter envy or bitterness. Isn’t that a good way to sum up the attitude of most us down here in this corrupted order. We are just angry and bitter down here.

If you are a person who ascribes to worldly wisdom you look around at this world’s system and you take stock of the way the world turns and you do what you have to do to get ahead. It is what it is. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Sometimes worldly wisdom works for you. But it is a corrupt wisdom. It masquerades as wisdom but in the end it is foolishness. And in the end you pay the consequences. You end up bitter and disillusioned like Sigmund Freud. Freud was smart but not very wise.

1 Corinthians 3:18-20 (New International Version):
“Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness"[a]; and again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile."[b]

James 3 : 17-18 :
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness”.

Notice the difference between worldly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. Is this not the way that God originally ordered the creation to be? In the Garden of Eden things were pure. Adam and Eve lived in peace with one another.

This is not the way things are in the world today. Would you say the world is peace loving, considerate, submissive, merciful, impartial, sincere? No, the world is full of jealousy, conflict ,hate and prejudice and judgment.
In fact, if you are considerate or submissive in our modern world you are going to get eatin’ up. It is Dog eat dog and this world eats peace loving pansies like yourself for dinner.


You know the only person I have ever met that I truly see any of those traits in? Jesus Christ. Think about it, Jesus is the manifestation of all those traits. James describes here. He is the epitome of wisdom, the source of life. When Jesus was here on earth he lived wisely.

Can we answer these questions: Who is the manifestation of heavenly wisdom? Who was wisdom in the flesh?
Colossians 2:2 says, “Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

How we can recognize and live with the heavenly wisdom according to His wonderful promises which is written in James 1:5?

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and with no reproach, and it shall be given to him.”

What God is offering us is the gift of His divine wisdom, which is quite different to the wisdom of men.

God’s divine wisdom is not with us all the time at out beck and call. Instead, it comes as God considers we need it, for the benefit of ourselves or others. Solomon appears to be the only man who walked in what could be considered divine wisdom most of the time, as First King’s 4:29-30 says: “And God gave Solomon exceeding great wisdom and understanding, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore. And Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt.”

As we read further into the General Epistle of James, the brother of Jesus, James lays out for us the marks of divine wisdom as he saw them. James 3:17 puts it this way:
“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”

Let us now find the conclusion of this sermon to understand the Characteristics of the gift of God’s Wisdom which James clarifies for us:

1. God’s Wisdom of “from above.” It is not something over which we have control and is given to us as a gift as God sees fit. However, just because it is a gift, does not mean we should not seek after it or ask God fir it, for that is exactly what James 1:5 requires of us. If we don’t have it, it may well be, as James 4:2 says “… you have not because you ask not.”

2. God’s Wisdom is “pure.” It is chaste, it is holy and it is pure. The Greek for pure used here is ‘hagnos’ [ ἁγνός ] meaning also innocent, modest and perfect; in other words, it is not in any way sensual. It means First in both rank and time.

3. God’s Wisdom is “Peaceable.” It means salutary, peaceable, pacific, loving peace, brining peace with it, peaceful. The Wisdom of God, therefore, does not bring fear, or worry or concern. The Wisdom of God gets to the heart of the matter and sets aside all other human emotions to deliver peace, and deliver it abundantly.
As a side note here: When we study peace we need to recognise that peace at any price is unbiblical. The loving peace mentioned here, can also mean bringing peace, as in Hebrews 12:11 (the only other New Testament example), but clearly great as peace is, purity (righteousness) comes before peace and peace at any price is not worth the having. For this reason, Jesus spurned Satan’s peace of surrender.

4. God’s Wisdom is “Gentle.“ It is meek, it is modest, it is kind and is not self-attention grabbing. It is mild, gentle, in moderation, patient, suitable, equitable, fair and seemingly.

5. God’s Wisdom is “open to reason” or easily entreated. It is not stubborn, or obstinate, but yielding to others, easily obeying, compliant and approachable. Open to reason, means of a yielding disposition in all indifferent things; obsequious, docile. In other words, we are not standing on our own position and dictating our own terms.

6. God’s Wisdom is “full of mercy.“ It is ready to pass by a transgression (an unintentional sin) and to grant forgiveness to those who offend, and performing every possible act of kindness and practical help, As Thayer’s Greek Definitions defines mercy:
“kindness or good will towards the miserable and the afflicted, joined with a desire to help them; 1a) of men towards men: to exercise the virtue of mercy, show one’s self merciful; 1b) of God towards men: in general providence; the mercy and clemency of God in providing and offering to men salvation by Christ; 1c) the mercy of Christ, whereby at his return to judgment he will bless true Christians with eternal life”.

7. God’s Wisdom is “full of good fruits.“ Good fruits, here also means good deeds the fruit of righteousness (Philippians 1:11) as well as those from Galatians 5:22-23 “… the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Divine wisdom is a compassion and beneficence to the poor; feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the widows and fatherless in their affliction; and doing all other good works and duties, both with respect to God and man, as fruits of both grace, and of the Spirit.

8 .God’s Wisdom is “impartial,” without partiality and being of no respect to persons. It means without dubiousness, ambiguity or uncertainty. In other words, it is clear that Divine Wisdom does not pander to the man, or a person’s celebrity or worth in worldly terms.
James 2:1-10 also speaks to this impartiality aspect for divine wisdom to which all Christians are expected to aspire, saying:

“My brothers, do not have the faith of our Lord Christ, the Lord of glory, with respecter of faces. For if there comes a gold-fingered man in fancy clothing into your assembly, and if there also comes in a poor man in shabby clothing, and if you have respect to him who has the fancy clothing and say to him, You sit here in a good place, and say to the poor, You stand there, or sit here under my footstool; Did you not make a difference among yourselves and became judges with evil thoughts?
Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him?
But you dishonoured the poor one.
Do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment seats? Do they not blaspheme that worthy Name by which you are called?
If you fulfill the royal Law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well. But if you have respect to persons, you commit sin and are convicted by the Law as transgressors. For whoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”

9.God’s Wisdom is “sincere,“ and without hypocrisy. This means here unfeigned, undisguised, sincere and we are no putting on an act, either with respect to God or man; not making show of that which they have not, or do not intend. As Wikipedia says: “Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.” Hypocrisy comes from the original word meaning ‘play acting’ or ‘acting out’ and ‘coward.’ When we are sincere, as Christians are required to be in all things and at all times, then what we outwardly demonstrate is the same as that which inwardly drives us and which we inwardly believe and have faith in.

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We have come to understand that many of the truths are useful to Christians and non-Christians, their purpose in the Scriptures is to guide the child of God into living a meaningful life in communion with the LORD and his people. The knowledge provided is relational and is to impact our relationship with ourselves, God, and our fellow person, whether believer or unbeliever.

The genuineness of faith, and with it eternal life, is at stake in the basis we offer for faith. It is possible to offer a basis for faith which ruins faith. There is a kind of foundation which will destroy the superstructure of faith. That's why it is so crucial for our faith not to rest in the wisdom of men but in the wisdom of God because if it rests in the wisdom of men it is a mirage, a bogus faith.

The end of the conclusion is that God’s wisdom presented in James 3:13-18 will be able to develop God’s character in our lives through impact relationships by guiding us to make proper choices in life. Two ways are presented: the way of wisdom, which heeds the instructions of the LORD and so yields positive relationship with him, and the way of folly, they way of living without regard for God or his instruction and which yields only destruction.

It is finally our choice to live with these Characteristics of God’s Wisdom which are also characteristics which every Christian life is intended and expected to mirror. These characteristics are divine and we who are the Temple of God must reflect that which is inside us, the Spirit of God to enable us to live with the Wisdom of God instead of the Wisdom of Men during the perilous time in these Last Days.

To God Be All The Glory And Honor From Now On And Forevermore, A m e n .

Daniel Pasaribu
End of Sermon


To all the elders and the brethen, as Sister San Davis mother had just passed away. Our Lord Jesus had given her time for herself and her family. I am lead by the Lord Jesus to re-post the previous sermon of her in our Wall Church. Please read it, to gather wisdom and strenght from our Lord Jesus and if you wished to post a is greatly appreciated.

Sermon Documents for the Lord Jesus Uiversal salvation Church!

San Davis
Heavenly Father I come before You in the name of our Lord Jesus, asking that You would guide my words! Anoint me to teach today, anoint me to minister Your word, Anoint our ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying! Anoint our eyes to see & our hearts to receive. Help us Father to possess a life pleasing to You, through the mind of Christ, His wisdom, His understanding and through His Ways by Holy Spirit! Thank You for the assurance that the devil is defeated, Jesus is Lord and He is coming soon…thank You in advance for what You will do through this message, in Jesus Precious name I pray, Amen, Amen & Amen!


Saints of God, let us consider the command to be "PERFECT"...

The Lord went into the mountains and taught His disciples, commanding them: "BE THEREFORE PERFECT, EVEN AS YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT." Matthew 5:48. The Greek word found in Matthew 5:48 translated "perfect" means "finished, complete, having reached its end," and implies being fully grown or mature.

Jesus was letting his disciples know they were to labor hard to become spiritually perfect. They were very fortunate. They had the perfect example of God in the flesh to emulate. Christ Jesus was the only visible example of Perfection in all the world.

I'm not talking about becoming a perfect man or woman in a worldly sense, for only Jesus was perfect. He was perfect, because he never sinned. He was not born like you & I were born into a world of sin after Adam & Eve fell. Jesus was not born with a sin nature! He knew no sin, he never sinned in action, in word or deed! Therefore He was the only perfect man!

God sent His Divine Word to manifest as Jesus Christ, His Divine Son, to manifest in human flesh so we could attempt to emulate His righteousness in all things growing up into Him in His Holy Spirit.

God is Perfect eternally...He has set Jesus before the “LORD JESUS UNIVERSAL SALVATION CHURCH” as a divine door for those who are willing to hunger and thirst after righteousness to enter in and partake of the divine nature through absolute obedience to the Spirit of the Word of God.

To walk in Christ like perfection, we must serve only one Master in full time service to God. We cannot become perfectly alive in Christ without becoming perfectly dead to ourselves...We must die daily... For every sin separates us from the Perfection of God.

God in heaven doesn't make mistakes...If we all obeyed the command the Lord gave His disciples, how much better we would be as a nation. How much better our lives would be free from error and sin.

We often hear Christians everywhere saying, "I'm not under the law, I just have to believe." If you choose to live according to your self will, you are choosing sin. A man or a woman living in sin, lives by their own word. Yet God's Word is His perfect will. Why would you ever think to do anything but the Word of God?

It is commonly believed Christ has suffered for us, therefore we are left to comfort ourselves; and do whatever pleases us. We are often told we don't have to pay any attention to denying ourselves and taking up our cross. We don't have to obey "The laws of the Spirit" all we have to do is "offer up the sacrifice of praise continually" and "pray without ceasing." yet there is no anointing of the Spirit without obedience to "the laws of the Spirit."

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 13:11, "Finally, Brethren, Farewell. BE PERFECT, Be Of Good Comfort, Be Of One Mind, Live In Peace; And The God Of Love And Peace Shall Be With You."

The most important command encompasses them all was "BE PERFECT” …..There were several commands in the verse along with what they could expect to reap if they sowed obedience. If we want the "THE GOD OF LOVE AND PEACE" to be with us? Then we should expect to obey the Word of God.

The word according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture Is Given By Inspiration Of God, And Is Profitable For Doctrine, For Reproof, For Correction, For Instruction In Righteousness: THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, Thoroughly Furnished Unto All Good Works."


The word says in Roman 14:17 –19 “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.”

As we hunger and thirst for His Righteousness, Jesus promised that we would be filled, or satisfied with that desire. We will reflect His Righteousness in our lives. But there are many who profess to be Christians who do not even attempt to walk in His Righteousness. In the Book of Romans, it speaks of those who HOLD THE TRUTH, they possess the Truth in unrighteousness. Those who profess to be Christians, yet who justify their sin by saying "I am just a sinner saved by Grace" and who do little or nothing to resist their sin, have a promise from God that they can rely on.

I John 1:9 “But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.

God sent His Divine Word to manifest as Jesus Christ, His one and only Son, to manifest in human form, to live as we lived, yet He did not sin ... Every sin separates us from the Perfection of God.... We are brought into the divine state of Perfection when we live according to the whole Word of God. Choosing to walk in righteousness every day, perfecting holiness…. With each day we face, there is a choice to serve God in righteousness; however as fallen man, we sometimes fall short, at which point we should turn to God and repent. God is manifested through Christ in us to show us the perfect way, through the guidance of His Holy Spirit who lives in us.



Heavenly Father, I thank You for giving me the ability to share this word today, thank You Lord for Your mercies that are new every morning. Father bind our minds to the will of Holy Spirit through Your inspired messages. Thank You for Your Grace which allows us to present our bodies as living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is our spiritual service of worship to You.

Father God, it is not our will to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove good, acceptable, and perfect to what Your will is. By grace given to us, show us how to not esteem ourselves more or less important to the body of Christ than another. Thank You Lord for the spiritual gifts that have given to us that we may prophesy in proportion to our faith and to teach according to Your precious Word and to exhort and to give liberally and lead with diligence and show mercy with cheerfulness.

Father, show us how our love can be without hypocrisy. Teach us to abhor what is evil and cling to what is good. Teach us to be kind and affectionate to one another in honor and give preference to one another not lagging in diligence to be fervent in spirit to serve You Lord. Father, we rejoice in hope, we are patient through tribulation, and we shall continue in distributing to the needs of the saints and be truly given to hospitality. We will bless those who curse and persecute us. We will rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

We will be of the same mind toward one another and not set our minds on high things but associate ourselves with the humble. We will not be wise in our own opinions and we will not repay anyone evil for evil for Your Word says to repay evil with good. We will not give place to wrath but will wait on the Lord for vengeance is Yours, therefore, we will live peacefully with all people and be overcomers through Christ. Lord we will offer drink to a thirsty enemy and food to one that is hungry that we may abide in Your Word forever. We love You Heavenly Father, and we want to emulate Your Son Jesus, walking in righteousness, perfecting holiness in Jesus Holy Name we pray, with thanksgiving in our hearts, Amen, Amen & Amen....

Much love to each of you my brothers and sisters, God bless.

Sis San!!!.

03 October at 06:01

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012


Daniel Pasaribu


Monday Sermon for LJUSC, February 13, 2012

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Prayers of the Christian Believers during the perilous time in these Last Days are very important to overcome the world and to defeat our enemies from the Kingdom of Darkness, for this is the lifeline and strength of a soldier fighting for our Lord Jesus and His Kingdom. We must remember where we find this passage putting on armor and fighting the schemes of the devil. God tells us where we are to concentrate our efforts as Prayer Warrior which are individuals or groups dedicated to praying and fasting for others through intercessory prayer, or in other words, praying on someone else's behalf.

The term 'Prayer Warrior' refers to the act of taking up a defense (proactive or reactive) for another in prayer. Similar to how a solider takes up the defense of their country for the good of others, without asking anything in return.

Many Prayer Warriors believe they are called or lead to pray for others; that by praying for others they intercede with God on behalf of the person or group they are praying for. There are dedicated individuals and groups of Prayer Warriors that pray for many people around the world to individuals and groups that pray for a changes in their loved ones, neighborhoods, communities, or even families and we may praise the Lord that God has raised up 5(five) Prayer Warriors who are now constantly standing in prayers for the congregation of LJUSC until this day.

Christian Prayer Warriors also typically pray for the salvation, being forgiven of sins through the sacrifice of Christ's death and resurrection whereby through the grace of God eternal life is given, of others who do not profess to be Christian's.

Our sermon today is about “How To Be A Servant and Prayer Warrior” to pray for our loved ones, families, friends, leaders, nations, and others as we may learn from the life of Nehemiah as a good model of a Servant and Prayer Warrior who was one of the greatest characters in the old testament for the rebuilding of the City of Jerusalem which is written in Nehemiah 1:1-10.

I would like to say something about Nehemiah, the man of prayer and the man of action, but first a little about his history. He was one of the Jewish nation who found himself a captive in the land of Babylon , but nevertheless one who had risen to a position of some importance in the court of King Artaxerxes. He was in fact the King's cupbearer.
In about the year 550 BC a large number of the captive Jews, by the decree of King Cyrus had returned to Jerusalem under Zerubbabel for the purpose of rebuilding the temple. About 90 years later Nehemiah was permitted to return with a smaller company to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem , he at that time being about 80 years of age.

“Nehemiah was an energetic leader who combined a deep trust in the Lord with precise planning, careful organization, and discreet but energetic action.”(1)

“He stood like an anvil, till the hammers of opposition wore themselves out vainly beating against him.”(2)

“As a self-contained man. A man of his own counsel. A man with the counsel of God alone in his mind and in his heart. A reserved and resolute man. A man to take command of other men. A man who will see things with his own eyes, and without all eyes seeing him. A man in no haste or hurry. He will not begin till he has counted the cost. And then he will not stop till he has finished the work.”(3)

He is a “loyal layman.”(4)

Our journey through the Nehemiah Journal must begin with a bit of background, so that we may fully appreciate what God did with this man. What we have is Nehemiah’s personal account, or journal, set against the backdrop of history.
In the 8th Century B.C. Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel. The prophets foresaw it; the Lord brought it to pass. The people had become backslidden. Instead of worshipping the Lord God, they had fallen-in with the pagan nations surrounding them. It isn’t much different in American society which we can see all these things are now happening so serious today.

A few centuries later the southern kingdom followed suit, as Jerusalem fell to the Babylonian empire. Later it was the Persians whose dominance in the ancient world replaced Babylon. We are talking here not only about ancient history. The regions extend from Afghanistan to Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia. The problems we face today internationally, as we stand on the brink of war, frame just another chapter in the ongoing saga of strife in the Middle East. Jacob and Esau have never ceased their struggle.

In the 5th century, seven decades after being conquered and deported, the Persian rulers began allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem. It happened in stages.
First a man named Zerubbabel led a group to begin the rebuilding process. The city had been destroyed, and lay in rubble. But, Zerubbabel’s efforts only partially restored things.

Fifty years later Ezra, a priest, returned to rebuild the temple.
Then, fifteen years after Ezra the story we are about to investigate begins to unfold in Susa, the capital city of the Persian Empire.

Nehemiah was a Jew, probably born in exile. He was a sharp pencil, trained in the art of business and administration. He was also the man God would use to change history’s map and the courage of a nation he called “home” – even though his eyes had never seen the place.

Some of Nehemiah’s accomplishments include rebuilding the walls and military defenses of Jerusalem. Later he also instituted reforms among God’s people. He helped restore purity in worship, and integrity in family relationships.

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

So, what is so profitable about the book of Nehemiah is that he accomplished all that in the face of great adversity. Among the obstacles he faced were these several:

a. He was not a “ruler”, but part of the conquered exiles, outnumbered and with little “moving and shaking” ability.
b. There was a widespread laziness among God’s people to overcome.
c. There were plots from his own people, attempting to cause his efforts to fail.
d. Misunderstandings and lack of faith abounded.

All of Nehemiah’s mountains to climb are present today in the Christian experience. We need to explore this. Today we also see the same problems Nehemiah encountered...
The walls are broken down. American life and culture is obsessed with self, sex and little direction for family life, community in America, even in the church is anemic, if not comatose.

The typical approach that most Christians have when trying to address problems, or just living life in general, center on the worldly model rather than the Biblical model. We can shake our heads and cluck our tongues all we wish…but when God’s people do things the worldly way, and then celebrate our cleverness, or gush over how wonderful we are, we are standing in the midst of crumbling walls. That’s the trouble with rubble!

Nehemiah demonstrates the opposite. Notice the reaction of a servant and prayer warrior as he hears the news of broken walls and disgraceful conditions in his homeland :

These are the memoirs of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah. In late autumn of the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes’ reign, I was at the fortress of Susa. Hanani, one of my brothers, came to visit me with some other men who had just arrived from Judah. I asked them about the Jews who had survived the captivity and about how things were going in Jerusalem. They said to me, “Things are not going well for those who returned to the province of Judah. They are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem has been torn down, and the gates have been burned.” When I heard this, I sat down and wept. In fact, for days I mourned, fasted, and prayed to the God of heaven. Nehemiah 1: 1-4 (TNLT)

With a heart blazing alive for God, Nehemiah hears of the distress and disgrace of Jerusalem, and he immediately wept. It started him mourning, fasting and praying for days. At the end of those days of praying and fasting, Nehemiah did not get up and get on with life as usual…something altogether different occurred…
Nehemiah got on with doing something. And in that we find our prayer model for servant warriors.


Now, let’s look at the model prayer of Nehemiah, a servant prayer warrior. First of all he expresses :


Then I said, “O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of unfailing love with those who love him and obey his commands, Nehemiah 1.5 (TNLT)

To “adore” the Lord in prayer is to recognize Who He is, and respond accordingly. Nehemiah recognizes the Lord as great and awesome the powerful God who is in control of all.

The Hebrew word “CHESED” is translated here as the “covenant of unfailing love”. The covenant of God is one of mercy and implies “A PERSONAL INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP”. The one thing about cults and world religions and “isms” galore is the lack of a personal relationship with God.

To adore the Lord means to respond to Him as He has laid it down…love Him and obey His commands. This is just common sense when you recognize that He is God and we are not! Common sense doesn’t always come into play when it comes to people giving God His due.

Nehemiah’s head wasn’t empty. He started his prayer with adoration. One of the reasons we don’t always see that in prayers is because our minds are so full of adoration for ourselves. It is impossible to recognize the sovereignty of God when you are having someone else occupy that position.

Who is on the throne of your life? Is it You? Or is it God?
If it is you, then you won’t adore God…you don’t even recognize who He is! That’s why the next part of the model is so important for our prayers.


Listen to my prayer! Look down and see me praying night and day for your people Israel. I confess that we have sinned against you. Yes, even my own family and I have sinned! We have sinned terribly by not obeying the commands, laws, and regulations that you gave us through your servant Moses. Nehemiah 1.6-7 (TNLT)
Nehemiah’s confession isn’t popular today. Today, if anything has gone wrong it is always the other guy’s fault. Nobody accepts responsibility for anything any more.

If CEO like AT&T, Ford Motors & etc. sell his company down the tubes, he leaves with $40 million or more than that in golden parachute separation funds.
If a high-profile preacher lives a scandalous life of sexual sins, he thumbs his nose at his denomination and is back on the air in no time at all.
If a prominent person lies, he has merely “mis-spoken” himself and doesn’t skip a beat.

By contrast, Nehemiah, born a thousand miles from Jerusalem, having never been there, included himself in the national sin of Israel. You say, You see, Nehemiah is wise enough to know that, had he been there, he also would have sinned.
He understood that he was no stronger than any of his fellow Israelites. He was under the same commands of the Lord to live ethically and morally, and obediently to the law of God. Nehemiah knew his own heart.

In our text Nehemiah says “we have sinned terribly”. Literally, the word means “offended”. He is admitting the actions of God’s children, including himself, are offensive to the God of Heaven.
So, that is what confession is all about. It is recognizing that our sins do, indeed offend God. In the cultural/political climate of our day, there are regulations against offending everyone BUT God! Him we kick out of our schools, courts and council rooms. God help us to confess our sins against the Holy One!

If you want a model for being a servant prayer warrior, there is adoration, confession, and the next is..


“Please remember what you told your servant Moses: ‘If you sin, I will scatter you among the nations. But if you return to me and obey my commands, even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth, I will bring you back to the place I have chosen for my name to be honored.’ “We are your servants, the people you rescued by your great power and might. Nehemiah 1.8-10 (TNLT)

Usually we associate “thanksgiving” with smiling to God for our blessings. It is one thing to say “thanks” when someone gives us a gift we like. It is quite another thing to say “bless you” (even to God) for hauling us out to the woodshed.

Yet, that is exactly what Nehemiah has in mind here. Basically, he is rehearsing the fact that God said, “You sin, and I’ll get you! I’ll hunt you down, and I’ll bring you back and we can do it all over again!” Then Nehemiah says, “That was our rescue! Thank you, Lord!”

In acknowledging God’s goodness over the chastisement, it is reasserting the nature of God to be faithful to His other promises of blessing and joy. Some of the wording here reminds us of God’s promises in Deuteronomy. God had told them He knew they would go astray, and He was prepared to do whatever necessary to bring them back under His wing:

“In the future, when you have children and grandchildren and have lived in the land a long time, do not corrupt yourselves by making idols of any kind. This is evil in the sight of the LORD your God and will arouse his anger.
“Today I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you. If you disobey me, you will quickly disappear from the land you are crossing the Jordan to occupy. You will live there only a short time; then you will be utterly destroyed. For the LORD will scatter you among the nations, where only a few of you will survive. There, in a foreign land, you will worship idols made from wood and stone, gods that neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell. From there you will search again for the LORD your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him”.
“When those bitter days have come upon you far in the future, you will finally return to the LORD your God and listen to what he tells you. For the LORD your God is merciful—he will not abandon you or destroy you or forget the solemn covenant he made with your ancestors”. Deuteronomy 4: 25 - 31 (NLT)

God predicted just exactly how they would sin, and how big the sin would be. And yet He was prepared to offer them forgiveness, based upon his loving covenant. Do you know what that tells you and me about God?

If that isn’t something for which we can be thankful, I cannot imagine there is anything!
There is adoration to acknowledge God as deserving worship;
there is confession to recognize our sinfulness and need of his forgiveness;
and there is thanksgiving to realize He extends his love no matter how big we have sinned, if we will just repent and be ready to follow Him; and then Nehemiah moves another level of spiritual process.


O’ LORD, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you. Please grant me success now as I go to ask the king for a great favor. Put it into his heart to be kind to me.” In those days I was the king’s cup-bearer in Nehemiah 1.11 (TNLT)

There is always a decisive moment in life when talking, or thinking becomes insufficient. There is a moment in time when we must have the rubber meet the road; we must act on what we believe. In our culture there is the expression which defines that: Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!
There is a time when praying ends and doing begins.

This is the nature of the man Nehemia and all servant/prayer warriors. Nehemiah was committed in his prayer then he got up off his knees and forged ahead.
Now, to say that he only prayed, and that he laid no plans is inaccurate and naïve. He did plan; we see that in his prayer, asking God to move in the heart of Artaxerxes the king. Why? It was Artaxerxes, Nehemiah’s boss who had stopped the previous work in Israel to rebuild the city:

'Therefore, issue orders to have these people stop their work. That city must not be rebuilt except at my express command'. Ezra 4:21 (NLT)

Nehemiah was about to stroll into the throne room and contradict a royal edict. Sharp guy and good servant or not, Nehemiah was about to give the good king Artaxerxes (a man who had killed his own brother to get the throne) all the reason he needed to lop off his head. You KNOW he had to be committed to God’s hand to step into that kind of quicksand.

When’s the last time you stepped out in faith? When’s the last time God put it in your heart to involve yourself in such a way that you knew if He didn’t come through, you were toast? My dear friends , THAT is what supplication is all about. That’s what dependency on God is all about.


We will see in the coming weeks that the Lord gave Nehemiah success in dealing with Artaxerxes. We will also see that God watched over the entire process, as Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem, overcame constant opposition and rebuilt the city walls and defenses – just exactly as the Lord had put it in his heart at the first.
The lesson, of course, for Christian believers is how to be a servant/prayer warrior for God. Face adversity with faith, humbly depending on God, as you build His kingdom with other believers. It all starts with prayer – as does this book of Nehemiah. It opens with prayer, and the book ends with prayer. It tells us God uses cup-bearers, servants who are truly prayer warriors!
By the way , it is also the pathway to salvation in Christ Jesus. Look once again at the model:

1.Adoration – Recognize God is in charge, and He sent Jesus to purchase our forgiveness on an old rugged cross.

2.Confession – Acknowledge who you are, a sinner who needs the forgiveness Jesus died to extend.

3.Thanksgiving – Acknowledge your gratitude for the cross.

4.Supplication – Ask Him to forgive your sins, and receive Christ and eternal life.

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Finally, we have come to the conclusion of the sermon that Servant and Prayer Warriors are individuals or groups dedicated to praying and fasting for others through intercessory prayer, or in other words, praying on someone else's behalf It requires that you set aside time each day to pray for those that you feel lead to pray for, discerning what to pray for and for whom. We have come to know that Servant and Prayer Warriors are people who are known for regularly interceding on behalf of others before God. To intercede means to come between, so prayer warriors are, in effect, coming between God and the trouble in another person's life.

To make the prayer more powerful to see the miracles of God then the Servant and Prayer Warriors or Believers may use the combination of praying and fasting which is not a fad or a novelty approach to spiritual discipline. Praying and fasting are not part of a human-engineered method or plan. They are not the means to manipulate a situation or to create a circumstance but praying and fasting are truly Bible-based disciplines that are appropriate for all Prayer Warriors or Believers of all ages throughout all centuries until this day in all parts of the world.

We have come to understand that Servant and Prayer Warriors are like defense attorneys, appealing to the Higher Court on behalf of their defendants. We're all guilty before God, but God is merciful. Prayer warriors recognize that quality of God's personality and call on Him for intervention.

This is the way how to start your life as a Servant and Prayer Warrior if you are called by the Lord Jesus to serve Him in His Kingdom on this earth.
Please allow me to pray now as a Prayer Warrior for His Church and His Kingdom of God worldwide:

Lord Jesus, I pray humbly with Your Holy Spirit’s power and anointing as one of the Prayer Warriors among all the true believers around the world for the establishment of Your Kingdom on this earth and acknowledging that now is the time to seek Your Face and turn to the only reality that makes any sense for the significant principles of Your Kingdom on this earth. Everything else pales in comparison to Your truth and Your ways. I am now praising you in thanksgiving for being allowed to get a glimpse of the Body of Christ working together. We are seeking Your ways and we are being forged into one unified fighting force coming together and laying down our differences to focus on the only thing that matters the person of Jesus Christ and His significant kingdom principles.

You have told us to go into the world making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them to do what You command. You have challenged us to recognize that our faith is an action word as we are to live and breathe in our desire to serve at the pleasure of our King. You have allowed us to find one another, and You are teaching every member of this Wall Church how to work together in the Body of Christ and to focus on Your needs. You are showing us how to love, help and pray and support each other as Your Body, and You are challenging us to become the "Light of the World" which sheds its brightness into the darkness that surrounds us.

Lord Jesus, My prayer today begins with a cry for humility, a servant’s heart with the spirit of Prayer Warrior and surrender for Your leaders. For just such a time like this, You have placed people in their proper places. You have given them kingdom significant power to accomplish whatever it takes to see Your will be done on this earth right now as it is in heaven. If it is needed Lord, I ask You to convict Your leaders of any pride, selfish ambition, ego, or fear of man that could be holding them back from accomplishing the purposes You have laid before them. I acknowledge Satan is running scared right now, and his attacks have become more frequent. To stand in this day and time, Lord, our leaders need Your heart, for they need pure and holy motivations. They need integrity, and they need to be guided by the Holy Spirit and not by their own ambitions.

Lord Jesus, Your leaders and the congregation are vulnerable right now. You have warned us repeatedly that many of us falter, fail, and give up just before our greatest victory. You know for whom I pray, Lord, and You know the desires and needs of their hearts. Help us to be the Godly men and women You have pre--planned us for. Return all of us to the simplicity of devotion to Yourself. We need Your divine supernatural protection so our leaders ad the congregation can glimpse into the spiritual realm where we will receive Your vision. Help us! We are in desperate need of a few good men and women who are unafraid of man, who are humble and gentle in spirit who willingly lay it all down for the cause of Christ.

Lord Jesus, please prevent Your leaders and the congregation from fulfilling the expectations of man. Release them instead to fulfill Your will and accomplish Your purposes. It is Your Wisdom and Revelation Knowledge and Your creativity we need. You are our Head, and You have the authority over Your wall church here and the rest of all churches worldwide, the absolute right to make all the decisions in the Body of Christ. Help our leaders to submit to Your authority and to Your anointing as they attempt to lead and direct wherever You have placed them.

Lord Jesus, place an army of Prayer Warriors around each and every leader worldwide who can pray for the Holy Spirit will pour waters of life into their thirsty souls. May the Word of our Lord and Savior pour out of these Prayer Warriors to nourish and encourage those for whom they are charged to pray.

Release the Holy Fire of Your Presence in the lives of the leaders and our congregation at this wall church to protect and cover us from any kind of attacks sent by the Kingdom of Darkness. Let the power of your anger be released against the powers of darkness and release your powerful angels on every member of this congregation to fight our battles in the heavens. Release the power and authority of the Lord against all demons we encounter in the Name of Jesus to enable us to have supernatural boldness to preach and teach others with demonstration of the anointing and manifestation of the Holy Spirit to bring the lost souls into the Kingdom of God.

Lord Jesus, release your love, joy and peace and the spirit of unity to all my brethren at this wall church to work together in the Body of Christ to enable us to do our part to see Your Kingdom established on this earth and Your magnificent glory manifested on Your people and all other churches worldwide, to the praise, and honor of Jesus Christ, the Lord and the Savior of the world.

To God Be All The Glory And Honor From Now On And Forever, A m e n .

Daniel Pasaribu
End of Sermon

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

47) * Our Lord Jesus is asking everyone for a day of Prayers and Fasting

Sally S. Richter

12 February 2012

To all of my beloved elders and the brethen of the LJUSC Wall .
Our Lord Jesus is asking everyone for a day of Prayers and Fasting

As the Lord Jesus leading we can start on Monday February 13 (Monday) until February 19, (Sunday) Year, 2012.
Those who would like to join. The schedule is from 6am to 6pm., local time in your area.

What are we to Pray to our Lord JESUS!
I have a special prayers for the Church Wall, the elders and the brethen. (This prayers is only between me and the Lord Jesus) but all elders can pray their request too..

Prayers About:
1.For blessings of protection, mercy and salvation of us and our lost loved ones.

2.For our works and actions that it will prosper for the Lord Jesus glory and it will be pleasing to Him. Pray also for our Church leaders or elders of LJUSC and those who are working for the Lord outside and in Facebook community. Pray that the church leaders will seek the Lord Jesus heart and will at these hours and they will draw their brethen to teh truth in Jesus.

3.For the Lord Jesus will to be done in His Church Wall. For the Lord's children to have a good fight against the evils of the present times.

4. For the purification of our minds, souls and spirit. That we can shake off from our souls the wanting of this world and instead we be filled by our Lord Jesus and His Holy Spirit.

5. For shaking off the jealousies, conceit, deceit, slander and all from the body of Christ..That righteousness and love of the Lord Jesus will prevail.

6. For the children of the God/Lord Jesus Christ to be covered by His precious blood and their prayer time and prayers not to be hindered by the enemy and be protected by the Lord Jesus and His precious Blood and the prayers be granted by the Lord Jesus.

3.For the lost souls to come to Lord Jesus and more and more people be saved by GOD!

4.For the Lord Jesus to open everyone's heart for the kindness and great love that He has on each of us for only then, the person will understand the heart of the Lord Jesus and will truly learn to love others as their self.
5. Prayers for the Lords children around the world who are sufferings and are in need of the Lord Jesus help, comfort and His great mercy.

6. For the Lord Jesus to help us to live in holiness and so our loved ones till our Lord Jesus takes us from here. Pray also that we will be included as the Bride of Christ.

7..Prayers for courage to stand for the Lord Jesus and our soul. That any one who's name is listed here in LJUSC will not take the mark when in case they are left behind and so as their loved ones.

8. For God's mercy to flow on us and we can hear from Him and a gift of confirmation words from the Bible to lead and guide us all into the truth of His great love on us and others.

(Pls. note, this is not impossible to hear our Lord's voice, for Sarah Riedel has been granted by our Lord Jesus of this already for her kind heart and dedication to our Lord Jesus. and even if you do not hear yet from our Lord..please know that He is listening to you and answering your prayers in His own will and ways..

Note: Very important:
*Our Lord Jesus recommends that we only drink water at the hours of fasting.
*Abstain also from intimate contact with your husband and wife
*We should have a great control not to be upset by anyone.
*Focus our minds, hearts and soul and spirit to our Lord Jesus!

Way of Prayers :
Our Lord Jesus is pleased more when we come down on our knees when praying but if we have a health problem sitting is also fine.

About Foods
Eat only as much as we can fruits, porridge, vegetables, soup, bread and cheese, , no pork pls. and a little of chicken for some meat (at least only once of this week of fasting). No sweets pls.
An Important Note pls.:
If you can remain, without eating from the day you get up,or wake up its most preferred but if you cannot pls. have at least a coffe or tea and as much as possible without sugar or not much sugar if you cant. and some bread.

Please note: For the beginner :Who cant do much. Do not stop, if you cannot do it , make it slowly ask our Lord Jesus to help you but do not give up as for as the days are passing the cravings are suppress and you can removed more or fight more the the other things slowly.

A very important warning:
Prayers and fasting is prone to the devils attack, disturbances and many things can occur in between pls. be ready and not be moved and drawn to food or the distraction the enemy can do. (Usually our loved ones are being used to this unknowingly or not in their knowledge) Focus on the Lord Jesus and what we are trying to attain through this. Gentleness, love and most the words and the blood of our Lord Jesus is our armour. Be prepared to show patience, love and used all it. (Words and Blood of the Lord Jesus)

My Prayers:
Dearest Father in Heaven (Yahweh), our Lord Jesus Christ...we are here Oh Lord of heaven and earth. Pleading with your Holy Blood to cover me and the brethen whose names are here and those who are joining me in my prayers and fasting. The above is our request from Your most merciful heart. Hear us Oh Lord Jesus cover and sealed us of Your Holy Blood. and hear our prayers and our special request from Your most merciful heart.

Lord, God, The brethen and I have agreed to have a day of Fasting and Prayers as You have called us to do and as we must have to do. Accept our sacrifices and supplications for this whole week. Make each one of us to be strong for You and Your calling. Give us strength of mind, soul, spirit and body. Set us free from the bondage of this world and help us to prepare on the sounding of Your trumpet. Hear our prayers unto Thee Oh Lord! Amen. Amen! Thank you sweet, Lord Jesus in Your great and mighty name, we pray. Amen! Amen!

An important message:
We are to battle at this moments or hours of fasting and we need to have our Bible, pen and papers at all times beside us...Please write what our Lord Jesus will lead you on for a reading in the Bible. Please also find the message sermon with prayers of sister San Davis and some prayers posted by bro. . Daniel Pasaribu with a words of the Lord Jesus in LJUSC blogs or request it from him by messaging him inbox. We need also a copy or support prayers in our hands for the enemy can distract us and can steal what our prayers. Do not give up it is the reason I recommend we have a copy also of what we are to pray and the support prayers, recommended above.

May our Lord Jesus help and guide us at this hours and hear our cries. Amen.

And pls Note: An invitation to all the brethen:
Bro. Daniel is delivering a sermon on Monday...I recommend that we all read it and we can post a comment on the comment box after the sermon but pls. avoid posting any other things on respect of our Lord Jesus and our pastor at this day (Monday)

All for the glory of GOD/Lord Jesus Christ!

By. Sally Richter

Senin, 06 Februari 2012


San Davis

Sermon message for Monday February 6, 2012.


Brothers and sisters, thank you for another opportunity to share this word as inspired by HOLY SPIRIT. I count it a priviledge to be able to minister to you again and I pray the word will permeate your heart to receive. May you be strengthened, uplifted and encouraged by this word. I pray it inspires you to Trust God at His Word and Keep On Believing. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your help to share this word, I pray Your people will be edified and inspired to humble themselves before You and others, I pray they confess their needs in faith without doubting, remain strong in faith, trusting You at Your word and keep believing and not give up... Knowing without a shadow of a doubt that You have heard and answering accordingly. I ask in Jesus Name, Amen, Amen & Amen!!

I believe that in the whole body of Christ, there are a lot of people who are sick, because of discouragements, disappointments, worry, lack of faith or unbelief. Lord Jesus the great physician has diagnosed the lack of faith as a case of sick faith, and for that reason some are not getting healed, not getting delivered, and not getting their needs supplied. The devil suggests to a lot of people, “Your problem is too great, your sickness is too terrible, and your needs are too great. You don’t have any faith, and if you do, it is so little it won’t do.” Has the devil ever told you that? When people say that you don’t have faith, they are being used as a tool of the devil to further discourage you, but you must not listen to that, you have got to resist them.


I’m going to give the Bible cure for the symptoms of no faith and weak faith. I’m prescribing the prescription written in Romans 12:3: “God has given to every man the measure of faith.” So you tell the devil when he says you don’t have any faith, “he’s a liar, because God has given you a measure of faith.” He has given you the measure you need to live victorious. Some people need a greater measure because of their place and responsibility in the body of Christ. But God has given you the measure of faith that is adequate for you to have all your needs supplied, all your diseases healed, and for you to live victorious and be an overcomer!

Point your finger to yourself and say, I have faith! Then tell the devil: Devil, I have faith. Get out of here! I believe that was a good God pill that went down easy.J We are children of the most High God, made in His image and the enemy will stop at nothing to destroy us. He will taunt us about not having enough faith or our faith is so inadequate that it’s almost like no faith. So there is no use in your trying to believe for your miracle, because you don’t have enough faith. Has he ever told you that your problem is too great? Your need is too much?

Remember saints of God, satan is a liar and the truth of God is not in him. Father God has given us a measure of faith and our faith increases in proportion to our need. God is no respector of persons, if He has done it for others, He will do it for you but first we must ask and in asking, we must believe.

In James 4:2 “Ye Have Not, Because Ye Ask Not”

Romans 2:11 "For there is no respect of persons with God."

Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”

Matthew 21:22 "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

What’s the cure when the devil says that you have the smallest faith, and it’s no good? Let’s see what the Bible has to say about small faith. Faith is so powerful and so dynamic, you don’t need a whole lot. Faith is so explosive, like dynamite and some of those nitrogen explosives that are so potent, it only takes a couple of drops. Some are in little bottles, and if you shake them too much, what happens? Boom! That’s the way faith is. You shake your faith up and stir it up, and it explodes into miracles.

The cure for when the devil says your faith’s not big enough, when you think your faith is not adequate, is Matthews 17:19-20: “Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you”. Amen and glory to God.

Jesus had been up in the mountain with Peter, James, and John where He was transfigured before them. When they came down, a man brought his son who was demon possessed, and the disciples couldn’t cast them out. They asked Jesus, “Why couldn’t we cast them out?” Jesus said unto them, “Because of your unbelief”. Not because you didn’t have faith, but because you failed to use your faith.” In fact, unbelief is using your faith against yourself. You are believing against yourself saying, “God can’t do it, I can’t do it.”

Here’s another one of God pill of faith, in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Are you having trouble with unbelief? Jesus said, “Because of your unbelief: for verily, truly I say unto you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, and that’s the smallest amount of faith, and Romans 10:3 says you have at least that “ye shall say unto this mountain.” the devil says, “You only have a little bit of faith,” I say, “That’s right I have mustard seed faith and when you plant that, or release, or activate that faith, that mustard seed becomes a great plant. When you activate that small measure of faith, it explodes like an atomic bomb. In other words, if you put your faith into operation, even though it’s as small as a grain of mustard seed, you can say unto this mountain, “Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”


Do you believe you are going to Heaven? Have you ever seen it? Have you seen your mansion? Probably not. But you are believing it anyway, aren’t you? You’re “keeping on believing.” You have it settled in your heart, “I’m going to Heaven.” You keep on believing, and you don’t accept anything contrary to what you believe about Heaven. You don’t accept sense knowledge that says, “If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.” Sense knowledge is opposite of faith knowledge. The things which are spiritual that are not seen, are more real than the things which are seen in the natural, because they are only temporal!

2 Cor. 4:18 “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal”.

When you look at a mountain of trouble, faith can remove the mountains in your life, but the devil wants to get you dwelling on the mountain instead of using your faith. I believe the bigger the mountain, the greater the victory when it moves. Like the saying, “The bigger the enemy, the harder they fall.” The bigger the mountain, the greater the explosive power of faith comes into operation. How do you think this vast universe came into existence? By God’s faith. He spoke the word of faith, because that’s the way the gift of faith usually works. So you speak the word of faith with boldness.

God spoke, “Let there be light, let there be... let there be...,” and His faith went out to nothingness and created burning worlds. God spoke this universe into being! And Jesus said to speak to the mountain, and nothing shall be impossible to you! When you speak the Word of God, you release your faith. Paul said in Romans 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Brethren, don’t just read the Scriptures, but quote them to yourself. Read them aloud until they become quickened or alive in your spirit. The main reason for doubt, unbelief, and little faith is ignorance of what God’s Word says about a situation. If you don’t know, how can you have absolute faith and unwavering faith…When you don’t know the Word, that opens the door for the devil to come in and sow doubt in your heart, because you have nothing to resist him with.

James 4:7 “Resist the devil, and he will flee you”

You have to have something to resist him with. The thing to resist him with is “the sword of the Spirit which is the spoken rhema Word of God” (Eph. 6:17)


The word of faith is first birthed in the heart. It’s not just a matter of speaking a formula, it must be first settled and believed in your heart. This is how we received salvation, and how we received every other promise of God’s Word.

Romans 10:8-10: “But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

We speak with the mouth of faith, that is, we confess what we believe in our hearts, the Word of faith preached to us. Brethren we hear, we believe, we confess then we receive! You see, every element is necessary for us to receive. If we confess without faith, we won’t receive. And if we believe, we must confess it!

Another illustration of speaking the word of faith is Mark 11:20-23:

“And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”

The day before Jesus saw a fig tree afar off and desired its fruits, but when He came near, it was only leaves, and He cursed it saying, “No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever!”

When He cursed it, there was no immediate manifestation that it was dead. There was no physical manifestation at that time, but when the disciples looked, it stood up just as strong as ever. When Jesus and the disciples came the next day, they saw the tree dried up from the roots. It was dead as soon as Jesus spoke it: “Henceforth no man eat fruit of thee.” He cursed it at the source of its life, and it began to die at the root. Peter said, “Look, the tree that you cursed is dead.” Jesus could have said, “Sure, it died yesterday when I spoke to it. You didn’t have to see the physical manifestation immediately, because I destroyed it at its root.”

See brothers and sisters, often that’s the way it works for healing. God destroys sickness at its root. Whether you still have the symptoms, whether you still have the pain, it is dead at the root. Sometimes the pain may become more acute, but do not doubt in your heart.

I remember years ago, a friend called to say that she wanted to bring her mother by the church for prayer. She had a cancerous tumor, and she didn’t want the doctors to operate on her. She had been hearing that God was healing in our midst, and wanted to bring her mom for healing. Her mom was of a religious persuasion that did not teach healing and miracles. We prayed for her and with them both, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God did the miracle. Sometimes there is no immediate manifestation or feeling when faith is in operation.

When the gift of healing comes into operation, you feel the power, but with the gift of faith, you may not see any immediate manifestation. Just keep the faith and trust that since you have cursed the disease at the root and have others come into agreement with you in prayer, knowing it is Gods will to heal you, it is done!

Early in the morning, that same friend called me on the phone, and said, “My mom has severe pain. We are rushing her to the hospital. Please pray!” I said, “We have prayed with faith already and cursed it and I believe Lord Jesus the great Physician heard our prayers and was already moving on her mom’s behalf. I prayed to comfort her but I believed without a shadow of doubt the first time, and I knew God touched her. When they got to the hospital, they rushed her to the ER and operated on her, they found the tumor had broken loose, and she was passing it through her bowels. She was feeling the pain from the bowels...not because the cancer had spread but because the tumor had burst. God healed her brethren. What a mighty God we serve.

When you have prayed the prayer of faith, you don’t accept the symptoms. You don’t look for a feeling, because that’s not faith. You don’t look for a manifestation that the symptoms are gone or that the disease is gone, or the healing is come, because that is sense knowledge. You believe whether you see or feel anything. The devil is the master of bringing symptoms. He is going to try to make you feel worse. He will even have the health officials doctors, nurses etc have you believe things are not looking good, but faith sees the evidence in the spirit before it is manifested in the natural, Allelujah…

Just recently my mom was ill with pneumonia, stroke and respiratory failure and was hospitalized. The enemy was busy planting doubts through negative diagnosis given by the health officials; though she took a turn for the worst, we never gave up hope of her recovery. Even with every negative word spoken over her, and negative prognosis that she was at deaths door, we rejected the negative and proclaimed Gods promises of life and healing with boldness. After much tears, and much prayer of faith from friends, prayer partners and relatives, continual around the clock. Words of healing were played constantly in her ear. To the doctors and nurses amazement, against all odds, mom made a full recovery and is now resting peacefully at home! To God be the glory, Allelujah!

Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Peter said to Jesus, “Look, the fig tree is dead.” Jesus could have said, “Of course it’s dead. I cursed it yesterday.” Because whatever the Lord speaks, it’s done then, whether or not anything is immediately manifested. And He said, “If you will maintain your faith and not doubt, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing you shall receive” (Matt. 21:21-22).

That doesn’t limit it to anything! Everything you ask in prayer, believing and turning your faith loose, you shall receive. Now, that’s the cure, and I don’t care what the devil says.

In conclusion, Brethren, don’t be discouraged just “KEEP ON BELIEVING” for with God all things are possible except to fail.

When you get up from prayer, 99 times out of 100, you won’t see the answer to that prayer then. If you’re asking God to give you an automobile, an automobile doesn’t appear in your driveway right away; however you walk away with the assurance of the Word that you have whatever you believed in prayer. The word believing is a present participle which means continuous action. Your faith is in action. In the Greek, it means to keep on believing.

Matthew 21:22“And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive it.”

Brothers and sisters, as a child of the most High God, you already have experience in FAITH IS ACTION. You are presently in a position of “keep on believing” for something significant that has not manifested yet; that is, you have never seen it, but you wholeheartedly believe in it…SO KEEP ON BELIEVING!!

Much love to each of you brothers and sisters. Abundant blessings to you and yours!

Your sister in Christ